French boy names


French boy names starting with A

Abbe – Variation of Abbie origin meaning my father is joyful’, ‘my father is joyful’.

Abdou – Great ability to focus on each work, variant of name Abdo

Abel – Usually it means vanity or breath or tansitory

Abelard – French form of German Abelard, meaning ‘noble strength.’

Abelino – Means unsure pet form of Avila

Abi – (Hebrew) Father, (Turkish) Elder Brother, French (Priest)

Absalon – French variation of Absalom, origin meaning father of peace’.

Absolon – French form of Hebrew Abiyshalowm, meaning ‘father of peace.’

Ace – Variant form of Norman French Asce, meaning ‘noble at birth.’ Compare with another form of Ace.

Acel – Adherent of a nobleman

Acel – Adherent of a nobleman

Acelet – Pet form of Norman French Ace, meaning ‘noble at birth.’

Acelin – Acelin as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Acelin is ‘noble’.

Achille – French and Italian form of Latin Achilles, possibly meaning ‘he who embodies the grief of the people.’

Achraf – Most Honorable One, A variant of Ashraf

Adalard – Norman French form of Old High German Adalhard, meaning ‘noble strength.’

Adam – Man, earth

Adami – My Man, Red, Earthy, Human

Adamo – Son of Red Earth, First man to come to life

Adamson – Son of Adam, A derivative from Adam

Adde – Noble, Kind, Wise, Polite

Addi – A Variant of Adde, Noble, Nobility

Adelard – Variant spelling of Norman French Adalard, meaning ‘noble strength.’

Adnet – Medieval French form of Hebrew Adam, meaning ‘earth’ or ‘red.’ It is now a surname.

Adnot – Medieval French form of Hebrew Adam, meaning ‘earth’ or ‘red.’ It is now a surname.

Adolphe – The name Adolphe is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘noble wolf’.

Adrianna – From harida


Adrien – French name derived from Latin Adrianus, meaning ‘from Hadria.’

Advent – Born during Advent

Advent – Born during Advent

Agathon – A Greek name that means Good

Agrican – From the field

Aicha – Life

Aillard – Middle English and Old French form of Old High German Adalhard, meaning ‘noble strength.’

Aime – Masculine form of French Aimee, meaning ‘much loved.’

Aimeeloved – Loved

Aimeri – Abbreviated form of Norman French Aimeric, meaning ‘home-ruler.’

Aimeric – Norman French form of Middle High German Haimirich, meaning ‘home-ruler.’

Aimes – Aimes as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘friend’.

Aimon – Home

Aindriú – Manly


Alain – Alain as a boy’s name is pronounced al-LAYN. French variant of Alan.

Alaire – Variant form of French Hilaire, meaning ‘joyful, happy.’

Alard – Norman French name derived from Old High German Adalhard, meaning ‘noble strength.’

Alavda – Lark

Albain – Perhaps a French form of Gaelic Ailpein, meaning ‘white.’

Albaric – Blond ruler

Alberi – Norman French form of Old High German Albirich, meaning ‘elf ruler.’

Albert – French name derived from Latin Albertus, meaning ‘bright nobility.’ Compare with other forms of Albert.

Aldrich – Old or wise ruler

Aldrick – Old or wise counselor

Aleron – Winged


Alexandre – French and Galician-Portuguese form of Latin Alexandrus, meaning ‘defender of mankind.’

Alfonse – Variant spelling of French Alphonse, meaning ‘noble and ready.’

Alfred – Wise counselor

Alfric – Elf King, A Variant of name Aelfric

Alfrid – Wise Counselor, Old English : Elf Counsel , A variant of name Alfred

Alger – Old English: Elf Spear, French: Moustachioed, A variant name is Algar

Algernon – Algernon as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Algernon is ‘wearing a mustache’.

Algernone – Algernone as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘wearing a mustache’.

Algey – Algey as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘wearing a mustache’.

Algie – Algie as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘wearing a mustache’.

Algrenon – Bearded

Algy – Algy as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘wearing a mustache’.

Alicio – Noble, graceful

Alisen – variant form Alizon

Aljernon – Aljernon as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘wearing a mustache’.

Allard – Variant spelling of Middle English and Old French Aillard, meaning ‘noble strength.’

Allgernon – Allgernon as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘wearing a mustache’.

Alma – Soul

Almando – Almando as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘soldier’.

Almund – Noble Protection, Defender of the Temple

Alnoth – Noble, Bold, Daring, A variant of the name Aethelnoth

Aloin – French variation of Alvin, origin meaning noble friend, friend of the elves’.

Alois – German – Famous Warrior, A variant of name Aloys

Aloisio – German – Fame, Loud, Fighter, Warrior, A derivative from name Aloysius , Louis

Aloys – Variant spelling of French Provencal Looys, meaning ‘famous warrior.’

Aloysisus – German – Fame and War French – Famous Warrior, Latinised form of the name Louis

Aloysius – A strong and famous warrior with a conservative and reliable beings.

Alphonse – Ready and noble, ready for battle, derived from the Old German name Adelfuns. The variant Alfonso is a royal name in Spain and Portugal.

Alphonse – The name Alphonse is a boy’s name of German, French origin meaning ‘noble, ready for battle’.

Alpine – Latin – White, Blond, Fair One, A derivative of name Alpin

Aluin – French variation of Alvin, origin meaning noble friend, friend of the elves’.

Alvere – Norman French form of Latin Alvredus, meaning ‘elf counsel.’

Alvia – Noble war’?, their sensitive, friendly, creative and intuitive nature attracts people

Alvin – Norman French name derived from Latin Alvinius, meaning ‘elf friend.’

Amable – French name derived from Latin amabilis, meaning ‘lovable.’

Amadieu – French form of Latin Amadeus, meaning ‘to love God.’

Amadour – French form of Latin Amator, meaning ‘lover.’

Amaud – Power of an eagle

Amauger – Norman French name derived from German Amalger, meaning ‘work-spear.’

Amauri – A variant of the French name Amery meaning ‘hard-working leader.’

Amaury – Name of a count

Amaury – The name Amaury is a boy’s name of German, French origin meaning ‘work power’.

Ambroise – French variation of Ambrose, origin meaning immortal one’.

Ame – French name meaning ‘beloved.’

Amedee – French form of Latin Amadeus, meaning ‘to love God.’

Amelot – Arthur’s Castle

Ames – Ames as a boy’s name is pronounced aymz. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Ames is ‘friend’.

Amo – Power of an eagle

Amou – Eagle wolf

Amour – Love

Amoux – Eagle wolf

Anastase – French form of Latin Anastasius, meaning ‘resurrection.’

Anatole – French form of Latin Anatolius, meaning ‘east’ and ‘sunrise.’

Ancel – Variant spelling of French Ansel, meaning ‘divine helmet.’

Ancell – Ancell as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘follower of a nobleman’.

Ancil – Adherent of a nobleman

Ancil – God’s protection

Andi – Manly

Andie – Manly

Andra – Manly

Andrae – Andrae as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.

Andre – Manly, brave

Andre – From tennis superstar Andre Agassi to “Black-ish” TV character Andre Johnson, there are many famous and familiar faces who’ve boarded the Andre train. This French form of the anglicized Andrew translates to “man, warrior.” But Andre isn’t just about being macho—he has his sensitive, compassionate side too. The name’s popularity peaked in the 1970s and ’80s and is still showing up on birth certificates around the world.

Andrien – French form of Greek Andreas, meaning ‘man, warrior.’

Andrion – Variant spelling of French Adrien, meaning ‘from Hadria.’ This form of the name can be found in An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of Paris, by Colm Dubh.

Andris – Andris as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.

András – Manly

André – Manly

Andy – Manly

Ange – French name meaning ‘angel, messenger.’ Compare with feminine Ange.

Anna – Name of a King, Food, Grain, Earth and Water, God

Anse – The name Anse is a boy’s name of German, French origin meaning ‘cove’.


Ansel – Ansel as a boy’s name is pronounced AN-sul. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Ansel is ‘follower of a nobleman’. Also variant of Anselm (Old German) ‘God’s helmet’.

Ansell – Ansell as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘follower of a nobleman’.

Anselme – French variation of Anselm, origin meaning with divine protection’.

Antione – Antione as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘highly praiseworthy’.

Antjuan – Antjuan as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘highly praiseworthy’.

Antoine – Priceless one, beyond praise

Antoine – Antoine as a boy’s name is pronounced AN-twahn. It is of French origin.


Antonin – French form of Latin Antoninus, possibly meaning ‘invaluable.’

Antuan – Antuan as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘priceless or inestimable worth’.

Antuwain – Antuwain as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘highly praiseworthy’.

Antuwaine – Antuwaine as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘highly praiseworthy’.

Antuwayne – Antuwayne as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘highly praiseworthy’.

Antuwon – Antuwon as a boy’s name is of Latin origin meaning ‘highly praiseworthy’.

Antwain – Antwain as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘highly praiseworthy’.

Antwaine – Antwaine as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘highly praiseworthy’.

Antwan – Antwan as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘priceless or inestimable worth’.

Antwaun – Antwaun as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘highly praiseworthy’.

Antwoin – Antwoin as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘priceless or inestimable worth’.

Antwoine – Antwoine as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘priceless or inestimable worth’.

Antwone – Antwone as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘priceless or inestimable worth’.

Aousten – Old form of French Augustin, meaning ‘venerable.’

Apollinaire – French form of Roman Latin Apollinaris, meaning ‘of Apollo.’

Apollinare – Apollinare as a boy’s name is of Greek/Italian origin meaning ‘strength’.

Apostol – A pious and serious man

Aramis – Fictional swordsman from Alexandre Dumas” Three Musketeers

Aramis – Aramis as a boy’s name is pronounced AIR-a-miss. In fiction, the famous swordsman from Alexandre Dumas’s ‘The Three Musketeers’, notable for his ambition and religious aspirations.

Arber – Dealer of herbs

Archaimbaud – Bold

Archambault – Bold

Archard – Powerful

Archard – French – Powerful, A variant of name Archird

Archenhaud – Bold

Archer – An English bowman usually a surname

Archerd – French – Powerful, A variant of name Archird

Archimbaud – French form of German Archimbald, meaning ‘genuine courage.’

Arhambault – French variation of Archibald, origin meaning truly brave’.

Aristide – French form of Latin Aristides, meaning ‘best physique.’

Arluin – Variant spelling of Norman French Herluin, meaning ‘noble friend’ or ‘noble warrior.’

Arman – Variant spelling of Old French Armand, meaning ‘bold/hardy man.’ Compare with another form of Arman.

Armand – Soldier, warrior

Armand – Armand as a boy’s name is pronounced ar-MAHN. It is of French origin.

Armande – Form of ARMAND – of the Army

Armel – French form of Welsh Arthfael, Old Breton Arthmael, meaning ‘bear chief’ or ‘warrior prince.’

Armond – Armond as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘soldier’.

Armonde – Armonde as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘soldier’.

Armondo – Armondo as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘soldier’.

Arnald – Strong ruler

Arnat – Arnat as a boy’s name is of Old French and English origin meaning ‘little eagle’.

Arnau – Strong ruler

Arnaud – French variation of Arnold, origin meaning ruler, strong as an eagle’.

Arnauld – French variation of Arnold, origin meaning ruler, strong as an eagle’.

Arnaut – French variation of Arnold, origin meaning ruler, strong as an eagle’.

Arnet – Arnet as a boy’s name is of Old French and English origin meaning ‘little eagle’.

Arnott – Arnott as a boy’s name is of Old French and English origin meaning ‘little eagle’.

Arnou – French variation of Arno, origin meaning eagle’.

Arnoux – French variation of Arno, origin meaning eagle’.

Aron – Lofty or inspired

Artagnan – Name of one of the Three Musketeers, It means leader

Artus – French variation of Arthur, origin meaning bear’.

Asce – Norman French form of German Azzo, meaning ‘noble at birth.’

Astin – A strong leader who is trustworthy

Astor – French and German name derived from Occitan astor, meaning ‘goshawk,’ itself from Latin acceptor, a variant of accipiter, meaning ‘hawk.’ It was originally a derogatory term for men with hawk-like, predatory characteristics.

Athanase – French form of Greek Athanasios, meaning ‘immortal.’

Auben – Variant spelling of Norman French Aubin, meaning ‘from Alba.’

Auberi – Rule of an Elf, powerful and kind hearted

Auberon – Variant form of Norman French Alberi, meaning ‘elf ruler.’

Aubert – French form of Old High German Adalbert, meaning ‘bright nobility.’

Aubertin – French name derived from Aubert

Aubery – A blond ruler

Aubin – Norman French form of English Albin, meaning ‘like Albus,’ i.e. ‘white.’

Aubray – Ruler of the alves

Aubrey – From the Germanic name Alberic, king of the elves in German mythology. It later became common as a Norman first name. When used for girls, it’s also a variation of the name Audrey.

Aubry – Rules with elf-wisdom

Audra – Nobility and strength in a person


Audric – French form of German Aldrich, meaning ‘old ruler, long time ruler.’

Auger – Name derived from the French personal Alger

Auguste – French form of Latin Augustus, meaning ‘venerable.’

Augustin – French form of Latin Augustinus, meaning ‘venerable.’

Auhert – Noble

Aundray – Aundray as a boy’s name is of French origin.


Aurele – French form of Roman Latin Aurelius, meaning ‘golden.’

Aurelian – French variation of Aurelius, origin meaning the golden one’.

Aurelianus – A golden and gilded person, shiny haired

Aurelien – French variation of Aurelius, origin meaning the golden one’.

Auriville – From the gold town

Austen – Venerable or majestic

Austin – Austin is derived from the Roman name Augustine, but Americans more fondly know it as the capital of Texas. Several successful athletes carry the name, including NBA player Austin Rivers, wrestler Austin Aries and NFL player Austin Davis. In the past two decades, the name has come to symbolize boyish charm, with pop singer Austin Mahone and fictional spy and ladies man Austin Powers increasing the name’s allure.

Austyn – Majestic

Autry – The name Autry is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘noble strength’.


Avary – Wise

Avellino – Longed for

Avenall – Avenall as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Avenall is ‘oat pasture’. Place name.

Aveneil – Aveneil as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘oat pasture’.

Aveneill – Aveneill as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘oat pasture’.

Avenel – Avenel as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘oat pasture’.

Avenell – Avenell as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘oat pasture’.

Avenelle – Lives near the oatfield

Avenil – Avenil as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘oat pasture’.

Avenill – Avenill as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘oat pasture’.

Avent – One who is born during advent

Avere – They are the best counsell and a wise judge

Averie – Wise

Avery – English surname transferred to unisex forename use, originally a Norman French form of Middle English Alfred, meaning ‘elf counsel.’

Avian – Avian means like a bird. It can also be used for girls.

Avignon – Name of a place, the one who who came from France

Awtry – A man of noble strength

Ayer – The one who is the heir

Ayers – Community name

Aymeric – Variant spelling of Norman French Aimeric, meaning ‘home-ruler.’

Aymes – Aymes as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘friend’.

French boy names starting with B

Bachellor – Bachellor as a boy’s name is of Middle French meaning ‘unmarried man’.

Bachelor – Bachelor as a boy’s name is of Middle French origin, and the meaning of Bachelor is ‘unmarried man’.

Bacon – Selling pork

Baiardo – Baiardo as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘auburn-haired’.

Bail – One who has lived by the outer wall of a castle

Bailey – Administrator

Baines – The son of Einws

Bajardo – Bajardo as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘auburn-haired’.

Baldoin – Old French form of Old High German Baldawin, meaning ‘brave friend.’

Bale – French variation of Basil, origin meaning regal’, ‘valley’.


Baltasar – The name means ‘ Protected by God.’

Baltasaru – French variation of Balthasar, origin meaning God protects the king’.

Baltazar – The name is a version of baltasar.

Balthazar – The name is a version of baltasar.

Balzac – Horse with white spots on its legs

Banner – Banner as a boy’s name is pronounced BAN-ner. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Banner is ‘flag, ensign bearer’.

Bannerman – Bannerman as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘flag or ensign bearer’.

Baptiste – The name Baptiste is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘to dip’.

Barbar – Barbar as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘beard’.

Barbaros – Bravo, Fierce

Barbeau – The name Barbeau is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘fisherman’.

Barber – Barber as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Barber is ‘beard’.

Barbour – Barbour as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘beard’.

Bard – Poet, Minstrel, A Singer-poet, One who Sings Ballads

Barden – Lives Near the Boar’s Den, Boar’s Den

Bardene – From the Boar Valley

Bardolph – Axe-wolf

Bardon – Minstrel, Singer-poet, Barley Valley

Bardot – French Surname

Barhloew – Lives on the Bare Hill

Barnabe – Spanish variation of Barnaby, origin meaning son of consolation’.

Barnett – Leader, From the Land That was Burned, Noble Man

Barnum – From the Nobleman’s Home

Baron – A title of nobility used as a given name

Baron – Warrior

Barrak – Flash of Lightning

Barraud – French variation of Barrett, origin meaning bear strength’.

Barre – Gateway, French – Pole, one who made such objects, one who worked in Bar at a toll house

Barrette – Barrette as a boy’s name is of Aramaic origin meaning ‘son of Talmai (the farmer)’.

Barrick – Grain Farm,A barley farm

Barrie – Lives at the Barrier, Fair-haired, From the Land That was Burned, Sharp, Pointed, Bear-strength

Barry – Dweller of the barrier

Barrymore – Pointed Object

Barthelemy – The name Barthelemy is a boy’s name of Swedish origin.

Barthelmy – French form of Latin Bartholomaeus, meaning ‘son of Talmai.’

Bartholmieu – French variation of Bartholomew, origin meaning son of the furrow’.

Bartholome – French variation of Bartholomew, origin meaning son of the furrow’.

Bartholomieu – French Provencal form of Latin Bartholomaeus, meaning ‘son of Talmai.’

Barthomieu – Contracted form of French Provencal Bartholomieu, meaning ‘son of Talmai.’

Barthram – Illustrious, Glorious Raven

Bartleah – From Bart’s Meadow

Bartlett – Ploughman

Bartlomiej – Son of Talmai, Farmer’s Son

Bartolome – Ploughman, Farmer’s Son

Bartram – Glorious Raven, Bright Raven

Barwolf – Ax Wolf

Basile – French variation of Basil, origin meaning regal’.

Basilios – Royal

Bass – Bass is an unpopular boy’s name.

Basse – Wild boar

Bassett – From Bassett

Bastien – The name Bastien is a boy’s name of Spanish, French, Latin origin meaning ‘person from ancient city of Sebastia’.

Batcheler – Batcheler as a boy’s name is of Middle French meaning ‘unmarried man’.

Batcheller – Batcheller as a boy’s name is of Middle French meaning ‘unmarried man’.

Batchellor – Batchellor as a boy’s name is of Middle French meaning ‘unmarried man’.

Batchelor – Batchelor as a boy’s name is of Middle French meaning ‘unmarried man’.

Baudelaire – French surname, meaning a short sword

Baudet – The joyful one

Baudoin – French variation of Baldwin, origin meaning brave friend’.

Baudouin – French form of Old High German Baldawin, meaning ‘brave friend.’

Baudry – One who is bold and powerful


Bay – Auburn haired

Bayard – Old French name derived from the word baie, meaning ‘reddish brown’ or ‘bright bay color.’ In medieval romances, this was the name of a magic horse from the legends of the chansons de geste (‘Songs of Heroic Deeds’) which was given to Renaud by Charlemagne. It belonged to the four sons of Aymon, and had the ability to grow larger or smaller as one or more riders mounted it. According to tradition, one of its foot-prints may still be seen in the forest of Soignes, and another on a rock near Dinant.


Baylen – Baylen as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘auburn-haired’.

Bayless – Bayless as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Bayless is ‘one who leases a bay’. Possibly refers to a fishing ancestor.

Bayley – Law enforcer or bailiff

Baylless – Baylless as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘one who leases a bay’.

Beal – Beal as a boy’s name is pronounced beel. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Beal is ‘handsome’.

Beale – Beale as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘handsome’.

Beall – Beall as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘handsome’.

Bealle – Bealle as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘handsome’.

Beals – Beals as a boy’s name is of Old French and Old English origin meaning ‘handsome’.

Beaman – From a beautiful hill

Bear – Courageous, brave, daring

Beatus – Blessed, Happy

Beau – Handsome

Beau – Meaning “beautiful” in French, the name Beau (pronounced BOH) has been around since the 19th century but has been slowly climbing the charts in the last few years. PC Wren’s fictional title character in his 1924 book, “Beau Geste,” is considered an influencer. Twelve years later, “Gone With the Wind” included Ashley and Melanie’s son, Beau. Jamie-Lynn Sigler (“The Sopranos”) and Spice Girl Emma Bunton both have sons named Beau.

Beaubeau – Beautiful

Beauchamp – Beauchamp as a boy’s name is pronounced bee-CHAM. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Beauchamp is ‘the beautiful field’. Place name.

Beaudan – Beaudan as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘handsome’.

Beaudean – A Shelter, protection, cover

Beaudine – Beaudine as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘handsome’.

Beaudouin – French form of Baldwin meaning a brave friend

Beaufort – From the beautiful fortress

Beaufort – Beaufort as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Beaufort is ‘the beautiful fort’. Place name.

Beaumont – From the Old French surname, derived from a place name composed of the elements beau ‘beautiful’ and mont ‘hill, mountain,’ hence ‘beautiful mountain.’

Beauregard – From the Old French surname, derived from a place name composed of the elements beau ‘beautiful’ and regard ‘aspect, outlook,’ hence ‘beautiful aspect’ or ‘beautiful outlook.’

