- 1 Native american boy names starting with A
- 2 Native american boy names starting with B
- 3 Native american boy names starting with C
- 4 Native american boy names starting with D
- 5 Native american boy names starting with E
- 6 Native american boy names starting with G
- 7 Native american boy names starting with H
- 8 Native american boy names starting with I
- 9 Native american boy names starting with J
- 10 Native american boy names starting with K
- 11 Native american boy names starting with L
- 12 Native american boy names starting with M
- 13 Native american boy names starting with N
- 14 Native american boy names starting with O
- 15 Native american boy names starting with P
- 16 Native american boy names starting with Q
- 17 Native american boy names starting with R
- 18 Native american boy names starting with S
- 19 Native american boy names starting with T
- 20 Native american boy names starting with U
- 21 Native american boy names starting with V
- 22 Native american boy names starting with W
- 23 Native american boy names starting with X
- 24 Native american boy names starting with Y
- 25 Native american boy names starting with Z
Native american boy names starting with A
Abooksigun – Wildcat (Algonquin)
Abooksigun – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘wildcat.’
Abukcheech – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘mouse.’
Acamapichtli – Handful of reeds
Achachak – Spirit
Achak – Spirit (Algonquin)
Achak – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘spirit.’
Adahy – From in the woods (Cherokee)
Adahy – Native American Cherokee name meaning ‘lives in the woods.’
Adoeette – Great tree
Adriel – Beaver, symbol of skill
Ahanu – He laughs (Algonquin)
Ahanu – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘he laughs.’
Ahiga – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘he fights.’
Ahmik – Beaver
Ahote – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘restless one.’
Ahtahkakoop – Means ‘star blanket’ in Cree. This was the name of an early 19th-century Cree chief
Ahtunowhiho – One who lives below (Cheyenne)
Ahtunowhiho – One who lives below
Ahuitzotl – Ahuitzotl was the eighth Aztec ruler, the Hueyi Tlatoani of the city of Tenochtitlan
Aiyanna –
Akando – Ambush, has power and wealth
Akecheta – Warrior (Sioux)
Akecheta – Akecheta is an unpopular boy’s name.
Akikta – Work with determination, excels in everything
Akule – Looks up
Alo – Spiritual guide (Hopi)
Amaru – Means ‘snake’ in Aymara
Amitola – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘rainbow.’ This name comes from a legend that says that the first colorful picture was painted on the clouds by a young Indian chief named Amitola.
Anakausuen – Worker
Anakin – Soldier
Annawon – Annawon is an unpopular boy’s name.
Anoki – Actor
Anoki – Actor
Antiman – Native American Mapuche name meaning ‘condor of the sun.’
Antinanco – Native American Mapuche name meaning ‘eagle of the sun.’
Apenimon – Worthy of trust
Apenimon – Worthy of trust
Apiatan – Native American – Wooden Lance.
Apisi – Coyote
Aponivi – Where the wind blows down the gap (Hopi)
Aponivi – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘where the wind blows down the gap.’
Aputsiaq – Snow flying from the sky
Aqissiaq – Like a bird
Aranck – Stars
Asahavey – Bird Chief, a perfect leader
Ashkii – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘boy.’
Askook – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘snake.’
Askuwheteau – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘he keeps watch.’
Ata’Halne – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘he interrupts.’
Atahladte – Native American for feather on the head
Atohi – Woods
Atsadi – Fish
Atsidi – Hammer
Aucaman – Native American Mapuche name meaning ‘wild condor.’
Avonaco – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘lean bear.’
Awan – Somebody
Awan – Somebody
Awena – Time of early day or sunrise
Axayacatl – A water faced individual
Axe – One who is the father of peace
Ayawamat – One who follows orders (Hopi)
Ayawamat – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘one who follows orders.’
Native american boy names starting with B
Baishan – Means ‘knife’ in Apache. This was the name of a 19th-century chief of the Chiricahua Apache
Bayou – Bayou as a boy’s name. Geography name: a slow-moving river or swamp.
Behitha – Eagle Child, the beginning of an event
Bemossed – Walker
Beshkno – Bald eagle
Bidaban – Beginning of Dawn, an excellent human being
Bidziil – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘he is strong.’
Bilagaana – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘white person.’
Bimisi – Slippery
Bira – Short form of UBIRAJARA
Bodaway – Fire maker
Bodaway – Fire maker
Brocky – The feahers that come from over the hill
Byue – A man who is like a slow, small stream of water
Native american boy names starting with C
Caiya – To be near something
Calian – He is a warrior of the life
Catahecassa – Means ‘black hoof’ in Shawnee. This was the name of a Shawnee warrior and chief of the 18th century
Caua – Means ‘hawk’ in Tupi
Cetanwakuwa – Cetanwakuwa is an unpopular boy’s name.
Cha’Akmongwi – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘crier chief.’
