- 1 Biblical greek boy names starting with A
- 2 Biblical greek boy names starting with B
- 3 Biblical greek boy names starting with C
- 4 Biblical greek boy names starting with D
- 5 Biblical greek boy names starting with E
- 6 Biblical greek boy names starting with F
- 7 Biblical greek boy names starting with G
- 8 Biblical greek boy names starting with H
- 9 Biblical greek boy names starting with I
- 10 Biblical greek boy names starting with J
- 11 Biblical greek boy names starting with K
- 12 Biblical greek boy names starting with L
- 13 Biblical greek boy names starting with M
- 14 Biblical greek boy names starting with N
- 15 Biblical greek boy names starting with O
- 16 Biblical greek boy names starting with P
- 17 Biblical greek boy names starting with Q
- 18 Biblical greek boy names starting with R
- 19 Biblical greek boy names starting with S
- 20 Biblical greek boy names starting with T
- 21 Biblical greek boy names starting with U
- 22 Biblical greek boy names starting with V
- 23 Biblical greek boy names starting with W
- 24 Biblical greek boy names starting with X
- 25 Biblical greek boy names starting with Y
- 26 Biblical greek boy names starting with Z
- 27 Biblical greek boy names starting with Æ
Biblical greek boy names starting with A
Aaron – Greek form of Hebrew Aharon, meaning ‘light-bringer.’ In the bible, this is the name of the older brother of Moses.
Abacus – The name Abacus is a boy’s name of Greek origin.
Abaddon – Greek name derived from Hebrew abaddown, meaning ‘destruction, ruination.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the place of destruction. And it is a name given to the angel of the bottomless pit, the Destroyer Apollyon.
Abderus – A friend of Hercules
Abeiron – Greek form of Hebrew Abiyram, meaning ‘my father is exalted.’ In the bible, this is the name of the eldest son of Hiel the Bethelite, and the name of a son of Eliab who joined Korah in his rebellion against Moses. This spelling is rarely used. Abiron is used in the Septuagint.
Abioud – Greek name meaning ‘my father is majesty.’ In the bible, this is the name of the son of Bela.
Abiron – Greek form of Hebrew Abiyram, meaning ‘my father is exalted.’ In the bible, this is the name of the eldest son of Hiel the Bethelite, and the name of a son of Eliab who joined Korah in his rebellion against Moses. Also spelled Abeiron.
Abraam – Greek form of Hebrew Abraham, meaning ‘father of a multitude.’ In the bible, this is the name of the founding patriarch of the Israelites.
Abram – Greek usage of Hebrew Abram, meaning ‘father of elevation.’ In use by the English.
Abrax – Greek name meaning ‘shining one.’ In mythology, this is the name of one of the steeds of Aurora. The other is Phaeton.
Abraxas – Greek myth name of one of the horses belonging to the sun god Helios. It is also the name of a demon of lies and deceit. The letters of the name add up to 365, the number of days in the year. It has been found in Greek magical texts and may be related to the word abracadabra which may derive from Aramaic avra kedabra, meaning ‘I will create as I speak.’
Acacio – Acacio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Acacio is ‘thorny tree’. Spanish name. Acacia is the feminine version.
Acacius – The name Acacius is a boy’s name of Greek, Latin, Ancient_Languages/Civilizations origin meaning ‘thorny, or, innocent, not evil’.
Accacio – Accacio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘thorny tree’.
Achaikos – Greek name meaning ‘belonging to Achaia,’ a maritime region of northern Peloponnesus. In the bible, this is the name of a Christian who, together with Fortunatus and Stephanos, carried a letter from the Corinthians to Paul and back again.
Achaz – Greek and Hebrew name meaning ‘possessing, possessor.’ In the bible, this is the name of the eleventh king of Judah, son of Jotham. Also spelled Ahaz.
Achiiles – Achilles was the son of the mortal Peleus and the Nereid Thetis. He was the mightiest of the Greeks who fought in the Trojan War, and was the hero of Homer”s Iliad. ‘But sure the eye of Time beholds no name So bless’d [Achilles] as thine in all the rolls of fame’—Alexander Pope translation of The Odyssey of Homer
Achilios – Greek variation of Achilles, origin meaning thin-lipped’.
Achill – Achill as a boy’s name is of Greek origin for the mythological hero of the Trojan War famous for his valor and manly beauty. His only weak spot was his ankle (hence Achilles’ Heel).
Achille – Achille as a boy’s name is of Greek origin for the mythological hero of the Trojan War famous for his valor and manly beauty. His only weak spot was his ankle (hence Achilles’ Heel).
Achillea – Achillea as a boy’s name is of Greek origin for the mythological hero of the Trojan War famous for his valor and manly beauty. His only weak spot was his ankle (hence Achilles’ Heel).
Achilleo – Achilleo as a boy’s name is of Greek origin for the mythological hero of the Trojan War famous for his valor and manly beauty. His only weak spot was his ankle (hence Achilles’ Heel).
Achilles – Achilles as a boy’s name is pronounced a-KILL-eez. It is of Greek origin. From Achilleus. Mythology: name of the hero of the Trojan War, celebrated in Homer’s ‘Iliad’, famous for his valor and manly beauty. He was all but invulnerable, having been dipped in the River Styx by his mother, the nymph Thetis. She held him, however, by the heel, which was thus his one weak point: hence ‘Achilles’ heel’. Also a saint’s name.
Achilleus – Achilleus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin for the mythological hero of the Trojan War famous for his valor and manly beauty. His only weak spot was his ankle (hence Achilles’ Heel).
Achillios – Achillios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin for the mythological hero of the Trojan War famous for his valor and manly beauty. His only weak spot was his ankle (hence Achilles’ Heel).
Achillius – Achillius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin for the mythological hero of the Trojan War famous for his valor and manly beauty. His only weak spot was his ankle (hence Achilles’ Heel).
Achim – Greek name believed to probably be a form of Jehoiakim, meaning ‘Jehovah raises up.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of an ancestor of Jesus. The name is not mentioned in the Old Testament. In use in Germany.
Acis –
Acrisius –
Actaeon – From Attica, The hunter Actaeon stumbled upon the goddess Artemis while she bathed, so she turned him into a stag. His own hunting dogs then became his killers.
Adam – Greek form of Hebrew Adam, meaning ‘the red earth.’ In use by the English.
Adamos – Greek form of Hebrew Adam according to Josephus, meaning ‘the red earth.’
Addonia – Addonia as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘extremely good looking or handsome’.
Adelfo – Adelfo as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘brother’.
Adelfus – Adelfus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘brother’.
Adelphe – Adelphe as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Adelphe is ‘brother’. French name.
Adelpho – Adelpho as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘brother’.
Adelphos – Greek name meaning ‘born of the same womb, sibling.’
Adelphus – Adelphus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘brother’.
Adohnes – Adohnes as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘extremely good looking or handsome’.
Adonai – Lord
Adone – Lord
Adones – Adones as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘extremely good looking or handsome’.
Adonia – Lord
Adonis – Extremely handsome, In greek mythology, Adonis is a beautiful young man beloved of Aphrodite.
Adonis – Adonis as a boy’s name is pronounced a-DAHN-iss. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Adonis is ‘extremely good looking, handsome’. Greek mythology: a beautiful youth beloved of Aphrodite, goddess of love. The name has come to mean a paragon of male beauty, making it very hard to live with.
Adonys – Adonys as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘extremely good looking or handsome’.
Adrain – This name means rich or wealthy, and also means dark-skinned.
Adrastos – Greek name meaning ‘inescapable’ or ‘not running away.’ In mythology, this is the name of a king of Argos.
Aeacus – Grandfather of Achilles
Aegeus – Second husband of Medea
Aegeus – Aegeus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Aegeus is ‘protection’. Greek mythology: King Aegeus was the father of Theseus, who killed the Cretan monster, the Minotaur.
Aegidios – Variant spelling of Greek Aigidios, meaning ‘kid, young goat’ or ‘shield of goatskin.’
Aegis – Shield, In Greek mythology, Aegis was the goat-skin shield of Zeus and his daughter Athena.
Aegis – The name Aegis is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘young goat’.
Aegisthus – Cousin of Agamemnon
Aegyptus – Father of the Danaides
Aeneas – Praiseworthy, the Trojan warrior from Virgil”s Aeneid
Aeneas – The name Aeneas is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘the praised one’.
Aeolos – Variant spelling of Greek Aiolos, meaning ‘sparkling, quick-shifting, quick-moving.’
Aeolus – God of the winds
Aeolus – Aeolus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Aeolus is ‘variable, changeable’. Greek mythology: Aiolos was the god of the winds.
Aesculapius – God of medicine
Aeson – Mythological father of Jason. When Aeson was very old, Medea gave him the gift of a second youth.
Aeson – Aeson as a boy’s name is of Greek origin. Unknown meaning. Greek mythology: the father of Jason. Since the name Jason has been so fashionable this name may appeal to some.
Aesop – The name Aesop is a boy’s name of Greek origin.
Biblical greek boy names starting with B
Baal – Greek form of Hebrew Ba’al, meaning ‘lord, master’ or ‘possessor.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the supreme masculine divinity of the Semitic nations, just as Ashtoreth (Greek Astarte) was their supreme feminine divinity.
Bacchus – Bacchus as a boy’s name. Greek mythology: Bacchus is the Greek god of wine, equivalent to Dionysius. He is also the god of poets.
Bakchos – Greek name derived from the word iacho, meaning ‘to shout,’ i.e. ‘noisy, riotous.’ In mythology, this is a name applied to Dionysos, a god of revelry and the intoxicating power of wine.
Bakkhos – Variant spelling of Greek Bakchos, meaning ‘noisy, riotous.’
Balios – Greek name meaning ‘dappled, piebald.’ In mythology, this is the name of one of two immortal horses (the other named Xanthos) who drew the chariot of Achilles during the Trojan war. They were the offspring of the harpy Podarge and the west wind Zephyros.
Balley – Derivative of ‘Bale’, Balley means ‘royal’ or ‘kingly’ and is popular in the French language. The English version ‘Basil’ is somewhat more popular.
Baltasar – Greek form of Aramaic Belsha’tstsar, meaning ‘Ba’al protect the king.’ In the bible, this is the name of a king of Babylon at the time of its fall, he to whom Daniel interpreted the writing on the wall.
Baltazar – Variant spelling of Greek Baltasar, meaning ‘Ba’al protect the king.’
Balthasar – The name Balthasar is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘God protects the king’.
Balthazar – The name Balthazar is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘Baal protects the King’.
Baltsaros – Prince of splendor
Bandi – Virile, manly
Baptist – Dipping in water
Baptiste – Dipping in water
Barabbas – Greek form of Aramaic bar-Abba, meaning ‘son of the father.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of a captive robber whom the Jews begged Pilate to release instead of Christ.
Barak – Greek form of Hebrew Baraq, meaning ‘flash of lightning.’ In the bible, this is the name of a commander of the Israelites.
Bariesou – Greek form of Aramaic Bar-Yesu, meaning ‘son of Jesus.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of a false prophet.
Bariesous – Variant spelling of Greek Bariesou, meaning ‘son of Jesus.’
Barna – Barna as a boy’s name is of Greek and Aramaic origin meaning ‘hardy, brave, and strong’.
Barnaba – Barnaba as a boy’s name is of Greek and Aramaic origin meaning ‘son of consolation’.
Barnabas – Greek form of Aramaic Barnebhuah, meaning ‘son of exhortation.’ In the bible, this is a surname given to Joses by the apostles. He was a native of Cyprus who was a Christian teacher and disciple of Paul.
Barnabe – Barnabe as a boy’s name is of Greek and Aramaic origin meaning ‘son of consolation’.
Barnabee – Barnabee as a boy’s name is of Greek and Aramaic origin meaning ‘son of consolation’.
Barnabey – Barnabey as a boy’s name is of Greek and Aramaic origin meaning ‘son of consolation’.
Barnabie – Barnabie as a boy’s name is of Greek and Aramaic origin meaning ‘son of consolation’.
Barnabus – Barnabus as a boy’s name is of Greek and Aramaic origin meaning ‘son of consolation’.
Barnaby – Barnaby as a boy’s name is of Greek and Aramaic origin meaning ‘son of consolation’.
Barnebas – Barnebas as a boy’s name is of Greek and Aramaic origin meaning ‘son of consolation’.
Barnebus – Barnebus as a boy’s name is of Greek and Aramaic origin meaning ‘son of consolation’.
Barni – Barni as a boy’s name is of Greek and Aramaic origin meaning ‘hardy, brave, and strong’.
Barnie – Barnie as a boy’s name is of Greek and Aramaic origin meaning ‘son of consolation’.
Barny – Barny as a boy’s name is of Greek and Aramaic origin meaning ‘hardy, brave, and strong’.
Barsabbas – Greek form of Aramaic Bar-Sabba, probably meaning ‘son of the Sabbath.’ In the bible, this is the surname of a certain Joseph and Judas, mentioned in Acts 1:23 and 15:22 respectively.
Bart – Rich in land
Bartholomaios – Greek form of Aramaic bar-Talmai, meaning ‘son of Talmai.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of one of the twelve apostles.
Bartholomew – Rich in land
Bartlett – Rich in land
Bartolomej – Rich in land
Baruch – Goodly
Baruch – Blessed
Bas – Royal
Basil – Royal, kingly
Basil – Basil as a boy’s name is pronounced BAZ-el. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Basil is ‘royal, kingly’. From the Greek name Basileios, derived from ‘basileus’, meaning ‘king’.
Basile – Kingly
Basile – Basile as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘royal or kingly’.
Basileios – Basileios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘royal or kingly’.
Basileus – Variant form of Greek Vasilios, meaning ‘king.’
Basilic – Basilic as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘royal or kingly’.
Basilides – Basilides as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘royal or kingly’.
Basilio – Basilio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘royal or kingly’.
Basilius – Basilius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘royal or kingly’.
Basilla – Royal
Bastiaan – Venerable
Bastian – The name Bastian is a boy’s name of Greek, Latin origin meaning ‘man of Sebastia’.
Bastien – Bastien as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘revered’.
Bautista – Dipping in water
Bazeel – Bazeel as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘royal or kingly’.
Bazeelius – Bazeelius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘royal or kingly’.
Bazil – Bazil as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘royal or kingly’.
Bazyli – Royal
Bazyli – Bazyli as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘royal or kingly’.
Beamus – Beamus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘foundation’.
Bedros – Western Armenian transcription of PETROS
Beelzeboul – Greek form of Hebrew Ba’al-Zebuwb (‘lord of the fly’), meaning ‘lord of dung.’ In the New Testament bible, this is a name for Satan, the prince of evil spirits.
Beelzebul – Variant spelling of Greek Beelzeboul, meaning ‘lord of dung.’
Bellerophon – Slew Chimera
Bemis – Bemis as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘foundation’.
Bemus – Bemus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Bemus is ‘foundation’.
Benedictus – Blessed
Benediktos – Greek form of Latin Benedictus, meaning ‘blessed.’ Martin Luther noted that this name added up to 666 in Greek gematria.
Beniamin – Greek form of Hebrew Binyamin, meaning ‘son of the right hand.’ In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including one of the founders of the twelve tribes of Israel, the youngest of Jacob’s twelve sons.
Bernabe – Bernabe as a boy’s name is of Greek and Aramaic origin meaning ‘son of consolation’.
Beryl – Dazzling jewel
Bion – Greek name derived from the word bios meaning ‘life.’
Bishop – Supervisor of spiritual things
Bitrus – Hausa form of PETER
Blasios – Greek form of Roman Latin Blasius, meaning ‘talks with a lisp.’
Boanerges – Greek name meaning ‘sons of thunder’ or ‘sons of tumult.’ In the bible, this is a name given to the brothers James and John by Jesus.
Botros – Alternate transcription of Arabic (see BUTRUS)
Boutros – Boutros as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Peter. The meaning of Boutros is ‘rock’.
Bronte – Receiver
Broos – To be immortal
Brose – Brose as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘immortal’.
Butrus – Arabic form of PETER
Biblical greek boy names starting with C
Cadmar – Cadmar as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘from the east’.
Cadmo – Cadmo as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘from the east’.
Cadmos – Cadmos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘from the east’.
Cadmus – Cadmus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Cadmus is ‘from the east’. Greek mythology: Cadmus is the founder of the city of Thebes, who ultimately turned into a serpent.
Cadmuss – Cadmuss as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘from the east’.
Caduceus – Caduceus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin. Greek mythology: the caduceus was the insignia of Hermes (called Mercury by the Romans), a winged staff with two serpents twining up it. Because Hermes was the patron of doctors, it has become the symbol for medicine.
Calais – Son of Boreas
Calix – The name Calix is a boy’s name of Greek, Latin origin meaning ‘chalice’.
Calixto – The name Calixto is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘beautiful’.
Callie – The etymology world isn’t 100 percent sure where this pretty, casual name came from. A good guess: It’s short for Calista, which comes from the Greek word ‘kallista,’ meaning “beautiful, lovely.” Kallista is likely associated with Callisto, a nymph who was a babe. Long story short, she had an affair with her BFF’s dad, Zeus, got pregnant, was shot by the disgusted BFF and, with Zeus’ intervention, became bears set in the sky as stars called Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. As a modern name, it’s a stand-alone with an uncertain back history. Even so, it’s more popular than the more established Calista.
Callister – Son of Alexander
Callisthenes – Beautiful and strong
Calypso –
Carolos – Greek variation of Carl, origin meaning free man’.
Cassia – Champion
Cassius – Of the Greek word cassia meaning ‘herb’ and kesiah meaning ‘cinnamon bark’, a family of trees and shrubs highly prized for their fragrant perfume.
Caster – Caster as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘beaver’.
Castor – Castor as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Castor is ‘beaver’. In classical myth, along with Pollux, one of the heavenly twins immortalized in the constellation Gemini. They were considerd the patron gods of seafarers, appearing to them in Saint Elmo’s fire.
Castorio – Castorio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘beaver’.
Catherine – She may be known the world over as Kate Middleton, but the birth name of the Duchess of Cambridge is Catherine (the name she actually prefers). Of course, Kate is one of several nicknames for the name Catherine, a Greek word meaning “pure.” It’s one of the most traditional names that has consistently remained popular. Great literary and historical figures have been called Catherine, including Catherine Bennet, Heathcliff’s great love in “Wuthering Heights,” and Catherine the Great, the 18th-century Russian empress.