Beauvais – Beauvais as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘handsome face’.

Beaux – Variant of Beau, the name means handsome.

Beavess – Beavess as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘handsome face’.

Beavis – Beavis as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘handsome face’.

Beaw – A beautiful one

Beceere – Lives by the Beech Tree


Bedall – Bedall as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘messenger’.

Bede – Prayer, Name of a Historian

Bedell – Bedell as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Bedell is ‘messenger’.

Bedoier – French form of English Bedivere, possibly meaning ‘grave-knower,’ inferring ‘one who knows (Arthur’s) grave.’

Beecham – Beecham as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘the beautiful field’.

Beecher – Lives by the Beech Tree, Place Name

Beeman – From a beautiful hill

Belamy – Belamy as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘handsome friend’.

Beldan – Lives in the Beautiful Glen

Beldane – Lives in the Beautiful Valley

Belden – Belden as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Belden is ‘pretty valley’. Place name.

Beldene – Beldene as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin meaning ‘pretty valley’.

Beldon – Beldon as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin meaning ‘pretty valley’.

Belial – Wicked, Worthless

Bell – Handsome

Bellamey – Bellamey as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘handsome friend’.

Bellamie – Bellamie as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘handsome friend’.

Bellamy – Handsome friend

Bellamy – Bellamy as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Bellamy is ‘handsome friend’.

Bellden – Bellden as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin meaning ‘pretty valley’.

Belldene – Belldene as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin meaning ‘pretty valley’.

Belldon – Belldon as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin meaning ‘pretty valley’.

Bellemy – Bellemy as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘handsome friend’.

Bellinor – Beautiful and dark person

Bellmont – Bellmont as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘beautiful mountain’.

Belmont – Belmont as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Belmont is ‘beautiful mountain’.

Belot – A name of a card game

Beman – French – Lovely Hill, A variant of name Beeman

Bemelle – Strong as a Bear

Benaiah – Son of the Lord

Benard – From Bernard

Benedict – French form of Latin Benedictus, meaning ‘blessed.’

Benedictus – Blessed, Happy,enjoying happiness, specifically : enjoying the bliss of heaven

Beneoit – Old French surname derived from Latin Benedictus, meaning ‘blessed.’

Benett – Blessed

Benezet – French Provencal form of Latin Benedictus, meaning ‘blessed.’

Beni – Plait of Hair, Blessed

Benjamin – French form of Greek Beniamin from Hebrew Binyamin, meaning ‘son of the right hand.’ Compare with another form of Benjamin.

Benjie – Diminutive of Benjamin, Right-hand Son, Son of the Right Hand

Benjiman – Son of the Right Hand

Benn – Born of the Right Hand, Abbreviation of Benjamin and Benedict, Son

Benoit – The name Benoit is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘blessed’.

Bensen – Ben’s Son, Surname, Be Diligent

Beomann – Beekeeper

Beore – Birch Tree

Berenger – Old French form of Latin Berengarius, meaning ‘bear-spear.’

Beretun – From the Barley Farm

Berford – From the Barley Ford

Berge – To Help

Berger – Berger as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Berger is ‘shepherd’.

Bergeron – Bergeron as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘shepherd’.

Berke – Berke as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin meaning ‘the birch tree meadow’.

Berkeley – From the Birch Tree Meadow, Place Name, Where Birches Grow

Berkley – From the Birch Tree Meadow, Place Name, Where Birches Grow

Berle – A water parsnip

Bernad – Strong and Brave as a Bear

Bernal – Strong Bear

Bernard – Norman French form of Old High German Bernhard, meaning ‘bold as a bear.’ Compare with another form of Bernard.

Bernardin – French variation of Bernard, origin meaning strong, brave as a bear’.

Bernardino – Brave, Brave as a Bear

Bernd – Brave Like a Bear

Bernet – Bernet as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘brown’.

Bernett – Bernett as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘brown’.

Bernhardus – Brave Like a Bear

Bernon – French variation of Bernard, origin meaning strong, brave as a bear’.

Bernot – French variation of Bernard, origin meaning strong, brave as a bear’.

Bernt – Hill, Mount, Brave Like a Bear

Berny – Derived From Bernard

Berton – From the Fortified Town, Place Name, Bright Settlement, Glorious Ruler, Bright Raven

Bertram – Illustrious


Bertrand – Bertrand as a boy’s name is pronounced BER-trand, ber-TRAND. It is of Old French origin.

Berwyk – From the Barley Grange

Beven – Youthful, Son of Evan

Bevis – Bevis as a boy’s name is of Old French origin. Place name: Beauvais is a town in France famous for the manufacture of tapestries. Could possibly be from Welsh, ‘son of Evan’, or French ‘beuve’, meaning ‘bull’.

Beviss – Beviss as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘handsome face’.

Bevon – Evan’s Son

Bhrett – From Brittany

Bijou – Jewel

Bille – Will, Desire, Helmet, Protection

Birde – Bird

Biren – From the place of sheds

Birk – Birk as a boy’s name is of Old English or Old French meaning ‘bright or shining’.

Birkett – Lives at the Birch Headland

Birkey – From the Birch Tree Island

Biron – Surname Used as a Given Name, Place Name, Barn for Cows

Birtel – From the Bird Hill

Biuon – One who has good fortune and good heart

Blaed – Wealthy Glory

Blais – Stammerer

Blaisdell – Stammerer


Blaise – French form of Roman Latin Blasius, meaning ‘talks with a lisp.’

Blaisot – French variation of Blaise, origin meaning to lisp, stammer’.

Blaize – Stammerer

Blakey – Dark Complexioned, Blond

Blanchard – White or fair

Blanco – Blond, Fair, White

Blanford – From the Gray Ford, Gray Man’s Ford


Blase – Stammerer

Blayne – Slender, Thin, Variant of Blaine


Blayze – Variant of Blaze, the name means to stammer.


Blaze – Stammerer

Bleu – The color blue

Boden – Listen up! This name means a communicator, messenger, or herald.

Bogart – One who is a strong bowman

Bon – A good person, one who acts in a good manner

Bonami – Bonami as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘good friend’.

Bonamy – Bonamy as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Bonamy is ‘good friend’.

Bonar – Bonar as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Bonar is ‘gentle, mannerly’. From the French word ‘debonair’.

Bonnar – Bonnar as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘gentle and mannerly’.

Bonner – Bonner as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘gentle and mannerly’.

Boo – Beautiful

Boone – Good, a blessing

Boone – A gentleman, kind-hearted, generous, wonderful.

Borbon – Borbon as a boy’s name is of English origin for an area of France.

Boswell – From Beuzeville

Bourbon – Bourbon as a boy’s name. Place name: county in Kentucky where the liquor is made. Originally the surname of the royal family of France and Spain.

Bourke – Bourke as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘from the fortified settlement’.

Bouvier – The name Bouvier is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘herdsman’.

Bow – Beautiful

Boyce – Boyce as a boy’s name is pronounced boyce. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Boyce is ‘forest’.

Brae – Brae as a boy’s name is of Middle English and Old French origin meaning ‘cry out or borderland’.

Branch – Tree branch

Bray – Bray as a boy’s name is of Middle English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Bray is ‘cry out, borderland’.

Bret – From Brittany

Breton – The name Breton is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘from Brittany’.

Brette – From Brittany

Bretton – The name Bretton is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘from Brittany’.

Brian – Old French derogatory byname derived from the Old Occitan word brian, meaning ‘maggot.’ Compare with another form of Brian.

Briand – Castle

Briant – French form of Irish Brian, meaning ‘high hill.’ Compare with another form of Briant.

Brice – Variant of Bryce, the name means spotted or freckled one. It is also known to mean ‘from Britain’.

Briefbras – French form of Welsh freichfras (‘strong-armed’), but meaning ‘short arm.’ In Arthurian legend, this is a nickname for Sir Caradoc.

Briek – The elf ruler

Brissen – A clumsy person who breaks things

Brown – Brown, Colour Name, Russet-complected

Bruce – Surname since medieval times, Robert de Bruce, a knight from Normandy, followed William the Conqueror to England. His descendants settled in Scotland and began to give this as a first name.

Bruce – This name originated as a surname with Robert the Bruce, who eventually became the king of Scotland in the 14th century. It wasn’t until the 19th century that Bruce was used as a first name for boys. It reached its peak during the mid-20th century—with Bruce Springsteen, Lee and Willis—but its glory days are a thing of the past. Did it become too popular in the US? Maybe, though it’s still a favorite in its native Scotland.

Brucey – Brucey as a boy’s name is of Norman French origin meaning ‘thick brush’.

Brucie – Brucie as a boy’s name is of Norman French origin meaning ‘thick brush’.

Brunel – Brunel as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘small brown one’.

Brunell – Brunell as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘small brown one’.

Brunelle – Brown or dark haired

Bruno – Brown

Bryant – Virtuous

Bryce – Bryce means spotted or freckled one. It is also known to mean ‘from Britain’.

Brycen – A speckled man’s son

Bryer – This nature-based name is a different spelling of of ‘Briar,’ which means heather or a patch of heather.

Brys – From Brys

Bryson – Brice’s son

Bucge – One with a large mouth

Buford – A ford beside an aviary

Buiron – One who comes from the cottage

Bunyan – Bunyan as a boy’s name. English name of uncertain meaning, though it may be related to the French word ‘bon’, or ‘good’.

Burcet – Fortress

Burdett – One who is like a little bird

Burdette – Unknown

Burdo – Pilgrim, carrying a pilgrim’s staff

Burel – Coarse hair, a common family name in France sometimes given as a first name in English-speaking countries

Burel – Reddish brown haired

Burges – Burges as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘freeman of a borough’.

Burgess – Burgess as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Burgess is ‘freeman of a borough’.

Burgiss – Burgiss as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘freeman of a borough’.

Burgundy – A name of the region in France. Also, a specific shade of purple

Burk – Burk as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘from the fortified settlement’.

Burke – Burke as a boy’s name is pronounced berk. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Burke is ‘from the fortified settlement’.

Burket – One who is from the birch stronghold

Burkett – One who is from the little stronghold

Burl – Burl as a boy’s name is pronounced berl. It is of Old English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Burl is ‘knotty wood, tuft of wool’.

Burle – Burle as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin meaning ‘knotty wood or tuft or wool’.

Burnel – Burnel as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘small brown one’.

Burnell – Burnell as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Burnell is ‘small brown one’.

Burnett – Burnett as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘brown’.

Burrell – Burrell as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin meaning ‘knotty wood or tuft of wool’.

Butch – Butcher

Butcher – Butcher

Butler – The dispenser of bottles

Byran – He comes from the cottage

Byron – From the cottage

French boy names starting with C

Cab – One who makes ropes

Cabail – A man who makes ropes

Cabbot – Cabbot as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘strolling player’.

Cabe – Cabe as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘rope-maker’.

Cabell – Cabell as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘rope-maker’.

Cable – Rope, ropemaker, also an English surname

Cable – Cable as a boy’s name is pronounced KAY-bel. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Cable is ‘rope-maker’.

Cabot – Cabot as a boy’s name is of French origin. Possibly means ‘to sail’.

Cabott – A man who is a sailor

Cade – You’d be hard-pressed to find anyone with this unisex name born before 1990. This close pal of Caden (and Braden, Jaden and the many other members of the “–ade” crowd) was on a meteoric rise around the turn of the 21st century. Though his popularity has waned, Cade is still a great choice for your child (it’s used primarily for boys). It has both a cowboy feel and athlete appeal because of its one-syllable simplicity and strength.

Caide – Caide as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin meaning ’round or lumpish’.

Cain – French form of Hebrew Qayin (‘acquired, possessed’) and Greek Kain (‘maker, fabricator’ i.e. ‘smith’).

Caine – French place name unrelated to the biblical Cain.

Caine – Gatherer

Calixte – French variation of Calixto, origin meaning beautiful’, ‘beautiful’.

Calvin – Its meaning could apply to many newborns—“little bald one.” Though Calvin is an old-timey name, it has never been out of fashion. Its popularity peaked in the 1920s, when Calvin Coolidge was president. If you’re considering giving it to your bundle of boy, expect him to be imaginative, intuitive and a nonconformist. He’ll be in good company with successful men who answer to that name, including fashion designer Calvin Klein, former NFL wide receiver Calvin Johnson and DJ/singer Calvin Harris. This name will have you catching all the feels.

Calvino – Calvino as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘little bald one’.

Camille – French unisex form of Roman Latin Camilla, possibly meaning ‘attendant (for a temple).’

Campbell – From the beautiful field

Campion – Norman French surname transferred to English forename use, derived from the word campion, which was originally a status name for a professional ‘champion.’


Candido – He glows white

Cannan – Cannan as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘official of the church’.

Canning – Canning as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Canning is ‘official of the church’.

Cannon – Cannon as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Cannon is ‘official of the church’.

Canon – Canon as a boy’s name is of French and English origin meaning ‘official of the church’.

Cap – Cap as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘chaplain’.

Capp – Capp as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Capp is ‘chaplain’.

Capps – Capps as a boy’s name is French origin meaning ‘chaplain’.

Cardell – Cardell as a boy’s name is pronounced kar-DEL. It is of French origin.

Cardelle – Cardelle as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘thistle’.

Cardwell – From Cardwell

Carel – He who is very strong

Carlisle – Castle owner

Carlo – Strong and manly

Carlos – Manly

Carolos – He is powerful, strong one

Carolus – A strong champion

Caron – Pure

Carvel – Carvel as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘swampy dwelling’.

Carvell – Carvell as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Carvell is ‘swampy dwelling’.

Carvil – Carvil as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘swampy dwelling’.

Carville – Carville as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘swampy dwelling’.

Case – Case as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Case is ‘box’.

Cash – Case maker

Caton – French variation of Cato, origin meaning all-knowing’.


Cearbhall – Manly

Cecile – He who is blind

Celeste – A usual name meaning a heavenly body

Celestin – French form of Latin C?lestinus, meaning ‘heavenly.’

Celestina – A heavenly or a celestial individual

Celestine – Based on Caelestis, a heavenly person

Cerf – From the French byname cerf ‘hart’ (hart: from proto-Germanic *kherut-, from PIE base *ker- ‘horn’), referring to the animal’s presumed lustful nature.

Cerne – The dark complexion one

Cesaire – French form of Roman Latin C?sar, meaning ‘severed.’

Cesar – French and Spanish form of Roman Latin C?sar, meaning ‘severed.’

Cezanne – Name of an artist seeking freedom

Chace – Chace is a boy’s name meaning ‘huntsman’ that derives from the English or Old French name Chase.

Chaise – Hunter

Chalmer – Chalmer as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘servant of the chambers’.

Chalmers – Chalmers as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Chalmers is ‘servant of the chambers’.

Chalney – Chalney as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘oak tree’.

Chambers – Chambers as a boy’s name is of Old French and Middle English origin meaning ‘servant of the chambers’.


Chance – The one who has good fortune

Chanceller – The one having good luck

Chancellor – Chancellor as a boy’s name is pronounced CHAN-sa-ler. It is of French and Middle English origin, and the meaning of Chancellor is ‘office holder’.

Chancelor – Chancelor as a boy’s name is of French and Middle English origin meaning ‘office holder’.

Chand – Candlemaker

Chandell – A candle

Chandelle – Everlasting candle

Chandey – Candlemaker

Chandler – Maker of candles

Chandler – Old French occupational surname transferred to English forename use, meaning ‘candle merchant.’

Chandley – A candle seller

Chandlor – Candlemaker

Chane – Oak-hearted

Chane – Chane as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘oak-hearted’.

Chaney – Oak-hearted.

Chaney – An Oak Plant

Chanler – Maker of candles

Chann – Chann as a boy’s name is of English and Old French origin meaning ‘young wolf’.

Channe – Channe as a boy’s name is of English and Old French origin meaning ‘young wolf’.


Channing – Channing as a boy’s name is pronounced CHAN-een. It is of English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Channing is ‘young wolf, official of the church’.

Channon – Channon as a boy’s name is of English and Old French origin meaning ‘young wolf’.

Chansellor – Chansellor as a boy’s name is of French and Middle English origin meaning ‘office holder’.

Chante – Being sung

Chantrey – Chantrey as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Chantrey is ‘singing’.

Chantry – Chantry is a boy’s name meaning ‘singing’ and is a variant of the Old French name Chantrey.

Chany – Chany as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘oak tree’.

Chapelle – Living near a church

Chapin – The name Chapin is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘clergyman’.

Chappel – From the chapel

Chappell – From the chapel

Charlemagne – Derived from French Charles le Magne, meaning ‘Charles the Great.’

Charles – Manly

Charles – The name Charles is a boy’s name of German, French origin meaning ‘free man’.

Charlot – The name Charlot is a boy’s name of French origin, meaning free man’.

Chase – Hunter

Chasen – Chasen is a boy’s name meaning ‘huntsman’ that derives from the English or Old French name Chase.

Chass – Hunter

Chaucer – Pants maker

Chaunce – Chaunce as a boy’s name is of Middle English origin meaning ‘good fortune’.

Chauncey – Church official

Chauncy – Based on a name of a place in France, fortune

Chayce – Chayce is a boy’s name meaning ‘huntsman’ that derives from the English or Old French name Chase.

Chayne – Chayne as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘oak-hearted’.

Chayse – Chayse is a boy’s name meaning ‘huntsman’ that derives from the English or Old French name Chase.

Cheney – From the oak wood

Cheney – Cheney as a boy’s name is of French and Old English origin meaning ‘oak tree’.

Chesare – French variation of Caesar, origin meaning long-haired’.

Chesney – The person who dwells near the oak grove

Cheval – Cheval is a boy’s name meaning ‘horseman’ or knight’ that is derived from the French name Chevy.

Chevalier – Horseman, knight

Chevalier – Chevalier as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Chevalier is ‘horseman, knight’.

Chevall – Chevall is a boy’s name meaning ‘horseman’ or knight’ that is derived from the French name Chevy.

Chevelier – Man riding a horse

Chevell – Horseman or knight

Chevis – A thick bodied Fish

Chevron – Chevron as a boy’s name is of French origin. A V-shaped heraldic insignia, often used to indicate rank in the armed services.

Chevy – Chevy as a boy’s name is pronounced CHEV-ee. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Chevy is ‘horseman, knight’.

Cheyne – Oak-hearted.

Cheyne – Cheyne as a boy’s name is pronounced chayn. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Cheyne is ‘oak-hearted’.

Choncey – Fortune or a gamble

Chrestien – Old French form of Latin Christianus, meaning ‘believer’ or ‘follower of Christ.’

Chretien – Later form of Old French Chrestien, meaning ‘believer’ or ‘follower of Christ.’


Christian – Follower of Christ or anointed

Christien – Follower of Christ or anointed

Christofor – One who has Christ within

Christophe – French form of Latin Christophorus, meaning ‘Christ-bearer.’

Chuckie – A free man, a commoner who is free of any forceful dominancy from the state

Cirroc – Top of the summit, peak of the mountain or hill

Claiborne – The name Claiborne is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘boundary with clover’.

Clair – One who is clear, bright, shiny, one who is famous

Clark – Scholar

Claud – French variation of Claude, origin meaning lame, enclosure’.

Claude – Lame, crippled

Claude – French form of Latin Claudius, meaning ‘lame.’

Claudian – French variation of Claude, origin meaning lame, enclosure’.

Claudien – French variation of Claude, origin meaning lame, enclosure’.

Claudin – Name of a French king’s son, Claudas

Claudiu – French variation of Claude, origin meaning lame, enclosure’.

Clement – The name Clement is a boy’s name of Latin origin meaning ‘mild, merciful’.

Clotaire – French form of Latin Chlotharius, meaning ‘loud warrior.’


Clovis – The name Clovis is a boy’s name of French origin, meaning famous warrior’.

Cloy – Cloy as a boy’s name. May be derived from ‘nail’ (Old French) as an occupational name having to do with the nails in horse shoes.

Cloyce – Cloyce is a boy’s name and a variant of Cloy.

Cloyd – One who works with hammers and nails

Cockerell – Cockerell is a boy’s name meaning ‘young rooster’ that derives from the Old French name Cockrell.

Cockrell – Cockrell as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Cockrell is ‘young rooster’.

Cockrill – Cockrill is a boy’s name meaning ‘young rooster’ that derives from the Old French name Cockrell.

Coeur – The most vital organ of the human body, the heart

Colan – Victory of the people

Colbert – Renowned seafarer

Colbey – Dark or dark haired

Coleson – Variant of Cole, the name means dark or tanned-skin.

Coley – Coley as a boy’s name is of Middle English and Old French origin meaning ‘swarthy, coal-black, or charcoal’.

Colin – Abbreviation of Nicholas

Colin – Victory of the people

Collin – Victory of the people

Collins – Victory of the people

Colombain – French variation of Coleman, origin meaning servant of Nicholas’.

Colombe – French unisex form of Latin Columba, meaning ‘dove.’

Colson – Colson is a boy’s name meaning ‘swarthy’, ‘coal-black’, or ‘charcoal’. It is a variant of Coulson and the Middle English and Old French name Cole.

Colvile – Colvile is a boy’s name that comes from the Old French name Colville.

Colvill – Colvill is a boy’s name that comes from the Old French name Colville.

Colville – Colville as a boy’s name is of Old French origin. Place name of Norman origin.

Colyn – The triumph of the people, a young Boy who leads to the triumph of the people

Come – French form of Latin Cosmo, meaning ‘order, beauty.’

Constant – The name Constant is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘steadfast’.

Constantin – The name Constantin is a boy’s name of French, Latin origin meaning ‘steadfast’.

Conuoge – One who is an united man

Corban – Predominately used in English meaning ‘raven’. A variant of the root name Corbin.

Corben – .

Corben – Corben as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘raven’.

Corbet – Corbet is a boy’s name meaning ‘young crow’ that derives from Corbin and the Norman and French name Corbett.

Corbett – Corbett as a boy’s name is pronounced KOR-bet. It is of Norman French origin, and the meaning of Corbett is ‘young crow’.


Corbin – From an Old French and Middle English byname composed of the word corb, ‘crow, raven,’ and a diminutive suffix, hence ‘little crow’ or ‘little raven.’

Corby – Corby is a boy’s name meaning ‘young crow’ that derives from Corbin and the Norman and French name Corbett.

Corbyn – One whose hair is as black as the bird raven’s colour

Cordale – Cordale is a boy’s name meaning ‘cord maker’ that comes from the English and Old French name Cordell.

Cordas – Cordas is a boy’s name meaning ‘cord maker’ that comes from the English and Old French name Cordell.

Corday – Corday is a boy’s name meaning ‘cord maker’ that comes from the English and Old French name Cordell.

Cordell – Cordell as a boy’s name is pronounced kor-DEL. It is of English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Cordell is ‘cord maker’.

Corentin – The name Corentin is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘tempest, hurricane’.

Corin – French form of Roman Latin Quirinus, meaning ‘men together.’ Compare with another form of Corin.

Corneille – French form of Latin Cornelius, meaning ‘of a horn.’

Cornell – This variation of ‘Cornelius’ means fair. It also comes from the Greek word for a cornel tree or the Latin word for horn-colored.

Cornett – Horn or horn blower, refers to the one who blows horns

Cort – Courtier or court attendant

Cortez – A refined or accomplished person

Cortland – From the court’s land


Corvin – One whose hair is like a Raven’s

Cosme – French form of Latin Cosmo, meaning ‘order, beauty.’

Coty – Coty as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Coty is ‘riverbank’.

Court – Courtier or court attendant

Courtenay – Literally means ‘From the court’, When translated into French, it refers to ‘Short nosed’, From Courtenay in Northern France.

Courteney – Short nosed, Domain of Curtuis

Courtis – Courteous

Courtland – This name is all about court. It refers to a person in court or land around the court.

Courtnay – Courtier or court attendant

Courtney – Courteous or from the court

Courtney – Courtier or court attendant

Coyan – Coyan as a boy’s name is pronounced KOY-an. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Coyan is ‘modest’.

Coyne – Coyne is a boy’s name meaning ‘modest’ that is related to the French name Coyan.

Creasy – Graceful, Pleasant, Kind

Crescens – To get bigger, Develop, Sprout

Crescent – A variant of Crescens, it is now considered a nature name referring to the phase of the moon, Derived from the Latin word ‘Crescere’

Cretien – French variation of Christian, origin meaning follower of Christ’.

Cristobal – Derived from the name ‘Christ’ and the French suffix ‘bal’ meaning ‘to dance’ which implies ‘Dance of Christ’, also implies to someone who holds Christ in their heart.

Croix – The name Croix is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘cross’.

Cupidon – French form of Latin Cupido, meaning ‘desire.’

Curcio – Curcio is a variant of the English or Old French name Curtis. It is a boy’s name meaning ‘courteous’ or ‘polite.’

Curelo – Courteous


Curt – Polite or courteous

Curtell – Curtell is a boy’s name meaning ‘courteous’ or ‘polite’ that comes from the English and Old French name Curtis.

Curtice – Curtice is a boy’s name meaning ‘courteous’ or ‘polite’ that derives from the English and Old French name Curtis.

Curtis – Derived from the French word curteis, meaning ‘courteous’. William the Conquerors eldest son was given this name, after it came to England via the Norman Conquest.

Curtiss – Curtiss is a boy’s name meaning ‘courteous’ or ‘polite’ that derives from the English and Old French name Curtis.

Curtys – Courteous

Curtyss – Courteous

Cuss – Harsh term

Cydney – Wide island

Cyprien – French variation of Cyprian, origin meaning man of Cyprus’, ‘from Cyprus’.


Cyrano – From Cyrene

Cyril – Master or Lord

Cyrille – French unisex form of Greek Kyrillos, meaning ‘lord.’

French boy names starting with D

D’Arcy – From Arcy

D’Artagnan – (pronounced dar-tan-yun): French habitational surname transferred to forename use, meaning ‘from Artagnan.’ This was the name of the hero of Alexandre Dumas’ novel The Three Musketeers. The French form of the name is d’Artagnan, the English form is D’Artagnan (capital ‘D’).

Dabnee – Dabnee is a boy’s name meaning ‘from Aubigny’ that is a variant of the Old French name Dabney.

Dabney – The name Dabney is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘from Aubigny’.

Dace – Southerner


Dacey – Southerner

Dacian – Southerner

Dacio – Dacio is a boy’s name meaning ‘of the nobility’ that is related to the French name Dace.

Dahril – From Airelle

Daine – From Denmark

Damiana – The one who tames

Damien – One who tames or subdues

Damien – French form of Latin Damianus, meaning ‘to tame, to subdue’ and euphemistically ‘to kill.’

Dandre – Brave, Manly

Danial – French variation of Daniel, origin meaning God is my judge’.

Daniel – God is my judge

Danrelle – New and fresh

Dantin – Name of a place, habitational


Danton – Danton as a boy’s name is pronounced dan-TONE, dan-TAHN, DAN-tun. It is of French origin. May mean ‘from Anton’, a place name, or may refer to an ancestor named Anthony.

Daral – From Airelle

Darall – From Airelle

Daralle – From Airelle

Darcel – From Arcy

Darcell – Fortress

Darcey – Dark

Darci – Dark

Darcie – Dark

Darcio – Darciois a boy’s name meaning ‘dark’ that is related to the French name Darcel.

Darcy – From the Arcy (Oise River) which flows into the Seine

Darcy – From Arcy


Dareau – Grove of oak tree

Darel – One from the Airelle, Lovely

Darele – From Airelle

Darell – Darell is a somewhat popular boy’s name.

Darelle – From Airelle


Dariel – Dariel is a boy’s name meaning ‘open’ or ‘from Airelle’ that is a variant of the Old English and Old French name Darrel.

Dariell – Dariell is a boy’s name meaning ‘open’ or ‘from Airelle’ that is a variant of the Old English and Old French name Darrel.

Daril – From Airelle

Darile – From Airelle

Darill – From Airelle

Darille – From Airelle

Darl – Beloved person

Darnell – Of Old French origin, used originally as a surname for people who grew a certain type of intoxitory grass called Darnell.

Darold – From Airelle, lord of the manor

Darral – Darral is a boy’s name meaning ‘open’ or ‘from Airelle’ that is a variant of the Old English and Old French name Darrel.

Darrel – Darrel means open and airy. It can also be used for girls.

Darrell – Variant of Darel, the name means open.

Darren – Strong as an Oak tree

Darrol – Darrol is a boy’s name meaning ‘open’ or ‘from Airelle’ that is a variant of the Old English and Old French name Darrel.

Darroll – Darroll is a boy’s name meaning ‘open’ or ‘from Airelle’ that is a variant of the Old English and Old French name Darrel.

Darry – Darry is a boy’s name meaning ‘open’ or ‘from Airelle’ that comes from the Old English and Old French name Darrel.

Darryl – Originally a surname refering to a place, meaning ‘from Airelle’, which is in France.

Darryll – Open minded

Dartagnan – From Artagnan, One of the main characters in Alexandre Dumas” novel The Three Musketeers.

Dartagnan – Dartagnan as a boy’s name is pronounced dar-TAN-yan. It is of Old French origin.

Darvell – Darvell as a boy’s name is pronounced dar-VEL. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Darvell is ‘town of eagles’.

Daryl – One which is open

Dash – One from Chiel

Dashiell – Dashiell is a version of the French surname Da Chiell.

Daumier – The name Daumier is a boy’s name of French origin.

Davenport – Davenport as a boy’s name is of Old French origin. The word is occasionally used as a term for a large sofa. Also a place name and an American surname.

Davet – Beloved

David – Beloved

Davide – French variation of David, origin meaning beloved’.

Davignon – Dearly loved person

Davin – Variant of David, loved and cherished, wanted.

Dawid – Greatest king of Israel, beloved

Dax – Geographical name, a town in the Gascony region of southwestern France dating from before the Roman occupation

Dax – Dax as a boy’s name is pronounced daks. It is of French origin. Place name, a town in southwestern France that dates from before the days of the Roman occupation.

Daxon – Variant of Dax, the name refers to a town in France.

Daxton – Daxton as a boy’s name is of French origin referring to the town of Dax in France.

Dayne – From Denmark

Debonnair – Debonnair is a boy’s name meaning ‘urbane’ or ‘nonchalant’ that comes from the French name Debonair.

Deforrest – Deforrest is an unpopular boy’s name.

Degare – From the medieval romance Sir Degare, probably from the French word egare, meaning ‘strayed, lost.’

Dejah – A fun loving person, pleasant one

Del – The one who is of the valley

Delaine – A growing individual, Alder tree

Delancey – A creative and unique individual

Delancy – One who grows out of Elder grove

Delane – A tall and handsome being, Elder tree

Delaney – Delaney has a definite surname feel to it, and sure enough, it was a last name turned into a first. The name was French, De Annou, and anglicized to Delaney. “Annou” was derived from “alder grove,” which was believed by ancient Celtics to have sacred nutritious properties and secret powers. Despite its appealing backstory, Delaney had a late start in the baby-name game. It wasn’t recognized until the early 1990s, reaching its peak just after the turn of the century.

Delani – Delani is a boy’s name meaning ‘from the alder grove’ that is related to the Old French name Delaney.

Delano – Surname of unclear origin, possibly from de la nuit meaning of the night

Delano – Delano as a boy’s name is of Old French origin. Surname possibly meaning ‘nighttime’ (de la nuit) or ‘nut tree’ (de la noix).

Delaynie – A dark challenger from the woods

Delmar – From the sea

Delmas – Person who lives in isolation

Delmer – One who resides near a sea

Delmon – Of the mountain

Delmont – Of the mountain

Delmore – The name Delmore is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘of the sea’.

Delray – Delray is a boy’s name meaning ‘the king’ that comes from the Frenh name Delroy.

Delrick – Delrick is a boy’s name meaning ‘the king’ that comes from the Frenh name Delroy.

Delrico – Delrico is a boy’s name meaning ‘the king’ that comes from the Frenh name Delroy.

Delroi – Delroi is a boy’s name meaning ‘the king’ that comes from the Frenh name Delroy.

Delron – Delron is a boy’s name meaning ‘the king’ that comes from the Frenh name Delroy.

Delroy – Of the king

Delroy – Delroy as a boy’s name is pronounced DEL-roy. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Delroy is ‘the king’.

Demetre – French variation of Demetrius, origin meaning follower of Demeter’.

Demont – One who is filled with desires, mountain

Demonte – Living near the top of a mountain

Denard – Short form of Bernard, creative being

Denes – French variation of Dennis.

Denijs – French variation of Dennis.

Denim – Cotton


Denis – French form of English Dennis, meaning ‘follower of Dionysos.’ Compare with another form of Denis.

Deniss – French variation of Dennis.

Dennes – One who is nourishing individual

Dennet – A loving an famous saint

Denney – French variation of Dennis.

Dennis – The name Dennis is a boy’s name of French origin.

Denver – Denver as a boy’s name is pronounced DEN-ver. It is of Old English and French origin, and the meaning of Denver is ‘green valley’.

Denys – French variation of Dennis.

Deodat – French form of Roman Latin Deodatus, meaning ‘given to God.’

Deon – God of wine

Deonte – A traveller who has a outstanding personality

Deor – A beloved baby, golden one

Derell – Derell is a boy’s name meaning ‘open’ or ‘from Airelle’ that is a variant of the Old English and Old French name Darrel.

Derrall – Derrall is a boy’s name meaning ‘open’ or ‘from Airelle’ that is a variant of the Old English and Old French name Darrel.

Derrel – Derrel is a boy’s name meaning ‘open’ or ‘from Airelle’ that is a variant of the Old English and Old French name Darrel.

Derrell – Derrell is a boy’s name meaning ‘open’ or ‘from Airelle’ that is a variant of the Old English and Old French name Darrel.

Derril – Derril is a boy’s name meaning ‘open’ or ‘from Airelle’ that is a variant of the Old English and Old French name Darrel.

Derrill – Darling or beloved

Deryl – Deryl is a boy’s name meaning ‘open’ or ‘from Airelle’ that is a variant of the Old English and Old French name Darrel.

Deryll – Deryll is a boy’s name meaning ‘open’ or ‘from Airelle’ that is a variant of the Old English and Old French name Darrel.

Descartes – The name Descartes is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘dweller at the outskirts of town’.

Desire – French name meaning ‘desired.’

Destan – Destan is a boy’s name meaning ‘destiny’ that comes from the French name Destin.

Destin – Destin as a boy’s name is pronounced DESS-tin, des-TEEN. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Destin is ‘destiny’.

Destine – Destiny

Deston – Deston as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘destiny’.

Destrey – Fate

Destrie – Fate

Destry – Destry as a boy’s name is pronounced DESS-tree. It is of English origin.

Devaux – Devaux is an unpopular boy’s name.

Deveral – Deveral is a boy’s name meaning ‘bank of the river’ that is a variant of the Old English and French name Deverell.

Deveraux – The name Deveraux is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘riverbank’.

Devere – The name Devere is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘of the fishing place’.


Devereau – Devereau is a boy’s name meaning ‘bank of the river’ that is a variant of the Old English and French name Deverell.


Devereaux – Devereaux is a boy’s name meaning ‘bank of the river’ that is a variant of the Old English and French name Deverell.

Deverel – Surname derived from place name

Deverel – Deverel is a boy’s name meaning ‘bank of the river’ that is a variant of the Old English and French name Deverell.


Deverell – Deverell as a boy’s name is pronounced DEV-er-al. It is of Old English and French origin, and the meaning of Deverell is ‘bank of the river’.

Devereux – French surname transferred to English forename use, meaning ‘from Evreux.’ Evreux is a commune of Normandy, France which got its name from the Eburovices, the name of a gallic tribe, meaning ‘those which overcome by the yew.’ Yew wood was used to make weapons: bows, arrows, spears, etc.

Deverick – Riverbank

Devery – Riverbank

Devin – Poet

Devine – Divine

Devry – Riverbank

Devyn – Divine

Diandre – A blend of Dion and Andre, heavenly flower

Didier – Didier as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Didier is ‘much-desired’. From Desideratus.

Dietbold – Bold and brave one

Dieudonne – French name meaning ‘god-given.’

Diggory – The name Diggory is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘Lost one’.

Dilan – One who is near the sea, healthy

Dillen – Faithful or loyal

Dillon – Faithful or loyal

Dimitri – Of the earth

Diodore – French form of Latin Diodorus, meaning ‘gift of Zeus.’


Dion – French name derived from Latin Dio, a short form of longer names of Greek origin beginning with Dio-, meaning ‘Zeus.’

Diondre – Manly


Dionte – God of wine

Dior – Golden, one who has a open heart

Disney – Coming from Isigny

Dix – Tenth

Dmonte – A person who is expressive,determined,diplomatic and of refined nature.

Do – A person who is independent,confident and has qualities like a leader.

Domenick – Lord

Domenique – It means someone who is unique and special


Dominique – French unisex form of Latin Dominicus, meaning ‘belongs to the lord.’

Donatien – French variation of Donato, origin meaning given by God’.

Dondre – God of wine

Dorsey – From the village of Arcy

Douger – A capable and mature person

Dougray – The name Dougray is a boy’s name of French origin.

Dozier – A willow tree, one who lives in a plantation,basket maker

Drago – Dragon

Dray – Dray is a boy’s name and a variant of the French name Andre.

Drazik – A serious and level headed person

Dre – Dre is a boy’s name and a variant of the French name Andre.

Drewry – Drewry is a boy’s name meaning ‘loved one’ that comes from the Old French name Drury.

Dru – Warrior, Wise, A person who is loved by all.

Drury – Drury as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Drury is ‘loved one’.

Drystan – Filled with sadness

Duboise – Duboise is an unpopular boy’s name.

Dubose – DuBose is an unpopular boy’s name.

Dumas – The name Dumas is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘of the little farm’.

Dumont – Dumont as a boy’s name is pronounced doo-MONT. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Dumont is ‘of the mountain’.

Dupre – Dupre is an unpopular boy’s name.

Dupree – Dupree is an unpopular boy’s name.

Duralabh – An enduring and compasionate person


Duran – A firm and enduring human being

Durand – Firm or enduring

Durango – Strong

Duranjaya – They are enduring and longlasting


Durant – Firm or enduring

Durante – Firm or enduring

Dureau – Dureau as a boy’s name is pronounced dur-ROW. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Dureau is ‘strong’.

Durell – Durell is a boy’s name meaning ‘strong’ that is related to the French name Dureau.

Duron – Strong

Durrant – Firm or enduring

Durrell – Durrell is a boy’s name meaning ‘strong’ that is related to the French name Dureau.

Duval – Duval is a boy’s name meaning ‘of the valley’. It comes from the French name Duvall.

Duvall – Duvall as a boy’s name is pronounced doo-VAL. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Duvall is ‘of the valley’.

D’Aubigne – From Albinus’ place

French boy names starting with E

Eadgar – French variation of Edgar, origin meaning wealthy spearman’.

Ed – A prosperous or wealthy guard and provides protection

Eddie – One who is rich in friendship, wealthy protector

Edgard – French form of Anglo-Saxon Eadgar, meaning ‘rich spear.’

Edmon – Prosperous protector


Edmond – French form of Anglo-Saxon Eadmund, meaning ‘protector of prosperity.’

Edmund – Prosperous protector

Edmundo – Prosperous protector

Edouard – French form of Latin Eduardus, meaning ‘guardian of prosperity.’


Eduard – Guardian of richess, one who spends

Eduardo – protector

Eduuard – Prosperous guardian, a perfect compannion

El – Derived from Eleanor

Elie – Old French form of Hebrew Eliyah, meaning ‘the Lord is my God.’

Eliot – The meaning of Eliot is ‘believes in God’ or ‘my God is Yahweh’.

Eliott – The Old French variant of the biblical name Eliyahu, meaning ‘my God is Yahweh’.


Elldrich – An aged and wise ruler, Sage

Elliot – English surname transferred to forename use, originally a Norman French diminutive form of Old French Elie, meaning ‘the Lord is my God.’

Elliotte – God


Eloi – French form of Latin Eligius, meaning ‘to choose.’

Elois – A brave and famous warrior

Eloy – French form of Latin Eligius, meaning ‘to choose.’

Elroi – Elroi as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Elroi is ‘the king’.

Elroy – Elroy as a boy’s name is pronounced EL-roy. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Elroy is ‘the king’.

Elroye – Elroye as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘the king’.

Emanual – this name means lord almighty be with us.

Emanuel – this name means god is with us.

Emaurri – Norman French form of German Emmerich, meaning ‘work-power.’

Emeril – The name Emeril is a boy’s name of French origin.

Emile – French variation of Emil, origin meaning rival’.

Emilien – The name Emilien is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘friendly’.

Emmanuel – Latin form of Greek Emmanouel, meaning ‘God is with us.’ In the Old Testament bible, this is the name of the promised Messiah as prophesied by Isaiah. In the New Testament, it is a name given to Christ by Matthew. In use by the English and French.

Emps – derived from the word emperor this name means a commander.

Eneas – French and Portuguese form of Latin Aeneas, meaning ‘praise.’

Erec – French form of German Erich, meaning ‘ever-ruler.’

Erek – a French word which means always mighty.

Erembourc – a French mythological character who rides shadows.

Eric – The name Eric is a boy’s name of Norse origin meaning ‘eternal ruler’.

Eriq – Eternal ruler

Ermenegilde – French form of Teutonic Ermingild, meaning ‘all-giving.’

Ernest – Sincere

Esclados – French Arthurian legend name of the first husband of Laudine, from Norman French escalogne, from Latin escalonia, meaning ‘from Ascalon,’ a seaport in southwestern Levant.

Esmae – French word meaning respected.

Esmay – Esmay as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name), is related to the French name Esmee. The meaning of Esmay is ‘esteemed’.

Esme – Old French unisex name meaning ‘esteemed, loved.’

Esmeling – Esmeling as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Esmeling is ‘esteemed’.

Esperance – hope.

Esperaunce – to dream or to hope.

Esprit – a French word meaning spirit.

Estienne – a French word meaning star or crowned.

Ethan – strong or gift of the island.

Etienne – Garland, crown

Etienne – The name Etienne is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘garland, crown’.

Etrit – a bright sparkling radiant star.

Eudes – Variant form of Norman French Eudo, meaning ‘child.’

Eudo – Norman French form of Scandinavian Eutha, meaning ‘child.’ This name and its variants are sometimes confused with Odo, Otto, and Audo.

Eudon – Variant spelling of Norman French Eudo, meaning ‘child.’

Eugene – The name Eugene is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘wellborn, noble’.

Eugenie – novility or high born individual.

Eustache – French variation of Eustace, origin meaning fruitful, productive’.

Evariste – French form of Latin Evaristus, meaning ‘well-pleasing.’

Everard – Norman French form of Old High German Eberhard, meaning ‘strong as a boar.’ This name replaced Anglo-Saxon Eoforheard after the Norman invasion and was used in England during the 12th and 13th centuries.