Cha’Tima – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘the caller.’
Chankoowashtay – Good road (Sioux)
Chankoowashtay – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘good road.’
Chansomps – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘locust.’
Chantesuta – The one who has a firm heart
Chanteyukan – A benevolent human being
Chapa – Beaver
Chardon – Bar of sand
Chas Chunk A – Wave
Chaschunka – (Chas-chunk-a): Native American Winnebago name meaning ‘wave.’
Chasity – A first born child
Chaska – Firstborn son (Sioux)
Chaska – Chaska is an unpopular boy’s name.
Chaske – The one who has cheerful and friendly personality
Chatan – Hawk
Chavatangakwunua – Short rainbow (Hopi)
Chavatangakwunua – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘short rainbow.’
Chayann – Chayann is a boy’s name meaning ‘unintelligible speakers’ that comes from the Native American Indian name Cheyenne.
Chaytan – A patient, diplomat and gentle individuals, Like a Hawk
Chayton – Falcon (Sioux)
Chayton – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘falcon.’
Cherokee – People of a different speech. One of the largest American Indian tribes.
Cherokee – Cherokee as a boy’s name is pronounced CHARE-oh-kee. It is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Cherokee is ‘people of a different speech’.
Chesmu – A rough, witty person
Chetanzi – A yellow Hawk
Cheveyo – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘spirit warrior.’
Cheyenne – Alien speakers
Chicago – Chicago is an unpopular boy’s name.
Chimalpopoca – Smoking shield
Chimalus – A Bluebird
Chioke – Chioke is an unpopular boy’s name.
Chochmo – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘mud mound.’
Chochokpi – Throne for the clouds (Hopi)
Chochokpi – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘throne for the clouds.’
Chochuschuvio – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘white-tailed deer.’
Chogan – Blackbird (Algonquin)
Chogan – Blackbird, a species of birds found in Europe and Asia
Choovio – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘antelope.’
Choviohoya – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘young deer.’
Chowilawu – Joined together by water (Hopi)
Chowilawu – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘joined together by water.’
Chu’A – Snake
Chua – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘snake.’
Chuchip – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘deer spirit.’
Chunta – Cheating, to use unfair or fraud means for one’s own benefit
Chusi – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘snake flower.’
Chu’A – Snake (Hopi)
Ciqala – Native American Dakota name meaning ‘little one.’
Citana – One who is a star in the sky
Citlali – A star, an object of the space and universe
Cochise – Hardwood, renowned chief of the Chiricahua Apache from 1812-1874
Cochise – Cochise as a boy’s name is pronounced ko-CHEECE. It is of Native American Indian origin. The name of a renowned warrior, chief of the Chiricahua Apache.
Comanche – Comanche as a boy’s name is of Native American Indian origin. Name of a Native American tribe.
Coro –
Cowessess – From Ojibwe Ka-we-zauce meaning ‘little child’. This was the name of a late 19th-century chief of the Saulteaux
Cuauhtemoc – One who falls like an eagle
Cuauhtemotzin – The one who falls like an Eagle
Cuba – A place of abundant fertile land
Cuitlahuac – Unclear
Cuitlahuatzin – Name of a far-off place
Cusa – The one who provokes
Native american boy names starting with D
Daccota – Daccota is a boy’s name meaning ‘friend’ or ‘ally’ that is related to the Native American Indian name Dakota.
Dakoda – A friend
Dakodah – Dakodah is a boy’s name meaning ‘friend’ or ‘ally’ that is related to the Native American Indian name Dakota.
Dakoeta – Dakoeta is a boy’s name meaning ‘friend’ or ‘ally’ that is related to the Native American Indian name Dakota.
Dakota – To be considered friend, ally, name of a group of tribes more familiarly known as the Sioux
Dakota – Ally, fuse together
Dakotah – A friend of friends
Dasan – The name Dasan is a boy’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘son of bird clan leader’.
Dason – A combination name
Degotoga – Standing together
Dekohta – Dekohta is a boy’s name meaning ‘friend’ or ‘ally’ that is related to the Native American Indian name Dakota.
Dekota – Dekota is a boy’s name meaning ‘friend’ or ‘ally’ that is related to the Native American Indian name Dakota.
Dekowta – Dekowta is a boy’s name meaning ‘friend’ or ‘ally’ that is related to the Native American Indian name Dakota.
Delsin – He is so
Delsin – He is so
Demonthin – Native American Ponca name meaning ‘talks as he walks.’
Demothi – Talks while walking
Denali – Denali as a boy’s name. Geography name: Mount McKinley, over 20,000 ft. high and America’s highest mountain, rises out of Denali National Park in Alaska.