Cecrops – Founder of Athens
Cephalus – Husband who killed Procris
Cephas – Means ‘rock’ in Aramaic. The apostle Simon was called Cephas by Jesus because he was to be the rock upon which the Christian church was to be built. In most versions of the New Testament Cephas is translated into Greek (Petros) (in English Peter)
Cephus – Cephus is an unpopular boy’s name.
Chaos – Space
Charalampos – Greek name composed of the elements chara ‘happiness’ and lampo ‘shining,’ hence ‘shining happiness.’
Chariton – Greek name meaning ‘grace, kindness.’
Charon – Ferryman across the river Styx
Charybdis – A deadly whirlpool
Chloe – Chloe is a name that dreams of spring and fresh flowers with religious roots in both Greek mythology and the New Testament. Screen star Chloe Sevigny and teenage actress and model Chloe Grace Moretz have kept the name fresh in the entertainment spotlight. But its most notable incarnation today may be that of American reality TV star Khloe Kardashian, spelled with a K. The triple-consonant beginning makes it distinctive, and vies for attention with its sister name Zoey.
Chris – Form of CHRISTOPHER – Christ-bearer
Chriss – Chriss is a boy’s name that comes from the Greek name Christopher, meaning ‘bearing Christ.’
Christian –
Christiano – Greek variation of Christian, origin meaning follower of Christ’.
Christianos – Greek name, meaning ‘believer’ or ‘follower of Christ.’ In the bible, this is the name first given to the worshippers of Jesus by the Gentiles, but from the second century onward accepted by them as a title of honor.
Christie – Bearer of Christ
Christion – Greek variation of Christian, origin meaning follower of Christ’.
Christof – Christof is a boy’s name meaning ‘bearing Christ’ that is a variant of the Greek name Christopher.
Christofer – This is one of many variations of ‘Christopher,’ which means the bearer of Christ. Christopher is also the patron saint of travelers.
Christoffel – Bearing Christ
Christoffer – Christoffer is a boy’s name meaning ‘bearing Christ’ that is related to the Greek name Christopher.
Christoforo – Christoforo is a boy’s name meaning ‘bearing Christ’ that is related to the Greek name Christopher.
Christoforus – Christoforus is a boy’s name meaning ‘bearing Christ’ that is related to the Greek name Christopher.
Christoper – Christoper is a somewhat popular boy’s name.
Christoph – Christoph is a boy’s name meaning ‘bearing Christ’ that is related to the Greek name Christopher.
Christophe – Christophe is a boy’s name meaning ‘bearing Christ’ that is related to the Greek name Christopher.
Christopher – One who carries Christ
Christopher-Joh – Combined the meanings ‘bearing Christ’ and ‘God has given’.
Christopher – Christopher was the second popular boy’s name for 18 years, according to Social Security data, although it recently fell out of the top 25. Christopher was a popular name among the early Christians, who wished to show their devotion by bearing Christ in their names and their hearts. Over time, Christopher became more secular and better known for the Christopher Robin character in AA Milne’s Winnie the Pooh. Nicknames include the often-used Chris and the less common Kit and Topher. Those on a journey can still ask for the protection of Saint Christopher, the patron saint of travelers.
Christophoros – Greek name composed of the name Christos ‘Christ’ and the word phero ‘to bear,’ hence ‘Christ-bearer.’
Christos – Familar form of Christopher
Christos – Greek name meaning ‘anointed.’ In the bible, this is a name applied to Jesus, the Messiah and son of God.
Christy –
Chronos – A crow
Chrysanthos – Greek name composed of the elements chrysos ‘gold’ and anthemon ‘a flower,’ hence ‘golden flower.’
Ciril – Ciril is a boy’s name meaning ‘master’ or ‘lord’ that comes from the Greek name Cyril.
Cirilio – Cirilio is a boy’s name meaning ‘master’ or ‘lord’ that comes from the Greek name Cyril.
Cirillo – Cirillo is a boy’s name meaning ‘master’ or ‘lord’ that comes from the Greek name Cyril.
Cirilo – Cirilo is a boy’s name meaning ‘master’ or ‘lord’ that comes from the Greek name Cyril.
Claas – Claas is a boy’s name meaning ‘people of victory’ that is related to the Greek name Nicholas.
Claes – Claes is a boy’s name meaning ‘people of victory’ that is related to the German name Claus and the Greek name Nicholas.
Claudios – Greek variation of Claude, origin meaning lame, enclosure’.
Claus – The conquering people
Cleander – Cleander as a boy’s name. Combined name: possibly Leander (Greek) ‘lion-man’, and Cleanth.
Cleandro – Cleandro is a boy’s name and a variant of the Greek name Cleanth.
Cleante – Cleante is a boy’s name and a variant of the Greek name Cleanth.
Cleanth – Cleanth as a boy’s name is of Greek origin. Possibly derived from the name of a Stoic Greek philosopher, Cleanthes.
Cleanthes – Cleanthes is a boy’s name and a variant of the Greek name Cleanth.
Cleanto – Cleanto is a boy’s name and a variant of the Greek name Cleanth.
Cleneth – Cleneth is a boy’s name and a variant of the Greek name Cleanth.
Cleo – Father’s glory
Cleofas – Cleofas means ‘vision of glory’ and is a boy’s name that comes from the Greek name Cleophas.
Cleofaso – Cleofaso means ‘vision of glory’ and is a boy’s name that comes from the Greek name Cleophas.
Cleon – Cleon as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Cleon is ‘renowned’.
Cleophas – Cleophas as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Cleophas is ‘vision of glory’. Biblical name: husband of one of the Marys who stood at the foot of the Cross.
Cleophus – Cleophus means ‘vision of glory’ and is a boy’s name that comes from the Greek name Cleophas.
Clete – Clete is a boy’s name that means ‘illustrious’ or ‘called forth, invoked’. It derives from the Greek name Cletus.
Cletis – Cletis is a boy’s name that means ‘illustrious’ or ‘called forth, invoked’. It derives from the Greek name Cletus.
Cletos – Cletos is a boy’s name that means ‘illustrious’ or ‘called forth, invoked’. It derives from the Greek name Cletus.
Cletus – Cletus as a boy’s name is pronounced KLEE-tus, KLAY-tus. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Cletus is ‘illustrious, called forth, invoked’. A short form of Anacletus.
Cleytus – Cleytus is a boy’s name that means ‘illustrious’ or ‘called forth, invoked’. It derives from the Greek name Cletus.
Clianth – Clianth is a boy’s name and a variant of the Greek name Cleanth.
Clianthes – Clianthes is a boy’s name and a variant of the Greek name Cleanth.
Clopas – Meaning unknown, probably of Aramaic origin. In the New Testament Clopas is mentioned briefly as the husband of one of the women who witnessed the crucifixion, sometimes identified with Alphaeus
Cola – People’s victory
Colas – Colas is a boy’s name meaning ‘people of victory’ that is related to the Greek name Nicholas.
Cole – Victory of the people
Colet – Colet is a variant of the Greek name Nicholas. It is a boy’s name meaning ‘people of victory’.
Colin – Old Greek origin meaning ‘victory of the people’, used as a short form of Nicholas in the Middle Ages.
Collin – People’s triumph
Collins –
Collis – People’s triumph
Colson – People’s triumph
Comus – Comus as a boy’s name. Greek mythology: Comus was the Greek god of mirth and hilarity. He is usually represented in art as a young man with a torch and a goblet.
Constantine – Constantine the Great’ was a powerful Roman emperor. Constantine also means steady and stable.
Constantinos – Greek variation of Constantin, origin meaning steadfast’.
Conway – Hound of the plain
Coriander –
Coridon – Coridon means ‘battle-ready’. It is a boy’s name that comes from the Greek name Corydon.
Corinthian – From Corinth
Coryden – Coryden as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘battle ready’.
Corydon – Corydon as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Corydon is ‘battle-ready’.
Coryell – Coryell as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘battle ready’.
Cosimo – Courtesy, order
Cosmas – Cosmas is an unpopular boy’s name.
Cosmo – From Old Greek origin meaning ‘beauty, harmony’ from the element kosmos meaning harmony.
Costa – Greek variation of Constantin, origin meaning steadfast’.
Costas – Costas as a boy’s name is of Greek origin.
Coulson – Coulson as a boy’s name. Surname derived from Nicholas (Greek) ‘people of victory’.
Cris – Bearer of Christ
Cristo – Bearing Christ
Cristobal – Cristobal is a boy’s name meaning ‘bearing Christ’ that is related to the Greek name Christopher.
Cristofer – This is one of many variations of ‘Christopher,’ which means the bearer of Christ. Christopher is also the patron saint of travelers.
Cristofor – Cristofor is a boy’s name meaning ‘bearing Christ’ that derives from the Greek name Cristofer.
Cristoforo – Cristoforo is a boy’s name meaning ‘bearing Christ’ that is related to the Greek name Christopher.
Cristopher – Cristopher is a boy’s name meaning ‘bearing Christ’ that comes from the Greek name Christopher.
Cristoval – Cristoval is a boy’s name meaning ‘bearing Christ’ that derives from the Greek name Cristofer.
Cristovano – Cristovano is a boy’s name meaning ‘bearing Christ’ that is related to the Greek name Christopher.
Cristovao – Bearing Christ
Cronos – Variant spelling of Greek Kronos, meaning ‘time.’
Cronus – Cronus as a boy’s name. Greek mythology: Cronus was the youngest Titan (predecessors of the Greek gods) and father of Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, and Demeter. He ruled over earth until he was overthrown by the Olympian gods, his children.
Cy – Master, lord.
Cy – Variant of Cyril, the name means leader, master. It can also be used for girls.
Cyan – A greenish blue color
Cymbeline – The name Cymbeline is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘sun lord’.
Cypress – Strong, muscular, adaptable
Cyprian – From Cyprus
Cyprian – The name Cyprian is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘man of Cyprus’.
Cyrano – From Cyrene, Cyrano de Bergerac was the romantic hero of Edmund Rostand”s play by the same name. The character was based on a French author with this moniker.
Cyrano – Cyrano as a boy’s name is pronounced SEER-a-noh. It is of French and Greek origin, and the meaning of Cyrano is ‘from Cyrene’.
Cyril – Lordly, Saint Cyril and his brother Saint Methodius developed the Cyrillic alphabet.
Cyril – Cyril as a boy’s name is pronounced SEER-el. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Cyril is ‘master, lord’.
Cyrill – Cyrill is a boy’s name that comes from the Greek names Cyril and Kiril. It means ‘master’, ‘lord’, or ‘the Lord’.
Cyrillus – Cyrillus is a boy’s name meaning ‘master’ or ‘lord’ that comes from the Greek name Cyril.
Cyrus –
Cyrus – Cyrus means leader and lord. Cyrus was the first leader of Persia.
Biblical greek boy names starting with D
D’Angelo – Excellent at communication, enjoys talking to people.
Da’Marion – Da’Marion means easy going and tame.
Daedalus – Daedalus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Daedalus is ‘craftsman’. Greek mythology: Daedalus was a master craftsman and the designer of King Minos’ labyrinth.
Daemon – Daemon is a boy’s name that comes from the Greek name Damian.
Daidalos – Greek name meaning ‘cunning worker.’ In mythology, this is the name of the man who created the Labyrinth for King Minos of Crete, in which the Minotaur was kept and from which the hero Theseus escaped.
Daimen – Daimen is a boy’s name that comes from the Greek name Damian.
Daimon – Daimon is a boy’s name that comes from the Greek name Damian.
Daldalos – Daldalos is a boy’s name meaning ‘craftsman’ and a variant of the Greek name Daedalus.
Damalis – One who gentles
Daman – Daman is a variant of the two Greek names Damian and Damon. It is a boy’s name meaning ‘one who tames, subdues’.
Damari – Variant of Damarion, youthful and young at heart, sweet and kind.
Damario – Calf
Damarion – Calf
Damarius – Calf
Damascus – Damascus is a boy’s name meaning ‘from Damascus’ that is a variant of the Greek name Damaskenos.
Damaskenos – Damaskenos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Damaskenos is ‘from Damascus’.
Damaskinos – Damaskinos is a boy’s name meaning ‘from Damascus’ that is a variant of the Greek name Damaskenos.
Damaskos – Of Damascus
Damen – A variant of Damien which refers to someone who tames and makes gentle.
Dameon – Dameon is a boy’s name that comes from the Greek name Damian.
Dametrius – Dametrius is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Demeter’ that is related to the Greek name Demetrius.
Damian – One who tames or subdues
Damian – Damian is thought to be related to the Greek names Damianos and Damon, meaning “to tame or subdue.” Damian is popular in Ireland and upper-class English households, but Irish singer-songwriter Damien Rice uses the French spelling. In the US, there are more Damians than Damiens. Saint Damian, a famous healer, and his twin brother, Cosmo, were early-4th-century Christian martyrs who became the patron saints of physicians.
Damiano – Damiano is a boy’s name that comes from the Greek name Damian.
Damianos – Greek named derived from the element daman, meaning ‘to tame, to subdue’ and euphemistically ‘to kill.’ Related to Damon.
Damianus – Damianus is a boy’s name that comes from the Greek name Damian.
Damien – The French didn’t tinker too much with this name—just a quick spelling change from the original English Damian. Both are derived from the Greek “Damianos,” which came from the word “daman” (“tame, subdue”). While Damian is the more favored spelling with American parents, Damien is still a fixture on the name charts and has been since the late 1960s. Its most famous namesake is St. Damien, a Catholic priest who selflessly performed his priestly duties while living in a leper colony in Molokai, Hawaii, in the late 19th century.
Damion – Damion is a boy’s name that comes from the Greek name Damian.
Dammond – Tame, subdue
Damokles – Greek name composed of the elements damos ‘people’ and kleos ‘glory,’ hence ‘glory of the people.’
Damon – The name Damon is associated with loyalty. Actor Matt Damon’s friendship with Ben Affleck is the real deal, and so was the friendship between Greek mythological figures Damon and Pythias, who always had each other’s backs. The simple name grew in popularity, starting in 2009, when ‘The Vampire Diaries’ TV series featured a main character named Damon. And actor/comedian Damon Wayans is so loyal to his name, he passed it on to his son!
Damond – Tame, subdue
Damyon – Damyon is a boy’s name that comes from the Greek name Damian.
Danaus – According to Greek mythology, Danaus was a father to fifty daughters, known as the Danaides.
Dand – Virile, manly
Dandie – Dandie as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Dandy – Dandy as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Daniel – Greek form of Hebrew Daniyel, meaning ‘God is my judge.’ In the bible, this is the name of the hero of the Book of Daniel, who was cast into a den of lions but saved by God.
Daphne – Daphnes come in all walks of life. There’s TV host Daphne Oz, legendary author Daphne du Maurier and singer-actress Daphne Rubin-Vega. There’s even a Daphne in Greek mythology: She was a cute nymph whose father helpfully turned her into a laurel tree to save her from an overly amorous Apollo. Daphne has been around since the 19th century but hit her peak of popularity in the 1960s. Although she keeps a low profile these days, Daphne has a lot to offer: history, mythological meaning and talent.
Daphnis – A name of Greek mythology, Daphnis was a shepherd and flute player who was blinded by a lover after being unfaithful to her.
Daphnis – Daphnis as a boy’s name. Greek mythology: Daphnis appears in two tales as a love-struck shepherd. The more widely known story is the pastoral romance of Daphnis and Chloe.
Dard – Dard is a boy’s name and a variant of the Greek name Dardanos.
Dardanio – Dardanio is a boy’s name that derives from the Greek name Dardanos.
Dardanios – Dardanios is a boy’s name that derives from the Greek name Dardanos.
Dardanos – Dardanos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin. Mythology: the founder of Troy and the surrounding country, Dardania. He was a son of Zeus.
Dardanus – Founder of Troy
Dardanus – Dardanus is a boy’s name that derives from the Greek name Dardanos.
Dareios – Greek form of Persian Darayavahush, meaning ‘possesses a lot, wealthy.’
Darien – Variant of Darian, a joy to be around, a delight.
Darion – A pleasure to have around, pleasant.
Darius – The name Darius is a boy’s name of Greek, Persian origin meaning ‘kingly or possess well’.
Darren – Derived from Irish and English roots Darren means ‘wealthy’ and in Gaelic ‘small and great’.
Darrion – Darrion is a boy’s name meaning ‘gift’ that derives from three name: Darian, Darrien, and the Greek name Darion.
Darrius – Variant of Darius, maintains a meticulously clean living space.
Dasha – Gift of God
Datton – Originates from the Old Greek name Damian meaning ‘tamer’.
Dauid – Greek form of Hebrew David, meaning ‘beloved.’ In the bible, this is the name of the second king of Israel and ancestor of Jesus.
Dayman – Dayman is a boy’s name that comes from the Greek name Damian.
Daymian – Daymian is a boy’s name that comes from the Greek name Damian.
Daymon – Daymon is a variant of the two Greek names Damian and Damon. It is a boy’s name meaning ‘one who tames, subdues’.
Deacon – Servant, also a church official
Deacon – Deacon as a boy’s name is pronounced DEE-ken. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Deacon is ‘dusty one, servant, messenger’.
Deakin – Deakin is a boy’s name meaning ‘dusty one’, ‘servant’, or ‘messenger’ that comes from the Greek name Deacon.
Decatur – Decatur as a boy’s name. Surname. There is a process called ‘decating’ in the manufacture of cloth. Deca- in Greek means ‘ten’, but might also mean ‘pure’.
Dedalus – Dedalus is a boy’s name meaning ‘craftsman’ and a variant of the Greek name Daedalus.
Deecon – Deecon is a boy’s name meaning ‘dusty one’, ‘servant’, or ‘messenger’ that comes from the Greek name Deacon.
Deekon – Deekon is a boy’s name meaning ‘dusty one’, ‘servant’, or ‘messenger’ that comes from the Greek name Deacon.
Deimos – Greek name meaning ‘fear, terror.’ In mythology, this is the name of a son of Ares and Aphrodite.
Deion – Glorious, mighty, on top of the world.
Deiphobus – A son of Priam
Deke – Deke is a boy’s name meaning ‘dusty one’, ‘servant’, or ‘messenger’ that comes from the Greek name Deacon and the German name Dietrich.