Evo – Evo as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Evo is ‘yew’.

Evrard – Variant spelling of Norman French Everard, meaning ‘strong as a boar.’

Ezechiel – Spanish variation of Ezekiel, origin meaning God strengthens’.

French boy names starting with F

Faber – An occupational name, for a person who is a smith

Fabien – French form of Latin Fabianus, meaning ‘like Fabius.’

Fabion – A bean growing Boy

Fabre – Fabre as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Fabre is ‘young blacksmith’.

Fabrice – From the Latin word for craftsman, one who works with his hands

Fabrice – French name derived from Roman Latin Fabricius, meaning ‘craftsman.’

Fabron – Fabron as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Fabron is ‘young blacksmith’.

Fabroni – Fabroni as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Fabroni is ‘young blacksmith’.

Fabyen – A man who is a bean farmer

Falcon – Falcon keeper

Falconner – Falcon keeper

Falkner – One who hunts with falcons

Farand – Farand as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘gray-haired’.

Faron – The name Faron is a boy’s name of French, English origin meaning ‘handsome servant’.

Farrand – Farrand as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Farrand is ‘gray-haired’.

Farrant – Farrant as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Farrant is ‘gray-haired’.

Farrin – Blacksmith

Fate – The name Fate is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘faith’.

Faulkner – Keeper of falcons

Favre – The name Favre is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘ironworker’.


Felicien – Happy

Felicien – French form of Roman Latin Felicianus, meaning ‘happy’ or ‘lucky.’

Felicite – French unisex form of Latin Felix, meaning ‘happy’ or ‘lucky.’

Felix – Happy

Felix – French form of Latin Felix, meaning ‘happy’ or ‘lucky.’

Ferdinand – A daring and brave journey

Ferench – Ferench is an unpopular boy’s name.

Fermin – The name Fermin is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘strong’.

Fernand – French form of Spanish Fernando, meaning ‘ardent for peace.’

Fernandu – French variation of Ferdinand, origin meaning bold voyager’.

Ferrand – Ferrand as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Ferrand is ‘gray-haired’.

Ferrant – Ferrant as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Ferrant is ‘gray-haired’.

Ferrante – French variation of Ferdinand, origin meaning bold voyager’.

Fiacre – French form of Irish Gaelic Fiachra, meaning ‘raven.’

Fidele – Variation of Fidelity.

Filibert – French form of German Filabert, meaning ‘very bright.’

Filimor – Norman French name composed of the Germanic elements filu ‘very’ and mari ‘famous,’ hence ‘very famous.’

Fiorentino – Fiorentino as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Fiorentino is ‘in flower’.

Firman – Firm or strong

Firmin – French name derived from Latin Firminus, meaning ‘firm, steadfast.’

Fitz – Fitz as a boy’s name is pronounced fits. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Fitz is ‘son of’.

Fitzgerald – Son of a powerful ruler

Fitzhugh – Son of Hugh

Fitzpatrick – Son of Patrick

Fitzroy – Fitzroy as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Fitzroy is ‘son of the king’.

Flavien – French variation of Flavian, origin meaning yellow hair’.

Flemming – From Flanders in Normandy

Fletcher – arrow maker

Fleur – An old French word for ‘flower’

Florence – English and French form of Latin Florentius, meaning ‘blossoming.’ Compare with another form of Florence.

Florent – Florent as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Florent is ‘in flower’.

Florentin – Florentin as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Florentin is ‘in flower’.

Florentino – Florentino as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Florentino is ‘in flower’.

Florentz – Florentz as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Florentz is ‘in flower’.

Florenz – Florenz as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Florenz is ‘in flower’.

Florian – Blooming or flowering

Florin – The name Florin is a boy’s name of French, Romanian origin meaning ‘flower, flourishing’.

Florinio – Florinio as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Florinio is ‘in flower’.

Florino – Florino as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Florino is ‘in flower’.

Florus – Florus as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Florus is ‘in flower’.

Folquet – Provencal form of French Foulques, meaning ‘people, tribe.’

Fontaine – It represents a fountain or jetspring

Fontana – Fontana as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Fontana is ‘fountain or water source’.

Fontane – Fontane as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Fontane is ‘fountain or water source’.

Fontayne – Fontayne as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Fontayne is ‘fountain or water source’.

Fonteyne – Fonteyne as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Fonteyne is ‘fountain or water source’.

Forest – Forest as a boy’s name is pronounced FOR-est. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Forest is ‘woodsman, woods’.

Forester – Forester as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Forester is ‘woodsman or woods’.

Forrest – Forrest as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Forrest is ‘woodsman or woods’.

Forrester – Forrester as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Forrester is ‘woodsman or woods’.

Forster – Forster as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Forster is ‘woodsman or woods’.

Fort – The name Fort is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘strong’.

Fortino – Fortino as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Fortino is ‘lucky’.

Fortun – French variation of Fortune, origin meaning luck, fate, wealth’.

Fortunato – Fortunato as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Fortunato is ‘lucky’.

Fortunatus – Fortunatus as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Fortunatus is ‘lucky’.

Fortune – Luck, fortune

Fortune – Fortunate or lucky

Fortunio – Fortunio as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Fortunio is ‘lucky’.

Fortuny – Fortuny as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Fortuny is ‘lucky’.

Foulques – French variation of Folke, origin meaning people’s guardian’.

Franc – French form of Latin Franciscus, meaning ‘French.’

Franchot – The name Franchot is a boy’s name of French origin.

Franck – Franck as a boy’s name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Franck is ‘from France or free one’. Franck is related to the German surname Frank.

Francois – French form of Latin Franciscus, meaning ‘French.’

Frank – Free or from France

Frankie – Free or from France

Franky – Free or from France

François – Free, a free man.

Fraser – French surname transferred to forename use, of Norman origin, but the derivation has been lost due to corruption of form by association with the French word fraise, meaning ‘strawberry.’ In English and Scottish use.

Frasier – A popular Scottish name yet the meaning comes from the Old French word for ‘strawberry’.

Frazer – Old French origin meaning strawberry. It is a variant of Fraser.

Frazier – A popular Scottish name yet the meaning comes from the Old French word for ‘strawberry’.

Frederic – Peaceful ruler

Frederic – The name Frederic is a boy’s name meaning ‘peaceful ruler’.

Freman – Free man

Fremont – Noble protector

Frenchy – Frenchy is not a popular boy’s name.

Frery – Middle French pet form of French Frederic, meaning ‘peaceful ruler.’

Fulbert – French form of German Filabert, meaning ‘very bright.’

French boy names starting with G

Gabin – The name Gabin is a boy’s name of French, Latin origin meaning ‘of Gabium’.

Gable – The name Gable is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘triangular feature in architecture’.

Gabriel – God is my strength

Gabriell – Heroine of God

Gace – Pledge

Gace – Pledge

Gael – Masculine form of French Gaelle, meaning ‘holy and generous.’

Gaetan – French form of Roman Latin Caietanus, meaning ‘from Caieta (Gaeta, Italy).’

Gage – Should Stephen King be credited for making Gage leap onto the name charts in 1989, the same year the movie version of “Pet Sematary” was released? Probably. Though the character Gage was a demonic toddler, parents of male babies weren’t scared off, giving the name to their innocent offspring beginning that year. Gage dates to the 14th century as an English surname with French origins and means someone who is a pledge or a money lender. It didn’t become a first name until modern times.

Gahariet – French form of Celtic Gahareet, meaning ‘old.’ In Arthurian legend, this is the name of a Knight of the Round Table, a son of King Lot of Orkney. He was brother to Agravaine, Gareth, Gawaine, and half-brother to Mordred. He was squire to Gawaine before being knighted and is noted for being very good at moderating Gawain’s fiery temper. He murdered his own mother, Morgause, after catching her in flagrante with young Lamorak.

Gaige – Gaige as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Gaige is ‘pledge or oath’.

Gaillard – High-spirited, French surname rarely used as a first name

Gais – The one who is pleased and cheerful.

Galant – A dashing, cheerful and courageous person

Galehot – Perhaps the French equivalent of English Galahad, a form of Hebrew Gilad, meaning ‘hard, stony region.’ In Arthurian legend, this is the name of a Knight of the Round Table who was called ‘Lord of the Remote Islands.’

Galfrid – The concord of God.

Gallard – Gallard as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘lively and high-spirited’.

Galliard – Galliard as a boy’s name is of Middle English and Old French origin meaning ‘lively and high-spirited’.

Garan – Guards or guardian

Gard – Keeper of the garden

Gardiner – Keeper of the garden

Gardner – Keeper of the garden

Garen – French – Guardian, Guards, Son of Gary, A Spearman, A variant of Garron

Garin – Mighty with a spear

Garion – A form or similar to Garry

Garlan – Garlan as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin meaning ‘land of the spear’.

Garland – Old French unisex name meaning ‘garland, wreath.’ Compare with another form of Garland.

Garlen – Garlen as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Garlen is ‘land of the spear, wreath, or prize’.

Garlend – Garlend as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Garlend is ‘land of the spear, wreath, or prize’.

Garlin – Garlin as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin meaning ‘land of the spear’.

Garlind – Garlind as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Garlind is ‘land of the spear, wreath, or prize’.

Garllan – Garllan as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin meaning ‘land of the spear’.

Garlyn – Garlyn as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Garlyn is ‘land of the spear, wreath, or prize’.

Garnell – The one who keeps a part of his surname as his name.

Garner – Keeper of grain, surname used as a first name

Garner – Sentry

Garnet – A person who makes door hinges

Garnett – Garnett as a boy’s name is pronounced GAR-net, gar-NET. It is of Old French and Old English origin, and the meaning of Garnett is ‘spear, red like a pomegranate’.

Garon – Mighty with a spear

Garren – Mighty with a spear

Garrin – Meaning similar to Garry

Garron – Mighty with a spear

Garson – The name Garson is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘to protect’.

Gascon – Gascon as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Gascon is ‘man from Gascony’.

Gaspar – Treasurer

Gaspard – French variation of Caspar, origin meaning keeper of the treasure’, ‘treasurer’.

Gaston – Gaston as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Gaston is ‘man from Gascony’.

Gauge – A secret-keeper, confidante, someone to confide in.

Gaultier – French – Ruler of the army, People of Power, Army of Power, Strong Ruler, A derivative name is Gault

Gauther – French variation of Walter, origin meaning army ruler’.

Gauthier – The name Gauthier is a boy’s name of French origin, meaning army ruler’.

Gautier – Old French name derived from Old High German Walther, meaning ‘ruler of the army.’

Gauvain – Norman French form of Middle English Gawain, meaning either ‘May hawk’ or ‘white hawk.’


Gayelord – Gayelord as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Gayelord is ‘lively or high-spirited’.

Gayler – Gayler as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Gayler is ‘lively or high-spirited’.

Gaylor – Gaylor as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Gaylor is ‘lively or high-spirited’.

Gaylord – Gaylord as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Gaylord is ‘lively, high-spirited’.

Geffrey – Peaceful

Gelett – Gelett as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Gelett is ‘young Gilbert’.

Gelette – Gelette as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Gelette is ‘young Gilbert’.

Genevieve – This very French name has a lovely soft sound (GEN-uh-veeve) and a long history. In the fifth century, young Genevieve was a faithful Christian who became a nun in Paris. Through prayer and belief in God, she protected the city against Attila the Hun and his army. Today St. Genevieve is known as the patroness of Paris. The name was a hit in the early 19th century but dropped out of favor midcentury. It’s back and climbing the charts.

Genilles – One who is having moral and well mannered behaviours.

Gentry – Of noble birth, a gentleman

Geoff – Peaceful

Geoffrey – The name Geoffrey is a boy’s name of French, Anglo-Saxon origin meaning ‘pledge of peace’.

Geoffroi – Peaceful. See also Jeffrey.

Geoffroi – French variation of Geoffrey, origin meaning pledge of peace’, ‘pledge of peace’.

Geoffroy – French variation of Jeffrey, origin meaning pledge of peace’.

Georges – French form of Latin Georgius, meaning ‘earth-worker, farmer.’

Georgette – The person who works with soil, seeds and plants.

Gerald – The name Gerald is a boy’s name of English origin meaning ‘ruler with the spear’.

Gerard – The name Gerard is a boy’s name of English origin meaning ‘spear strength’.

Geraud – French form of German Gairovald, meaning ‘spear ruler.’

Germain – The name Germain is a boy’s name of French, Latin origin meaning ‘from Germany’.


German – From Germany

Germano – German

Geron – Mighty with a spear

Gerrard – One who is mighty with a spear

Gervais – French variation of Gervaise, origin meaning skilled with a spear’.

Gervaise – Norman French form of Latin Gervasius, meaning ‘spear servant.’

Gervas – Spear

Gervase – Spear

Gervasio – Spear

Gerwazy – Teutonic – Warrior, Old French – Spear, A variant form of Gervaise.

Ghislain – One who is a hostage, a pledged one

Gib – Gib as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Gib is ‘bright promise’.

Gibb – Gibb as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Gibby is ‘son of Gilbert or bright promise’.

Gibbon – Gibbon is a male name with both French and Irish origins. In French the name means Friend with a Gift.

Gifferd – The meaning of the name Gifferd is Plump-faced. It originates from Old French and is a masculine, Boy name.

Gifford – Gift of bravery


Gil – Shield bearer

Gilberd – Gilberd is a variation of the name Gilbert and means Bright Pledge, Shining Pledge. It is a male name of French and Germanic origin.


Gilbert – Gilbert means Shining Pledge or Bright Pledge. It is a male name of French and Germanic origins that is also used as a surname.

Gilberto – Gilberto as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Gilberto is ‘bright promise’.

Gilburt – Gilburt is a boy’s name meaning ‘bright promise’ that is related to the Old French name Gilbert.

Gilebert – Old French name derived from Latin Gilebertus, meaning ‘pledge-bright.’

Gilen – Vow, oath

Gill – Gill is a male name of French origins. Gill means Joy, Gladness.

Gille – Gille is a male name of French and Gaelic origins and means Youthful, Young.

Gilles – French name derived from Late Latin ?gidius, meaning ‘shield of goatskin.’

Gillespie – Gillespie is a male name. It means the Bishop’s servant and comes from Gaelic origin.

Gillett – Gillett as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Gillett is ‘young Gilbert’.

Gillette – Gillette as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Gillette is ‘young Gilbert’.

Gillis – Gillis is a Duch verion of the French name Giles.Means Vow, Hostage.

Giraud – French variation of Gerald, origin meaning ruler with the spear’.

Girauld – French variation of Gerald, origin meaning ruler with the spear’.

Gisbert – French form of Old High German Gisilbert, meaning ‘pledge-bright.’

Giselbert – Giselbert as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Giselbert is ‘bright promise’.

Giselberto – Giselberto as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Giselberto is ‘bright promise’.

Giselbertus – Giselbertus as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Giselbertus is ‘bright promise’.

Glanville – Glanville as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Glanville is ‘settlement of oak trees’.

Godard – Norman French form of Old High German Godehard, meaning ‘god-strong.’

Goddard – Later form of Norman French Godard, meaning ‘god-strong.’ Compare with another form of Goddard.

Godefrei – Norman French form of Old High German Godafrid, meaning ‘God’s peace.’

Godefrey – Variant spelling of Norman French Godefrei, meaning ‘God’s peace.’

Godefroi – French variation of Godfrey, origin meaning God’s peace’.

Godelot – a person who loves to be in peace, a peace of god

Gorlois – French Arthurian legend name of Igraine’s first husband, the Duke of Cornwall, before she married Uther Pendragon. The name may have been derived from Gorlassar, an Old Welsh epithet belonging to Uther, possibly meaning ‘above the blue’ or ‘higher than the sky.’

Gosse – Old French form of German Gozzo, meaning ‘good’ or ‘god.’

Gouen – Gouen is a sirname which is normaly used in french or Scottish family.

Grainger – Grainger as a boy’s name is of Middle French origin, and the meaning of Grainger is ‘farmer’.

Grand – Tall, large

Grandin – They are independent, friendly and easily approachable. They are always happy to keep happiness for others.

Grange – Grange as a boy’s name is of Middle French origin, and the meaning of Grange is ‘farmer’.

Granger – Farmer, surname, Grange organizations have served US rural agricultural communities for almost 150 years, providing not only farming resources, but also social and educational opportunities.

Granger – Granger as a boy’s name is of Middle French origin, and the meaning of Granger is ‘farmer’.

Grant – Great or bestow, a surname that increased in popularity as a first name due to Civil War general and President Ulysses S. Grant

Grant – From the Old French meaning ‘great’, ‘Grant’ is predominantly used in the English and Scottish languages

Grantham – Tall, large

Grantleah – Tall, large

Grantley – Tall, large

Grantli – Tall, large

Granvil – Granvil is a boy’s name meaning ‘big town’ that comes from the Old French name Granville.

Granvile – Granvile is a boy’s name meaning ‘big town’ that comes from the Old French name Granville.

Granvill – Granvill is a boy’s name meaning ‘big town’ that comes from the Old French name Granville.

Granville – Great or large town, surname used as a first name

Granville – Granville as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Granville is ‘big town’.

Gratien – French form of Roman Latin Gratian, meaning ‘pleasing, agreeable.’

Gregoire – Norman French form of Latin Gregorius, meaning ‘watchful, vigilant.’

Gregory – French Provencal form of Latin Gregorius, meaning ‘watchful, vigilant.’

Grenier – They have independent,positive and determind personality.They love to serve humanity.

Grenville – Grenville as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Grenville is ‘big town’.

Grevill – Grevill as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘settlement’.

Greville – Greville as a boy’s name is of Old French origin. Place name.

Gringolet – French Arthurian Legend name probably meaning either ‘white-hardy’ or ‘handsome-hardy.’ This was the name of Sir Gawain’s horse, famous for his ability in combat. He first appears in Chretien de Troyes’s Erec and Enide where he is borrowed by Sir Kay for a joust against Sir Erec.

Grosveneur – Grosveneur as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Grosveneur is ‘great hunter’.

Grosvenor – French surname transferred to forename use, composed of the Anglo-Norman French elements gros ‘chief, great’ and veneur ‘hunter,’ hence ‘chief hunter’ or ‘great hunter.’

Grue – French variation of Crane, origin meaning crane’.

Guarin – Guarin is a strictfull personality with impatient of rather forceful character.

Guarinot – Pet form of French Guarin, meaning ‘protection, shelter.’

Guatimozin – Guatimozin is a variation of Cuauhtemotzin.

Gudval – They love to systamized things like science,math and computer.They love eating and feeling pleasuer in traveling.

Guerrant – Guerrant as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Guerrant is ‘fighting, at war’.

Gui – Gomati are self-centered and dominated persons. They are blunt and preffered to work and live alone.

Guido – Professional guide

Guifford – Bold giver

Guilbert – Guilbert as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Guilbert is ‘bright promise’.

Guillaume – The name Guillaume is a boy’s name of French origin, meaning resolute protection’.

Guillelmus – A fearless defender who can do anything to protect his beloved.

Guillem – A fearless defender who can do anything to protect his beloved.

Gul – Pet form of French Guillaume, meaning ‘will-helmet.’

Gulliver – Covetous or acquisitive person


Gustav – Gustav means the royal staff or the servants of king.

Gustave – French form of Latin Gustavus, meaning ‘meditation staff.’

Gustavo – Gustavo means the royal staff or the servants of king.

Gustavus – Gustavus means the royal staff or the servants of king.

Gustaw – Gustaw means the royal staff or the servants of king.

Gusztav – Gusztav means the royal staff or the servants of king.

Guthlac – Guthlic was the name of an ancient saint of Christianitys.

Guy – Guide

Guy – Variant form of Norman French Gy, a derivative of Latin Wido, meaning ‘wide.’ This name was popular until 1605 when Guy Fawkes tried to blow up Parliament after which it acquired the negative connotation ‘grotesque man.’ In Arthurian legend, this is the name of a son of Bevis of Hamptoun. In use by the English.

Guzman – Guz means god and man means a person o man, Guzman means the man of god.

Gwenael – French name composed of the Breton elements gwenn ‘fair, holy, white’ and hael ‘generous,’ hence ‘holy and generous.’

Gy – Norman French name derived from the medieval Latin name Wido, meaning ‘wide.’

Gysbert – Variant spelling of French Gisbert, meaning ‘pledge-bright.’

French boy names starting with H

Hadrien – The name Hadrien is a boy’s name of French, Latin origin.

Halbert – One who carries the halberd, a weapon

Hamblin – Variant spelling of Norman French Hamlin, meaning ‘tiny little home.’

Hamelet – Old French diminutive form of the German word hamel (‘little village’), a diminutive of ham ‘village,’ hence ‘tiny little village.’

Hamelin – Variant spelling of Norman French Hamlin, meaning ‘tiny little home.’

Hamilton – Proud home

Hamlet – Little village, Shakespeare”s protagonist in Hamlet speaks some of the most famous lines ever written for the stage, including, ‘To be, or not to be.’

Hamlin – Norman French double diminutive form of German Haimo (‘home’), meaning ‘tiny little home.’

Hammett – Son of Hamo

Hamnet – Diminutive form of Norman French Hamon ‘home,’ hence ‘little home.’ This was the name of Shakespeare’s son who died at age eleven. The names Hamnet and Hamlet seem to have been interchangeable in Shakespeare’s time.

Hamon – Old Norman French form of German Heimo meaning ‘home.’

Harbin – Celebrated soldier, Glorious warrior

Harcourt – From the fortified farm, surname used as first name

Harcourt – Harcourt as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Harcourt is ‘fortified farm’.