Dichali – Speaks a lot
Dichali – Speaks a lot
Diwali – Bowls
Dohasan – Little bluff (Kiowa), an important Kiowa leader who did much for his tribe, including establishing a peace between the Kiowa and the Osage
Dohate – Bluff
Dohosan – Little bluff
Dustu – Spring frog
Dyami – A majestic Eagle
Native american boy names starting with E
Editon – Native American Omaha name meaning ‘standing as a sacred object.’
Eja – The name Eja is a boy’s name of Native American origin.
Elan – A friendly and lovely person, a tree
Elki – Hanging over the top
Elsu – this means a flying falcon.
Elu – this name means someone who is full of grace.
Eluwilussit – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘holy one.’
Enapay – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘brave.’
Enkoodabaoo – Variant of Algonquin Enkoodabooaoo, meaning ‘one who lives alone.’
Enkoodabooaoo – One who lives alone (Algonquin)
Enkoodabooaoo – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘one who lives alone.’
Enyeto – Walks as a bear
Enyeto – Walks Like a bear
Esadowa – it means wolves.
Etchemin – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘canoe man.’
Etlelooaat – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘shouts.’
Etu – Sun
Etu – Sun
Ezhno – One who lives in solitary
Native american boy names starting with G
Gaagii – Raven (Navajo)
Gaagii – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘raven.’
Gad – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘juniper tree.’
Gahege – Native American Omaha name meaning ‘chief.’
Gawonii – He is speaking
Geniinewab – One who is sitting like an eagle
Geronimo – The name Geronimo is a boy’s name of Italian, Native American origin, meaning sacred name’.
Gomda – Wind
Gosheven – Great leaper
Goyahkla – Goyakhla means the person who yawns. In other languages it means an intelligent and brave leader who knows how to lead properly.
Goyathlay – Means ‘one who yawns’ in Apache. This was the real name of the Apache leader Geronimo (1829-1909), who fought against Mexican and American expansion into his territory
Guatemoc – One who falls like an eagle
Guatimozin – One who falls like an eagle
Gudahi – Native American Omaha name meaning ‘there it (a coyote) goes!’
Guyapi – Frank
Guyapi – Candid
Native american boy names starting with H
Hahkethomemah – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘little robe.’
Hahnee – Beggar
Hakan – Fire
Hakan – The name Hakan is a boy’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘fiery’.
Halian – Youthful, young (Zuni)
Halian – The name Halian is a boy’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘youthful’.
Hania – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘spirit warrior.’
Hanska – Tall
Harkahome – Little robe
Haroldas – Army ruler
Haroldo – Power, leader, ruler
Hassun – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘stone.’
Hastiin – Man (Navajo)
Hastiin – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘man.’
Hawiovi – Going down the ladder (Hopi)
Hawiovi – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘going down the ladder.’
He Lush Ka – Fighter
Heammawihio – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘wise one above.’
Helaku – Sunny day
Helki – To touch
Helushka – (He-lush-ka): Native American Winnebago name meaning ‘fighter.’
Herrick – Army leader, Armay rule
Herrold – Authoritative person in the army
Heskovizenako – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘porcupine bear.’
Hesutu – Picks up yellow jacket”s nest (Miwok)
Hesutu – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘yellow jacket nest rising out of the ground.’
Hevataneo – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘hairy rope.’
Hevovitastamiutsto – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘whirlwind.’
Hiamovi – High chief (Cheyenne)
Hiamovi – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘high chief.’
Hiawatha – River creator, historical Iroquois leader (Onodaga tribe) who helped bring about a peace of the five nations of the Iroquois people
Hiawatha – Native American – Maker of Rivers
Hinto – Native American Dakota name meaning ‘blue.’
Hohnihohkaiyohos – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘high-backed wolf.’
Hok’Ee – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘abandoned.’
Hokolesqua – Means ‘cornstalk’ in Shawnee. This was the name of an 18th-century Shawnee chief
Holata – Alligator
Honani – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘badger.’
Honaw – Bear (Hopi)
Honaw – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘bear.’
Honiahaka – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘little wolf.’
Honon – Bear (Miwok)
Honon – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘bear.’
Honovi – Strong
Honovi – Strong
Hoowanneka – Native American – Little elk
Hosa – Small crow (Arapaho)
Hosa – Native American – Young Crow, Little Raven, A variant of Hosah
Hosteen – Native American – A title of respect for males.
Hotaama – Native American – Gray , Brown, A variant is Hota
Hotah – Native American – Gray , Brown, A variant is Hota
Hotha – A man who is grey
Hototo – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘warrior spirit who sings’ or ‘he who whistles.’
Hotuaekhaashtait – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘tall bull.’
Howahkan – Of the mysterious voice (Sioux)
Howahkan – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘of the mysterious voice.’
Howi – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘turtle-dove.’
Huitzilihuitl – Feather of a hummingbird
Hula – Eagle (Osage)
Huritt – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘handsome.’
Huslu – One who is a hairy bear
Native american boy names starting with I
Igasho – Wanders
Igashu – The name Igashu is a boy’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘wanderer, seeker’.
Iiniwa – Bison or buffalo
Illanipi – Amazing
Inteus – Proud, without shame
Inteus – Has no shame
Inti – Means ‘sun’ in Quechua. This was the name of the Inca god of the sun
Isi – Unisex Native American Choctaw name meaning ‘deer.’
Istaqa – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘coyote man.’
Istu – Sugar
Ituha – Sturdy oak
Itzcoatl – Obsidian snake
Iye – Smoke
Native american boy names starting with J
Jaci – From Tupi iasy meaning ‘moon’
Jacy – Moon
Jacy – He has a face of the Moon
Jalen – Flute
Japa – To chant
Jolon – Valley of the dead oaks
Native american boy names starting with K
Kabecka – Kabecka name means Twin
Kachada – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘white man.’
Kaga – Chronicler
Kaga – Chronicler
Kajika – Walks without sound
Kajika – Walks without sound
Kaltag – Name of a river of Alaska, town in Alaska
Kanapima – Kanapima means The One They Tallk About
Kaneenawup – The name means The One Who is sitting like an Eagle
Kaneonuskatew – Means ‘one that walks on four claws’ in Cree. This was the name of a 19th-century Cree chief
Kanga – Kanga name means Black Bird, Raven
Kangee – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘raven.’
Kansas – Kansas means People of the South Wind
Kanuna – Bullfrog
Karey – Descendant of Ciardha
Kawacatoose – Means ‘poor man’ or ‘lean man’ in Cree. This was the name of a 19th-century Cree chief
Keemeone – The name means Rain
Kele – Sparrow hawk (Hopi)
Kele – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘sparrow.’
Keme – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘secret.’
Kenesaw – Kenesaw means Grass, it is a name of the Mountin in USA, Georgia
Kennesaw – Kennesaw means Grass
Kentucky – Kentacky means A Land of Tomorrow, Name of the USA state
Kesegowaase – Swift (Algonquin)
Kesegowaase – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘swift.’
Kestejoo – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘slave.’
Kiasax – Kiasax means The Bear on the Left
Kilchii – Red boy
Kimeya – Kimeya means Singing Throat
Kisecawchuck – Means ‘daystar’ in Cree. This was the name of a 19th-century Cree chief
Kishil – the name means Night
Kitchi – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘brave.’
Kitkun – Kitkun Bird of the Night
Kiyiya – Howling wolf
Klah – Left handed
Knoton – Knoton means One of the Wind
Koda – Koda means The Allies, Partners
Kohana – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘swift.’
Kohkahycumest – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘white crow or white antelope.’
Koi – Panther (Choctaw)
Koi – Panther
Kolichiyaw – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘skunk.’
Kosumi – Fishes for salmon with spear (Miwok)
Kosumi – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘fishes for salmon with spear.’
Kotori – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘screech owl spirit.’
Kuckunniwi – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘little wolf.’
Kuruk – Native American – Bear, The names Kuruc and Kuruck are derivatives of Kuruk
Kusinut – Horseless
Kuthun – Kuthun means The One who Cuts the Binding String
Kwahu – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘eagle.’
Kwatoko – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘bird with a big beak.’
Native american boy names starting with L
Lakota –
Lalawethika – Means ‘he makes noise’ in Shawnee. This was another name of the Shawnee leader Tenskwatawa (1775-1836)
Lallo – Little boy
Laneetees – Big Elk
Langundo – Peaceful
Lansa – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘lance.’
Lapu – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘cedar bark.’
Len – Flute (Hopi)
Len – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘flute.’ Compare with another form of Len.
Lena – Flute
Lenno – Man
Leyati – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘shaped like an abalone shell.’
Leyti – Shaped like an abalone shell
Lise – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘salmon head rising above water.’ Compare with feminine Lise.
Liwanu – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘growl of a bear.’
Lokni – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘rain falls through the roof.’
Lonan – Cloud
Lonato – A Flint stone
Lootah – Red (Sioux)
Lootah – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘red.’
Lusio – Light
Luta – Native American – Red, A derivative of the name Lootah, It also has a meaning as Beautiful
Native american boy names starting with M
Machakw – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘horny toad.’
Machk – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘bear.’
Magaska – One who is like a White Swan
Mahaskah – A white cloud
Mahican – Mahican as a boy’s name is related to the Native American Indian name Mohegan. The meaning of Mahican is ‘a tribal man’.
Mahkah – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘earth.’
Mahpee – Sky (Sioux)
Mahpee – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘sky.’
Mahpiya – Means ‘cloud, sky’ in Dakota and Lakota. This is the first part of the names of the Dakota chief Mahpiya Wicasta (1780-1863), known as Cloud Man, and the Lakota chiefs Mahpiya Luta (1822-1909), known as Red Cloud, and Mahpiya Iyapato (1838-1905), known as Touch the Clouds
Makkapitew – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘he has large teeth.’