Dekle – Dekle is a boy’s name meaning ‘dusty one’, ‘servant’, or ‘messenger’ that comes from the Greek name Deacon.
Delfino – Delfino is a boy’s name and a variant of the Greek name Delphin, meaning ‘dolphin’.
Delfinos – Delfinos is a boy’s name meaning ‘dolphin’ that is related to the Greek name Delphin.
Delfinus – Delfinus is a boy’s name meaning ‘dolphin’ that is related to the Greek name Delphin.
Deli – Deli as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘from Delos’.
Delias – The name Delias is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘from Delos’.
Delios – Delios is a boy’s name meaning ‘from Delos’ that is related to the Greek name Delius.
Delius – Delius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Delius is ‘from Delos’. Delos is a tiny Greek island that was sacred to the ancient Greeks, who believed that Apollo and Artemis had been born there.
Delos – Delos is a boy’s name meaning ‘from Delos’ that derives from the Greek name Delius.
Delphin – Delphin as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Delphin is ‘dolphin’. French form of a name that refers to the Greek town of Delphi, home of a famous oracle.
Delphinios – Greek name meaning ‘of Delphi’ or ‘of the Dolphins.’ In mythology, this is a title belonging to Apollo.
Delphino – Delphino is a boy’s name meaning ‘dolphin’ that is related to the Greek name Delphin.
Delphinos – Delphinos is a boy’s name meaning ‘dolphin’ that is related to the Greek name Delphin.
Delphinus – Delphinusis a boy’s name meaning ‘dolphin’ that is related to the Greek name Delphin.
Demetios – Of the earth
Demetri – Of Demeter
Demetri – Demetri is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Demeter’ that is related to the Greek name Demetrius.
Demetrio – Demetrio is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Demeter’ that is related to the Greek name Demetrius.
Demetrios – Greek name derived from the name of the goddess Demeter (‘earth mother’), meaning ‘loves the earth’ or ‘follower of Demeter.’
Demetrius – Of Demeter, Demeter is the mythological Greek goddess of harvest and fertility.
Demetrius – Demetrius as a boy’s name is pronounced de-MEE-tree-us. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Demetrius is ‘follower of Demeter’. Mythology: Demeter is the Greek goddess of corn and harvest.
Demian – Demian is an unpopular boy’s name.
Demitri –
Demitri – Demitri is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Demeter’ that is related to the Greek name Demetrius.
Demitrios – Demitrios is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Demeter’ that is related to the Greek name Demetrius.
Demitrius – Demitrius is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Demeter’ that is related to the Greek name Demetrius.
Democles – Democles is an unpopular boy’s name.
Demodocus – A blind hero
Demogorgon – Greek myth name of a god of the underworld, thought to be a name for Satan, possibly composed of the Greek elements daimon ‘demon, devil’ and gorgos ‘grim,’ hence ‘grim demon.’
Demokritos – Greek name composed of the elements demou ‘of the people’ and krites ‘judge,’ hence ‘judge of the people.’
Demon – Ancient Greek name derived from the word demos, meaning ‘the people.’
Demophon – Son of Theseus
Demos – Demos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Demos is ‘the people’. Also possibly homage to Greece’s most famous orator, Demosthenes.
Demosthenes – Greek name composed of the elements demou ‘of the people’ and sthenos ‘strength, vigor,’ hence ‘strength of the people.’
Demostrate – Greek name composed of the elements demou ‘of the people’ and stratos ‘army,’ hence ‘people’s army.’
Demyan – Demyan is a boy’s name that comes from the Greek name Damian.
Den – Den is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Dionysius’ or ‘son of Dennis’. It is a variant of the Greek and English name Dennis and the Old English name Dennison.
Denes – Follower of Zeus
Denies – Denies is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Dionysius’ that is related to the Greek and English name Dennis.
Denis – The meaning of the name Denis is ‘follower of Dionysis’ who was the Greek God of wine.
Dennes – Dennes is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Dionysius’ that is related to the Greek and English name Dennis.
Denni – From Old Greek origin meaning ‘follower of Dionysos’ an alternative to the English, French and German name Denise. Dionysos was the Greek god of wine and celebration.
Dennis – Follower of Dionysius, Dionysius is the Greek god of wine responsible for growth of the vines, equivalent to the Roman god Bacchus. Saint Denis is the patron saint of France.
Dennis – Dennis as a boy’s name is pronounced DEN-iss. It is of Greek and English origin, and the meaning of Dennis is ‘follower of Dionysius’. Mythology: Dionysius is the Greek god of wine.
Denny – Derived from the name Dennis, meaning ‘follower of Dionysos’.
Dennys – Dennys is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Dionysius’ that is related to the Greek and English name Dennis.
Denys – God of wine
Deon – Child of heaven and earth
Deon – A variation of the name Dion from Dionysios , the god of wine and celebration. The name refers to a follower of Dionysios and is associated with festivity.
Deondre – Brave, manly
Deonn – Deonn is a boy’s name and a variant of the Greek name Dion.
Deonne – Wine
Deonys – Deonys is a boy’s name and a variant of the Greek name Dion.
Deorsa – Farming man
Deric – Ruler
Derick – Ruler
Derik – Ruler
Derk – Ruler
Derreck – Ruler
Derrek – Ruler
Derrik – Ruler
Deryn – This name may derive from the Greek, meaning ‘gift’ or from the Welsh ‘aderyn’ meaning ‘bird’.
Deucalion – Greek name possibly meaning ‘new wine sailor.’ In mythology, this is the name of a son of Prometheus, and a son of Minos.
Deyon – Deyon is a boy’s name and a variant of the Greek name Dion.
Dhimitrios – Dhimitrios is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Demeter’ that is related to the Greek name Demetrius.
Diabolos – Greek name meaning ‘accuser, slanderer.’ In the bible, this is a title for Satan, the prince of demons and author of evil, who estranges men from God and entices them to sin. Figuratively, the devil is a man who, by opposing the cause of God, may be said to act the part of the devil or to side with him.
Diakonos – Diakonos is a boy’s name meaning ‘dusty one’, ‘servant’, or ‘messenger’ that comes from the Greek name Deacon.
Didymos – Greek name meaning ‘two-fold, twain.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of a Christian.
Dima – A follower of the Greek God Demeter
Dimetre – Dimetre is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Demeter’ that is related to the Greek name Demetrius.
Dimetrius – Dimetrius is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Demeter’ that is related to the Greek name Demetrius.
Dimitri – Dimitri as a boy’s name is pronounced de-MEE-tree. It is of Greek origin.
Dimitrios – Dimitrios is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Demeter’ that is related to the Greek name Demetrius.
Dimitrious – Dimitrious is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Demeter’ that is related to the Greek name Demetrius.
Dimitris – Contracted form of Greek Dimitrios, meaning ‘loves the earth’ or ‘follower of Demeter.’
Dimitros – Greek variation of Demetrius, origin meaning follower of Demeter’.
Dimitry – Dimitry is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Demeter’ that is related to the Greek name Demetrius.
Dimos – Dimos is a boy’s name meaning ‘the people’ that derives from the Greek name Demos.
Dimosthenis – Variant spelling of Greek Demosthenes, meaning ‘strength of the people.’
Dinis – Follower of Zeus
Dinos – God of wine
Dio – Wine
Diodoros – Greek name composed of the elements Dios ‘god, Zeus’ and doron ‘gift,’ hence ‘gift of Zeus.’
Diodotos – Greek name composed of the elements Dios ‘god, Zeus’ and dotes ‘giver,’ hence ‘giver of Zeus.’
Diogenes – Greek name composed of the elements Dios ‘god, Zeus’ and genes ‘born,’ hence ‘born of Zeus.’
Diokles – Greek name composed of the elements Dios ‘god, Zeus’ and kleos ‘glory,’ hence ‘glory of Zeus.’
Diomedes – Greek name composed of the elements Dios ‘god, Zeus’ and medomai ‘to think,’ hence ‘cunning as Zeus.’ In mythology, this is the name of the second-best warrior of all Achaeans who fought in the Trojan war (Ajax was first-best).
Dion – An abbreviation of Dionysus, more often used as an independent name
Dion – Derived from the Old Greek meaning ‘follower of Dionysos’, the god of wine, the inspirer of ritual madness and ecstasy
Diondre – Diondre is a boy’s name and a variant of the Greek name Dion.
Dionigi – Wine
Dionis – Wine
Dionisio – Dionisio is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Dionysius’ that is related to the Greek and English name Dennis.
Dionn – Wine
Dionne – Wine
Diont – Wine
Dionta – Wine
Diontai – Wine
Dionte – Dionte is a boy’s name and a variant of the Greek name Dion.
Diontray – Wine
Dionysios – Greek name derived from the name of the god Dionysos, meaning ‘follower of Dionysos.’
Dionysius – The Greek god of wine, The great theater in Athens is dedicated to Dionysius.
Dionysius – Dionysius as a boy’s name. Greek mythology: Dionysius was the Greek god of wine (known to Romans as Bacchus).
Dionysodoros – Greek name composed of the name of the god Dionysos, and the word doron ‘gift,’ hence ‘gift of Dionysos.’
Dionysos – Greek name composed of the elements Dios ‘Zeus’ and Nysa, hence ‘Zeus-Nysa,’ i.e. ‘god of nymphs.’ In mythology, this is the name of a god of revelry and the intoxicating effect of wine. Nysa is the name of a legendary land/mountain where Dionysos was raised and nursed by rain-nymphs. There are many places bearing the name Nysa in Anatolia, Turkmenistan, Poland and Serbia. The Serbian Nysa is spelled Nis and has been interpreted as an Indo-European word meaning ‘nymph.’
Dionysus – God of wine, revelry, and fertility
Dionysus – Dionysus is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Dionysius’ that is related to the Greek and English name Dennis.
Dioskouroi – Greek name composed of the elements Dios ‘god, Zeus’ and kouros ‘boy,’ hence ‘boys of Zeus.’ In mythology, this name was given to Castor and Pollux, the twin sons of Zeus and Leda, tutelary deities of sailors. In the bible, they are mentioned by this name in Acts 28:11.
Diot – Diot is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Dionysius’ that is related to the Greek and English name Dennis.
Dirke – Ruler
Dmitri – Dmitri is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Demeter’ that is related to the Greek name Demetrius.
Dmitrios – Dmitrios is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Demeter’ that is related to the Greek name Demetrius.
Dmitry – Dmitry is a boy’s name meaning ‘follower of Demeter’ that is related to the Greek name Demetrius.
Dondre – Dondre is a boy’s name and a variant of the Greek name Dion.
Dore – Gift
Dorian – From Doris (region in Greece), descendant of Dorus, also used as a familiar form of Isidore, Dorian was the main character in Oscar Wilde”s novel The Picture of Dorian Gray who was given his wish that his portrait would age while he remained young and handsome.
Dorian – This means ‘of the Dorian tribe’ , or since it contains the element ‘doron’ may also mean ‘gift’.
Dorien – Descendant of Dorus. Dorian was a character in Oscar Wilde”s novel The Picture of Dorian Gray who was given his wish that his portrait would age while he remained young and handsome.
Dorien – Dorien is a boy’s name meaning ‘descendent of Dorus’ and ‘from Doris’ that derives from the Greek name Dorian.
Dorieus – Greek name derived from the name of an obscure, ancient Hellenic tribe called the Dorians, hence ‘of the Dorian tribe.’ The Dorians were supposed to have existed in the north-eastern regions of Greece, ancient Macedonia and Epirus. Their founder was Doros, son of Hellen.
Dorion – Descendant of Dorus. Dorian was a character in Oscar Wilde”s novel The Picture of Dorian Gray who was given his wish that his portrait would age while he remained young and handsome.
Dorion – Dorion is a boy’s name meaning ‘descendant of Dorus’ or ‘from Doris’ that comes from the Greek name Dorian.
Doros – Greek name of a son of Hellen and founder of the Dorian tribe, probably derived from the word doron, meaning ‘gift.’
Dorotheos – Greek name composed of the elements doron ‘gift’ and theos ‘god,’ hence ‘gift of God.’
Dorrian – Gift
Dorrien – Dorrien is a boy’s name and a variant of the Greek name Dorian, meaning ‘descendent of Dorus’ or ‘from Doris’.
Dorryen – Dorryen is a boy’s name meaning ‘descendent of Dorus’ and ‘from Doris’ that derives from the Greek name Dorian.
Dos – Gift from God
Draco – The name Draco is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘dragon’.
Drakon – Greek name meaning ‘dragon.’ In Greek mythology, there are many dragons mentioned. For example, Drakon Ismenios was a gigantic serpent which guarded the sacred spring of Ismenos near Thebes, the Drakon Kholkikos was the guardian of the golden fleece, Drakon Maionios was a huge Dragon that ravaged the land of Lydia.
Dre – Virile, manly
Drew – Man’s child
Dru – The name Dru is a shortening of the name Andrew and means ‘male’, ‘manly’ or ‘brave’.
Drud – Drud as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Drugi – Drugi as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Dryas – Oak
Dwight – Follower of Zeus
Dymas – Father of Hecate
Dyna – Powerful
Dyon – Wine
Dyone – Wine
Dysmas – Greek name not actually found in the bible but given by Christians to the thief who was crucified beside Jesus, meaning ‘sunset.’
Dyson – Follower of Zeus
Biblical greek boy names starting with E
Eber – Variant spelling of Greek/Hebrew Heber, meaning ‘the region beyond, on the other side (of a stream or sea).’ In the bible, this is the name of many characters, including a great grandson of Shem. Compare with other forms of Eber.
Ector – Ector as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Ector is ‘steadfast’.
Efe – A pet form of the name Euphemia, meaning ‘to speak well’.
Efigenio – Efigenio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Efigenio is ‘well-born, noble’.
Efigenios – Efigenios is a boy’s name meaning ‘well-born’ or ‘noble’ that comes from the Greek names Efigenio and Eugene.
Efigenius – Efigenius is a boy’s name meaning ‘well-born’ or ‘noble’ that comes from the Greek names Efigenio and Eugene.
Efraim – Variant spelling of Greek Ephraim, meaning ‘double-land, twin-land.’
Efstathios – Variant spelling of Greek Eustathios, meaning ‘good standing.’
Egide – Egide is a boy’s name meaning ‘small goat’ that comes from the Greek name Giles.
Egidio – Egidio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Egidio is ‘small goat’.
Egidius – Egidius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘small goat’.
Egor – A farmer
Eirenaios – Ancient Greek name meaning ‘peaceful.’
Ektor – Variant spelling of Greek Hektor, meaning ‘defend, hold fast.’
Eladio – The name Eladio is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘the Greek’.
Elaina – You don’t like Elaine, Elane or Ellen? Then try Elaina, a name with a little more delicacy (from that last “A”) and a little more obscurity, which can be either good or bad, depending how you look at it. It comes from the Latin Elaine, the French equivalent of Helen, and ultimately derived from the Greek Helene. Helen comes from “helios” (“sun”), so Helen—and thus Elaina—means “sun ray.” Casting a bright light on the name is Elaina Maxwell, a medal-winning mixed martial arts fighter and kickboxer.
Eleanor – The most famous Eleanor in history was probaby the outspoken Eleanor Roosevelt, longest-serving first lady of the US and wife to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Eleanor is climbing in popularity in the US, though it has yet to reach the heights of 1913 to 1928. Diane Lane picked this name for her daughter. Variations include Elinor, Eleanore and the nicknames Ellie and Nora.
Eleftherios – Variant spelling of Greek Eleutherios, meaning ‘the liberator.’
Elek – Elek is an unpopular boy’s name.
Eleutherios – Greek name meaning ‘the liberator.’ In mythology, this is the name by which Dionysos and Eros were sometimes referred.
Elex – Elex as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Eli –
Eliakim – Greek form of Hebrew Elyaqiym, meaning ‘God will establish.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the eldest son of Abiud.
Elias –
Elias – Greek form of Hebrew Eliyah, meaning ‘the Lord is my God.’ In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including the prophet who lived during the reign of Ahab.
Elioud – Greek name meaning ‘God his glory.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of an ancestor of Christ.
Eliud – From a Greek form of a Hebrew name meaning ‘God is grandeur’. The Gospel of Matthew lists him as an ancestor of Jesus. This name is popular in Kenya
Ellery – Island with elder trees, may also be a derivation of Hilary, meaning joyful
Elliana – With the crazy love parents have for Ella, it’s only natural that similar names would crop up as alternatives. Elliana is a spelling variant of Eliana, a name that’s particularly popular in Spain and Portugal. The name with the double-L spelling was a late bloomer that didn’t show up on the US baby-name charts until 2005. Her equally lovely-sounding sisters include Iliana and Illianna.
Ellie – There’s something so captivating, warm and welcoming about the name Ellie. Maybe it’s because the name starts and ends with an E. More likely, as the profiles of Ella and Elle have risen in the world, so has Ellie’s. Once a nickname for Eleanor, Ellen, Ella or really any name ending in –ella (even Cinderella), Ellie is now as a proper given name on its own. In England, Ellie has joined the ranks of popular and trendy nicknames turned first names, like Sophie, and often eclipses Eleanor in popularity here in the US.
Ellyce – Ellyce as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name), is related to the Greek name Ellice. The meaning of Ellyce is ‘God is Lord’.
Elpidios – Greek name derived from the word elpis, meaning ‘hope.’
Elpido – Elpido as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Elpido is ‘hoping’.
Elpidos – Elpidos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Elpidos is ‘hoping’.
Emmanouel – Greek form of Hebrew Immanuw’el, meaning ‘God is with us.’ In the New Testament bible, this is a name given to Christ by Matthew.
Enceladus – A giant, In Greek mythology, he fought against the Olympians and Zeus.
Endymion – A handsome youth of Greek mythology
Endymion – Endymion as a boy’s name. Greek mythology: a youth renowned for his beauty.
Eneas – Eneas as a boy’s name. Variant of Aeneas (Greek) ‘he who is praised’.
Ennis – Short for DENNIS
Eosphoros – Greek name meaning ‘dawn-bringer’ or ‘light-bringer.’ In mythology, this is another name for Phosphoros (sometimes translated as Lucifer in Latin), a son of Eos. He is one of the gods of the evening star Venus, the other being Hesperos. They were later combined into one god.