Hardouin – Name of a count

Harland – Meadow of the hares

Harlequin – Mute Pantomime Clown

Harman – Harman as a boy’s name is pronounced HAR-man. It is of French origin.

Harmann – Harmann as a boy’s name is of French and Old German origin, and the meaning of Harmann is ‘soldier’. Harmann is related to the German surname Harman.

Harmen – Harmen as a boy’s name is of French and Old German origin, and the meaning of Harmen is ‘soldier’. Harmen is related to the German surname Harman.


Harmon – Noble

Harmonn – Harmonn as a boy’s name is of French and Old German origin, and the meaning of Harmonn is ‘soldier’.

Harv – Harv as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Harv is ‘eager for battle or strong and worthy’.

Harve – Harve as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Harve is ‘eager for battle or strong and worthy’.

Harvee – Harvee as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Harvee is ‘eager for battle or strong and worthy’.

Harvey – Eager for battle, based on the Old German name Herewig

Harvey – Harvey as a boy’s name is pronounced HAR-vee. It is of Old English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Harvey is ‘eager for battle, strong and worthy’.

Harvie – Harvie as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Harvie is ‘eager for battle or strong and worthy’.

Harvy – Harvy as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Harvy is ‘eager for battle or strong and worthy’.

Haye – hedge

Hazard – Hazard as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Hazard is ‘chance, luck’.

Hazzard – Hazzard as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Hazzard is ‘chance or luck’.

Hebert – French variation of Herbert, origin meaning bright army’.

Heinrich – Home ruler

Hellmut – Hellmut as a boy’s name is of Middle French origin, and the meaning of Hellmut is ‘helmet’.

Hellmuth – Hellmuth as a boy’s name is of Middle French origin, and the meaning of Hellmuth is ‘helmet’.

Helmut – Helmut as a boy’s name is of Middle French origin, and the meaning of Helmut is ‘helmet’.

Henri – Variant of English Henry Rules his household.

Henri – French form of Latin Henricus, meaning ‘home-ruler.’ Compare with another form of Henri.

Henry – Ruler of the enclosure


Herbert – Illustrious warrior

Hercule – French variation of Hercules, origin meaning glory of Hera’.

Heresa – Catch or take something, to harvest

Herluin – Norman French name composed of the Germanic elements erl ‘nobleman, warrior’ and wini ‘friend,’ hence ‘noble friend’ or ‘noble warrior.’

Herv – Herv as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Herv is ‘eager for battle or strong and worthy’.

Herve – Herve as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Herve is ‘eager for battle or strong and worthy’.

Hervey – Hervey as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Hervey is ‘eager for battle or strong and worthy’.

Hewet – Hewet as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Hewet is ‘intellect’. Hewet is related to the Old French surname Hewett.

Hewett – Hewett as a boy’s name is of Old French origin. Also possibly a diminutive of Hugh (German) ‘small intelligent one’.

Hewie – Hewie as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Hewie is ‘intellect’. Hewie is related to the Old French surname Hewett.


Hewitt – Hewitt as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Hewitt is ‘intellect’. Hewitt is related to the Old French surname Hewett.

Hewlett – Hewlett as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Hewlett is ‘intellect’. Hewlett is related to the Old French surname Hewett.

Hewlitt – Hewlitt as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Hewlitt is ‘intellect’. Hewlitt is related to the Old French surname Hewett.

Hilaire – French name derived from of Latin Hilarius, meaning ‘joyful, happy.’

Hippolyte – The name Hippolyte is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘he who frees horses’.

Hmidou – A French male name of lost meaning

Holland – Place name as another name for the Netherlands, surname

Holly – Plant With Red Berries

Honore – French form of Latin Honorus, meaning ‘honor, valor.’

Horace – English and French form of Roman Latin Horatius, meaning ‘has good eyesight.’

Hrodger – Norman French form of Old High German Hrodgar, meaning ‘famous spear.’

Hubert – Old French form of Latin Hubertus, meaning ‘bright heart/mind/spirit.’

Hugh – Bright mind

Hugo – intelligence

Hugon – Old form of French Hugues, meaning ‘heart,’ ‘mind,’ or ‘spirit.’

Hugues – Intelligent

Hugues – French name of Germanic origin, derived from the element hug, meaning ‘heart,’ ‘mind,’ or ‘spirit.’

Hyacinthe – Hyacinth

Hyacinthos – Hyacinthos as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Hyacinthos is ‘hyacinth’.

Hyacinthus – Hyacinthus as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Hyacinthus is ‘hyacinth’.

Hyakinthos – Hyakinthos as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Hyakinthos is ‘hyacinth’.

French boy names starting with I

Ignace – Fiery

Ignace – French form of Latin Ignatius, possibly meaning ‘unknowing.’

Ilbert – Norman French form of German Hilbert, meaning ‘battle-bright.’

Irene – French form of Latin Ireneus, meaning ‘peaceful.’

Isaak – Laughter

Isai – The name Isai is a boy’s name . origin meaning wealthy’ or ‘gift’.

Isaie – French form of Latin Isaias, meaning ‘God is salvation.’

Isidore – Gift of Isis

Ismael – The name Ismael is a boy’s name of Spanish origin, meaning God will hear’.

Ismail – Arabic variation of Ishmael, origin meaning God will hear’.

Ismay – Ismay as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Ismay is ‘esteemed’.

Isme – Isme as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name), is related to the French name Esmee. The meaning of Isme is ‘esteemed’.

Ivair – Ivair as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Ivair is ‘yew’.

Ive – Ive as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Ive is ‘yew’.

Iven – Iven as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Iven is ‘yew’.

Ives – Ives is a boy’s name meaning ‘yew’ that is a variant of the French names Ivo and Yves.

Ivo – Ivo as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Ivo is ‘yew’.

Ivon – Variant spelling of French Yvon, meaning ‘yew tree.’ Used in Germany and infrequently by the English.

Iwo – Iwo as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Iwo is ‘yew’.

French boy names starting with J

Jacari – Jacari is a variant of the French verb jacore meaning ‘playful’ or ‘to perform.’

Jacinth – One who grows hyacinth flowers

Jackie – form of JACQUELINE, feminine of Jacques, French form of Jacob: one who supplants



Jacque – French variation of James, origin meaning supplanter’, ‘supplanter’.

Jacquelin – French form of Jacob

Jacquelin – Supplanter

Jacques – Supplanter

Jacques – The French version of the name Jack, itself a form of Jacob. Meaning ‘God will protect’ or ‘God is merciful’.


Jade – Hebrew – Thankful, Jade is Green Gemstone, A pet form of name Jadon


Jamarie – Warrior

James – Middle English and Old French vernacular form of Late Latin Jacomus, from Greek Iakobos, meaning ‘supplanter.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of several characters, including two apostles and a half-brother of Jesus.

Jannick – God is gracious

Janvier – One who is born in January

Jaq – Jaq as a boy’s name is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Jaq is ‘God is gracious’.

Jaques – Jaques as a boy’s name is related to the French name Jacques. The meaning of Jaques is ‘supplanter’.

Jardine – Jardine as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Jardine is ‘garden’.

Jarrett – Form of JARED. one who rules

Jarvis – Of Old French origin meaning ‘spear’ derived from the element ger.

Jaspa – Bearer of treasure

Jasper – Ornamental stone, brown, beige or red in color, also a variant of Caspar

Jasper – Treasurer

Javier – Owner of a new house

Jay – Blue jay

Jaye – Blue jay

Jean – Variant of John. Jean is sometimes hyphenated with a second name and the French pronunciation may be used as in Jean-Luc and Jean-Paul

Jean Baptiste – French form of John the Baptist

Jean-Baptiste – French compound name composed of Jean ‘God is gracious’ and Baptiste ‘baptist.’

Jean-Charles – God is merciful, God is Gracious

Jean-Luc – Person comes from Lucania or God is full of mercy.

Jean-Pierre – God is merciful, God is Gracious

Jean – A derivative of Anglo-Norman French Jehan, meaning ‘God is gracious.’ Compare with feminine Jean.

Jeannot – Pet form of French Jean, meaning ‘God is gracious.’

Jeffrey – Peaceful

Jeffrey – Divinely peaceful

Jeffroi – French variation of Jeffrey, origin meaning pledge of peace’.

Jehan – Old French form of Latin Johan, meaning ‘God is gracious.’

Jenner – Cunning or ingenious

Jeoffroi – French variation of Jeffrey, origin meaning pledge of peace’.

Jerard – Jerard as a boy’s name is pronounced je-RARD. It is of French origin.

Jerardo – Jerardo as a boy’s name is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Jerardo is ‘spear brave’.

Jereme – French variation of Jerome, origin meaning sacred name’.

Jeremie – French form of Greek Ieremias, meaning ‘Jehovah casts forth’ or ‘Jehovah hurls.’


Jerome – Rejoicing

Jerome – The name Jerome is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘sacred name’.

Jerrard – Jerrard as a boy’s name is of German and French origin, and the meaning of Jerrard is ‘spear or brave’.

Jesper – Jasperstone a nourishing, warm and protective stone

Jet – Jet is a very dark brown or black gemstone, as well as a very fast plane. Some parents like the slick, quick idea of Jet.

Jeter – The name Jeter is a boy’s name of German, French origin.

Jewel – Precious stone

Joanna – Could the extremely popular “Fixer Upper” star Joanna Gaines have anything to do with this first name’s on-the-rise popularity? Maybe so. This baby name, the feminine form of John, dates to the Middle Ages, but it’s been in consistent use at least since the 19th century and a top 100 name in the 1980s. It’s easy to see why: Joanna has a gentle, romantic sound, and it’s not trendy or flowery. And sometimes parents do play favorites: Joanna is far more common than sisters Joanne and Johanna.

Jocelyn – Transferred surname derived from the Germanic name Gautelen, which comes from the name of a Germanic tribe, the Gauts

Jocelyn – Joyous

Joel – French form of Greek Ioel (Hebrew Yowel), meaning ‘Jehovah is God’ or ‘to whom Jehovah is God.’

John-Paul – Gift of God and small


Johnn – God is gracious

Johnnie – God is gracious

Johnny – God is gracious

Johnson – Son of John

Jolie – Pretty

Jon – Jon as a boy’s name is pronounced jahn. It is of English origin.

Jonatha – they are very moody and have best skills of communication. They easily encourage and motivate others with their speaking skills.

Jonn – God is gracious

Jonnie – God is gracious

Jorden – The name Jorden is a boy’s name of French origin.


Jordon – French variation of Jordan, origin meaning flowing down’.

Jori – French Provencal form of Latin Georgius, meaning ‘earth-worker, farmer.’

Josce – Norman French form of Latin Jodocus, meaning ‘lord.’

Joscelin – Norman French form of Old High German Gautelen, meaning ‘Gaut.’

Joseph – Hebrew – Yahweh will add, God will Multiply, Derived from the element ‘yacaph’ meaning to add, to increase

Josephe – May God give increase, French form of Joseph

Josse – Lord

Josue – French and Spanish form of Hebrew Yehowshuwa, meaning ‘God is salvation.’

Jourdain – French variation of Jordan, origin meaning flowing down’.

Jourdaine – They are inventive, ceative and reflective people. Such people maintain the balance in their life.


Jourdan – To flow down or descend

Jourdon – Jourdon are courageous, honest, creative, innovent and brilliant persons. They have leadership qualities.

Journee – Journee are benevolent and creative. They are always looking for the opportunities to sho wtheir abilities.

Journey – Journey are benevolent and creative. They are always looking for the opportunities to show their abilities.

Jovan – They are sensative, refined and intelligent persons. They enjoy their life and keep happy others.

Jovany – A variant of John meaning ‘God is gracious and merciful.’ The name John is represented in nearly every language with over 175 variants.

Joy – Rejoicing

Juibert – A variation of the name ‘Joubert’.

Jules – Youthful

Jules – French form of Roman Latin Julius, meaning ‘descended from Jupiter (Jove).’ In use by the English.

Julian – Downy bearded or youthful

Julien – Jove”s child.

Julien – French form of Roman Latin Julianus, meaning ‘descended from Jupiter (Jove).’

Julius – Downy bearded or youthful

Jullien – Downy bearded or youthful

Juneau – Juneau means Young in French

Jupiter – Light, Diety, Father, The name was borne in Roman mythology by Jupiter, the supreme god

Juste – Just, lawful, fair

Juste – French variation of Justice, origin meaning fair, righteous’.

Justice – Morally right

Justin – Just


Justise – Justice

Justyce – Justice

French boy names starting with K

Kaarle – Kaarle means Strong

Kaarlo – The name means The Strong One

Kadyn – Variant of Caden, sweet and joyful boy, happy and content.

Kaidyn – Variant of Caden, sweet and joyful boy, happy and content.

Kalle – Kalle name means Strong and Manly

Kalman – Kalman means Strong and Masculine

Kalvin – Derived from the English name Calvin, meaning ‘little bald one’.

Kanon – Kanon as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘official of the church’.

Karcsi – Karcsi means Strong and Masculine Man

Karel – Karel name means Strong, Manly, Masculine

Kari – As a female name Kari means Black haired one in Gaelic, or Nordic Free Woman. Male version of the name means Strong in French and Tremenduos in Scandinavian

Karl – Farmer

Karlens – Karlens means Strong and Masculine

Karlis – Karlis means Strong and Masculine

Karlitis – Strong and manly

Karoly – Strong and manly

Kasim – French variation of Qasim, origin meaning charitable, generous’.

Kayde – Kayde as a boy’s name is of Old English and Old French origin meaning ’round or lumpish’.

Keandre – Virile, manly

Kerman – From Germany

Kirtis – A spelling variant of the name Curtis, meaning ‘courtley’ or ‘courteous’. May also derive from the Old English term for ‘leggings’.

Korben – Korben is dervied from the word ‘corbeau’ which has a French meaning of ‘raven’.

Korbin – Korbin means Bird Raven

Korbyn – Korbyn name means Raven

Kota – Kota means River Bank

Kurtis – Kurtis as a boy’s name is pronounced KER-tiss. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Kurtis is ‘courtier’.

Kurtiss – Kurtiss is a boy’s name that comes from the French name Kurtis. It means ‘courtier’.

Kurtys – Courteous

Kurtyss – Courteous

French boy names starting with L

L’Angley – Englishman

Labron – Labron as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Labron is ‘brown-haired’.

Labrun – Labrun as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Labrun is ‘brown-haired’.

Lac – Lac comes from a town name in Normandy

Lacey – Person from Normandy

Lacrosse – Lacrosse as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Lacrosse is ‘the cross’.

Lafayette – This is a surname used as first name, At the age of 20, the French nobleman Marquis de Lafayette fought for four years in the American Revolution.

Lafayette – Lafayette as a boy’s name is pronounced lah-fay-ETT. It is of French origin. May derive from ‘foi’, meaning ‘faith’.

Lamar – Of the sea

Lamar – Belonging to the sea

Lamarr – Of the sea

Lamarr – From the french word ‘la mer’ that means the Sea


Lammert – Low German form of Germanic Landebert, meaning ‘land-bright.’ In use by the Dutch and French.

Lance – Assistant

Lance – Lance as a boy’s name is pronounced lance. It is of French origin. From Lanzo (Old German) ‘land’, nickname of Lancelot.

Lancelin – The one who serves, servant

Lancelot – Assistant, Sir Lancelot was one of King Arthur”s greatest and bravest knights in the legends of the Round Table. The scandal that followed his love affair with Queen Guenevere, the king”s wife, led to his downfall.

Lancelot – Norman French Arthurian legend name of the bravest Knight of the Round Table who betrayed King Arthur by having an affair with Queen Guinevere. The name is probably a diminutive form of Lance (‘land’) or the word lance (the weapon), meaning either ‘little land’ or ‘little lance.’

Landaine – A long hill or a ridge, refers to london

Landers – Landowner

Landis – From the grassy plain

Landis – People from the green plains

Landrey – He who is a powerful ruler

Landry – Ruler

Landy – Ruler with great power

Lanfranc – A speaker, who speaks wisely

Langley – Englishman, man who comes from England

Lanier – Lanier as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Lanier is ‘woolworker’.

Lannie – Legendary Lands, the name is an abbrevation of the French Hero Roland

Lanny – The Lands that are Legendary and Famous

Lantz – Lantz as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Lantz is ‘land or servant’.

Laramie – A place name and transferred surname, Laramie is a town in Wyoming named for the nineteenth-century French fur trapper Jacques Laramie.

Laramie – The name Laramie is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘canopy of leafy boughs’.

Larimore – Larimore as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Larimore is ‘armorer’.

Larmor – Larmor as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Larmor is ‘armorer’.

Laron – The one who steals, a thief

Larrimore – Larrimore as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Larrimore is ‘armorer’.

Larue – Street, surname used as first name

Larue – One with a flaming-red hair

Lasalle – Lasalle as a boy’s name is pronounced la-SAL. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Lasalle is ‘the hall’.

Lasimonne – French variation of Solomon, origin meaning peace’.

Lasonne – A place name from La Sonne in France

Latimer – Interpreter

Lattimer – Interpreter or Latin speaker

Launce – Launce as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Launce is ‘land or servant’.

Launcelot – Launcelot as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Launcelot is ‘servant’.

Laur – Bay laurel tree

Laurent – The name Laurent is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘of Laurentium’.

Laurentin – French form of Roman Latin Laurentinus, meaning ‘of Laurentum.’

Laurtne – He who came from the place with Laurel treees

Lavelle – Valley

Laver – An action of cleaning, washing something

Lavern – A land of trees, Woodland

Laverne – Alder tree

Lawrence – City of laurels

Lazare – The name Lazare is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘God is my helper’.

Leal – Faithful or loyal

Leandre – The name Leandre is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘lion-man’.

Leavold – Songs of the Vire Valley

Lebaron – The warrior

Lebeau – The hansome one, beautiful Boy

Lebron – Lebron as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Lebron is ‘brown-haired’.

Lebrun – Lebrun as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Lebrun is ‘brown-haired’.

Leeroy – The king.

Leeroy – Leeroy as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Leeroy is ‘the king’.

Legate – Legate as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Legate is ‘one who is sent or delegate’.

Leger – French form of German Luitger, meaning ‘people-spear.’

Legget – Delegate

Leggett – Leggett as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Leggett is ‘one who is sent, delegate’.

Leggitt – Leggitt as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Leggitt is ‘one who is sent or delegate’.

Lemar – French variation of Lamar, origin meaning dweller by a pool’.

Lemarr – He who belongs to The Sea

Lemoine – French surname transferred to English forename use, derived from the Old French word moine, meaning ‘monk.’


Lenard – He who has the Blood of the Lion

Lennard – Bold like a lion

Leo – Latin word meaning lion

Leocadie – French version of the name Leonard, means lion

Leodegrance – Surname used as first name, a name for Guinevere”s father in Arthurian legend

Leodegrance – French version of the name meaning lion

Leolin – French form of Welsh Llywelyn, meaning ‘oath of Belenus.’

Leon – Lion. The lion is a figure in art and religious symbolism of many cultures, symbolizing kingliness and grandeur and courage.

Leon – The name Leon is a boy’s name of German, Greek origin meaning ‘lion’.


Leonard – French form of German Leonhard, meaning ‘lion-strong.’

Leonce – Lion

Leonce – French form of Latin Leontius, meaning ‘lion-like.’

Leone – Brave as a lion

Leonello – Italian variation of Leo, origin meaning lion’, ‘young lion’.

Leonide – French form of Latin Leonides, meaning ‘lion’s son.’

Leonidem – The one who has the qualities of a Lion

Leonila – French variation of Lionel, origin meaning young lion’.

Leonore – Light

Leopold – The name Leopold is a boy’s name of German origin meaning ‘brave people’.

Leroi – The king.

Leroi – Leroi as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Leroi is ‘the king’.

Leron – The circle, derived from le rond

Leron – Leron as a boy’s name is pronounced le-RON. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Leron is ‘the circle’.

Leroux – The red-haired one, surname sometimes used as a first name

Leroux – Leroux as a boy’s name is pronounced la-ROO. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Leroux is ‘the red-haired one’.

Leroy – Leroy as a boy’s name is pronounced LEE-roy, le-ROY. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Leroy is ‘the king’.

Lerroy – The King

Lestat – Estate, status, a name of the character in a novel Vampire Chronicles

Leuit – French name for place holder

Levant – Levant as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Levant is ‘rising’.

Lever – French name for hare

Leveret – Young rabbit

Leverett – Little young rabbit

Lewes – Famous warrior, the one who has fame in the battle

Liam – A worrior of strong will

Liggett – Liggett as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Liggett is ‘one who is sent or delegate’.

Linnellio – French variation of Lionel, origin meaning young lion’.

Lional – Little,young lion

Lionel – Young lion.

Lionel – Anglo-Norman diminutive form of French Leon (‘lion’), hence ‘little lion’ or ‘young lion.’ In Arthurian legend, this is the name of a Knight of the Round Table. He was the younger son of King Bors, and cousin to Lancelot and Hector de Maris. When King Bors died in battle, Lionel and Bors were rescued by the Lady of the Lake and raised by her, along with Lancelot, in her underwater kingdom.

Lionell – Young lion

Lionello – French variation of Lionel, origin meaning young lion’.

Lionellu – French variation of Lionel, origin meaning young lion’.

Lionet – Young or small lion

Lionnel – French variation of Lionel, origin meaning young lion’.

Lisle – Lisle as a boy’s name is of English origin. Also a place name: Lille, France, center of the French textile industry.