Makya – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘eagle hunter.’
Mammedaty – Walking above
Mandan – Mandan as a boy’s name is of Native American Indian origin. Name of a tribe native to the upper Missouri River which had developed high levels of material culture, but were almost wiped out due to smallpox in 1837.
Mankato – Mankato as a boy’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Mankato is ‘blue earth’.
Mantotohpa – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘four bears.’
Maovesa – One who is like a wild horse
Maquilla – An unclear, confused person
Maquinna – Meaning unknown, of Nuu-chah-nulth (also known as Nootka) origin. This was the name of a late 18th-century chief of the Mowachaht
Masichuvio – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘gray deer.’
Maska – Strong
Matchitehew – He has an evil heart (Algonquin)
Matchitehew – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘he has an evil heart.’
Matchitisiw – He has bad character (Algonquin)
Matchitisiw – Native American Alqonguin name meaning ‘he has bad character.’
Mato – Bear
Matoskah – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘white bear.’
Matto – A brave warrior
Matunaaga – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘fights.’
Matunaagd – Fights
Matwau – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘enemy.’
Maza Blaska – Flat iron
Maza – BLASKA: Native American Dakota name meaning ‘flat iron.’
Meda – Native American – Prophetess, Priestess, Edible Root, A variant name is Medah
Megedagik – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘kills many.’
Mekledoodum – Conceited
Melkedoodum – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘conceited.’
Meturato – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘black kettle.’
Micco – Chief
Mika – Racoon
Mikasi – Coyote
Milap – Charitable
Minco – Chief
Mingan – Gray wolf
Mingan – Gray wolf
Minninnewah – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘whirlwind.’
Misu – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘rippling brook.’
Moacir – Possibly means ‘son of pain’ in Tupi. This is the name of the son of Iracema and Martim in the novel ‘Iracema’ (1865) by Jose de Alencar
Mochni – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘talking bird.’
Moctezuma – Unclear
Mohawk – Mohawk as a boy’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Mohawk is ‘people of the flint’.
Mohe – Elk
Mohegan – Mohegan as a boy’s name is of Native American Indian origin. A tribe related to the Algonquins, native to eastern Connecticut.
Mohican – Mohican as a boy’s name is related to the Native American Indian name Mohegan. The meaning of Mohican is ‘a tribal man’.
Mojag – Never silent
Mojave – The name Mojave is a boy’s name of Native American origin.
Mokatavatah – Black kettle
Moketavato – Black kettle
Moketaveto – Black kettle
Moketoveto – Black kettle
Moki – Deer (Hopi)
Moki – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘deer.’
Mokovaoto – Black kettle
Molimo – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘bear walking into shade.’
Mona – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘gathers jimson weed seed.’ Compare with another form of Mona.
Mongwau – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘owl.’
Montezuma – Unclear
Motavato – Black kettle
Motega – New arrow
Muata – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘yellow jackets inside a nest.’
Mukki – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘child.’
Mundoo – Native American Algonquin name for the ‘Great Spirit,’ but it was applied to ‘the devil’ by the first Christian missionaries.
Muraco – White moon
Muscowequan – Means ‘hard quill’ in Cree. This was the name of a 19th-century Cree chief
Muskowekwan – Tough quill
Native american boy names starting with N
Naalnish – He works (Navajo)
Naalnish – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘he works.’
Naalyehe Ya Sidahi – Trader
Nahcomence – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘old bark.’
Nahele – Forest
Nahiossi – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘has three fingers.’
Nahma – The name Nahma is a boy’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘sturgeon’.
Nahuel – Native American Mapuche name meaning ‘jaguar.’
Naiche – Means ‘mischief maker’ in Apache. This name was borne by a 19th-century Chiricahua Apache chief, the son of Cochise
Nakai – Mexican
Nakos – The name Nakos is a boy’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘sage, wise’.
Nanook – Polar bear
Napayshni – Strong or courageous (Sioux)
Napayshni – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘courageous and strong.’
Nashashuk – Thundering
Nashoba – Wolf
Nastas – Curve like foxtail grass (Navajo)
Nastas – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘curve like foxtail grass.’
Nawat – Left handed
Nawkaw – Native American Winnebago name meaning ‘wood.’
Nayati – He who wrestles
Nayati – He who wrestles
Nayavu – Clay
Neeheeoeewootis – High backed wolf (Cheyenne)
Neeheeoeewootis – High backed wolf
Neka – Wild goose
Nigan – Ahead
Niichaad – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘swollen.’
Nikan – My friend
Nikiti – Round or smooth
Nitis – Friend
Nixkamich – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘grandfather.’
Niyol – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘wind.’
Nodin – Wind
Nokosi – Bear
Nootau – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘fire.’
Nosh – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘father.’
Noshi – Variant of Algonquin Nosh, meaning ‘father.’
Notah – Means ‘almost there’ in Navajo
Notaku – Growling bear
Nuka – My younger brother or sister
Nukpana – Native American Hopi unisex name meaning ‘evil.’
Native american boy names starting with O
Ocumwhowurst – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘yellow wolf.’
Ocunnowhurst – Variant form of Cheyenne Ocumwhowurst, meaning ‘yellow wolf.’
Odakota – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘friend.’
Odakotah – Friendship
Odeserundiye – Means ‘lightning has struck’ in Mohawk. This was the name of an 18th-century Mohawk chief, also called John Deseronto
Ogaleesha – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘wears a red shirt.’
Ogima – Chief
Ogleesha – Red skirt
Ohanko – Reckless
Ohanzee – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘shadow.’
Ohcumgache – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘little wolf.’
Ohitekah – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘brave.’
Ohiyesa – Means ‘winner’ in Dakota and Lakota
Ojigkwanong – Means ‘morning star’ in Alqonguin
Okhmhaka – Little wolf
Olowin – West
Omawnakw – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘cloud feather.’
Onacona – White owl
Onangwatgo – Means ‘big medicine’ in Oneida. This was the name of a chief of the Oneida people, also named Cornelius Hill (1834-1907)
Osage – Osage as a boy’s name is of Native American Indian origin. Name of a Native American tribe of the Plains, who were displaced from Missouri and Arkansas into smaller land holdings in Oklahoma.
Osceola – Black drink
Otaktay – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘kills many.’
Otetiani – He is prepared
Otoahhastis – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘tall bull.’
Otoahnacto – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘bull bear.’
Ouray – One who is sharp as an arrow
Oyintsa – A white winter Duck
Native american boy names starting with P
Pachu’A – Feathered water snake
Pachua – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘feathered water snake.’
Paco – Eagle
Pahana – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘lost white brother.’
Pahkakino – A good and noble gentleman
Pajackok – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘thunder.’
Pala – Like a guardian, water, near upland meadow
Pallaton – One who has strength and is a fighter
Pannoowau – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘he lies.’
Pat – Fish
Patamon – Tempest
Patwin – Man
Pawnee – Pawnee as a boy’s name is of Native American Indian origin. Name of a Plains tribe who were excellent horsemen.
Pay – He is coming
Payat – He is coming
Payatt – He is coming
Pays – One who is coming
Paytah – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘fire.’
Pegalesharro – A person who is like a man’s chief
Peopeo – Bird
Pezi – Grass
Piapot – A person who understands the secret of Sioux
Pillan – The God of stormy weather
Pimne – Weasel
Pitalesharo – Chief of men
Pivane – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘weasel.’
Popo – A very tall grass of rye
Poseanye – The dripping dew
Poviyemo – A falling flower
Powa – A wealthy, rich person
Powhatan – Powhatan as a boy’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Powhatan is ‘Powwow hill’.
Powwaw – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘priest.’
Native american boy names starting with Q
Qaletaqa – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘guardian of the people.’
Qochata – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘white man.’
Qualetaga – Angel of the people
Quanah – Fragrance, specific odor (Comanche)
Quanah – Quanah as a boy’s name is pronounced KWAH-ne. It is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Quanah is ‘fragrant, sweet-smelling’.
Quannah – One who smells sweet
Quedkoi – Robe
Quelatikan – Horn
Quidel – Native American Mapuche name meaning ‘burning torch.’
Quirtsquip – Chewing elk
Native american boy names starting with R
Raini – The creator
Roca – Native American – Principal, Radiant, A variant is Ruca
Rowtag – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘fire.’
Native american boy names starting with S
Sahale – One who is like a Falcon
Sahkonteic – White eagle
Sahrahsahe – A black eagle
Sakima – Chief
Saloso – A cry of the wild goose
Samoset – One who walk over a lot
Sani – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘the old one.’ Compare with another form of Sani.
Sassaba – The wolf
Sassacus – Sassacus as a boy’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Sassacus is ‘wild man’.
Satanta – White bear
Scoop – One who is standing looking back
Segenam – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘lazy.’
Seminole – Seminole as a boy’s name is of Native American Indian origin. Name of the tribe, related to the Creeks, who settled in Florida and resisted European-American attempts to take over their land in the ten-year Seminole War.
Sequoia – Of the giant red wood tree
Sequoya – Sequoya as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name) is of Cherokee origin, and the meaning of Sequoya is ‘sparrow’. Sequoya is related to the name Sequoia.
Sequoyah – Possibly from Cherokee siqua meaning ‘hog’. This was the name of the Cherokee man (also known as George Guess) who devised the Cherokee writing system in the 19th century
Setangya – Sitting bear
Setimika – Charging bear
Sewati – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘curved bear claw.’
Shandiin – Means ‘sunshine’ in Navajo
Shappa – Red thunder
Shasta – Native American tribe name
Shawney – Shawney as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name) is a variant of the name of the Algonquin tribe name Shawnee.
Shawree – A cornstalk, a name given to a powerful Bear
Shenandoah – Variant of SKENANDOA
Shikoba – Native American Choctaw unisex name meaning ‘feather.’
Shilah – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘brother.’
Shillan – A brotherly one
Shiriki – Shiriki as a boy’s name is of Pawnee origin. Nature name from the Native American tribe.
Shiye – Son (Navajo)
Shiye – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘son.’
Shizhe’E – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘father.’
Shoemowetochawcawe – High backed wolf (Cheyenne)
Shoemowetochawcawe – High backed wolf
Shoemowetochawcawewahcatowe – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘high-backed wolf.’
Shoshoni – Shoshoni as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name) is a variant of the name of the Native American Shoshone tribe.
Sicheii – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘grandfather.’
Sik’Is – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘friend.’
Sike – He sits at home (Navajo)
Sike – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘he sits at home.’
Sikyahonaw – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘yellow bear.’
Sikyatavo – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘yellow rabbit.’
Sinasta – A person considered to be an expert
Sipatu – Pulled out
Siwili – Long tail of the fox
Sixsipita – One like a Black Eagle
Skah – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘white.’
Skanawati – One who lives on teh other side of the swamp
Skenandoa – Probably from the name of the Shenandoah River in the eastern United States, which is of uncertain origin. This was the name of an 18th-century Oneida chief
Songaa – Strong
Songaa – Strong
Sotsona – One who is like a fox
Sowi’Ngwa – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘black-tailed deer.’
Sucki – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘black.’
Sunukkuhkau – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘he crushes.’
Native american boy names starting with T
T’Iis – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘cottonwood.’
Tadi – Tadi as a boy’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Tadi is ‘breeze, wind’.
Tadzi – Loon
Tahkeome – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘little robe.’
Tahmelapachme – Dull knife (Cheyenne)
Tahmelapachme – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘dull knife.’
Tahmoh – A name of Tanana origin of unknown meaning
Tahoe – Tahoe as a boy’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Tahoe is ‘big water’.
Taima – Thunder
Takoda – Friend to everyone (Sioux)
Takoda – Takoda as a boy’s name is of Sioux origin, and the meaning of Takoda is ‘friend to everyone’.
Tala – Stalking wolf
Talako – Means ‘eagle’ in Choctaw
Tammany – Tammany as a boy’s name is of Native American Indian origin.
Tangakwunu – Rainbow (Hopi)
Tangakwunu – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘rainbow.’
Taos – Place of red willows
Tapco – Antelope
Taregan – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘crane.’
Tarhe – He who has the strenght of a tree
Tarlo – Cub of a bear
Tashunka – Horse
Tasunka – From Lakota tasuke meaning ‘his horse’. This forms the first part of the name of Tasunka Witko (1840-1877), translated as Crazy Horse, a Lakota war leader
Tasunke – Native American Dakota name meaning ‘horse.’
Tatanka Ptecila – Short bull
Tatanka-Ptecila – Native American Dakota name meaning ‘short bull.’
Tatanka – From Lakota tataka meaning ‘bull’. This is the first part of the name of the Lakota holy man and chief Tatanka Iyotake (1831-1890), translated into English as Sitting Bull
Tate – He who talks too much
Tatonga – Large dear
Tattuye – A fox
Tawa – Sun
Tchondee – Native American name meaning tobacco
Tecumseh – Means ‘panther passing across’ in Shawnee. This was the name of a Shawnee leader who, with his brother Tenskwatawa, resisted European expansion in the early 19th century
Teetonka – Talks too much (Sioux)
Teetonka – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘talks too much.’
Teluhci – Bear making dust
Telutci – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘bear making dust.’
Tenaya – A great leader
Tennessee – Tennessee as a boy’s name is of Cherokee origin. Place name used for the state.
Tenskwatawa – Means ‘open door’ in Shawnee. This was the name of a Shawnee prophet. With his brother Tecumseh he led his people in resistance against European expansion in the early 19th century
Tessouat – Meaning unknown. This was the name of several 17th-century Algonquin chiefs
Teton – The name Teton is a boy’s name of Native American origin.
Tex – From Texas
Texas – From Texas
Teyemthohisa – Two closed doors
Tibone – One who sits in the saddle
Tihkoosue – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘short.’
Tiriaq – Wearing ermine
Titus – She who bathes with her knees (Cheyenne)
Tizoc – Unclear
Tizocicatzin – Unclear
Tobey – Dance (Hopi), Hopi dances are not just beautiful, but an integral part of the culture.
Tocho – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘mountain lion.’
Togquos – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘twin.’
Tohopka – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘wild beast.’
Tokala – Native American Dakota name meaning ‘fox.’
Tooantuh – Native American Cherokee name meaning ‘spring frog.’
Tosahwi – Means ‘white knife’ in Comanche. This name was borne by a 19th-century Penateka Comanche chief
Tse – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘rock.’
Tsiishch’Ili – Curly haired
Tsiishchili – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘curly-haired.’
Tsiyi – Canoe
Tuari – Young eagle
Tucson – A spring from the base of a mountain
Tuketu – Bear making dust
Tullis – Mountain peak (Choctaw)
Tumu – Deer thinking of eating wild onions
Tupi – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘to pull up.’
Turner – To pull up (Miwok)
Tyee – Chief
Native american boy names starting with U
Ubirajara – Means ‘lord of the spear’ in Tupi. This is the name of an 1874 novel by Jose de Alencar
Ujarak – Like a rock
Ukiah – Ukiah as a boy’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Ukiah is ‘deep valley’.
Unaduti – Woolly head
Uncas – Uncas as a boy’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Uncas is ‘the fox’.
Ungus – Remember (Hopi)
Uzumati – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘bear.’
Native american boy names starting with V
Vaiveahtoish – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘alights on the cloud.’
Viho – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘chief.’
Viktor – Chief (Cheyenne)
Vipponah – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘slim face.’
Vohkinne – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘Roman nose.’
Voistitoevitz – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘white cow.’
Voisttitoevetz – Variant of Cheyenne Voistitoevitz, meaning ‘white cow.’
Vokivocummast – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘white antelope.’
Volsung – White antelope (Cheyenne)
Native american boy names starting with W
Waban – East wind
Wabonishi – One who survives the winter
Waboyan – Blanket
Wade – Dancing girl (Sioux)
Wahanassatta – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘he who walks with his toes turned outward.’
Wahchinksapa – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘wise.’
Wahchintonka – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘has much practice.’
Wahkan – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘sacred.’
Wahkoowah – Charging bear
Wahunsenacawh – Meaning unknown. This name was borne by a 17th-century chief of the Powhatan people. He was also known as Powhatan, as a result of confusion between his name and his birthplace
Wakiza – Desperate warrior
Wamblee – Eagle
Wambleesha – White eagle
Wambleeska – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘white eagle.’
Wambli Waste – Good eagle
Wambli-Waste – Native American Dakota name meaning ‘good eagle.’
Wanageeska – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘white spirit.’
Wanahton – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘charger.’
Wanikiy – Savior
Wanikiya – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘savior.’
Wapasha – Means ‘red leaf’ in Dakota. This was the name of several Dakota chiefs
Wapi – Lucky
Wapiti – Wapiti as a boy’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Wapiti is ‘White’.
Waquini – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘hook nose.’
Waunakee – Waunakee as a boy’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Waunakee is ‘peaceful one’.
Wawatam – Means ‘little goose’ in Ojibwe. This was the name of an 18th-century chief of the Ottawa people
Wayna – Immature
Wayra – Native American Quechua name meaning ‘wind.’
Weayaya – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘setting sun.’
Wematin – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘brother.’
Wemilat – Of wealthy parents
Wendall – Brother (Algonquin)
Wicasa – Native American Dakota name meaning ‘sage.’
Wickaninnish – Possibly means ‘having no one in front of him in the canoe’ in the Nuu-chah-nulth (or Nootka) language. This was the name of a chief of the Clayoquot in the late 18th century, at the time of European contact
Wickham – Sage (Dakota)
Wikvaya – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘one who brings.’
Willka – Means ‘sun’ in Aymara
Wilu – Chicken hawk squawking
Wintanweorth – Firstborn daughter, eldest (Sioux)
Wohehiv – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘dull knife.’
Wokaihwokomas – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘white antelope.’
Wuliton – To do well
Wuyi – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘soaring turkey vulture.’
Wyandanch – Wyandanch as a boy’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Wyandanch is ‘speaks with wisdom’.
Wynono – First born
Native american boy names starting with X
Xquenda – Means ‘spirit, soul, essence’ in Zapotec
Native american boy names starting with Y
Yaholo – Yaholo as a boy’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Yaholo is ‘he who yells’.
Yahto – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘blue.’
Yancey – The name Yancey is a boy’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘yankee’.
Yancy – Englishman
Yanisin – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘ashamed.’
Yas – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘snow.’
Yiska – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘the night has passed.’
Yosemite – The name Yosemite is a boy’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘those who kill’.
Yuma – Chiefs son
Native american boy names starting with Z
Zacchaeus – Meadow, variation of Savannah (Taino)
Zimri – Spins, spinning (Hopi)
Zipkiyah – Zipkiyah as a boy’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Zipkiyah is ‘big bow’.
Ziven – Cardinal, red bird (Sioux)