Epaminondas – Epaminondas as a boy’s name is of Greek origin. Epaminondas was a fourth-century BC military genius who invented fighting in organized units, known as ‘phalanxes’.
Epaphras – Contracted form of Greek Epaphroditos (‘devotee of Aphrodite’) meaning ‘loving.’ In the bible, this is the name of a Christian preacher spoken of by Paul.
Epaphroditos – Greek name composed of the word epi ‘on’ and the name of the goddess of love, Aphrodite, rendered ‘loving’ in the sense of being a ‘devotee of Aphrodite.’ In the bible, this is the name of an associate of Paul in the ministry.
Epemetheus – Epemetheus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Epemetheus is ‘afterthought’. Greek mythology: the husband of Pandora (who opened the famous box, loosing trouble on the world).
Ephigenio – Ephigenio is a boy’s name meaning ‘well-born’ or ‘noble’ that comes from the Greek names Efigenio and Eugene.
Ephigenios – Ephigenios is a boy’s name meaning ‘well-born’ or ‘noble’ that comes from the Greek names Efigenio and Eugene.
Ephigenius – Ephigenius is a boy’s name meaning ‘well-born’ or ‘noble’ that comes from the Greek name Efigenio.
Ephraim – Greek form of Hebrew Ephrayim, meaning ‘double-land, twin-land.’ In the bible, this is the name of the second son of Joseph.
Epicurus – Epicurus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin. A philosopher of great influence, who proposed that philosophy’s purpose should be to make life happy.
Epifanio – Light
Epiktetos – Greek name meaning ‘newly acquired.’
Erasmo – Dear or dearest
Erasmos – Greek name derived from the element erasmios, meaning ‘beloved.’
Erasmus – The name Erasmus is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘beloved, desired’.
Eraste – Eraste as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘loving’.
Erastos – Greek name meaning ‘beloved.’ In the bible, this is the name of the chamberlain of the city of Corinth and one of Paul’s disciples.
Erastus – Erastus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Erastus is ‘loving’. Biblical: Erastus was a missionary sent out by Saint Paul.
Ercole – Glorious hero
Ercule – Ercule as a boy’s name is of Greek of ‘Hera’s glory’.
Erebos – Greek name, probably borrowed from Hebrew erebh or Akkadian erebu (‘sunset, evening’), hence ‘darkness.’ In mythology, this is the name of the offspring of Chaos, brother of Nyx, and father of Aither. He is the personification of primordial darkness. In later legends Erebos became the name of a place in Haides, the underworld.
Ermes – Ermes as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘messenger’.
Ermolai – Heap of stones
Eros – Greek name derived from the word eros, meaning ‘love, sexual desire.’ In mythology, this is the name of the god of love, lust and sex, worshiped as a fertility god. His Roman equivalent is Cupid ‘desire,’ and he is also known by the Latin name Amor ‘love.’
Errikos – Greek name which ultimately derives from Old German Amaliricus, meaning ‘work-power.’
Erysichthon – Cursed with an insatiable hunger that caused his death
Eryx – The name Eryx is a boy’s name of Greek origin.
Esabio – Esabio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Esabio is ‘devout’.
Esaias – Greek form of Hebrew Yeshayah, meaning ‘God is salvation.’ In the bible, this is the name of one of the most famous prophets. Also spelled Jesaiah and Jeshaiah.
Esau – Greek form of Hebrew Esav, meaning ‘hairy.’ In the bible, this is the name of a son of Isaac and Rebekah, the twin brother of Jacob.
Esavio – Esavio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘devout’.
Esavius – Esavius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Esavius is ‘devout’.
Esdras – This ancient name is the Greek or Latin version of the Hebrew name’Ezra,’ which means strong or a helper. It is also the name of the scribe said to have penned two books in the Hebrew Bible.
Esebio – Esebio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Esebio is ‘devout’.
Eskandar – Defender of man
Esteban – Form of Stephen, the name means crown.
Estefan – Estefan as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Estefan is ‘crown or garland’.
Estevan – Variant of Stephen, looked up to, role model.
Estevao – Man with crown
Eton – Variant spelling of Greek Aeton, meaning ‘swift as an eagle.’ In mythology, this is the name of one of Pluto’s four night-black steeds.
Ettore – Hold, check
Euandros – Greek name composed of the elements eu ‘good, well’ and aner ‘man,’ hence ‘good man.’
Euaristos – Ancient Greek name composed of the elements eu ‘good, well’ and arestos ‘pleasing,’ hence ‘well-pleasing.’
Euclid – Euclid as a boy’s name. The Greek mathematician, generally considered as the inventor of geometry.
Euclides – Euclides as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Euclides is ‘renowned or glorious’.
Eudocio – Eudocio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eudocio is ‘well thought of’.
Eufemio – Eufemio is a boy’s name meaning ‘well-spoken’ that is related to the Greek name Euphemios.
Eufemius – Eufemius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eufemius is ‘well-spoken’.
Eugen – Eugen as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘well-born or noble’.
Eugene – Well born, noble
Eugene – Eugene as a boy’s name is pronounced yoo-JEEN. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eugene is ‘well-born, noble’.
Eugenio – Of noble descent
Eugenios – Greek name composed of the elements eu ‘good’ and gen ‘birth,’ hence ‘well born.’
Eugeniusz – Of noble descent
Eukleides – Greek name composed of the elements eu ‘good’ and kleos ‘glory,’ hence ‘good glory.’
Eulalios – Greek name composed of the elements eu ‘good’ and laleo ‘to talk,’ hence ‘well-spoken.’
Eulogio – Eulogio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eulogio is ‘reasoning well’.
Eumaeus – A swineherd who fought with Odysseus
Euodias – Euodias as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Euodias is ‘good fortune’. Biblical: the name occurs in Paul’s letter to the Philippians.
Eupeithes – Father of a suitor for Penelope
Euphemio – Euphemio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Euphemio is ‘well-spoken’.
Euphemios – Euphemios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Euphemios is ‘well-spoken’.
Euphemius – Euphemius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Euphemius is ‘well-spoken’.
Euphranor – Greek name derived from the word euphraino, meaning ‘delightful.’
Euripides – Euripides as a boy’s name is of Greek origin. Greek playwright of the fifth century BC, author of many of the classic Greek tragedies such as ‘Medea’ and ‘Trojan Women’.
Eurylochus – Turned into a pig by Circe
Eurypylus – A soldier against Greece in the Trojan War
Eurystheus – A cousin of Hercules
Eusabio – Eusabio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eusabio is ‘devout’.
Eusaio – Eusaio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eusaio is ‘devout’.
Eusavio – Eusavio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘devout’.
Eusebio – Eusebio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eusebio is ‘devout’.
Eusebios – Greek name composed of the elements eu ‘good’ and sebein ‘to honor/worship,’ hence ‘pious.’
Eusebius – Eusebius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eusebius is ‘devout’.
Eusevio – Eusevio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eusevio is ‘devout’.
Eusevios – Eusevios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eusevios is ‘devout’.
Eustace – Eustace as a boy’s name is pronounced YOO-stiss. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eustace is ‘good grapes, to stand’.
Eustache – Eustache as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eustache is ‘good grapes or to stand’.
Eustachios – Eustachios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eustachios is ‘good grapes or to stand’.
Eustachius – Eustachius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eustachius is ‘good grapes or to stand’.
Eustachy – Fruitful
Eustachy – Eustachy as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eustachy is ‘good grapes or to stand’.
Eustacio – Bearing fruit
Eustakhios – Greek name derived from the word eustakhys, composed of eu ‘good’ and stakhys ‘grapes,’ hence ‘good grapes,’ i.e. ‘fruitful.’
Eustaquio – Eustaquio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eustaquio is ‘good grapes or to stand’.
Eustashe – Eustashe as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eustashe is ‘good grapes or to stand’.
Eustasius – Eustasius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eustasius is ‘good grapes or to stand’.
Eustathios – Greek name composed of the elements eu ‘good’ and stenai ‘to stand,’ hence ‘good stability.’
Eustatius – Eustatius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eustatius is ‘good grapes or to stand’.
Eustazio – Eustazio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eustazio is ‘good grapes or to stand’.
Eustis – Fruitful
Eustis – Eustis as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eustis is ‘good grapes or to stand’.
Eustiss – Eustiss as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Eustiss is ‘good grapes or to stand’.
Eustorgios – Greek name derived from the word eustorgos, meaning ‘content.’
Euthymios – Ancient Greek name composed of the elements eu ‘good, well’ and thymos ‘soul, spirit,’ hence ‘good-spirited.’
Eutropios – Greek name derived from the word eutropos meaning ‘versatile.’
Eutychios – Greek name derived from the word eutyches, meaning ‘fortunate.’
Eutychos – Contracted form of Greek Eutychios, meaning ‘fortunate.’
Evander – Evander as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Evander is ‘good man’. A figure in Roman mythology.
Evangel – Evangel as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Evangel is ‘good news’.
Evangelin – Evangelin as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Evangelin is ‘good news’.
Evangeline – Want some good news? Evangeline is a charming name that rose to the heights of popularity in the early 20th century, fell out of favor midcentury and has been fashionable again since 2006. Some credit Henry Wadsworth Longfellow for introducing the name to the English-speaking world in his 1847 epic poem “Evangeline,” but its modern popularity surge can be traced to the actress Evangeline Lilly, who starred on the TV drama “Lost,” starting in 2004.
Evangelino – Evangelino as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Evangelino is ‘good news’.
Evangelo – Evangelo as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Evangelo is ‘good news’.
Evangelos – Greek name composed of the elements eu ‘good, well’ and angelos ‘news, message,’ hence ‘good angel’ or ‘good messenger.’
Evgeni – Of noble descent
Evgeny – Evgeny as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Eugene. The meaning of Evgeny is ‘well-born’.
Evzen – Of noble descent
Ezio – The name Ezio is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘eagle’.
Biblical greek boy names starting with F
Fane – Man with crown
Farris – Rock
Feenix – Crimson
Felipe – Friend of horses
Felipinho – Friend of horses
Felipo – Felipo as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Felipo is ‘horse lover’.
Felix – Fortunate or happy
Fenix – Fenix as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Fenix is ‘dark red’.
Feofan – Epiphany or disclosure
Ferris – Man of vigor
Filep – Filep as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Filep is ‘horse lover’.
Filib – Friend of horses
Filip – A variation of the name Phillp meaning ‘lover of horses’ or ‘friend of horses’.
Filipe – The name Philipe means ‘lover of horses’ or ‘friend of horses’. It is a Portugese variation of the name Phillip.
Filippus – Friend of horses
Filomeno – Filomeno as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Filomeno is ‘loving’.
Flavian – The name Flavian is a boy’s name of Greek, Latin origin meaning ‘yellow hair’.
Flip – Friend of horses
Forbes – Prosperous
Fotios – Variant spelling of Greek Photios, meaning ‘light.’
Fotis – Contracted form of Greek Fotios, meaning ‘light.’
Fyllip – Fyllip as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Fyllip is ‘horse lover’.
Biblical greek boy names starting with G
Gabriel – Greek form of Hebrew Gabriyel, meaning ‘man of God’ or ‘warrior of God.’ In the bible, this is the name of one of the angelic princes or chiefs of the angels.
Gad – Greek form of Hebrew Gad, meaning ‘troop.’ In the bible, this is the name of a tribe descended from Gad, mentioned in the New Testament in Rev vii. 5. Compare with other forms of Gad.
Gaelan – Tranquil. For 1500 years accepted medical practices were based on the research of 2nd century physician Galen.
Gaelan – Gaelan as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘calm’.
Gaillen – Gaillen as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Gaillen is ‘calm’.
Gaios – Greek form of Latin Gaius (‘lord’), meaning ‘lord.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of a man from Derbe, a man of Corinth, an unknown Christian to whom John’s third epistle is addressed, and a Macedonian who accompanied Paul in his travels.
Galan – Galan as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Galan is ‘calm’.
Galen – Tranquil, For nearly 1500 years, accepted medical practices were based on the research of second-century physician Galen.
Galen – Masculine form of Greek Galene, meaning ‘calm seas.’ Compare with another form of Galen.
Galeno – Galeno as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Galeno is ‘calm’.
Galenus – Greek variation of Galen, origin meaning calm, healer’.
Galin – Galin is a boy’s name meaning ‘calm’ that comes from the Greek name Galen.
Galyn – Galyn as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Galyn is ‘calm’.
Gavriil – Strength from God
Gaylen – Gaylen as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Gaylen is ‘calm’.
Gaylin – Gaylin as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Gaylin is ‘calm’.
Gaylinn – Gaylinn as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Gaylinn is ‘calm’.
Gaylon – Gaylon as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Gaylon is ‘calm’.
Gelasius – Laughter, name of Pope who decreed February 14th Valentine”s Day
Gene – A short form of its root name Eugene, meaning ‘well born’ and ‘noble’.
Genesis – The original, the beginning, the starting line.
Genio – Genio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Genio is ‘well-born or noble’.
Gennadios – Greek name derived from the word gennadas, meaning ‘noble.’
Georas – Georas as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Georas is ‘farmer’.
Geordi – Geordi as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Geordi is ‘farmer’.
Geordie – Geordie as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Geordie is ‘farmer’.
Georg – Georg as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘farmer’.
Georgas – Farmer
George – Farmer
George William – The meaning of the name George is ‘farmer’ or ‘earth worker’. William is taken from the two words ‘will’ meaning ‘desire’ and ‘helm’ which means ‘protect’.
George – George as a boy’s name is pronounced jorj. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of George is ‘farmer’.
Georges – Georges as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Georges is ‘farmer’.
Georgi – Georgi as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Georgi is ‘farmer’.
Georgie –
Georgie – Derived from the Greek word meaning ‘farmer’, ‘earthworker’ or ‘of the soil’. It is also a form of the English name George.
Georgio – Georgio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Georgio is ‘farmer’.
Georgios – Georgios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Georgios is ‘farmer’.
Georgiy – Georgiy as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Georgiy is ‘farmer’.
Georgy – Georgy as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Georgy is ‘farmer’.
Gerasimos – Greek name derived from the word geras, meaning ‘old age.’
Gerbasios – Variant spelling of Greek Gervasios, meaning ‘spear servant.’
Gergely – Vigilant
Gergely – Awake or watchful
Gergo – Awake or watchful
Gergor – Vigilant
Gerome – Gerome as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘sacred name’.
Geronimo – Holy name
Gervasios – Greek form of Latin Gervasius, meaning ‘spear servant.’
Gheorghe – Gheorghe as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Gheorghe is ‘farmer’.
Giampiero – Combination of GIANNI and PIERO
Gianluca – Combination of GIANNI and LUCA (1)
Giannes – God is gracious
Gianpiero – Combination of GIANNI and PIERO
Gide – Gide as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘small goat’.
Gil – Short for names beginning with GIL
Giles – The name Giles means ‘young goat’ or ‘goat skin’. Saint Giles was a miracle worker that was able to heal cripples and beggars
Gilles – Young goat
Gillis – Young goat
Ginesis – Ginesis as a boy’s name if of Greek origin, and the meaning of Ginesis is ‘origin or beginning’.
Gino – Well-known fighter
Giorgi – Giorgi as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Giorgi is ‘farmer’.
Giorgio – The Italian version of the name George, the meaning of the name Giorgio is either ‘farmer’ or ‘earth worker’.
Giorgios – Giorgios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Giorgios is ‘farmer’.
Giorgius – Giorgius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Giorgius is ‘farmer’.
Glaucus – Son of Minos
Goerge – Derived from the element georgos meaning ‘farmer’ and ge meaning earth, Goerge is of Old Greek origin meaning ‘farmer, earthworker’.
Gog – Greek form of Hebrew Gowg, meaning ‘mountain.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the king of Magog who will come from the north and attack the land of Israel.
Goran – Goran is a boy’s name meaning ‘farmer’ that is related to the Greek name George.
Gorka – Farmer
Gottleib – God is sympathetic
Gottlieb – God’s love
Graig – Graig is a boy’s name meaning ‘watchful’ or ‘vigilant’ and is a variant of the Greek name Gregory.
Grear – Be watchful
Greg – Greg as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Greg is ‘watchful or vigilant’.
Greger – Greger as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Greger is ‘watchful or vigilant’.
Gregers – Awake or watchful
Gregg – Gregg as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Gregg is ‘watchful or vigilant’.
Greggory – Greggory as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Greggory is ‘watchful or vigilant’.
Greggy – Watchful
Gregoire – Gregoire as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Gregoire is ‘watchful or vigilant’.
Gregoly – Vigilant
Gregoor – Gregoor as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Gregoor is ‘watchful or vigilant’.
Gregor – Gregor as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Gregor is ‘watchful or vigilant’.
Gregori – Gregori as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Gregori is ‘watchful or vigilant’.
Gregorie – Vigilant
Gregorio – Awake or watchful
Gregorior – Vigilant
Gregorios – Greek name derived from the word gregorein, meaning ‘watchful, vigilant.’
Gregorius – Gregorius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Gregorius is ‘watchful or vigilant’.
Gregory – Watchful, vigilant
Gregory – Gregory is a name that has never gone out of style. It first appeared in 12th-century England and has been the name of more than a dozen popes, there are many St. Gregorys too. Often shortened to Greg or Gregg, the name means “watchful, vigilant” from the Greek name “Gregorios.” Famous Gregorys include Olympic diver Greg Louganis and actor Greg Kinnear.
Gregos – Vigilant
Gregos – Gregos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘watchful or vigilant’.
Gregson – Awake or watchful
Greig – Awake or watchful
Grigor – Grigor as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Grigor is ‘watchful or vigilant’.
Grigori – Grigori as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Grigori is ‘watchful or vigilant’.
Grigorios – Grigorios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Grigorios is ‘watchful or vigilant’.
Griogair – Awake or watchful
Grisha – To be awake or watchful
Grygor – Grygor as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Grygor is ‘watchful or vigilant’.
Grzegorz – Grzegorz as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Grzegorz is ‘watchful or vigilant’.
Gyles – Gyles as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Gyles is ‘small goat’.
Gyorgy – Gyorgy as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Gyorgy is ‘farmer’.
Gyuri – Gyuri as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Gyuri is ‘farmer’.
Biblical greek boy names starting with H
Habel – Greek form of Hebrew Hebel (‘breath, breathing’), meaning ‘vanity,’ i.e. ‘transitory.’ In the bible, this is the name of the second son of Adam and Eve who was killed by his jealous brother Cain.