Loan – A light that is goos

Lockhart – Fresh water fish

Loic – Warrior of great fame

Lonell – Young lion

Lonnell – Young lion

Loois – Old French name derived from Middle Latin Ludovicus, meaning ‘famous warrior.’

Looys – Old French name derived from Middle Latin Ludovicus, meaning ‘famous warrior.’

Lorand – Famous land

Lorin – Laurel tree

Loring – Son of a well known warrior

Lothair – Variant spelling of French Lothaire, meaning ‘loud warrior.’

Lothaire – French form of Latin Lotharius, meaning ‘loud warrior.’

Lou – French name for famous soldier, good warrior

Louie – Pet form of French Louis, meaning ‘famous warrior.’

Louis – Famous warrior

Louis – The name Louis is a boy’s name of German, French origin meaning ‘renowned warrior’.

Loup – French form of Latin Lupus, meaning ‘wolf.’

Louvain – Place name, town in Belgium

Louvel – Old Norman French byname derived from a diminutive form of the word lou ‘wolf,’ hence ‘little wolf.’

Lovel – Lovel as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Lovel is ‘young wolf’.

Lovell – Lovell is a boy’s name meaning ‘young wolf’. It is a variant of the Old French name Lowell.

Lovett – A person who has the qualities of a young wolf

Lowe – Lowe as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Lowe is ‘young wolf’.

Lowel – Lowel as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Lowel is ‘young wolf’.

Lowell – Young wolf

Lowell – Lowell as a boy’s name is pronounced LOW-el. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Lowell is ‘young wolf’.

Loyal – True, faithful, unswerving

Loyal – Faithful

Luc – Light, illumination. Form of Luke.

Luc – The name Luc is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘man from Lucania’.

Lucas – Light, form of Luke

Lucas – One who gives light

Lucho – Warrior of great fame

Lucian – Form of Luke. Light, illumination.

Lucian – Bringer of light

Lucien – Form of Luke. Light, illumination.

Lucien – The name Lucien is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘light’.

Lucille – Looking for a name that is distinctive and has old-fashioned charm but isn’t heard in every school hallway? Think about Lucille. Besides being the name of one of the most celebrated comedians of the 20th century (Lucille Ball), it’s BB King gave his guitars (and one of his songs). It comes from Lucia, whose famous namesake was a fourth-century patron saint of the blind (like Lucia, Lucille means “light”). “Saturday Night Live” alum Maya Rudolph gave her daughter the name in 2009.

Ludovic – Famous warrior

Lueis – A renowned fighter

Luis – The name Luis is a boy’s name of German, French origin meaning ‘renowned warrior’.

Lunaire – Moon-like, related to the moon

Luno – One who stares at the Moon

Lure – Derived from the French name Leroy meaning ‘the king’ .

Lusian – Bretons form of Lucian, meaning light

Lyale – Name from french word for island

Lyle – Lyle as a boy’s name is pronounced LYE-el. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Lyle is ‘the island’.

Lyon – Lyon as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Lyon is ‘lion’.

Lyonell – One who is compared to a lion

Lyons – Lyons as a boy’s name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Lyons is ‘lion’.

Lysle – Lysle as a boy’s name is of English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Lysle is ‘the island’.

French boy names starting with M

Macaire – French variation of Makari, origin meaning blessed’.

Mace – A mace is a type of club, so this name carries a lot of power.

Macee – French name describing a weapon

Macy – Long before the department store chain, Macy was a surname that came from various towns in the Normandy region of France. Though it has been around since the 19th century, it didn’t get much love in the US until singer Macy Gray found fame in the 1990s, which is when the gender-neutral name peaked on the baby-name charts. Like the artist, Macy is cute and perky but not for everyone. Some prefer her more traditional rhyming sisters Lacey, Tracey and Stacy. Macy feels like a more modern, stylish choice.

Madelon – From the high tower

Mael – The name Mael is a boy’s name of French, Breton origin meaning ‘chief or prince’.

Maelle – A chief or a prince

Mahieu – Gift of God

Mailer – The name Mailer is a boy’s name of French, English origin meaning ‘enameler’.

Mailhairer – Ill fated

Mainard – Norman French form of German Meinhard, meaning ‘strong and hardy.’

Maine – French word for mainland

Maines – One from the new land

Mainfred – Norman French form of German Manfred, meaning ‘strong peace.’

Maisan – Old French – Mason, Stoneworker, A variant of Maison

Maison – A surname usually given to stoneworkers, the French word for ‘house’, derived from the verb macian meaning ‘to make’.

Maisun – Old French – Mason, Stoneworker, A variant of Maison

Malgier – Norman French form of German Malger, meaning ‘work-spear.’

Malleville – From Malleville

Mallon – One who is very pleasant

Mallorie – Old French – Unhappy, Unlucky, It is a spelling variant of Mallory

Mallory – Misfortunate

Mallory – Here are some positives associated with the name Mallory, so you can ignore her negative meaning: The name has a soft, lovely sound, a legendary English mountain climber who made it to the top of Mount Everest in the 1920s was named George Mallory, and a 1980s TV show called ‘Family Ties’ featured a well-liked character named Mallory (sister to Michael J. Fox’s character), which made the name take off, landing it on the Top 100 charts. Though Mallory currently has dropped to moderate use, any child would be extremely fortunate to be given such a likable name.

Mallot – It is a variant of Mallot, noble and simple

Malory – Old French – Unhappy, Unlucky, It is a spelling variant of Mallory

Mandel – Almond

Mandeville – From great town

Mandeville – Mandeville as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Mandeville is ‘great town’.

Manneville – From the great estate

Manneville – Workers village

Mansel – From the Manse, Habitational name from France, Inhabitant of Le Mans

Mansell – From the Manse, Habitational name from France, Inhabitant of Le Mans

Mantel – Makes garments

Manvel – MAnvel as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of MAnvel is ‘great town’.

Manvile – Manvile as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Manvile is ‘great town’.

Manvill – Manvill as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Manvill is ‘great town’.

Manville – From the great town

Manville – Manville as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Manville is ‘great town’.

Marc – Short form of French Marceau, meaning ‘defense’ or ‘of the sea.’ Compare with another form of Marc.

Marceau – Form of the Latin Marcellus meaning hammer.

Marceau – Marceau as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Marceau is ‘little warrior’.

Marcel – Warlike, hammer, a variant of Mark

Marcel – Marcel as a boy’s name is pronounced mar-SELL. It is of French origin. Variant of Marcellus (Latin) ‘little warrior’, from Marcus.

Marcelin – Marcelin as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Marcelin is ‘little warrior’.

Marcelino – A Boy warrior

Marcell – Marcell as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Marcell is ‘little warrior’.

Marcellin – Marcellin as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Marcellin is ‘little warrior’.

Marcellino – Marcellino as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Marcellino is ‘little warrior’.

Marcellus – The name Marcellus is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘young warrior’.

Marcelo – Marcelo as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Marcelo is ‘little warrior’.

Marcelon – Diminutive form of French Marcel ‘defense’ or ‘of the sea,’ hence ‘little one of the sea.’

Marcely – Marcely as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Marcely is ‘little warrior’.

March – March as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of March is ‘borderland, frontier’.

Marchall – Marchall as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Marchall is ‘caretaker of horses’.

Marchello – He is like a warrior

Marciano – Marciano as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Marciano is ‘little warrior’.

Marcio – Marcio as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Marcio is ‘borderland or frontier’.

Margo – Pearl, Nice Girl with Big Eyes, Diminutive of Margaret

Margor – A french name for pearl

Marin – French form of Roman Latin Marinus, meaning ‘of the sea.’


Marischal – Marischal as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Marischal is ‘caretaker of horses’.

Marischall – Marischall as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Marischall is ‘caretaker of horses’.

Marius – Warlike

Markeece – Markeece as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Markeece is ‘nobleman or lord of the borderlands’.

Markeese – Markeese as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Markeese is ‘nobleman or lord of the borderlands’.

Markese – Markese as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Markese is ‘nobleman or lord of the borderlands’.

Markess – Markess as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Markess is ‘nobleman or lord of the borderlands’.

Markey – Warlike

Markise – Markise as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Markise is ‘nobleman or lord of the borderlands’.

Markiss – Markiss as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Markiss is ‘nobleman or lord of the borderlands’.

Markize – Markize as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Markize is ‘nobleman or lord of the borderlands’.

Markwees – Markwees as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Markwees is ‘nobleman or lord of the borderlands’.

Markwess – Markwess as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Markwess is ‘nobleman or lord of the borderlands’.

Marlon – Little falcon

Marlon – A small falcon

Marmeon – Marmeon as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Marmeon is ‘little one’.

Marmer – Marmer as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Marmer is ‘armorer’.

Marmion – Small one, also title of popular narrative poem by Sir Walter Scott

Marmion – Marmion as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Marmion is ‘little one’.

Marmionn – Marmionn as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Marmionn is ‘little one’.

Marmyon – Marmyon as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Marmyon is ‘little one’.

Marq – Of Mars, the god of war.

Marq – Warlike

Marque – Of Mars, the god of war.

Marque – He who is like Mars the God of the War

Marquel – A warlike person, one who is like the Mars

Marques – A spanish variant of Marquis which is a type of nobleman in France.

Marquess – Marquess as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Marquess is ‘nobleman or lord of the borderlands’.

Marquette – Land Owner, A French habitational name

Marquez – Marquez as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Marquez is ‘nobleman or lord of the borderlands’.

Marquis – Marquis as a boy’s name is pronounced mar-KEECE, MAR-kuss, mar-KEE. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Marquis is ‘nobleman, lord of the borderlands’.

Marquise – Marquise as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Marquise is ‘nobleman or lord of the borderlands’.

Marquiz – Marquiz as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Marquiz is ‘nobleman or lord of the borderlands’.

Marrok – Possibly a French form of Latin Marcus, meaning ‘defense’ or ‘of the sea.’ In Arthurian legend, this is the name of a knight who was also a werewolf. In Thomas Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur, ‘Death of Arthur,’ (1469-1470), there is a single line mentioning this knight, it reads as follows: ‘Sir Marrok the good knyghte that was betrayed with his wyf for she made hym seven yere a werwolf.’


Marschal – Marschal as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Marschal is ‘caretaker of horses’.

Marschall – One who takes care of the horses

Marsh – Steward

Marsh – Steward of horses

Marshal – Horse-keeper, occupational name

Marshal – Marshal as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Marshal is ‘caretaker of horses’.

Marshall – Horse-keeper, steward, an occupational name and a common family name in Scotland

Marshall – The word “marshal” describes someone who works in law enforcement, but it used to denote a person who cared for horses (“marah” meaning “horse” and “scalc” meaning “servant”). Rapper Eminem wasn’t horsing around when he ditched his real name, Marshall Mathers, as his career took off, but neither was football legend Peyton Manning, who gave his son the name in 2011.

Marshel – A servant who takes care of the horses

Marshell – Marshell as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Marshell is ‘caretaker of horses’.

Martel – Hammer

Martin – French form of Roman Latin Martinus, meaning ‘of/like Mars.’ Compare with another form of Martin.

Marvel – Wonder, miracle

Marzo – Marzo as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Marzo is ‘borderland or frontier’.

Maslen – Maslen as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Maslen is ‘little Thomas’.

Maslin – Maslin as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Maslin is ‘little Thomas’.

Masling – Masling as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Masling is ‘little Thomas’.

Maslon – Maslon as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Maslon is ‘little Thomas’.

Maslyn – A petitte, little twin

Mason – Stone worker, from French word maçon

Mason – Traditionally a French last name with Germanic influences used in the Middle Ages by stoneworkers.

Masselin – Little Thomas

Massey – A variant of Massa, A Burden, Prophecy, A French habitational Place name

Massin – He works with the stone

Masslen – Masslen as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Masslen is ‘little Thomas’.

Masslin – Masslin as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Masslin is ‘little Thomas’.

Masslon – Masslon as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Masslon is ‘little Thomas’.

Masson – He is a stroneworker

Masyn – A spelling variant of Mason meaning ‘house.’ It is also a surname traditionally given to stone masons.

Matheu – A gift of God

Mathieu – Gift of God.

Mathieu – French variation of Matthew, origin meaning gift of God’.

Mathis – French and German form of Greek Mattathias, meaning ‘gift of God.’

Matiese – Matthew, one who is the gift of God

Matisse – God’s present

Matthieu – Gift of God.

Matthieu – Variant spelling of French Mathieu, meaning ‘gift of God.’

Mattieu – French name for gift of God

Mauger – Short form of Norman French Amauger, meaning ‘work-spear.’

Maugier – Variant form of Norman French Mauger, meaning ‘work-spear.’

Maurice – Moorish, dark skinned

Maurice – Contracted form of Roman Latin Mauricius, meaning ‘dark-skinned, Moor.’ Introduced to Britain by the Normans. Infrequently used by the French and English.

Maurin – One who has dark hair

Max – Who could forget Max, the main character of Maurice Sendak’s classic picturebook ‘Where the Wild Things Are’? Max is the short form of Maxwell, Maximus, Maximo and Maximilian that has also worked as an independent given name in its own right. Like Sam, Jake and Joe, this baby name gets straight to the point and longs to blend in much more than it wants to stand out. Christina Aguilera and Charlie Sheen are among the celebrity parents who took this less-is-more approach to baby naming.

Maxence – French variation of Maximilian

Maxence – The name Maxence is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘greatest’.

Maxim – The name Maxim is a boy’s name of French, Latin origin meaning ‘greatest’.


Maxime – French form of Latin Maximus, meaning ‘the greatest.’

Maximilien – French form of Roman Latin Maximilianus, meaning ‘the greatest rival.’

Mayhew – Gift of God

Mayhew – A Boy who was the Gif of God

Maynard – Powerful

Mayne – Powerful.

Mayne – Powerful

Maynor – Powerful.

Maynor – Powerful

Maysen – A french occupational name, stone worker

Mayson – This name can either be derived from the surname meaning ‘mason, stone worker’ or from the French word for ‘house’.

Mel – Form of MELVIN. Mill Worker

Meledisant – A saint who serves Jesus, a servant Saint

Melville – Busy, industrious town, surname used as first name

Melville – Melville as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Melville is ‘bad settlement’.

Melvin – Bad settlement

Mercer – Vendor or shop keeper

Mercier – Merchandise, a merchant, a trader who deals in textile

Merle – Falcon

Merlin – Falcon

Merlin – Falcon

Merlion – Falcon

Merlion – Falcon

Meryle – Old French – Black Bird, Combination of Mary and Louise, a variant of the name Merle

Michel – French form of Greek Michael, meaning ‘who is like God?’

Michele – Who is like God

Michon – the percious tallent for the most high God.

Migelly – Migelly as a boy’s name is of Old French orgin, and the meaning of Migelly is ‘who resembles God?’.

Miguel – Miguel as a boy’s name is of Old French origin. Variant of Michael (Hebrew) ‘who resembles God?’

Mikel – Who is like God

Millard – Caretaker of the mill

Milot – A boastful soldier, a proud one

Milun – French form of Latin Milon, meaning ‘little soldier.’

Mimi – Mimi as a girl’s name is of French origin meaning ‘sea of bitterness’. It is a pet name for Marilyn or Miriam. It is also used as a Spanish pet name for Mira, Maria, and Noemi.

Miquel – Who is like God

Mississippi – A great river, A huge river, the father of water

Modeste – French form of Roman Latin Modestus, meaning ‘moderate, sober.’

Moise – A person who is naturally having skin of a dusky or dark color.

Montagew – Montagew as a boy’s name is related to the French name Montague. The meaning of Montagew is ‘pointed hill’.

Montagu – Montagu as a boy’s name is related to the French name Montague. The meaning of Montagu is ‘pointed hill’.

Montague – Pointed mountain, Romeo”s surname in Shakespeare”s Romeo and Juliet

Montague – Montague as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Montague is ‘pointed hill’.

Montaigu – From the pointed hill

Montaigu – Pointed mountain

Montaine – Montaine as a boy’s name is pronounced mon-TAYNE. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Montaine is ‘mountain’.

Montane – Montane as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Montane is ‘mountain’.

Montayne – Montayne as a boy’s name is related to the French name Montaine. The meaning of Montayne is ‘mountain’.

Monte – Monte is taken from the French, meaning ‘from the pointed hill’ or ‘mountain belonging to the ruler’.

Montel – Little mountain, Royal Mountain, A variant of Montreal

Montgomerie – Montgomerie as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Montgomery. The meaning of Montgomerie is ‘Gomeric’s hill’.

Montgomery – Montgomery as a boy’s name is pronounced mon-GOH-mer-ree. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Montgomery is ‘Gomeric’s hill’.

Montie – Montie as a boy’s name related to the Old French names Monte and Montgomery. The meaning of Montie is ‘Gomeric’s hill’.

Montreal – Royal mountain, a city in Quebec

Montreal – Imperial mountain, Royal Mountain, Hill, Little Mountain, A variant form is Montel

Montrell – Royal hill

Monty – A pet form of the name Montgomery, meaning ‘from the pointed hill’ or ‘hill of the powerful one’.

Moor – Marshland

Moore – Marshland

More – Marshland

Morell – Dark one, the Moor.

Morell – Morell as a boy’s name is pronounced moh-REL. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Morell is ‘moor’.

Morrell – Morrell as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Morrell is ‘moor’.

Mort – A variant form of Morton, From the Town Near the Moor, Dead Sea

Morte – French word for dead.

Mortimer – Mortimer as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Mortimer is ‘dead sea’.

Morty – Morty as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Morty is ‘dead sea’.

Mortymer – Mortymer as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Mortimer. The meaning of Mortymer is ‘dead sea’.

Mory – Mory is derived from the French word for mulberry tree.

Myrl – Variation of Merle which means Blackbird or Of the Sea

French boy names starting with N

Nacisse – Daffodil

Nann – Favor or grace

Napoleon – French form of Italian Napoleone, a very rare name borne by a short emperor (5’6′), probably meaning ‘elf, dwarf, Nibelung (son of the mist).’

Narciso – Narciso as a boy’s name is related to the French name Narcisse. The meaning of Narciso is ‘daffodil’.

Narcisse – French form of Latin Narcissus, possibly meaning ‘numbness, sleep.’

Narcissus – Narcissus as a boy’s name is related to the French name Narcisse. The meaning of Narcissus is ‘daffodil’.

Narkissos – Narkissos as a boy’s name is related to the French name Narcisse. The meaning of Narkissos is ‘daffodil’.

Narses – Narses as a boy’s name is related to the French name Narcisse. The meaning of Narses is ‘daffodil’.

Natale – Who was born on Jesus Christ’s birthday.

Nathalia – Birthday of Christ


Nathanael – The name Nathanael is a boy’s name of French origin.

Nathley – The birth-day of Jesus

Navarre – The land of plains, a plain-land

Nazaire – Blessed, based on Hebrew name

Nazaire – French form of Latin Nazarius, meaning ‘of Nazareth.’

Nel – Norman French form of Scandinavian Njal, meaning ‘champion.’

Nellee – The ultimate fact, extraordinary.

Neuveville – From the new town

Neval – New village

Nevil – Nevil as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Nevil is ‘new village’.

Nevile – Nevile as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Neville. The meaning of Nevile is ‘new village’.

Nevill – Nevill as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Neville. The meaning of Nevill is ‘new village’.

Neville – From the new town

Neville – Neville as a boy’s name is pronounced NEV-il. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Neville is ‘new village’.

Nevyle – Nevyle as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Neville. The meaning of Nevyle is ‘new village’.

Nicaise – French variation of Nicasio, origin meaning victory’.

Nichol – The one who holds the winner title on behalf of his people.

Nicodeme – French form of Latin Nicodemus, meaning ‘victory of the people.’


Nicolas – French form of Latin Nicolaus, meaning ‘victor of the people.’

Nihel – Anglo-Norman French form of Middle English Nigel, meaning ‘champion.’

Niles – The one who is very much attractive in talking.

Nirish – A warden or custodian.

Nirmaljeev – Living in the town which is situated in the northern part.

Nirmaljot – Town that is situated in the north range.

Nirvikara – Child was delivered on Christmas period.

Noe – Rest

Noe – French form of Greek Noe, meaning ‘rest.’

Noel – Christmas

Noel – French name derived from Latin natalis dies, meaning ‘day of birth.’

Noell – Birthday. Feminine of Noel. Commonly refers to Christ”s birth and Christmas festival.

Noell – Christmas

Nohl – Christmas eve, celebration of Christmas

Noll – Elf warrior

Norbert – Old French name composed of the Germanic elements nord ‘north’ and berht ‘bright, famous,’ hence ‘bright northman’ or ‘famous northman.’

Noreis – Caretaker

Norice – Caretaker

Norm – From the north


Norman – From the north

Normand – From the north

Norris – From the north, northerner, based on Old French surname

Norris – Norris as a boy’s name is pronounced NOR-iss. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Norris is ‘northerner’.

Norval – Norval as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Norville. The meaning of Norval is ‘northern town’.

Norvel – Norvel as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Norville. The meaning of Norvel is ‘northern town’.

Norvell – Norvell as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Norville. The meaning of Norvell is ‘northern town’.

Norvil – Norvil as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Norville. The meaning of Norvil is ‘northern town’.

Norvill – Norvill as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Norville. The meaning of Norvill is ‘northern town’.

Norville – Norville as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Norville is ‘northern town’.

Norvylle – Norvylle as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Norville. The meaning of Norvylle is ‘northern town’.

Nouel – Unknown


Nowel – Nowel as a boy’s name (also used as a girl’s name), is related to the French name Noel. The meaning of Nowel is ‘Christmas’.

Nowell – Nowell as a boy’s name (also used as a girl’s name), is related to the French name Noel. The meaning of Nowell is ‘Christmas’.