Hades – Variant spelling of Greek Haides, meaning ‘unseen.’
Haemon – In Greek mythology, Haemon was the son of Creon and betrothed of Antigone. He is remembered for his defense of Antigone and his arguments about wise leadership.
Haemon – Variant spelling of Greek Haimon, meaning ‘bloody.’ In mythology, this is the name of a son of Kreon and Eurydike.
Haides – Greek name derived from the word aides, meaning ‘unseen.’ In mythology, this is the name of the god of the underworld, brother of Zeus and husband of Persephone. In the Greek bible, Haides is associated with Orcus, the realm of the dead, the infernal regions where disembodied spirits live, a dark and dismal place in the depths of the earth. Only later was Haides described as the grave, death, and hell. Also spelled Hades.
Haimon – Greek name meaning ‘bloody.’ In mythology, this is the name of a son of Kreon and Eurydike. Also spelled Haemon.
Halcyon – Time of peace, kingfisher (bird), In Greek mythology, Halcyone threw herself into the sea after the death of her husband, and out of pity the gods changed the pair into kingfishers or halcyons. The gods made winds cease blowing during the mating season of the kingfisher. The expression halcyon days is derived from this myth and means a time of tranquility or prosperity.
Halcyon –
Hali – The sea
Halirrhothius –
Halphaios – Greek name meaning ‘changing.’ In the bible, this is the name of the fathers of James and Levi. Also spelled Alphaios.
Hananias – Greek form of Hebrew Chananya, meaning ‘whom Jehovah has graciously given.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the husband of Sapphira, a Christian at Damascus, and a son of Nabadias.
Hannibal – Hannibal as a boy’s name is of Phoenician origin, and the meaning of Hannibal is ‘grace of Baal’.
Hans-Peter – Combination of HANS and PETER
Hanspeter – Combination of HANS and PETER
Harmony – If parents could will their child’s future by virtue of their name, there would probably be many more babies named Harmony. The musically inspired name ultimately comes from the Greek “harmonia.” In Greek mythology, Harmonia, the love child of Ares (god of war) and Aphrodite (goddess of love), was given the power to bring people together and was considered the goddess of happy marriages, brotherhood, sisterhood and of course harmony. The name made it onto network TV when it was used for a character on “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.”
Harpocrates – Greek form of the Egyptian god Harpa-Khruti (Horus the child), a late form of Horus in his aspect of being son of Isis and Osiris, Harporcrates was represented as a naked child wearing the lock of youth and holding one finger to his mouth. He became the god of silence and secrecy.
Heber – Greek and Hebrew name meaning ‘the region beyond, on the other side (of a stream or sea).’ In the bible, this is the name of many characters, including a great grandson of Shem. Compare with another form of Heber.
Heck – To possess or to hold
Hectar – Hold, check
Hector – Steadfast, from Greek legend, a hero of Troy in the Trojan war
Hector – Fun fact: Hector’s origin is Greek, not Spanish. The name comes from “Hektor,” which means “steadfast,” or hold fast. In Greek mythology, Hector was a hero of the Trojan War revered for his bravery and honor, it was also the name of the knight who raised King Arthur. In modern times, Hector is one of the most popular boys’ names in Spanish-speaking communities. Someone who knows how to hold fast, at least when it comes to baseballs, is Hector Sanchez, a catcher for the San Diego Padres.
Heitor – To possess or to hold
Hektor – Greek name derived from the word ekhein, meaning ‘defend, hold fast.’ In mythology, this is the name of the Trojan champion who killed Patroklos and was himself later killed by Achilles.
Hektur – Hold, check
Helen – Helen is the kind of name that’s serious, simple and true—it’s a name you can count on. It’ll never be considered fussy or pretentious. In Greek mythology, it was the name of Zeus’ daughter, whose kidnapping started the Trojan War. In real life, Helen has had her ups and downs in the popularity polls, but these days, it’s coming out of an unfashionable funk, as old-timey names are back in favor. Actor Robert De Niro named his daughter Helen in 2011, and actress Julianne Moore used it for her daughter Liv’s middle name in 2002.
Heli – Greek form of Hebrew Eliy, meaning ‘ascending.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the father of Mary’s husband Joseph.
Heliodoros – Greek name composed of the elements helios ‘sun’ and doron ‘gift,’ hence ‘gift of the sun.’
Helios – Sun, the name of the young Greek sun god who drove a four-horse chariot across the sky each day
Helios – Greek name meaning ‘sun.’ In mythology, this is the name of a sun god.
Helladios – Greek name derived from Hellas ‘Greece,’ hence ‘of Greece.’
Hellen – Greek name meaning ‘Greek.’ In mythology, this is the name of the patriarch of the Hellenes, son of Deucalion and Pyrrha, father of Aeolos, Xuthus, Doros, and Ionas, each of whom founded a tribe of Greece and all became known as the Hellenes.
Hemeros – A pledge
Henoch – Greek form of Hebrew Chanowk, meaning ‘dedicated’ or ‘initiated.’ In the bible, this is the name of the eldest son of Cain, and a son of Jared the father of Methuselah.
Hephaestus – Greek mythological god of fire and the patron of craftsmen
Hephaistos – Greek name said to be pre-Hellenic and of unknown origin, but possibly from the word hepta, meaning ‘seven.’ In mythology, this is the name of the lame god of artisans, craftsmen, metallurgy and fire. His Roman name is Vulcan. It was from the forge of this god that Prometheus stole fire to give to man. He is also known by the epithet ‘both feet crooked.’
Heracles – Variant spelling of Greek Herakles, meaning ‘glory of Hera.’
Heraclios – A derivative of Greek Herakles, meaning ‘glory of Hera.’
Heraklees – Greek variation of Hercules, origin meaning glory of Hera’.
Herakleides – Ancient Greek name composed of the name of the goddess Hera and possibly the word kleidon ‘little key,’ hence ‘Hera’s little key.’
Herakleitos – Greek name composed of the name of the goddess Hera and the word kleitos ‘glory,’ hence ‘glory of Hera.’
Herakles – Greek name composed of the name of the goddess Hera and the word kleos ‘glory,’ hence ‘glory of Hera.’ In mythology, this is the name of a son of Zeus by the mortal woman Alkmene. He is noted for his exceptional physical strength and the twelve labors he completed after which he was made a god.
Hercule – Hercule as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Hercule is ‘Hera’s glory’.
Hercules – Hercules as a boy’s name is pronounced HERK-yoo-lees. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Hercules is ‘Hera’s glory’. Mythology: the Greek Hercules was a son of Zeus who possessed extraordinary strength.
Herculie – Herculie as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Herculie is ‘Hera’s glory’.
Heremias – Greek variation of Jeremiah, origin meaning appointed by God’.
Hermes – Hermes as a boy’s name is pronounced HER-mees. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Hermes is ‘messenger’. Mythology: Hermes was a messenger for the gods on Olympus and was himself the god of eloquence.
Hermilo – Hermilo as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Hermilo is ‘messenger’.
Hermite – Hermite as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Hermite is ‘messenger’.
Hermogenes – Ancient Greek name composed of the name of the god Hermes and the word genes ‘born,’ hence ‘born of Hermes.’
Hermokrates – Ancient Greek name composed of the name of the god Hermes and the word kratos ‘power,’ hence ‘power of Hermes.’
Hermolaos – Ancient Greek name composed of the name of the god Hermes and the word laos ‘people,’ hence ‘people of Hermes.’
Hermus – Hermus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Hermus is ‘messenger’.
Hero – Hero
Herodes – Greek name meaning ‘sprung from a hero.’ In the bible, this is the name of the king who ordered the slaughter of all male children ‘two years old and under.’
Herodion – Pet form of Greek Herodes, meaning ‘sprung from a hero.’ In the bible, this is the name of a Christian mentioned in Paul’s epistle to the Romans.
Herodotos – Greek name composed of the elements heros ‘hero, warrior’ and dotos ‘given to,’ hence ‘hero-given.’
Heros – Heroic person
Hesiod – Short form of Greek Hesiodos, possibly meaning ‘to send song.’
Hesiodos – Greek name, possibly composed of the elements hesi ‘to send’ and oides ‘ode, song,’ hence ‘to send song.’
Hesperios – Hesperios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Hesperios is ‘evening or evening star’.
Hespero – Hespero as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Hespero is ‘evening or evening star’.
Hesperos – Greek name meaning ‘evening.’ In mythology, this is the name of a son of Eos, one of the gods of the evening star Venus, the other being Eosphoros. They were later combined into one god. His Latin name is Vesperus.
Hesperus – Variant spelling of Greek Hesperos, meaning ‘evening.’ In mythology, this is the name of a son of Eos, one of the gods of the evening star Venus, the other being Eosphoros. They were later combined into one god. His Latin name is Vesperus.
Hieremias – Greek variation of Jeremiah, origin meaning appointed by God’.
Hierome – Hierome as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Hierome is ‘sacred name’.
Hieronim – Hieronim as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Hieronim is ‘sacred name’.
Hieronimos – Hieronimos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Hieronimos is ‘sacred name’.
Hieronimus – Hieronimus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Hieronimus is ‘sacred name’.
Hieronymos – Hieronymos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Hieronymos is ‘sacred name’.
Hilarion – Greek name derived from the word hilaros, meaning ‘joyful, happy.’
Hilary –
Hippocrates – Powerful as a horse
Hippokrates – Greek name composed of the elements hippos ‘horse’ and kratos ‘power,’ hence ‘horse power.’
Hippolit – Hippolit as a boy’s name is of French and Greek origin, and the meaning of Hippolit is ‘stampeding horses’.
Hippolitos – Hippolitos as a boy’s name is of French and Greek origin, and the meaning of Hippolitos is ‘stampeding horses’.
Hippolyte – Hippolyte as a boy’s name is of French and Greek origin, and the meaning of Hippolyte is ‘stampeding horses’. Mythology: Hippolytus was the Son of Theseus.
Hippolytos – Greek myth name of the son of Theseus, composed of the elements hippos ‘horse’ and lyo ‘to loosen,’ hence ‘horse-freer.’
Hippolytus – Frees the horses, Greek mythical son of Zeus and Hippolyta, a queen of the Amazons
Hippolytus – Hippolytus as a boy’s name is of French and Greek origin, and the meaning of Hippolytus is ‘stampeding horses’.
Homar – Homar as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Homar is ‘security, pledge, or hostage’.
Homer – Homer as a boy’s name is pronounced HOH-mer. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Homer is ‘security, pledge, hostage’.
Homere – Homere as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Homere is ‘security, pledge, or hostage’.
Homero – Homero as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Homero is ‘security, pledge, or hostage’.
Homeros – Homeros as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Homeros is ‘security, pledge, or hostage’.
Homerus – Homerus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Homerus is ‘security, pledge, or hostage’.
Horos – Greek form of Egyptian Hor, meaning ‘the distant one.’ In mythology, this is the name of the son of Isis, a falcon-headed god of the sky.
Hyacinth – Flower name, purple, In Greek mythology, Hyacinth was beloved and accidentally killed by Apollo. From his blood sprang the flower that bears his name.
Hyakinthos – Greek name meaning ‘hyacinth flower.’ In Greek mythology, this is the name of a youth loved by Apollo who accidentally killed him, after which the hyacinth flower sprouted from his blood.
Hye – gracefulness
Hyginos – Greek name derived from the word hygieinos, meaning ‘healthy.’
Hymen – Short form of Greek Hymenaios, meaning ‘bridal song’ or ‘wedding song.’
Hymenaios – Greek name meaning ‘bridal song’ or ‘wedding song.’ In mythology, this is the name of a god of marriage.
Hypatios – Variant form of Greek Hypatos, meaning ‘most high, supreme.’
Hypatos – From the Greek title for a consul, meaning ‘most high, supreme.’
Hyperion – He who goes before the sun, The mythological Hyperion is the titan son of Uranus and Gaia and the father of Helios, Selene, and Eos.
Hyperion – One who goes over
Hyppolytos – Hyppolytos as a boy’s name is of French and Greek origin, and the meaning of Hyppolytos is ‘stampeding horses’.
Biblical greek boy names starting with I
Iaeiros – Variant spelling of Greek Iairos, meaning ‘whom God enlightens.’
Iairos – Greek form of Hebrew Yaiyr, meaning ‘whom God enlightens.’ In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including a descendant of Manasseh.
Iakchos – Variant spelling of Greek Iakkhos, meaning ‘to shout.’
Iakkhos – Greek name derived from the word iacchos, meaning ‘to shout.’ In mythology, this is an epithet of the god Dionysos, associated with the Eleusinian mysteries.
Iakob – Greek form of Hebrew Yaaqob, meaning ‘supplanter.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of Mary’s father-in-law.
Iakobos – Variant form of Greek Iakob, a form of Hebrew Yaaqob, meaning ‘supplanter.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of several characters, including two apostles and a half- brother of Jesus.
Iakovos – Supplanter
Ianos – Greek form of Roman Latin Ianus (Janus), meaning ‘door, gate’ or ‘archway.’
Iapetus – In Greek mythology, he is the Titan son Uranus and Gaia, and father of Atlas, Menoetius, Prometheus and Epimetheus. A moon of Saturn is named for him.
Iaret – Greek form of Hebrew Yered, meaning ‘descent.’ In the bible, this is the name of the father of Enoch. The English form is Jared.
Iason – Greek name possibly derived from the word iasthai, meaning ‘to heal.’ In mythology, this is the name of a son of Aison and leader of the Argonauts. His Latin name is Jason.
Icarius – In Greek mythology, Icarius was an Athenian who so warmly welcomed Dionysus to Attica that the god gave him the gift of wine. He was tragically killed when his shepherds mistook the wine for poison, but the gods honored his spirit by placing him in the stars.
Icarus – Icarus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin. Mythology: Icarus was the son of Daedalus, designer of the Labyrinth.
Idouma – Greek name derived from Idoumaia, the Greek form of Latin Idum?a, the biblical name of a land south-east of Palestine, meaning ‘red.’
Iephthae – Greek form of Hebrew Yiphtach (English Jephtha), meaning ‘he opens’ or ‘whom God sets free.’ In the bible, this is the name of a city and the name of a son of Gilead.
Ieremias – Greek form of Hebrew Yirmeyahu, meaning ‘Jehovah casts forth’ or ‘Jehovah hurls.’ In the bible, this is the name of many characters, including one of the six major prophets.
Iericho – Greek form of Hebrew Yeriychow, meaning ‘city of the moon’ or ‘place of fragrance.’ In the bible, this is the name of a city near the Dead Sea, abounding in fragrant products such as balsam and cyprus. Jericho is the English form.
Iesos – Variant spelling of Greek Iesous, meaning ‘God is salvation.’
Iesous – Greek form of Hebrew Yehowshuwa, meaning ‘God is salvation.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of many characters, including the son of God by the Virgin Mary. Iesous preached for four years before being crucified on a cross in Jerusalem. Jesus is the English and Latin form of the name.
Ifigenio – Ifigenio is a boy’s name meaning ‘well-born’ or ‘noble’. It is a variant of the Greek name Eugene.
Ifigenios – Ifigenios is a boy’s name meaning ‘well-born’ or ‘noble’. It is a variant of the Greek name Eugene.
Iggy – Form of IGGI. Only Son
Ignatios – Greek variation of Ignatius, origin meaning fiery’.
Igor – From the Greek georgos meaning ‘farm laborer’
Ikaros – Ikaros as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Ikaros comes from the Greek mythological name ‘Icarus’.
Ikarus – Ikarus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Ikarus comes from the Greek mythological name ‘Icarus’.
Ilias – The Lord is my God, variant of Elijah
Ilias – Ilias as a boy’s name is of Greek origin.
Ilie – Ilie as a boy’s name is of Greek and Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Ilie is ‘Jehovah is my God’.
Ilya – The name Ilya is a boy’s name of Greek, Russian origin meaning ‘the Lord is my God’.
Indigo – Person from India
Ioakeim – Greek form of Hebrew Yehowyaqiym, meaning ‘Jehovah raises up.’
Ioannes – Greek form of Hebrew Yowchanan, meaning ‘God is gracious.’
Ioannis – Variant spelling of Greek Ioannes, meaning ‘God is gracious.’
Iob – Greek form of Hebrew Iyowb, meaning ‘hated, oppressed.’ In the bible, this is the name of a patient man who was severely tested by God.
Ioel – Greek form of Hebrew Yowel, meaning ‘Jehovah is God’ or ‘to whom Jehovah is God.’ In the bible, this is the name of one of the minor prophets. Joel is the Anglicized form.
Ion – Ion as a boy’s name is of Greek origin. Mythology: son of Apollo who became the ancestor of the Ionians.
Ionas – Greek form of Hebrew Yonah, meaning ‘dove.’ In the bible, this is the name of the father of Peter.
Ioram – Greek form of Hebrew Yowram, meaning ‘God is exalted.’ In the bible, this is the name of a king of Judah.
Iordanes – Greek masculine form of Hebrew unisex Yarden (‘flowing down’), meaning ‘the descender.’ In the bible, this is the name of the river in which Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.
Iorgos – Farmer
Iosaphat – Greek form of Hebrew Yehowshaphat, meaning ‘God has judged’ or ‘whom God judges.’ In the bible, this is the name of a king of Judah.
Ioseph – Greek form of Hebrew Yowceph, meaning ‘(God) shall add (another son).’ In the bible, this is the name of many characters, including the husband of Mary the mother of Jesus.
Ioses – Greek name meaning ‘exalted.’ In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including a brother of Jesus.
Iosias – Greek form of Hebrew Yoshiyah, meaning ‘whom Jehovah heals.’ In the bible, this is the name of a king of Judah.
Iosif – God will increase
Ioudas – Greek form of Hebrew Yehuwdah, meaning ‘praised.’ In the bible, this is the name of the disciple who betrayed Jesus.
Ioulios – Greek form of Latin Iovilius, meaning ‘descended from Iovis (Jove).’ In the bible, this is the name of a Roman centurion mentioned in Acts 27:1,3.
Ioustos – Greek form of Latin Justus, meaning ‘fair, just.’ In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including a Christian at Corinth with whom Paul lodged.
Iovilios – Variant spelling of Greek Ioulios, meaning ‘descended from Iovis (Jove).’
Ippolito – Ippolito as a boy’s name is of French and Greek origin, and the meaning of Ippolito is ‘stampeding horses’.
Irus – Challenged Odysseus on his return to Ithaca
Isaak –
Isaak – Greek form of Hebrew Yitzchak, meaning ‘he will laugh.’
Isaakios – Laughter
Isador – Isador as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Isador is ‘gift of Isis’.
Isadore – Isadore as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Isadore is ‘gift of Isis’.
Isadorios – Gift of Isis
Isandro – One who frees or releases men
Isaurus – Hailing from a place called Isauria
Isidor – Isidor as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Isidor is ‘gift of Isis’.
Isidore – Isidore as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Isidore is ‘gift of Isis’.
Isidorios – Greek variation of Isidore, origin meaning gift of Isis’.
Isidoro – Isidoro as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Isidoro is ‘gift of Isis’.
Isidoros – Greek name composed of the name of the Egyptian goddess Isis and the Greek word doron ‘gift,’ hence ‘gift of Isis.’
Isidorus – Isidorus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘gift of Isis’.
Isidro – Isidro as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Isidro is ‘gift of Isis’.
Isiforos – Greek variation of Isidore, origin meaning gift of Isis’.
Iskander – Defender of man
Iskender – Iskender as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Iskinder – Defender of man
Isokrates – Greek name composed of the elements isos ‘equal’ and kratos ‘power,’ hence ‘equal power.’
Istvan – Man with crown
Ivan –
Ixion – A pivotal character in Greek mythology, Ixion was given a second chance after committing a great crime. He was then tricked by Zeus into thinking he was sleeping with Hera, and impregnated a cloud which bore him a son, Centaurus.
Izador – Present from Isis
Izidor – Izidor as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Izidor is ‘gift of Isis’.
Izydor – Izydor as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Izydor is ‘gift of Isis’.
Biblical greek boy names starting with J
Ja’Cion – Variant of Jace, the name means a person who fixes things & makes people feel better.
Jace –
Jace – Jace means a person who fixes things & makes people feel better. Another form of the name is Jason.
Jacinto – Hyacinth flower
Jai’Ceon – Variant of Jace, the name means a person who fixes things & makes people feel better.
Jailen – Calm
Jailyn – Calm
Jairome – Jairome as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Jairome is ‘sacred name’.
Jaison –
Jaison – This is an alternate spelling of the name ‘Jason,’ which means a healer. Jason was also the adventurous hero of a Greek myth.
Jalen – Jalen may come from the name Galen meaning still and serene.
Jalin – Jalin as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Jalin is ‘calm’.
Jalon – Jalon as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Jalon is ‘calm’.
Jalyn – Calm
Jannes – God is gracious
Janus – The name Janus is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘gateway’.
Jarius – Jarius means to stand out and shine.
Jase –
Jase – Jase, also spelled Jace, means a person who fixes things & makes people feel better.
Jasen –
Jasen – Healer
Jason – To heal
Jason – Biblical name which means ‘to heal’, originated in Greek mythology as a hero who led the Argonaults.
Jaspar – Jaspar as a boy’s name is of Persian origin, and the meaning of Jaspar is ‘treasurer’.
Jasper – It’s somewhat surprising that this very English name originated not in the world of Big Ben or Westminster Abbey but in Greece. Though its Greek meaning is unknown, parents thinking of naming their boy Jasper should welcome the Persian meaning: “treasurer.” Perhaps a career path for baby to follow? Jasper is also the name of an opaque quartz gemstone and one of the Magi (aka the Three Wise Men) who brought gifts to newborn baby Jesus on Christmas Day. Though it has never been a blazing-hot name in the US, it has maintained a position on naming charts for more than 100 years.
Jaxon – From Old Greek meaning ‘to heal’, there are 20 variations of this name.
Jayce –
Jayce – A pet form of the name Jason, meaning ‘to heal’.
Jaycen – A spelling variant of Jason. Jason is famous in Greek mythology for leading the Argonauts.
Jayceon – Variant of Jayson, the name means one who makes people feel better.
Jaycob – Variant of Jacob, always finishes what he starts.
Jaylan – Healer, tranquil
Jaylen – Healer, tranquil
Jaylon – Jaylon as a boy’s name is of Greek and American origin, and the meaning of Jaylon is ‘calm’.
Jayse – Excells in academia, book smarts and common sense.
Jaysen – A spelling variant of Jason. Jason is famous in Greek mythology for leading the Argonauts.
Jayson – The Lord is salvation
Jayson – Of Old Greek origin meaning ‘to heal’ it is a variation of the name Jason.
Jean-Luc – Combination of JEAN (1) and LUC. A famous bearer is the French filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard (1930-)
Jean-Pierre – Combination of JEAN (1) and PIERRE
Jedrick – Man or soldier
Jedrzej – Virile, manly
Jennesis – Jennesis as a boy’s name if of Greek origin, and the meaning of Jennesis is ‘origin or beginning’.
Jeno – Greek variation of Eugene, origin meaning wellborn, noble’.
Jeremias –
Jeroen – Jeroen as a boy’s name is a variant of Jerome (Greek), and the meaning of Jeroen is ‘sacred name’.
Jerome – Sacred name, In the fifth century, Saint Jerome created the Vulgate, a Latin translation of the Bible
Jerome – Jerome as a boy’s name is pronounced jer-OME. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Jerome is ‘sacred name’.
Jeromo – Jeromo as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Jeromo is ‘sacred name’.
Jeronimo – This name is a version of ‘Jerome,’ which means holy. Saint Jerome is the patron saint of students and libraries.
Jerrome – Jerrome as a boy’s name is a variant of Jerome (Greek), and the meaning of Jerrome is ‘sacred name’.
Jerzy – Farming man
Jesper – Jesper as a boy’s name is of Persian origin, and the meaning of Jesper is ‘treasurer’.
Jiles – Jiles as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Jiles is ‘small goat’.
Jiri – Jiri as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Jiri is ‘farmer’.
Jirkar – Farmer
Joacheim – God shall establish
Jonas –
Jonas – The name Jonas is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘dove’.
Joran – Farming man
Jordy – From a flowing river
Jorg – Farming man
Jorgan – Jorgan as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Jorgan is ‘farmer’.
Jorge – A favorite name among Hispanic-American parents, Jorge (pronounced HORE-hey) was taken from the English name George (which is derived from the Greek word ‘georgos,’ meaning “farmer”). Credit for the name becoming popular among Spanish and Portuguese communities goes to the much-admired English monarchs named George who ruled from the 18th century on. The name received new appreciation when Prince William and Kate Middleton named their first-born son George in 2013.
Jorgen – Farming man
Jorginho – Farming man
Joris – Joris is a Dutch variation of the English names George and Gregory. It can mean ‘farmer’, ‘earthworker’ or ‘vigilant’.
Jorn – Farming man
Jory – Farming man
Judas –
Judas – Judas as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Judas is ‘praised’.
Jude – Jude as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Jude is ‘praised’.
Judsen – Judsen as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Judsen is ‘praised’.
Judson – Judson as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Judson is ‘praised’.
Jule – Jule as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Jule is ‘Jove’s child’.
Julen – Jove’s child
Julian – Julian is a gentlemanly contender who feels more approachable than the dated and imposing Julius. The name rose to prominence through the last pagan emperor of Rome as well as several saints. Strokes lead singer Julian Casablancas and NFL star Julian Edelman brought fame and glory to the name, which rose to notoriety with Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks. It’s also a popular pick for celebrity parents, including Robin Thicke and Paula Patton, Robert De Niro, Jerry Seinfeld, and Lisa Kudrow. For an elegant French twist, try spelling it with E instead of A.
Juliano – Juliano as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Juliano is ‘Jove’s child’.
Julianus – Julianus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Julianus is ‘Jove’s child’.
Julien – Julien as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Julien is ‘Jove’s child’.
Julio – Julio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘Jove’s child’.
Julius – This prevalent Christian name during the fourth century may have been taken from a prominent Roman family’s surname. Some etymologists say Julius may be referencing the Roman god Jupiter/Jove. Julius Caesar was a military leader who became the all-powerful dictator of the Roman republic and was famously stabbed to death in the senate. Julius was a hot name at the turn of the 20th century, but its popularity has since slowed down. If you’re looking for a dignified, elegant name with an interesting history, Julius may be just the thing.
Jullian – Comes from power, maintains confidence.
Julyan – Julyan as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Julyan is ‘Jove’s child’.
Jurek – Jurek as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Jurek is ‘farmer’.
Jurgen – Farming man
Jurica – Farmer
Jurik – Jurik as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Jurik is ‘farmer’.
Juris – Farming man
Jyles – Jyles as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Jyles is ‘small goat’.
Jyri – Farming man
Jörg – Farmer
Jörgen – Farmer
Biblical greek boy names starting with K
Kadmos – Greek name meaning ‘the east.’ In mythology, this is the name of the son of the king of Phoenicia and brother of Europe. He was said to have founded the city of Thebes and introduced the alphabet to the Phoenicians.
Kadmus – Kadmus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘from the east’.
Kaiaphas – Greek form of Aramaic Qayyafa (‘depression’), meaning ‘as comely.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of a high priest of the Jews.
Kain – Greek form of Hebrew Qayin (‘acquired, possessed’), meaning ‘maker, fabricator,’ or literally ‘smith.’ In the bible, this is the name of Adam and Eve’s first son who killed his brother Abel.
Kainam – Greek form of Hebrew Qeynan (‘possession’), meaning ‘their smith.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of an ancestor of Christ.
Kaisar – Greek form of Latin C?sar, meaning ‘severed.’ In the bible, this is the surname of Julius Caesar, which adopted by Octavius Augustus and his successors afterwards became a title, and was appointed by the Roman emperors as part of their title.
Kaitlyn – Meet Kaitlyn and her sisterhood of variations: Catelyn, Katelynn, Kaitlynn, Kaitlen—the list goes on. They’re all twists on the classic Caitlin, a pretty Irish name that comes from the Celtic “Catherine,” which itself derives from the Greek “aikaterine” (meaning “pure”). Caitlin has been around since the Middle Ages, though some of the variants are more modern. The name, which also belonged to a saint associated with courage and purity, is now more popular spelled Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn Bristowe, a 2016 “Bachelorette,” is a well-known bearer of the name.
Kallias – Greek name derived from the word kallos, meaning ‘beauty.’
Kallikrates – Greek name composed of the elements kallos ‘beauty’ and kratos ‘power,’ hence ‘beauty-power.’
Kallistos – Greek name derived from the word kallistos, meaning ‘most beautiful.’
Kallistrates – Variant form of Greek Kallistratos, meaning ‘beauty-army.’
Kallistratos – Ancient Greek name composed of the elements kallos ‘beauty’ and stratos ‘army,’ hence ‘beauty-army.’
Kalogeros – Greek name composed of the elements kalos ‘beautiful’ and geron ‘elder,’ hence ‘beautiful elder.’
Kambyses – Greek name derived from Persian Kambujiya, probably meaning ‘handsome king.’
Kapaneus – Greek name meaning ‘arrogant.’ In mythology, this is the name of one of the Seven Against Thebes. He is said to have had a body of immense size and strength, but he was notoriously arrogant and was eventually struck and killed by a thunderbolt sent by Zeus. His wife Euadne committed suicide by throwing herself on his funeral pyre.
Karis – Grace
Karl – Form of CHARLES. man, strong
Karon – Karon means pure and innocent. It is more common for girls.
Karpos – Greek name meaning ‘fruit.’ In mythology, this is the name of a son of the nymph Khloris and the god Zephyros. In the bible, it is the name of a Christian at Troas mentioned in the second epistle of Timothy (2 Ti. 4:13).
Karsten – Christian
Kasen – pure
Kastas – Greek variation of Constantin, origin meaning steadfast’.
Kastor – Greek name meaning ‘beaver.’ In mythology, Castor/Kastor and Pollux/Polydeukes (‘very sweet’) are the twin sons of Leda and are known as the Gemini twins.
Katelyn – Add “Kate” to “lyn” and you get Katelyn, another modern variation of the classic “Caitlin,” a pretty Irish name that comes from the Celtic “Catherine,” which itself is from the Greek “Aikaterine.” However you choose to spell it—other variants include Katelynn, Kaitlynn and Kaitlen—the name’s meaning translates to “pure.” No surprise then that St. Caitlin was associated with courage and purity. While Kaitlyn wins the top spot among spelling preferences, Katelyn isn’t too far behind.
Katherine – Katherine draws its power from a saint martyred in Alexandria known in Greek as Aikaterine, the Greek word ‘katharos’ means “pure.’ This regal name has been in use since the third century and has evolved into many forms in different countries, from Katarina to Kathleen and Kaitlin. The name Katherine is well represented in literature and history, from Kate in Shakespeare’s ‘Taming of the Shrew’ to Henry VIII’s first wife, Catherine of Aragon.
Kathryn – This spelling variation of the classic Katherine has been a parental favorite since at least the 19th century. Noted for its popularity among ancient royals and saints, it means “pure” and is based on the Greek word “katharos.” Kathryn Stockett made a name for herself in 2009 when her debut novel, “The Help,” became a best seller.
Kay – Form of KATHERINE. Pure, Virginal
Kayson – One who heals
Keandre – Virile, manly
Keion – Variant of Deion, the name means coming from Zeus, the Greek god of the sky.
Kendell – Variant of Kendall, the name is derived from the Kent River. It can also be used for girls.
Keoki – A farmer
Kepa – Basque form of CEPHAS
Kephalos – Greek name meaning ‘head.’ In mythology, this is the name of the faithful husband of Prokris.
Kephas – Greek name of Aramaic origin, meaning ‘rock, stone.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the surname given by Jesus to Simon son of Jona, to distinguish him from Simon Zelotes.
Kepheus – Greek name meaning ‘gardener.’ In mythology, this is the name of a king of Ethiopia, the husband of Kassiopeia.
Kerberos – Greek name meaning ‘demon of the pit.’ In mythology, this is the name of the three-headed dog that guards the entrance to Hades.
Kester – Kester as a boy’s name is of Gaelic and Greek origin, and the meaning of Kester is ‘bearing Christ’. Diminutive of Christopher.
Keyx – Greek name, possibly meaning ‘kingfisher.’ In mythology, this is the name of a king of Thessaly, the son of Eosphoros.
Kharon – Greek name meaning ‘fierce brightness.’ In mythology, this is the name of the ferryman of Hades who ferries the dead across the river Acheron.
Kheiron – Greek name meaning ‘surgeon.’ In mythology, this is the name of a wise centaur, the son of Kronos and the nymph Philyre. He himself fathered Okyrhoe with the nymph Khariklo. He was said to be a great healer, oracle and astrologer.
Khloe – Chloe represents the goddess of spring, but spell it with a K and you have a goddess of bling. Khloe Kardashian and her seemingly limitless wealth and fame have catapulted what was an rare variation of Chloe into the celebrity spotlight. It’s worth mentioning that on her short-lived 2016 talk show, Khloe was consistent—switching out a C for “Kocktails with Khloe.” It’s official. Just as the Duggar family collected J names for their huge clan, the Kardashians now own the letter K.
Khristophoros – Variant spelling of Greek Christophoros, meaning ‘Christ-bearer.’
Khristos – Variant spelling of Greek Christos, meaning ‘anointed.’
Khronos – Time
Khrysaor – Greek name meaning ‘golden sword.’ In mythology, this is the name of a son of Poseidon and the Gorgon Medousa (Latin Medusa). He is usually described as a giant, but sometimes as a winged boar, just as his twin brother Pegasos is described as a winged horse.
Khryses – Greek myth name of a priest of Apollo, derived from the word khrysos, meaning ‘golden.’
Khthonios – Greek name derived from the word khthonios, meaning ‘of the earth (especially the inner earth, i.e. underworld).’ In mythology, this is an epithet applied to Hermes and Zeus. It is the masculine form of Khthonia.
Kimon – Greek name, possibly meaning ‘sleepy.’
Kira – Kira is feminine, friendly and fashionable: There are at least 10—yes, 10—other variations, from Kyra to Ciara, depending on what country you’re from or prefer. British actress Keira Knightley, for example, has her country’s preferred spelling, but her parents could have easily chosen Kira (Greek), Ciara (Irish) or another version. No matter how you spell it, this name will leave baby feeling pretty and light.
Kiril – Kiril as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Kiril is ‘the Lord’.
Kirill – Kirill as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Kirill is ‘the Lord’.
Kirillos – Kirillos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Kirillos is ‘the Lord’.
Kit – Bearer of Christ
Kitt – Kitt is boy’s name meaning ‘bearing Christ’ that comes from the Greek names Christopher and Kit.
Klaas – Klaas is a boy’s name meaning ‘people of victory’ that is related to the Greek name Nicholas.
Klaes – Klaes is a boy’s name meaning ‘people of victory’ that is related to the Greek name Nicholas.
Klas – People’s triumph
Klaudios – Greek form of Latin Claudius, meaning ‘lame.’
Klaus-Peter – Combination of KLAUS and PETER
Klaus – Klaus as a boy’s name. Variant of Claus, which is a diminutive of Nicholas (Greek) ‘people of victory’.
Kleanth – Kleanth is a boy’s name and a variant of the Greek name Cleanth.
Kleanthes – Kleanthes is a boy’s name and a variant of the Greek name Cleanth.
Kleisthenes – Greek name composed of the elements kleos ‘glory’ and sthenos ‘strength,’ hence ‘glorious strength.’
Kleitos – Ancient Greek name derived from the word kleitos, meaning ‘famous, renowned.’
Klemenis – Merciful
Klementos – Greek form of Latin Clementius, meaning ‘gentle and merciful.’
Klemes – Greek form of Latin Clement, meaning ‘gentle and merciful.’ In the bible, this is the name of a companion of Paul.
Kleon – Kleon is a boy’s name meaning ‘renowned’. It is a variant of the Greek name Cleon.
Kleopas – Contracted form of Greek Kleopatros, meaning ‘glory of the father.’ In the bible, this is the name of a disciple.
Kleopatros – Masculine form of Greek Kleopatra, meaning ‘glory of the father.’
Kleophas – Variant spelling of Greek Kleopas, meaning ‘glory of the father.’ In the bible, this is the name of two disciples to whom the risen Jesus appeared at Emmaus.