French boy names starting with O

Oates – Combination of words ‘Mohan’ and ‘Meet’ that combinely means the charming love or charming friend.


Octave – Gentleman, one who helps or aids others, humanitarian

Oda – Old French form of German Otto, meaning ‘wealthy.’ Compare with feminine Oda.

Odil – The man who is always on the right path.

Odilon – French form of German Odo, meaning ‘wealthy.’

Odo – Rich

Odon – French variation of Otto, origin meaning wealthy’.

Olever – The olive tree of the branch of olive represent peace


Oliver – Olive tree

Olivier – Of Norman French origin, thus ultimately of Germanic origin, probably from German Alfihar, meaning ‘elf army.’ The name was first used as a character name in the French epic La Chanson de Roland.

Onesime – French form of Latin Onesimus, meaning ‘profitable, useful.’

Onfroi – Norman French form of Norman Germanic Hunfrid, meaning ‘giant peace.’

Onille – From the gold town

Orane – rising

Ordric – An aged or wise ruler

Orleans – Make wrinkled or creased.

Ormonde – Ormonde as a boy’s name is of French and Old English origin meaning ‘mountain of bears’.

Ormondo – Ormondo as a boy’s name is of French and Old English origin meaning ‘mountain of bears’.

Ornet – Ornet as a boy’s name is of Old French and English origin meaning ‘little eagle’.

Ornette – Ornette as a boy’s name is of Old French and English origin meaning ‘little eagle’.

Orrie – Addressing from the angle.

Orry – The cub of the bear.

Orson – Bear like

Orv – Orv as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Orville. The meaning of Orv is ‘gold town’.

Orval – A town of Gold

Orvale – A own full of gold

Orvel – The golden shining person

Orvell – Orvell as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Orville. The meaning of Orvell is ‘gold town’.

Orvelle – Orvelle as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Orville. The meaning of Orvelle is ‘gold town’.

Orvil – Orvil as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Orville. The meaning of Orvil is ‘gold town’.

Orville – Gold town

Orville – Orville as a boy’s name is pronounced OR-vil. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Orville is ‘gold town’.

Ostin – Ostin as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘great and magnificent’.

Ostyn – Ostyn as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘great and magnificent’.

Ostynn – Ostynn as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘magic dignity’.

Otave – A person who is born on the eighth

Otes – Norman French name derived from German Otto, meaning ‘wealthy.’

Othon – French variation of Otto, origin meaning wealthy’.

Ottewell – The prosperous son of Otewel

Ouen – French variation of Owen, origin meaning young warrior, well-born’.

Ourson – Little bear

Ourson – French variation of Orson, origin meaning bear cub’.

Outacite – Another name for a man-killer

Owain – French variation of Owen, origin meaning young warrior, well-born’, ‘young warrior, well-born’.

French boy names starting with P

Pace – One who has a peaceful nature

Pacey – From Pacy

Packard – French – From Picardy, France, A variant of Picard

Pacome – The name Pacome is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘of strong nature, or, pacifier’.

Padgett – Padgett as a boy’s name (also used as a girl’s name), is related to the French name Page. The meaning of Padgett is ‘young servant’.

Page – Attendant

Page – Attendant

Paget – A person who is like an attendant, is appreciated

Paien – Name of a nobleman


Paige – Attendant

Paladin – The name Paladin is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘of the palace’.

Papillion – French name derived from the word papillon, meaning ‘butterfly.’

Parc – The name Parc is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘park’.

Parfait – Perfect


Paris – Handsome prince from Troy

Parish – Parish as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Parish is ‘ecclesiastical locality’.

Parke – Old French – Park Keeper, Of the Forest.

Parker – Meaning ‘park keeper’, this is also a girls name.

Parnell – The name Parnell is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘little Peter’.

Parrish – A habitational name, a guardian and loyal person

Parriss – Parriss as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Parrish. The meaning of Parriss is ‘ecclesiastical locality’.

Parsafal – Parsafal as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Percival. The meaning of Parsafal is ‘pierce the vale’.

Parsefal – Parsefal as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Percival. The meaning of Parsefal is ‘pierce the vale’.

Parsifal – Parsifal as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Percival. The meaning of Parsifal is ‘pierce the vale’.

Pascal – Born at Passover or Easter, This name derives from both Hebrew and Latin, and is appropriate to celebrate the birth of a child born during either spring holiday.

Pascal – French name derived from Latin Paschalis, meaning ‘Passover, Easter.’ This name was popular with early Christians, mainly given to sons born at Easter time.

Pascale – One who is born on passover

Paschal – Variant spelling of French Pascal, meaning ‘Passover, Easter.’

Paschall – It is the variant of Pascal

Pascual – Born on Easter

Paskal – A variant of Pascal, meaning one born during Easter.

Pasquale – Variant of French name Pascal, Derived from the Latin Paschalis meaning relating to Easter, Born on Passover Day

Patraic – Aristocrat, name given to a saint

Patric – Nobleman

Patrice – Medieval French form of Latin Patricius, meaning ‘patrician, of noble descent.’

Patricia – A form of Patrick, patrician and noble

Patricio – Name given to a patrician and a nobleman

Patrik – A noble patrician, who is sensitive


Paul – English and French form of Latin Paulus, meaning ‘small.’ In the bible, this is the name of the author of the 14 epistles of the New Testament.

Paulesh – A variant of Paul, energetic and humble

Paulette – The one with idealistic nature, helping nature

Paulin – Small

Peer – Peer as a boy’s name is related to the French name Pierre. The meaning of Peer is ‘rock’.

Pepin – Old French name, possibly derived from the word pepin/pipin, meaning ‘seed of a fruit.’

Pepperell – Piper

Peppin – Petitioner

Percard – It is a historical area of France

Perce – Perce as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Percival. The meaning of Perce is ‘pierce the vale’.

Perceval – Perceval as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Percival. The meaning of Perceval is ‘pierce the vale’.

Percevall – Percevall as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Percival. The meaning of Percevall is ‘pierce the vale’.

Percevel – French name based on Celtic Peredur (of unknown meaning), but composed of the Old French elements perce(r) ‘to pierce’ and val ‘valley,’ hence ‘pierced valley.’ In Arthurian legend, this is the name of the pure and innocent knight of King Arthur’s court who was known as ‘the Welshman.’ He succeeded in the quest for the Holy Grail.

Percival – Pierce the valley, In Arthurian legend, Percival was a knight of the Round Table who glimpsed the Holy Grail.

Percival – Percival as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Percival is ‘pierce the vale’.

Percivale – The one who pierces the valley

Percivall – Percivall as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Percival. The meaning of Percivall is ‘pierce the vale’.

Percy – From Percy, also a nickname for Percival

Percy – Form of PERCIVAL. Piercing the Valley

Perkin – Name given to the son of Perkin

Perkins – One who is the son of Perkin

Perkinson – The name given to son of Perkin

Perkyn – Name for little Peter or a little stone

Perran – Derived from the French name Pierre, meaning ‘stone’ or ‘rock’. May also be derived from the Slavic name Perun, meaning ‘thunder’.

Perren – One who relies on the personal experience

Perrin – Pet form of French Pierre, meaning ‘rock, stone.’


Perry – Rock

Perryn – Rock

Peverall – Peverall as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘piper’.

Peverel – Peverel as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘piper’.

Peverell – Peverell as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Peverell is ‘piper’.

Peveril – Peveril as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘piper’.

Philbert – The name Philbert is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘dear, beloved’.

Philibert – Variant spelling of French Filibert, meaning ‘very bright.’

Philip – A great person who is the lover of horses

Philipa – A horse’s friend and a lover

Philippa – A lover and friend of horses


Philippe – The name Philippe is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘lover of horses’.

Phillbert – A very bright and famous friend

Phillipe – One who is fond of horses

Picard – The name Picard is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘from Picardy’.

Piercy – A variant of Percy, tough as a soldier

Piere – Rock

Pierpont – Rock

Pierre – Rock, variant of Peter

Pierre – Pierre as a boy’s name is pronounced pee-AIR. It is of French origin.

Pierrepont – Lives by the stone bridge

Pierrepont – Rock

Pierres – Older form of French Pierre, meaning ‘rock, stone.’


Piers – Lover of horses

Pierse – One who is very strong, a rock

Pierson – Another form of Peter, a friendly and compassionate person

Pilot – French – An excellent Man, A derivative of the name Pillion

Piperel – Piper

Pippin – Eighth-century king of the Franks, father of Charlemagne, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire

Pippin – To tremble fear or excitement

Plantagenet – Plantagenet as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Plantagenet is ‘shoot of broom’.

Plat – Flat land

Platt – Platt as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Platt is ‘flat land’.

Poart – Gatekeeper

Pom – The name Pom is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘apple’.

Pomeroy – Pomeroy as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Pomeroy is ‘apple orchard’.

Pommelraie – Apple orchard

Pommeray – Pommeray as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Pomeroy. The meaning of Pommeray is ‘apple orchard’.

Pommeroy – Pommeroy as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Pomeroy. The meaning of Pommeroy is ‘apple orchard’.

Pons – French form of Roman Latin Pontius, meaning ‘of the sea, seaman.’

Port – Gatekeeper

Porter – This cool choice came from an occupational surname meant to indicate someone whose job was to guard the entrance to a town. Most people know a porter as someone who carries someone else’s bags, like in a hotel. Despite its working-class meaning, the name’s got an elegant, formal ring to it. Porter gets a lot of play as a last name (Cole Porter, Billy Porter) but not too much as a first name—good news for parents who want their son to stand out from a crowd that’s crammed with Noahs and Liams.

Porteur – Gatekeeper

Porthos – Porthos as a boy’s name.

Portier – Gatekeeper

Portur – Gatekeeper

Porty – Gatekeeper

Preruet – Brave little one

Prewet – Prewet as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Prewitt. The meaning of Prewet is ‘brave little one’.

Prewett – Prewett as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Prewitt. The meaning of Prewett is ‘brave little one’.

Prewit – Prewit as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Prewitt. The meaning of Prewit is ‘brave little one’.

Prewitt – Prewitt as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Prewitt is ‘brave little one’.

Price – Price as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Price is ‘prize’.

Priour – Head of a monastery

Prosper – Fortunite

Proust – The name Proust is a boy’s name of French origin.

Pruet – Brave little one

Pruie – Brave little one

Pruitt – Pruitt as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Prewitt. The meaning of Pruitt is ‘brave little one’.

Pryce – Pryce as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘prize’.

Pryor – One who is the head of the priory

Purcell – Purcell as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘pierce the vale’.

Purdy – Recluse, A nickname for someone who made frequent use of the oath

Purves – Purves as a boy’s name is related to the English and French name Purvis. The meaning of Purves is ‘purveyor’.

Purvis – Purvis as a boy’s name is of English and French origin, and the meaning of Purvis is ‘purveyor’.

Purviss – Purviss as a boy’s name is related to the English and French name Purvis. The meaning of Purviss is ‘purveyor’.

Pyer – Rock

French boy names starting with Q

Qassen – French variation of Qasim, origin meaning charitable, generous’.

Qassim – French variation of Qasim, origin meaning charitable, generous’.

Quain – Clever, quick

Quain – The name Quain is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘clever, quick’.

Quay – The name Quay is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘wharf’.

Quennel – Quennel as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Quennell. The meaning of Quennel is ‘small oak’.

Quennell – Quennell as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Quennell is ‘small oak’.

Quent – Fifth

Quentilien – French variation of Quentin, origin meaning fifth’.


Quentin – Old French form of Latin Quintinus, meaning ‘fifth.’


Quenton – Fifth

Quentrell – Fifth

Quesnel – From the little oak tree

Quincey – From the fifth child”s estate

Quincey – Quincey as a boy’s name (also used as a girl’s name), is related to the Old French name Quincy. The meaning of Quincey is ‘estate of the fifth son’.


Quincy – estate owned by fifth son

Quinsy – Quinsy as a boy’s name (also used as a girl’s name), is related to the Old French name Quincy. The meaning of Quinsy is ‘estate of the fifth son’.

Quint – Surname meaning fifth

Quintien – French variation of Quentin, origin meaning fifth’.

Quintilin – French variation of Quintin, origin meaning fifth’.

Quintille – French variation of Quintin, origin meaning fifth’.

Quintin – Variant spelling of Old French Quentin, meaning ‘fifth.’

Quinton – The fifth

Quinton – Variant spelling of Old French Quentin, meaning ‘fifth.’ Compare with another form of Quinton.

Quintrell – French surname, means fifth

Qutien – French variation of Quintin, origin meaning fifth’.

French boy names starting with R

Rabbie – A bright flame

Ragener – Ward of the forest

Rahoul – A wolf counsel

Raimond – Old French form of Frankish German Raginmund, meaning ‘wise protector.’

Raimund – Norman French form of German Raginmund, meaning ‘wise protector.’

Raimundo – Wise protector

Rainger – Rainger as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Ranger. The meaning of Rainger is ‘forest guardian’.

Rainier – French form of German Rainer, meaning ‘wise warrior.’

Ramond – Wise protector

Rance – a kind of Belgian marble

Range – Range as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Ranger. The meaning of Range is ‘forest guardian’.

Ranger – Ward of the forest

Ranger – Ranger as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Ranger is ‘forest guardian’.

Ranier – French variation of Raynor, origin meaning mighty army’, ‘warrior or judgment’.

Rao – One who is auspicious

Raoul – Raoul as a boy’s name is of French origin. Uncommon in the English-speaking world.

Raphael – French form of Hebrew Rephael, meaning ‘healed of God’ or ‘whom God has healed.’

Raulf – Norman French contracted form of German Radulf, meaning ‘wise wolf.’

Rawlins – Rawlins as a boy’s name is of Old French origin.

Rawlinson – Rawlinson as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Rawlins. The meaning of Rawlinson is ‘famous land’.

Rawson – Rawson as a boy’s name is of English origin, and the meaning of Rawson is ‘son of Rolfe’. Rawson is related to the French surname Rawlins.

Ray – Regal, royal

Ray – kingly

Rayce – Counselor

Raydell – One who behaves kingly

Rayder – Counselor. Variant of Raymond.

Rayder – Counselor

Raydon – Counselor. Variant of Raymond.

Raydon – Counselor

Rayford – Counselor

Raylen – Counselor

Raylon – This name is a variation of the name ‘Raymond,’ which means wise protection.

Raymond – Wise protector

Raymond – Wise protector

Raymund – One who is a wise protector of men

Raymundo – Wise protector

Raynard – Strong counselor

Raynell – One who is a strong counselor

Raynold – French variation of Reginald, origin meaning counsel power’, ‘counsel-power’.

Regis – French occupational surname transferred to forename use, derived from Old French regir (‘to rule or manage’), hence ‘manager, ruler.’

Regnauld – French variation of Reginald, origin meaning counsel power’.

Regnault – French variation of Reginald, origin meaning counsel power’.

Reichard – Daring power

Reimundo – A right hand of the ruler, his advisor

Reinald – Old French form of German Reinhold, meaning ‘wise ruler.’

Rema – A deeply loving and sensitive person

Remee – Remee as a boy’s name is related to the French name Remy. The meaning of Remee is ‘from Rheims’.

Remi – Oarsman

Remi – Remi has two different meanings. One is ‘cure’ or ‘remedy’ and the other is ‘rower’ or ‘oarsman’.

Remmey – Remmey as a boy’s name is related to the French name Remy. The meaning of Remmey is ‘from Rheims’.

Remmy – Remmy as a boy’s name (also used as a girl’s name), is related to the French name Remy. The meaning of Remmy is ‘from Rheims’.

Remo – Remo is a boy’s name meaning ‘from Rheims’ that comes from the French name Remy.

Remy – From Rheims, France

Remy – A person who is an oarsman. Can also mean a remedy, cure

Renard – Variant spelling of Old French Renart, meaning ‘wise and strong.’

Renart – Old French form of Old High German Reginhard, meaning ‘wise and strong.’

Renat – Renat as a boy’s name is related to the French name Rene. The meaning of Renat is ‘rebirth’.

Renatus – Renatus as a boy’s name is a variant of Rene and is of French origin. Renatus means ‘rebirth’.

Renaud – The name Renaud is a boy’s name of French origin, meaning counsel power’.

Renault – French variation of Reginald, origin meaning counsel power’, ‘reborn’, ‘counsel-power’.

Rene – Reborn, to rise again

Rene – French form of Latin Renatus, meaning ‘reborn.’

Renee – Latin – Born Again, Reborn, Rebirth, A variant of name Rene

Renell – A Boy who was born again

Renne – One who rises again

Rennie – One who will rise again

Renny – Small but strong

Renon – The name Renon is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘to make famous’.

Reule – Famous wolf

Reve – A man who is like a dream

Revel – A variant spelling of Revell, an habitational name from any of the places so named, for example in Isere and Haute-Garonne. Also a nickname from Old French, Occitan reveau ‘rebel’

Rey – Regal, kingly, a variant of Roy

Rey – Regal

Reymond – Wise protector

Reymundo – Wise protector

Reynard – A powerful counselor

Reynaud – Variant spelling of Norman French Reynold, meaning ‘wise ruler.’

Reynold – Norman French form of Old Norse Rognvaldr, meaning ‘wise ruler.’

Rhone – Habitational name for someone from Rhonne in Savoy

Ricard – Rich and powerful ruler

Ricardo – Daring power

Rich – Daring power


Richard – Rich and powerful ruler

Richardo – Rich and powerful ruler

Richaud – Norman French form of Latin Ricardus, meaning ‘powerful ruler.’

Riche – Medieval French name of Germanic origin, used as a short form of longer names beginning with Rich-, meaning ‘power.’

Richer – A man of great power and wealth

Richmond – Richmond as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Richmond is ‘rich hill’.

Rick – Rick is a nickname for Richard meaning strong and mighty.

Ricky – Daring power

Rico – Daring power

Rikard – Daring power

Rimiggiu – Sicilian form of Remy, meaning oarsman.

Rique – Rich and powerful ruler

Ritchie – Daring power

Rivera – Habitational name for someone who lives near the River

Rives – Rives as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Rives is ‘dweller by the riverbank’.

Rob – Bright with fame

Robb – Bright with fame

Robbie – Bright with fame

Robby – Bright with fame


Robert – Norman French form of Latin Robertus, meaning ‘bright fame.’ Compare with another form of Robert.


Roch – French form of Italian Rocco, meaning ‘rest.’

Roche – One who is like a rock

Rochildis – A pretty rock

Rocke – Rock

Rockford – Hard rock

Rodel – Rodel as a boy’s name is pronounced roh-DEL. It is of French origin.

Rodell – Rodell as a boy’s name is related to the French name Rodel. The meaning of Rodell is ‘famous ruler’.

Rodeo – Rodeo as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Rodeo is ’roundup’.

Rodolph – Variant spelling of French Rodolphe, meaning ‘famous wolf.’

Rodolphe – French variation of Rudolph, origin meaning famous wolf’.

Rodrigue – French form of Old High German Hrodric, meaning ‘famous power.’

Roel – Rock

Rogier – French form of Latin Rogerius, meaning ‘famous spear.’

Roi – He who is a King


Roland – Norman French form of German Hrodland, meaning ‘famous land.’

Rolande – Variant spelling of Norman French Roland, meaning ‘famous land.’

Rolando – Famous in the land

Rollan – Famous in the land

Rolland – Famous in the land

Rollie – Famous in the land

Rollo – Famous in the land

Romain – French variation of Roman, origin meaning citizen of Rome’.

Romy – A person from Rome, or can also mean Rosemary

Rondel – Short poem of fourteen lines containing only two rhyming sounds

Rosaire – A rosary, a garden of roses

Rosalie – All it takes is a wildly successful teen vampire movie to suck life back into a name. Rosalie, which dropped off the popularity polls in the 1980s, owes her reemergence on the baby-name charts in 2009 to “Twilight,’ which was released the previous year and featured a character named Rosalie (played by Nikki Reed). The name’s floral essence comes from the French name Rosalia, which is derived from the Latin word for “rose.”

Roselin – Red haired


Roselyn – Red haired

Rosiyn – Red haired

Roslin – Red haired

Rosselin – Red haired

Rosselyn – Red haired

Rossignol – One who is like a nightingale

Roul – Old Norman French form of German Radulf, meaning ‘wise wolf.’

Rousel – Old French byname for a red-head, composed of the word rous ‘red,’ and a diminutive suffix, hence ‘little red one.’


Rousse – Red haired

Rousseau – Rousseau as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Rousseau is ‘little red-haired one’.

Roussel – Reddish

Roussell – Roussell as a boy’s name is related to the Old French names Rousseau and Russell. The meaning of Roussell is ‘little red-haired one’.

Rousset – Red haired

Rousskin – Red haired

Rowl – Rowl as a boy’s name is related to the French name Raoul. The meaning of Rowl is ‘an efficient man’.

Rowland – Famous in the land


Roy – King

Royal – Kingly

Royal – Regal


Royce – Kingly


Royden – From the rye hill

Ruben – See my son

Ruelle – Famous wolf

Ruff – A french red haired man

Ruffe – Red haired

Ruffin – A man of red hair and skin

Rui – Regal

Rule – French – Famous Wolf, A variant of the name Ruelle.


Rush – Rush means person who lives by the marshes. It can also mean red.

Rushe – Red haired

Rushkin – Rushkin as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Rushkin is ‘little red-haired one’.

Ruskin – red-haired one

Russ – Russ as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Russell. The meaning of Russ is ‘little red’.


Russel – Russel as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Russell. The meaning of Russel is ‘little red’.

Russell – Redhead

Russell – A baby doesn’t have to have red hair to be given this surname-turned-given-name, which translates to “little red.” It’s a classic with gentle but serious undertones, and fallen on less-favored times after decades of popularity. ‘The Americans’ star Keri Russell named her son River Russell after her own last name. Also keeping the name in the family: Actress Kate Hudson gave her son Ryder the middle name Russell to honor actor Kurt Russell, who helped raise her.

Russo – Russo as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Rousseau. The meaning of Russo is ‘little red-haired one’.

Rust – Red haired

Rusti – A variation of Rusty, means a person witha red head

French boy names starting with S

Sabatay – French variation of Sabin, origin meaning from the Sabines’.

Saber – Saber as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Saber is ‘sword’.

Sabien – French variation of Sabin, origin meaning from the Sabines’.

Sabinien – French variation of Sabin, origin meaning from the Sabines’.

Sabinu – French variation of Sabin, origin meaning from the Sabines’.

Sabr – Sabr as a boy’s name is related to the French name Saber. The meaning of Sabr is ‘sword’.

Sabre – Sabre as a boy’s name is related to the French name Saber. The meaning of Sabre is ‘sword’.


Sacha – French form of Russian unisex Sasha, meaning ‘defender of mankind.’

Sacheverell – Old Norman French surname transferred to forename use, derived from the place name Saute-Chevreuil, meaning ‘roe-buck leap.’

Sachie – Sachie as a boy’s name is related to the Norman French name Sacheverell. The meaning of Sachie is ‘roebuck leap’.

Sage – Wise one

Sage – Wise

Salaun – French variation of Solomon, origin meaning peace’.

Salazar – Surname, meaning old hall

Salinger – The name Salinger is a boy’s name of French origin.

Salomon – Medieval Latin form of Greek Solomon, meaning ‘peaceable.’ In use by the French.

Samuel – Heard by God

Sarge – Sarge as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Sargent. The meaning of Sarge is ‘officer’.

Sargent – A squire

Sargent – Sargent as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Sargent is ‘officer’.

Sarjant – A military attendant

Sasha – A helper and defender of mankind

Satin – Real

Satordi – Saturn

Saul – Longed for

Sauveur – French variation of Salvador, origin meaning savior’.

Sauville – Willow town

Savil – Savil as a boy’s name is related to the French name Saville. The meaning of Savil is ‘willow man’.

Savile – Savile as a boy’s name is related to the French name Saville. The meaning of Savile is ‘willow man’.

Savill – Savill as a boy’s name is related to the French name Saville. The meaning of Savill is ‘willow man’.

Saville – From the willow farm, surname

Saville – Saville as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Saville is ‘willow man’.

Savon – Soap maker

Savoy – Kingdom in France

Savyile – Savyile as a boy’s name is related to the French name Saville. The meaning of Savyile is ‘willow man’.

Sealey – Sealey as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Seeley. The meaning of Sealey is ‘blessed’.

Searlas – Manly

Searle – Armor

Searlus – Manly

Sebastien – French form of Latin Sebastianus, meaning ‘from Sebaste.’

Seeley – Seeley as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Seeley is ‘blessed’.

Seely – Seely as a boy’s name (also used as a girl’s name), is related to the Old French name Seeley. The meaning of Seely is ‘blessed’.

Seelye – Seelye as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Seeley. The meaning of Seelye is ‘blessed’.

Seignour – Lord of the manor

Senet – Elderly

Senior – Senior as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Senior is ‘lord’.

Sennet – Sennet as a boy’s name is related to the French name Sennett. The meaning of Sennet is ‘elderly’.

Sennett – Sennett as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Sennett is ‘elderly’.

Seraffinu – French variation of Seraphim, origin meaning fiery’.

Seraph – French variation of Seraphim, origin meaning fiery’.

Seraphin – French form of Latin Seraphinus, meaning ‘burning one’ or ‘serpent.’

Serenity – Serenity sounds futuristic, but it has more in common with the virtuous names favored by the Puritans. Think of Serenity as the new Chastity, Purity or Verity. Sci-fi fans will recall that Serenity was the name of the spaceship in the 2002 Fox TV series ‘Firefly.’ In the US, Serenity is more popular than Serena.

Serge – An attendant

Serge – The name Serge is a boy’s name of French, Russian origin meaning ‘servant’.

Sergeant – Sergeant as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Sargent. The meaning of Sergeant is ‘officer’.

Sergent – Sergent as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Sargent. The meaning of Sergent is ‘officer’.

Serjeant – Serjeant as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Sargent. The meaning of Serjeant is ‘officer’.

Severe – French form of Roman Latin Severus, meaning ‘stern.’

Severin – The name Severin is a boy’s name of German, French origin meaning ‘stern, serious’.

Sevrin – Severe

Seymour – From St. Maur

Shante – Stony place

Shantel – Stony place

Shantell – Stony place

Sherrill – A dear man

Sheryl – Dear one

Sid – Saint Denis

Sid – Form of SIDNEY. See SYDNEY

Sidnee – Wide island

Sidney – Saint Denis

Sidney – Form of SYDNEY. from city of St. Denis

Siffre – French variation of Siegfried, origin meaning victorious peace’.

Sigfroi – French variation of Siegfried, origin meaning victorious peace’.

Silvain – He who is from the forest

Silvester – German variation of Silvain, origin meaning wood, forest’, ‘wood, forest’.

Silvestre – Trees, sylvan.

Silvestre – French variation of Silvain, origin meaning wood, forest’, ‘wood, forest’.

Simon – English and French form of Greek Simon, meaning ‘hearkening.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of many characters, including a sorcerer and a brother of Jesus. It is often confused with Simon (2).

Simone – One who is heard. A French and English girl name, while its used as a male name in Italy

Sinclair – Saint Clair

Sinclair – One who works very hard

Sinclaire – Saint Clair.

Sinclaire – A name of a prayer, one who prays

Sinjin – Holyman

Sire – Like its English meaning, this name means kingly or regal.

Slater – One who works with slate

Soleil – Sun

Somer – Bom in summer

Somervile – One who is from the summer estate

Somerville – Summer town

Sorel – Reddish brown hair

Sorel – Reddish brown hair

Soren – Thunder


Sorrell – Reddish-brown hair

Sorrell – A man of reddish-brown hair

Soutine – The name Soutine is a boy’s name of French origin.

Spencer – Man who manages the distribution of food

Spurgeon – A medical plant, used for healing

Squire – The name Squire is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘esquire’.

Stella – Star of the sea

Stephan – Crown or wreath

Stephane – French form of Latin Stephanus, meaning ‘crown.’

Stuart – French form of English Stewart, meaning ‘house guard, steward.’ In use by the English and Scottish.

Suede – The name Suede is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘Swedish’.


Sumarville – Summer town

Sumner – one who summons

Syd – From St. Denys

Sydnea – A person from a wide island


Sydney – from city of St. Denis

Sylar – One who is a hard-working man

Sylvain – The name Sylvain is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘wood, forest’.

Sylvestre – French form of Latin Silvester, meaning ‘from the forest.’

French boy names starting with T

Tabor – Tambourine player

Taft – Taft as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Taft is ‘homestead’.

Tailer – Tailer as a boy’s name is related to the Middle English and Old French name Taylor. The meaning of Tailer is ‘tailor’.

Taillefer – One who carves or cuts iron

Tailor – Tailor as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name) is of Middle English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Tailor is ‘tailor’. Tailor is related to the name Taylor.

Talbot – To destroy bad messages, The surname of an aristocratic Irish family who gave this name to their Bloodhound.

Talbot – Boot maker

Talehot – Bloodhound

Tallie – Claw

Tallon – Claw

Tally – Claw

Talon – The name Talon is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘large claw of a bird of prey’.

Tanguy – The name Tanguy is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘warrior’.


Tavin – A nickname for Gustav royal staff.

Tavin – Royal staff

Tawlon – Claw

Tayce – silence

Tayelor – An occupational name for a tailor

Taylar – Taylar is a French name taken from the word ‘taillour’ which means ‘tailor’ or ‘to cut’.

Taylen – This unisex name combines spelling variants of the occupational name Tailor with the popular ending Lyn meaning ‘lake.’

Tayler – Tayler as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name) is of Middle English and Old French origin, and the meaning of Tayler is ‘tailor’. Tayler is related to the name Taylor.

Tayleur – French variation of the name Taylor, a tailor

Taylor – Originally an occupational surname, meaning ‘tailor’, from the French verb ‘tlere,’meaning ‘to cut’.

Taylyr – A cutter, occupational name for a tailor

Tearlach – Manly

Teddie – A fortunate protector

Telesphore – French form of Latin Telesphorus, meaning ‘bearing fruit.’

Telfer – Telfer as a boy’s name irelated to the Old French name Telford. The meaning of Telfer is ‘iron-piercer.

Telfor – Works in iron

Telfor – Telfor as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Telford. The meaning of Telfor is ‘iron-piercer’.

Telford – Ironworker

Telford – Telford as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Telford is ‘iron-piercer’.

Telfour – Telfour as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Telford. The meaning of Telfour is ‘iron-piercer’.

Tellfer – Tellfer as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Telford. The meaning of Tellfer is ‘iron-piercer’.

Tellfour – Tellfour as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Telford. The meaning of Tellfour is ‘iron-piercer’.

Tempestt – Tempestt as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name) is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Tempestt is ‘stormy’. Tempestt is related to the name Tempest.

Terner – Carpenter

Terrance – The name Terrance is a boy’s name of French origin.

Terre – The name Terre is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘earth’.

Terrell – Stubborn animal or person

Terrence – The name Terrence is a boy’s name of French origin.

Terryl – One who pulls

Thanchere – A desirable and people pleasing person

Thayer – The name Thayer is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘tailor’.

Thebault – A bold man

Theirry – French variation of Terence, origin meaning ruler of the people’.

Theo – Short form of French Theodore, meaning ‘gift of God.’

Theodore – The name Theodore is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘gift of God’.

Theon – Untamed

Theophile – French form of Latin Theophilus, meaning ‘friend of God.’

Therese – Harvester

Theron – Hunter

Therron – Hunter

Therry – Ruler of the people

Thibaud – People’s prince

Thibauld – Old French form of Middle Latin Theobaldus, meaning ‘people-bold.’

Thibault – The name Thibault is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘courageous people’.

Thieny – Rule of the people

Thierri – Norman French form of Visigothic Thiudereiks, meaning ‘first of the people, king of nations.’

Thierry – Variant spelling of Norman French Thierri, meaning ‘first of the people, king of nations.’

Thiery – Leader of men

Thjalfi – Rule of the people

Thomas – Twin

Thorald – French form of Thomas

Thoreau – Thoreau as a boy’s name. Possibly French form of Thorald.

Thyssen – Thyssen as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Thyssen is ‘high-spirited’.

Tibault – Ruler of the people

Tiesen – Tiesen as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Tyson. The meaning of Tiesen is ‘high-spirited’.

Timon – The name Timon is a boy’s name of French, Greek origin meaning ‘reward, honor’.

Timothee – French form of Latin Timotheus, meaning ‘to honor God.’

Tison – High spirits

Tiszon – High spirits

Tite – French variation of Titus, origin meaning title of honour’.

Toulouse – The name Toulouse is a boy’s name of French origin.

Toussaint – Toussaint as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Toussaint is ‘all saints’.

Toussnint – All saints

Trace – Harvester

Tracy – From the place of Thracius

Trae – Variant of Trey, has a few very close friends, kind.

Trais – The numeric Three


Trautwein – From Thracia, a surname taken from a Norman French place name.

Travais – Crossing

Travees – Crossing

Traver – Traver is a boy’s name meaning ‘to cross over’ that is related to the Old French name Travis.

Travers – Travers as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Travis. The meaning of Travers is ‘to cross over’.

Traves – Crossing

Traveus – Crossing

Travious – Crossing

Travis – Did you know that Travis is derived from the noun that ultimately means “toll collector”? It was a French surname that came from “traverser,” or “to cross,” and described someone who collected money from certain roads. Today, Travis is a cool dude who’s tenacious and an achiever, just like rapper Travis Scott, drummer Travis Barkley and country singer Travis Tritt.

Traviss – Traviss as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Travis. The meaning of Traviss is ‘to cross over’.

Travius – Crossing

Travous – Crossing

Travus – Crossing

Travys – Travys as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Travys is ‘to cross over’.

Travyss – Crossing

Trayvis – Crossing

Tre – The third-born child

Treasach – Crossing or crossroads

Tremont – Tremont as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Tremont is ‘three mountains’.

Treoweman – Thirty

Trevais – Variation of Travis which means Tollgate keeper An occupational name

Treves – Crossroads

Trey – The number three

Triage – The picking or sorting of injured people

Tristan – French form of Welsh Drystan, probably meaning ‘riot, tumult.’ The change in spelling is due to association with the French word triste, meaning ‘sad.’ In Arthurian legend, this was the name of a Knight of the Round Table. He was the son of Blancheflor and Rivalen (Isabelle and Meliodas in later versions), and the nephew of King Mark of Cornwall. He is the hero of the story Tristan and Iseult, in which he is sent to Ireland to fetch Isolde to wed the king but falls in love with her on their return.

Tristand – Variant spelling of French Tristan, probably meaning ‘riot, tumult.’

Tristao – Filled with sadness

Tristen – Bold

Tristian – Bold

Tristin – Full of sorrows

Tristin – Bold

Tristram – Variant form of French Tristan, probably meaning ‘riot, tumult.’

Trone – The machine that is used to weigh

Trosta – A tumult or an outcry, Knight

Troy – Derived from the French surname for a person from the city of Troyes in France, also having links to the ancient Greek city of Troy. It means ‘footsoldier’.

Troyes – Curly haired

Trystan – Variant spelling of French Tristan, probably meaning ‘riot, tumult.’

Turner – A craftsman who works with wood

Turquoise – Dark shady stone which reflects in blue color.

Tyce – Tyce is a boy’s name meaning ‘high-spirited’ that comes from the Old French name Tyson.

Tycen – Tycen as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Tyson. The meaning of Tycen is ‘high-spirited’.

Tyeis – Son of a German

Tyesn – High spirits

Tyeson – Tyeson is a boy’s name and a variant of the Old French name Tyson, meaning ‘high-spirited’.

Tyfiell – Fiery.

Tyla – Of Old French origin meaning ‘tailor’, a variant form of the English Taylor.

Tyler – Tile maker

Tyrel – Pull

Tyrell – An alternative spelling of the name Tyrrell (English), meaning ‘to pull’.

Tyrelle – Pull

Tyrrel – Pull

Tyrrell – Pull

Tyshunn – High spirits

Tyshyn – High spirits

Tysie – High spirits

Tyson – No one will dispute whether the name Tyson, which means “high-spirited,” is a fitting description of a world-famous fast-footed boxer. (Hi, Mike!) But that’s his last name, so his parents didn’t have a choice. In the case of basketball player Tyson Chandler and American sprinter Tyson Gay, they more than live up to their name. Tyson comes from the French “tison,” meaning “firebrand.’

Tyssen – Tyssen as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Tyson. The meaning of Tyssen is ‘high-spirited’.

French boy names starting with U

Ulisses – French variation of Ulysses.

Ulrich – World ruler

Ulysse – French variation of Ulysses.

Umber – Umber as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Umber is ‘shade’.

Umbro – Umbro as a boy’s name is of French origin meaning ‘shade’.

Urbain – French form of Roman Latin Urbanus, meaning ‘of the city.’

Urbaine – French variation of Urban, origin meaning of the city’.

French boy names starting with V

Vachel – Vachel as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Vachel is ‘small cow’.

Vachell – Vachell as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Vachel. The meaning of Vachell is ‘small cow’.

Vail – Valley

Valentin – The name Valentin is a boy’s name of German, French, Scandinavian origin meaning ‘strength, health’.

Valere – French form of Roman Latin Valerius, meaning ‘to be healthy, to be strong.’

Valerian – French form of Roman Latin Valerianus, meaning ‘to be healthy, to be strong.’

Valery – French name composed of the Germanic elements walah ‘foreign’ and ric ‘power,’ hence ‘foreign power.’

Valiant – Brave

Vallis – The name Vallis is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘from Wales’.

Vallois – A Welshman

Valmont – Mount of the vale

Vardan – From the green hill

Varden – Varden as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Vardon. The meaning of Varden is ‘green knoll’.

Vardon – Vardon as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Vardon is ‘green knoll’.

Varek – From the green hill

Varian – From the green hill

Varik – From the green hill, surname

Varnan – Alder tree

Vayle – Valley

Veillantif – French form of Italian Vegliantino, meaning ‘the little vigilant one.’

Verddun – From the green hill

Verdell – Green or flourishing

Verdon – Verdon as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Verdon is ‘green knoll’.

Verdun – Verdun as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Verdun is ‘green knoll’.

Verel – Correct

Vergil – From the green hill

Verino – French variation of Vero, origin meaning great hero’.

Vermont – Vermont as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Vermont is ‘green mountain’.

Vern – Vern as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Vern is ‘alder grove’.

Vernal – Vernal as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Vernon. The meaning of Vernal is ‘alder grove’.

Vernard – Vernard as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Vernon. The meaning of Vernard is ‘alder grove’.

Vernay – Springlike

Verne – Verne as a boy’s name is of Old French origin meaning ‘alder grove’.

Vernee – Vernee as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Vernon. The meaning of Vernee is ‘alder grove’.

Vernell – Springlike

Vernen – Vernen as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Vernen is ‘alder grove’.

Verneri – Surname related to Vernon alder tree grove. Also used as abbreviations of Vernon or Lavern.

Verney – Verney as a boy’s name is related to the Old French name Vernon. The meaning of Verney is ‘alder grove’.

Vernin – Vernin as a boy’s name is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Vernin is ‘alder grove’.

Vernon – Vernon as a boy’s name is pronounced VER-non. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Vernon is ‘alder grove’.

Vernun – Alder tree

Vernyn – Alder tree

Verrall – Manly

Verrell – Manly

Verrier – Verrier as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Verrier is ‘glassblower’.

Verrill – The name Verrill is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘honest’.

Veryl – Manly

Vic – Conqueror

Vick – Conqueror

Vicq – Conqueror

Victoir – French variation of Victor, origin meaning conqueror’.

Victor – Conqueror

Victorien – From the village

Vidal – The name Vidal is a boy’s name of Spanish, French origin meaning ‘life, vital’.

Videl – Life

Viel – French variation of Vito, origin meaning alive, life’.

Villard – The name Villard is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘battle fortress’.

Villiers – Villiers as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Villiers is ‘town-dweller’.

Vincens – French name derived from Latin Vincentius, meaning ‘conquering.’

Vincent – Conquering

Virgile – French variation of Virgil, origin meaning staff bearer’.

Vitalis – French variation of Vito, origin meaning alive, life’.

Vitus – The name Vitus is a boy’s name of French, Italian origin meaning ‘life’.

Vivien – French name derived from Roman Latin Vivianus, meaning ‘alive, animated, lively.’ Compare with feminine Vivien.

Vlad – Variant of Vivian The Lady of the Lake.

Vladimir – Variant of Vivian The Lady of the Lake.


French boy names starting with W

Wallace – Wallace as a boy’s name is pronounced WAL-iss. It is of Old French origin, and the meaning of Wallace is ‘Welshman’. From ‘waleis’.

Walsh – Foreign person

Waltier – Variant form of Old French Gautier, meaning ‘ruler of the army.’

Warrane – Warden of the game

Warren – Warren as a boy’s name is of Old English and Middle English origin, and the meaning of Warren is ‘watchman, park warden’.

Wiatt – Little warrior

Willelm – Norman French form of Old High German Wilhelm, meaning ‘will-helmet.’

William – Resolute protector

Worden – Guardian or watchman.

Wyatt – Old English: May be a last name based on wido (‘wood’ or ‘wide’), which showed up as Guyat and Wyat in medieval times – or an alteration of the name Wigheard, from wig (‘war’) + heard (‘hardy, brave, strong’).

French boy names starting with X

Xarles – Manly


French boy names starting with Y


Yann – The name Yann is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘God is gracious’.

Yannick – The name Yannick is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘God is gracious’.

Ysgawyn – Medieval form of Isabel devoted to God.

Yvain – French form of Old Breton Even and Middle English Ywain, meaning ‘well born.’ In Arthurian legend, this is the name of a Knight of the Round Table, also known by the Welsh name Owain.

Yves – Yves as a boy’s name is pronounced eve. It is of French origin, and the meaning of Yves is ‘yew’.

Yvet – Archer

Yvo – Yvo as a boy’s name is of French origin, and the meaning of Yvo is ‘yew’.

Yvon – French form of German Yvo, meaning ‘yew tree.’ Yves shares the same etymology.

French boy names starting with Z

Zacarias – Archer, feminine variant of Yves

Zachalie – The name Zachalie is a boy’s name of French origin, meaning the Lord has remembered’.

Zacharie – French form of Hebrew Zekaryah, meaning ‘whom Jehovah remembered.’

Zailor – Zailor as a boy’s name is related to the Middle English and Old French name Taylor. The meaning of Zailor is ‘tailor’.

Zaylor – Zaylor as a boy’s name is related to the Middle English and Old French name Taylor. The meaning of Zaylor is ‘tailor’.

Zaylour – Zaylour as a boy’s name is related to the Middle English and Old French name Taylor. The meaning of Zaylour is ‘tailor’.

Zdenek – Follower of Saint Denys

Zephyrin – The name Zephyrin is a boy’s name of French origin meaning ‘west wind’.

Zuri – Good or Beautiful