Kletos – Kletos is a boy’s name that means ‘illustrious’ or ‘called forth, invoked’. It derives from the Greek name Cletus.
Kletus – Kletus is a boy’s name that means ‘illustrious’ or ‘called forth, invoked’. It derives from the Greek name Cletus.
Klopas – Greek name probably of Aramaic origin, meaning ‘my exchanges.’ In the bible, this is the name of the father of the apostle James the less.
Kolya – Victorious people
Konstantinos – Greek form of Roman Latin Constantinus, meaning ‘steadfast.’
Korinthian – From Corinth
Kornelios – Greek form of Latin Cornelius, meaning ‘of a horn.’ In the bible, this is the name of a Roman centurion who converted to Christianity.
Kosmas – Variant spelling of Greek Kosmos, meaning ‘beauty, order.’
Kosmos – Greek name derived from the word kosmos, meaning ‘beauty, order.’
Kostas – Kostas is a boy’s name and a variant of Konstantin and the Greek name Costas.
Kostis – Kostis is a boy’s name and a variant of the Greek name Costas.
Kreios – Greek name derived from the word kreion, meaning ‘master, ruler.’ In mythology, this is the name of one of the Titans.
Kreon – Greek name meaning ‘ruler.’ In mythology, this is the name of a king of Thebes, husband of Eurydike and father of Haemon.
Krios – Variant spelling of Greek Kreios, meaning ‘master, ruler.’ In mythology, this is the name of one of the Titans.
Kris – This is a nickname or shortened version of the names ‘Kristian’ or ‘Kristopher,’ meaning the bearer of Christ
Krischan – Christian
Kriss – Kriss is a boy’s name that comes from the Greek name Christopher, meaning ‘bearing Christ.’
Kristofel – Kristofel is a boy’s name meaning ‘bearing Christ’ that is related to the Greek name Christopher.
Kristofer – Bearer of Christ
Kristoffer – Christ bearer
Kristoforos – Kristoforos is a boy’s name meaning ‘bearing Christ’ that is related to the Greek name Christopher.
Kristopher – The name Kristopher is a boy’s name of Greek origin, meaning bearer of Christ’.
Kristos – Kristos is a boy’s name meaning ‘bearing Christ’ that is related to the Greek name Christopher.
Kristupas – A variation of the English Christopher from Old Greek origin meaning ‘bearing Christ’.
Kronos – Greek name meaning ‘time.’ In mythology, this is the name of the Titan father of Zeus.
Krystof – Bearing Christ
Krzys – Bearing Christ
Krzysiek – Bearing Christ
Krzysztof – Bearing Christ
Kuzma – Harmony, universe
Kyprianos – Greek form of Latin Cyprianus, meaning ‘from Cyprus.’
Kyriakos – Greek name meaning ‘of the lord.’
Kyril – Kyril is a boy’s name that comes from the Greek names Cyril and Kiril. It means ‘master’, ‘lord’, or ‘the Lord’.
Kyrill – Kyrill as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Kyrill is ‘the Lord’.
Kyrillos – Greek name meaning ‘lord.’
Kyros – Greek form of Hebrew Kowresh (Persian Kurush), meaning ‘like the sun.’ In the bible, this is the name of the king of Persia, Cyrus the Great, conqueror of Babylon, who freed the captive Jews.
Biblical greek boy names starting with L
Ladon – Dragon of Hera
Ladon – Greek name of unknown meaning. In mythology, this is the name of a river god, and the name of a hundred-headed dragon who guarded the garden of the Hesperides. The Ladon was supposed to be a cleansing river.
Laertes – A character in Greek mythology, father of Odysseus and king of Ithaca.
Laestrygones – A name from the Greek mythology. The Laestrygones were a race of giant cannibals who played a gruesome part in the Odyssey.
Lafcadio – The name Lafcadio is a boy’s name of Greek origin.
Laius – The mythological father of Oedipus
Lamech – Greek form of Hebrew Lemek (‘powerful’), but perhaps meaning ‘pauper.’ In the bible, this is the name of the father of Tubal-Cain and the father of Noe (English Noah).
Lander – lion man
Laomedon – The mythological father of Priam, King of Troy
Lapidos – Variant form of Greek Lapidot, meaning ‘torches.’
Lapidot – Variant spelling of Greek Lapidoth, meaning ‘torches.’
Lapidoth – Greek form of Hebrew Lapiydowth, meaning ‘torches.’ In the bible, this is the name of the husband of Deborah.
Latinos – Greek name meaning ‘belonging to Latium.’ In mythology, this is the name of the son of Odysseus and Kirke who ruled the Etruscans.
Laurentios – From Laurentum
Lavrentios – Greek form of Roman Latin Laurentius, meaning ‘of Laurentum.’
Lazaros – Greek form of Hebrew Elazar, meaning ‘my God has helped.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of many characters, including a man Jesus raised from the dead.
Lazarus – The name Lazarus is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘God is my helper’.
Leander – Lion-man, a figure from Greek mythology and also the name of a sixth-century saint who became the bishop of Seville
Leander – Leander as a boy’s name is pronounced lee-AN-der. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Leander is ‘lion man’. Greek mythology: Leander swam across the Hellespont to visit his beloved, Hero.
Leandre – Leandre as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Leandre is ‘lion man’.
Leandrew – Leandrew as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Leandrew is ‘lion man’.
Leandro – The name Leandro is Spanish, Italian and Portuguese and means ‘strong, brave man’ or ‘man of people’.
Leandros – Lion
Leandros – Greek name composed of the elements leon ‘lion’ and aner ‘man,’ hence ‘lion-man.’ In mythology, this is the name of the lover of Hero.
Leanther – Leanther as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Leanther is ‘lion man’.
Lebbaios – Greek name meaning ‘man of heart.’ In the bible, this is another name for Jude, one of the twelve apostles.
Lefteris – Short form of Greek Eleftherios, meaning ‘the liberator.’
Leiandros – Leiandros as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Leiandros is ‘lion man’.
Leon – Make a roar when you give your son a name that means “lion” in Greek. Leon is popular in many countries because of its association with the powerful and elegant animal (like Mufasa from “The Lion King’). In the US, it has been on the baby-name charts since the 19th century but managed to avoid a trendy phase. It’s solid and strong, and the middle name of the youngest male Jolie-Pitt, Knox Leon.
Leonel – Lion
Leonidas – Lion, Leonidas was a Spartan king from the 5th century BC who sacrificed his life defending the pass of Thermopylae from the Persians, also the name of a saint and martyr from Alexandria
Leonidas – The name Leonidas is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘lion’.
Leonides – Greek variation of Leonard, origin meaning brave lion’.
Leontios – The name Leontios is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘lion’.
Leora – light
Lesandro – Lesandro as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Lesandro is ‘liberator’.
Lethe – Forgetfulness, In Greek mythology, Lethe was the the River of Oblivion that caused the dead to forget about their past lives.
Leui – Greek form of Hebrew Leviy, meaning ‘adhesion, joined to’ or ‘crown, garland.’ In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including the third son of Jacob.
Leuis – Greek name meaning ‘joined.’ In the bible, this is the name of the son of Halphaios (Latin Alphaeus), a collector of customs.
Leviticus – Leviticus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Leviticus is ‘belonging to the Levites’.
Lex – Lex as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Lexi – A shortened version of Alexandra, Lexi has stood on her own as a first name since the 1990s and is the most popular nickname Alexandra shorties (including Alex and Alexis). Alexandra comes from the Latin Alexander and the Greek name “Alexandros.”
Lexis – Lexis as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name), is related to the Greek name Alexis. The meaning of Lexis is ‘defender’.
Lexo – Lexo as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Lexus –
Liander – Lion-man
Liander – Liander is a boy’s name that means ‘lion man’ and is a variant of the Greek name Leander.
Liandro – Liandro as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Liandro is ‘lion man’.
Lichas – In Greek mythology, Lichas was Heracles” servant. He brought the poisoned shirt from Deianira to Heracles, killing him.
Lino – Lino as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘flax’.
Linos – Greek name derived either from the word ailinon, a ritual ‘cry of grief,’ or, from linon, meaning ‘flax, linen.’ In the bible, this is the name of one of Paul’s Christian associates. In mythology, this is the name of a musician, the personification of lamentation. He was killed by Apollo who was his rival in music. Another version of the story says he was killed by Hercules.
Linus –
Linus – This Greek boy’s name means person with blonde or light hair. Linus was also Charlie Brown’s best friend in the famous comic strip ‘Peanuts.’ He carried around a blanket for comfort.
Lio – Lion
Lionel – Lion man
Lioni – Lioni as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Lioni is ‘lion’.
Lionisio – Lionisio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Lionisio is ‘lion’.
Lionni – Lionni as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Lionni is ‘lion’.
Lisandro – Lisandro as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Lisandro is ‘liberator’.
Lizandro – Lizandro as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Lizandro is ‘liberator’.
Lluc – Catalan form of Lucas (see LUKE)
Loek – Dutch short form of LUCAS
Loki – Derived from Old Greek origin meaning ‘man from Lucania’, it is a variant spelling of the English Luke.
Lot – Greek form of Hebrew Lowt, meaning ‘covering, veil.’ In the bible, this is the name of a nephew of Abraham and father of Moab.
Loucas – Greek variation of Lucas, origin meaning man from Lucania’.
Louka – French form of LUCA (1)
Loukanos – Greek form of Latin Lucanus, meaning ‘from Lucania,’ a region of southern Italy. Lucania probably comes from the word lux, meaning ‘light.’
Loukas – Contracted form of Greek Loukanos, meaning ‘from Lucania,’ a region of southern Italy. Lucania probably comes from the word lux, meaning ‘light.’ In the bible, this is the name of a Gentile Christian who was a companion of Paul. Luke is the Anglicized form.
Loukianos – Loukianos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Loukianos is ‘from Lucania’.
Loup – French form of Latin Lupus, meaning ‘wolf.’
Loxias – Oracle, one of the titles of Apollo
Luc – Luc as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Luc is ‘from Lucanus’.
Luca – Originally a surname , meaning ‘man from Lucania’, which is a region in Italy. May also derive from the Latin lux, meaning ‘light’.
Lucais – Greek variation of Lucas, origin meaning man from Lucania’, ‘light’.
Lucas-James – Lucas is of Old Greek origin meaning ‘man of Lucania’ and James of Hebrew origin meaning ‘supplanter or follower’. James is the English form of Jacob.
Lucas – The name Lucas is a boy’s name of Greek, Latin origin meaning ‘man from Lucania’.
Lucca – A variant spelling of the name Luca, the Italian version of Luke, meaning ‘man from Lucania’ a region in Italy.
Lucian – Bringer of light
Lucien – From Lucania
Lucius – Lucius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Lucius is ‘from Lucanus’.
Luck – Luck as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Luck is ‘from Lucanus’.
Luckas – One of the many spelling variants of the Greek surname that became a first name, meaning ‘man from Lucania’.
Lucky – From a nickname given to a lucky person. It is also sometimes used as a diminutive of LUKE
Lucus – Meaning ‘man from Luciana’, a region in Italy.
Luka – Form of Lucas (see LUKE) in several languages
Lukacs – Lukacs as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Lukacs is ‘from Lucanus’.
Lukas – The name started with the Greek Loukas. From there, it evolved into Lucas, the Latin version, and then the German Lukas. Its meaning, “from Lucanus,” refers to a place in southern Italy. While Lucanus is long gone, Lukas lives on, and is favored in Norway, Belgium and other Nordic and Slavic countries. Lukas came on the scene just as Lucas became more popular in the US during the late 1970s. US parents still prefer the “c” spelling to the “k,” so giving your boy the name Lukas will make him stand out on the playground.
Lukasz – Of Old Greek origin meaning ‘man from Lucania’ (a region in Italiy) a variant form of the name Luke.
Luke – Light giving
Luke – Luke is the author of the third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. He is described in the Bible as a physician and a friend of St. Paul. He is the patron saint of doctors and artists. Related names include Luc, Luca, Luka and Lucas. Cinematic namesakes include Luke Skywalker from the Star Wars films, actor Luke Wilson and the 1967 movie Cool Hand Luke starring Paul Newman. News anchor Natalie Morales named her second son Luke in 2008.
Lukianos – Bringer of light
Lukus – Czech variation of Luke, origin meaning man from Lucania’, ‘man from Lucania’.
Luuk – Dutch short form of LUCAS
Luukas – Finnish form of Lucas (see LUKE)
Lydia – Lydia is a place name for a region of Asia Minor where wealthy King Midas and King Croesus were believed to live. The name appears in the New Testament as a “seller of purple.” In fiction, Lydia appears in the works of DH Lawrence, George Eliot and Jane Austen—as the youngest Bennett daughter in ‘Pride and Prejudice.’ Lydia Rodarte-Quayle was the character name of the hyperneurotic mastermind in ‘Breaking Bad.’ ‘Lydia the Tattooed Lady,” a signature tune for Groucho Marx, has inspired the names of circus performers in pop culture.
Lykaon – Greek name possibly meaning ‘wolf.’ In mythology, this is the name of an early king of Arkadia.
Lykourgos – Greek name composed of the elements lykou ‘of a wolf’ and ergon ‘deed, work,’ hence ‘wolf-work.’ In mythology, this is the name of a lawgiver of Sparta who banned the cult of Dionysos and paid dearly for it. His political opponent Alkandros put out one of his eyes.
Lyosha – One who helps people
Lyric – Lyric, songlike person
Lysander – Liberator, Lysander is a main character in Shakespeare”s A Midsummer Night”s Dream.
Lysander – Lysander as a boy’s name is pronounced lye-SAN-der. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Lysander is ‘liberator’.
Lysandros – Ancient Greek name composed of the elements lysis ‘freeing, loosening, a release’ and andros ‘man,’ hence ‘free man’ or ‘freer, liberator.’
Lysias – One who destroys
Lysimachos – Ancient Greek name composed of the elements lysis ‘freeing, loosening, a release’ and mache ‘battle,’ hence ‘free battle’ or perhaps ‘freedom fighter.’
Lysistratos – Ancient Greek name composed of the elements lysis ‘freeing, loosening, a release’ and stratos ‘army, expedition, multitude,’ hence ‘liberation army.’
Biblical greek boy names starting with M
Macaire – Macaire as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Macaire is ‘blessed’.
Macario – Macario as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Macario is ‘blessed’.
Macarios – Macarios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Macarios is ‘blessed’.
Macarius – Macarius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Macarius is ‘blessed’.
Maccario – Maccario as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Maccario is ‘blessed’.
Maccarios – Maccarios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Maccarios is ‘blessed’.
Mackario – Mackario as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Mackario is ‘blessed’.
Mackarios – Mackarios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Mackarios is ‘blessed’.
Mahail – Who is like God
Maichail – Who is like God
Makar – Makar as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Makar is ‘blessed’.
Makari – Makari as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Makari is ‘blessed’.
Makario – Makario as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Makario is ‘blessed’.
Makarios – Makarios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Makarios is ‘blessed’.
Makary – Makary as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Makary is ‘blessed’.
Makednos – Greek name derived from the word makedones, meaning ‘the high/tall one.’ In mythology, this is the name of a son of Zeus and Thyia.
Makedon – A contracted form of Greek Makednos, meaning ‘the high/tall one.’
Makkarios – Makkarios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Makkarios is ‘blessed’.
Maksimos – Greek form of Latin Maximus, meaning ‘the greatest.’
Manases – Cause for forgetfulness
Manasses – Greek form of Hebrew Menashsheh, meaning ‘causing to forget’ or ‘one who forgets.’ In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including the eldest son of Joseph.
Mandrew – Mandrew as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Mardochaios – Greek form of Akkadian Marduk (‘solar calf’), probably meaning ‘death and emptiness.’ In mythology, Marduk is the name of a god said to have killed a dragon named Tiamat. In the bible, he is known by the Hebrew name Merodach, and is a Babylonian idol, probably the planet Mars, which like Saturn was regarded by ancient Semites as the author of bloodshed and slaughter, and was propitiated with human victims.
Mariano – Beloved
Marinos – Of the sea or sailor
Marion – Beloved
Markos – Greek form of Latin Marcus, meaning ‘defense’ or ‘of the sea.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the author of the second Gospel.
Martie – Diminutive of MARTIN, MARTINA or MARTHA
Maththaios – Contracted form of Greek Mattathias, meaning ‘gift of God.’ In the bible, this is the name of a son of Alphaios, one of the twelve disciples.
Maththias – Contracted form of Greek Mattathias, meaning ‘gift of God.’ In the bible, this is the name of the apostle who took the place of Judas Iscariot.
Mattathias – Greek form of Hebrew Mattithyah, meaning ‘gift of God.’ In the bible, this is the name of one of Christ’s ancestors.
Matthaios – Contracted form of Greek Maththaios, meaning ‘gift of God.’ In the bible, this is the name of a son of Alphaios, one of the twelve disciples.
Matthaiso – Greek variation of Matthew, origin meaning gift of God’.
Matthan – Greek form of Hebrew Mattan, meaning ‘a gift.’ In the bible, this is the name of an ancestor of Christ.
Matthias – The name Matthias is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘gift of God’.
Maur –
Maurice –
Maurice – Moor, Dark Skinned
Maximos – Greek variation of Maximilian, origin meaning greatest’, ‘greatest’.
Medus – Son of Medea by Aegeus, Medus conquered barbarians after having come to Colchis with his mother, and called his kingdom Media after himself.
Mel – Person of gloom
Melanie – Melanie peaked in the 1970s, when names like Jennifer, Amy, Melissa, Michelle and Kimberly also ruled the school. Today those are mom names on the playground, but Melanie (somtimes shortened to Mel) has been a steady presence as a baby name too. her sisters Melany and Meilani are in the top 1,000. Maybe it’s the upturned ending that sounds like –ee in the last syllable. Or maybe things that were once in fashion—like bell bottoms and disco glam—can come around again.
Melanippus – Helps defend Thebes against the attackers
Melanthius – Sides with Penelope”s suitors against his master Odysseus
Meleagros – Greek name derived from the word meleagris, meaning ‘pheasant.’ In mythology, this is the name of the son of Althaia and Oineus.
Melicertes – In Greek legend, the son of the Boeotian prince Athamas
Melissa – In Greek mythology, Melissa is a princess of Crete who was changed into a bee after she learned how to collect honey. (“Melissa” means “honeybee” in Greek.) It was also the name of a nursemaid who took care of a young Zeus. The name has been used in the US since the 18th century and was especially popular in the late 1970s. The entertainment world is well represented by such namesakes as Melissa McCarthy and Melissa Joan Hart.
Memphis – A form of the Egyptian mennerfer, meaning ‘his beauty’ , one of the Ancient capital cities of the pharohs, also a famous city in Tennessee.
Menelaos – Greek name composed of the elements meno ‘to last, withstand’ and laos ‘the people,’ hence ‘withstanding the people.’ In mythology, this is the name of a king of Sparta.
Menelaus – In Greek legend, Menelaus was the son of Atreus and the brother of Agamemnon. He was married to Helen, and became the ruler of Helen”s homeland, Lacedaemon.
Menelaus – People who withstand
Mentor – Mentor as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Mentor is ‘wise and trusted guide’. Greek mythology: Mentor was a friend of Odysseus in the ‘Odyssey’, and his son’s tutor.
Methodios – Methodios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Methodios is ‘companion traveler’.
Methodius – Methodius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Methodius is ‘companion traveler’.
Metrophanes – Ancient Greek name composed of the elements meter ‘mother’ and phanes ‘appearing,’ hence ‘mother-appearing,’ perhaps in the sense ‘resembles the mother.’
Michael – Greek form of Hebrew Miyka’el, meaning ‘who is like God?’ or literally ‘El’s likeness.’ In the bible, this is the prince of archangels who was closest to God and was the guardian angel of Israel.
Midas – In Greek mythology, this is the name of a king of Phrygia famous for his Midas touch. After entertaining the drunken Silenus for eleven days, Midas returned him to Dionysos who offered him his choice of anything he wanted. Midas asked to have everything he touched turned to gold. His wish was granted and Midas rejoiced, but not for long, for even his food and drink turned to gold before reaching his mouth. He prayed to Dionysos who took pity on him and gave him instructions for removing the cursed blessing. The name Midas is said to be Phrygian, and of unknown etymology. It might share the same origin as Hebrew Midrash, meaning ‘to repeat,’ especially in order to make an impression on the mind. Midrash refers to the methods used (including repetition) in Old Testament stories for fixing morals in the mind. Midrash derives from the word midah/middah (‘action, measure, rule’), the plural of which is midos (‘actions of man,’ or ‘rulers of man’ especially of man’s traits, hence ‘personality traits.’ Midos is the ruler of our personality and behavior, it determines what is the central focus of our mind which affects all of our actions and thoughts. Midas was ruled by negative midos, bad traits, he was self-focused and acted rashly, making a bad choice, when offered anything he wanted.
Mikhail – Who is like God
Mikhalis – Who is like God
Mikhos – Who is like God
Miklos – People’s triumph
Mikolaj – This name is used predominantly in Polish and derives from Old Greek meaning ‘victory of the people’.
Mikolas – People’s triumph
Mikula – People’s triumph
Mikulas – People’s triumph
Miles – Destroyer, millstone
Milo – Destroyer
Milo – From Milo of Croton, an extraordinary wrestler who was renowned for his athletic triumphs in ancient Greece
Milos – Favor
Miltiades – Old Greek name derived from the word miltos, meaning ‘red earth.’
Mimis – Greek variation of Demetrius, origin meaning follower of Demeter’.
Minos – Minos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin. Greek mythology: the king of Crete who built the labyrinth, and during whose reign, Cretan civilization reached a peak.
Miron – Miron as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Miron is ‘myrrh or fragrant oil’.
Mitros – Greek variation of Demetrius, origin meaning follower of Demeter’.
Mitsos – Greek variation of Demetrius, origin meaning follower of Demeter’.
Mnason – Greek name, possibly meaning ‘remembering.’ In the bible, this is the name of a Christian from Cyprus whom Paul stayed with in Jerusalem.
Moisis – Greek variation of Moses, origin meaning delivered from the water’.
Mona – Woman of solitude
Monimos – Greek form of Arabic Munim, meaning ‘to be pleasing,’ or ‘favorable one.’
Moris – Greek variation of Maurice, origin meaning dark-skinned’, ‘dark-skinned’.
Morpheus – Bringer of dreams
Morpheus – Greek name derived from the word morphe, meaning ‘form, shape.’ In mythology, this is the name of a god of dreams.
Mouses – Variant spelling of Greek Moyses, meaning ‘drawn out.’ In the bible, this is the name of the leader who brought the Israelites out of bondage and led them to the promised land.
Moyses – Greek form of Hebrew Moshe, meaning ‘drawn out.’ In the bible, this is the name of the leader who brought the Israelites out of bondage and led them to the promised land.
Myles – Destroyer
Myles – inventor of the corn mill
Myron – Greek name adopted by early English Christians because of its association with the gift of myrrh given to Jesus by the Magi, derived from the Greek word myron, meaning ‘myrrh.’
Biblical greek boy names starting with N
Nabadias – Greek form of Hebrew Nedabyah, meaning ‘whom Jehovah impels.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the father of Hananias.
Nabuchodonosor – Greek form of Hebrew Nebuwkadnetstsar, meaning ‘Nebo, defend my crown’ or ‘Nebo, defend my firstborn son.’ In the bible, this is the name of a ruler of Babylon who conquered Judah and Jerusalem and destroyed temples.
Nachor – Greek form of Hebrew Nachowr, meaning ‘snoring’ or ‘snorting.’ In the bible, this is the name of the son of Terah and brother of Abraham.
Naia – flowing
Nani – Charming
Nannos – God is gracious
Naos – Possibly from the Greek word for ‘temple’ or the Egyptian word for the ‘unknown’ inside the inner sanctum of a temple.
Napoleon – The name Napoleon is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘lion of the new city’.
Narciso – Numb and sleepy
Narcissus – Daffodil, In Greek mythology, Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection—giving us the term Narcissism.
Narcissus – The name Narcissus is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘daffodil’.
Narcyz – Numb and sleepy
Narkissos – Greek name possibly derived from the word narke, meaning ‘numbness, sleep.’ In mythology, this is the name of a vain youth who fell in love with his own reflection and eventually was turned into a kind of lily or daffodil flower known as the narkissos.
Natham – Greek form of Hebrew Nathan, meaning ‘a giver’ or ‘given of God.’ In the bible, this is the name of a son of David.
Nathanael – Greek form of Hebrew Nethanel, meaning ‘given of God’ or ‘whom God gave.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of an apostle, probably the same person as Bartholomaios (English Bartholomew).
Nazoraios – Greek name derived from the word nazara (‘the guarded one’), meaning ‘one separated.’ In the bible, this is a title given to Jesus and a name given to Christians by the Jews. It is also the name used for an inhabitant ‘of Nazareth.’
Neacel – People’s triumph
Neander – Neander as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Neander is ‘new man’.
Neckarios – Neckarios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Neckarios is ‘of nectar’. In Greek mythology, nectar was the drink of the gods, and gave its drinkers immortality.
Nectaire – Nectaire as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Neckarios. The meaning of Nectaire is ‘of nectar’.
Nectarios – Nectarios as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Neckarios. The meaning of Nectarios is ‘of nectar’.
Nectarius – Nectarius as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Neckarios. The meaning of Nectarius is ‘of nectar’.
Nektario – Nektario as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Nektario is ‘of nectar’.
Nektarius – Nektarius as a boy’s name is related Greek Neckarios. The meaning of Nektarius is ‘of nectar’.
Nell – light
Nemo – The name Nemo is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘nobody’.
Neoptolemos – Greek name composed of the elements neos ‘new’ and polemos ‘war,’ hence ‘new war.’ In mythology, this is the name of the son of Achilles. He is also known as Pyrrhos.
Nereo – Nereo as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nereus. The meaning of Nereo is ‘he who commands’.
Nereus – A mythological name of uncertain meaning, god of the sea and the nereids
Nereus – Nereus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin. Mythology: Nereus was the old man of the sea, father of the sea nymphs, the Nereids.
Nester – Nester as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘traveler’.
Nesterio – Nesterio as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nestor. The meaning of Nesterio is ‘traveler’.
Nestor – Greek name meaning ‘homecoming.’ In mythology, this is the name of a son of Nileas (Latin Neleus) and king of Pylos.
Nestore – Nestore as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nestor. The meaning of Nestore is ‘traveler’.
Nestori – One who comes home
Nestorio – Nestorio as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nestor. The meaning of Nestorio is ‘traveler’.
Nic – Nic as a boy’s name (also used as a girl’s name), is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nic is ‘people of victory’.
Nicanor – Nicanor as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nicanor is ‘people of victory’.
Niccolo – Niccolo as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Niccolo is ‘people of victory’.
Nichol – From Old Greek origin meaning ‘victory of the people’ it is predominantly used in Greek and is a variant form of Nicola.
Nicholai – Nicholai as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nicholai is ‘people of victory’.
Nicholas – Victorious
Nicholas – Nicholas gets its winning vibes from Nike, the Greek goddess of victory. It also carries a Christmas vibe, thanks to the popularity of Saint Nick, best remembered for delivering gifts to children all over the world. As saints go, Nicholas is busy and pretty booked—he also is the patron saint of Greece, Russia, children and sailors. Once a czar’s name in Russia and a biblical name in the New Testament, Nicholas made the top 10 from 1993 to 2002. Nicknames for Nicholas include Nick, Nicky and Cole.
Nicholaus –
Nicholaus – Nicholaus as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nicholaus is ‘people of victory’.
Nicholl – Nicholl as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nicholl is ‘people of victory’.
Nichols – Nichols as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nichols is ‘people of victory’.
Nicholson – Son of Nicholas
Nick –
Nick – Of Old Greek origin meaning ‘victory of the people’ , also a pet form of the name Nicholas.
Nickey – Nickey as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nickey is ‘people of victory’.
Nicklas – Nicklas as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nicklas is ‘people of victory’.
Nickolai – Victorious people
Nickolas – Nickolas as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nickolas is ‘people of victory’.
Nickolaus – Nickolaus as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nickolaus is ‘people of victory’.
Nicky – Nicky as a boy’s name is of Greek and English origin, and the meaning of Nicky is ‘people of victory’.
Niclas – Victorious people
Nico – Nico is a form of the name Nicola and means ‘victory of the people’.
Nicodemo – Nicodemo as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicodemus. The meaning of Nicodemo is ‘people’s victory’.
Nicodemus – Victory of the people, In the Bible, Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a member of the Jewish court in Jerusalem. He later helped entomb Christ”s body.
Nicodemus – Nicodemus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Nicodemus is ‘people’s victory’.
Nicolaas – Nicolaas as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nicolaas is ‘people of victory’.
Nicolai – Nicolai as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nicolai is ‘people of victory’.
Nicolao – Nicolao as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nicolao is ‘people of victory’.
Nicolaos – Variant spelling of Greek Nikolaos, meaning ‘victor of the people.’
Nicolas – Sometimes it’s better without the “h.” Many parents agree because Nicolas is gaining ground on Nicholas, the classic Greek name derived from Nike, the goddess of victory (and sneakers!). Nicolas, the preferred spelling in France and Spanish-speaking countries, has been a crowd favorite in Europe since the 14th century thanks to saints and clergy members with the name. Closer to home, actor Nicolas Cage has popularized the spelling. If you’re on the fence about naming your son Nicolas—just do it!
Nicolau – People’s triumph
Nicolaus – Nicolaus as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nicolaus is ‘people of victory’.
Nicolay – Nicolay as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nicolay is ‘people of victory’.
Nicolet – Nicolet as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nicolet is ‘people of victory’.
Nicoli – Nicoli as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nicoli is ‘people of victory’.
Nicolis – Nicolis as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nicolis is ‘people of victory’.
Nicoll – Nicoll as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nicoll is ‘people of victory’.
Nicollet – Nicollet as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nicollet is ‘people of victory’.
Nicolls – Nicolls as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nicolls is ‘people of victory’.
Nicolo – Nicolo as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nicolo is ‘people of victory’.
Nicomedes – The name Nicomedes is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘pondering victory’.
Nicos – Nicos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Nicos is ‘people of victory’.
Nicostrato – Nicostrato as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nikostratos. The meaning of Nicostrato is ‘victorious army’.
Nicostratos – Nicostratos as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nikostratos. The meaning of Nicostratos is ‘victorious army’.
Nicostratus – Nicostratus as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nikostratos. The meaning of Nicostratus is ‘victorious army’.
Niels – People’s triumph
Niilo – People’s triumph
Nik – Nik as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nik is ‘people of victory’.
Nika – victory
Nikandros – Ancient Greek name composed of the elements nike ‘victory’ and andros ‘of a man,’ hence ‘victory of a man.’
Nikasios – Greek variation of Nicasio, origin meaning victory’.
Nikator – Greek name meaning ‘the conqueror.’
Nike –
Nikephoros – Ancient Greek unisex name composed of the elements nike ‘victory’ and phoreo ‘to bear/carry,’ hence ‘victory-bearer.’
Nikias – Ancient Greek name derived from the word nike, meaning ‘victory.’
Nikita – Triumphant
Nikki – Form of NICOLE. victory of the people
Nikko – Variant of Nicholas, leader, victorious, winner.
Nikkolas – Nikkolas as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nikkolas is ‘people of victory’.
Nikkolay – Nikkolay as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nikkolay is ‘people of victory’.
Niklaas – Niklaas as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Niklaas is ‘people of victory’.
Niklas – Niklas as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Niklas is ‘people of victory’.
Niklaus – People”s victory
Niklos – Niklos as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Niklos is ‘people of victory’.
Niko – Niko as a boy’s name (also used as a girl’s name), is related to the English name Nick and Greek name Nico. The meaning of Niko is ‘people of victory’.
Nikodem – People’s triumph
Nikodema – Nikodema as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicodemus. The meaning of Nikodema is ‘people’s victory’.
Nikodemos – Greek name composed of the elements nike ‘conquest, victory’ and demos ‘the people,’ hence ‘victory of the people.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of a member of the Sanhedrin who took the part of Jesus.
Nikodemus – Nikodemus as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicodemus. The meaning of Nikodemus is ‘people’s victory’.
Nikodim – Nikodim as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicodemus. The meaning of Nikodim is ‘people’s victory’.
Nikola – (Cyrillic: Никола): A derivative of Greek Nikolaos, meaning ‘victor of the people.’ In wide use throughout Europe: Basque Country, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Serbia, Russia, Slovenia, Yugoslavia.
Nikolai – Nikolai as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nikolai is ‘people of victory’.
Nikolaj – People’s triumph
Nikolaos – Greek name composed of the elements nike ‘conquest, victory’ and laos ‘the people,’ hence ‘victor of the people.’ In the bible, this is the name of a proselyte of Antioch and one of the seven deacons of the church at Jerusalem.
Nikolas – Nikolas as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nikolas is ‘people of victory’.
Nikolaus – Nikolaus as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nikolaus is ‘people of victory’.
Nikolay – Nikolay as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nikolay is ‘people of victory’.
Nikolos – Victorious, conquerer of the people. Variant of Nicholas.
Nikolos – Nikolos as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nikolos is ‘people of victory’.
Nikomachos – Ancient Greek name composed of the elements nike ‘conquest, victory’ and mache ‘battle,’ hence ‘victory battle.’
Nikomedes – Greek name composed of the elements nike ‘conquest, victory’ and medesthai ‘to ponder, to scheme,’ hence ‘victory-scheme.’
Nikon – Greek name derived from the word nike, meaning ‘conquest, victory.’
Nikos – From Old Greek origin meaning ‘victory of the people’ it is predominantly used in Greek and is a variant form of Nicholas.
Nikostratos – Greek name composed of the elements nike ‘conquest, victory’ and stratos ‘army,’ hence ‘victory-army.’
Nile –
Nileas – Greek name of unknown meaning. In mythology, this is the name of a son of Poseidon and Tyro.
Nilo – People”s victory
Nilos – Nilos as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Nicholas. The meaning of Nilos is ‘people of victory’.
Nils – Nils as a boy’s name is related to the Greek names Nelson and Nicholas. The meaning of Nils is ‘people of victory’.
Nix – Crimson
Noe – Greek form of Hebrew Noach, meaning ‘rest.’ In the bible, this is the name of the last antediluvian patriarch, the main character of the flood story.
Nomiki – Modern Greek name derived from the word nomikos, meaning ‘relating to the law.’
Biblical greek boy names starting with O
Ocean – Sea titan
Oceanus – The name Oceanus is a boy’s name of Greek origin.
Odessa – Filled with wrath
Odysse – Odysse as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Odysseus. The meaning of Odysse is ‘angry man’.
Odysseus – Wrathful, the clever and resourceful mythological hero of Homer”s epic The Odyssey.
Odysseus – Greek myth name of the central character in Homer’s Odyssey, and a major character in the Iliad, best remembered for his ten-year return home from the Trojan War, probably derived from the Greek verb odyssao/odyssomai, meaning ‘to be angry, to hate,’ in reference to his hatred of the Gods who caused all the misfortunes of his long journey home.
Odyssey –
Oedipus – Swollen foot, Oedipus was the king of Thebes in Greek mythology who unknowingly killed his father and married his mother. The story led to the term Oedipus complex, first used by Sigmund Freud.
Oedipus – The name Oedipus is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘swollen foot’.
Oenomaus – Son of Ares
Ohndrae – Ohndrae as a boy’s name is of Greek and French origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Ohndre – Ohndre as a boy’s name is of Greek and French origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Ohngel – Ohngel as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘messenger or messenger of God’.
Ohnjel – Ohnjel as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘messenger or messenger of God’.
Ohnrey – Ohnrey as a boy’s name is of Greek and French origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Oidipous – Greek name composed of the elements oid ‘knew’ and pous ‘feet,’ probably with the intended meaning ‘he who knew the Sphinx’s riddle of the feet.’ In mythology, this is the name of a king of Thebes who unknowingly killed his father and married his mother after solving the riddle of the Sphinx.
Oineus – Greek name possibly meaning ‘wine-maker.’ In mythology, this is the name of a Calydonian king.
Okeanos – Greek name meaning ‘ocean.’ In mythology, this is the name of a Titan, son of Uranus and Gaia, the personification of the world-ocean once believed to encircle the world.
Olek – Defender of man
Olimpio – Olimpio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Olimpio is ‘from Mount Olympus’. In Greek mythology, Mount Olympus was considered the home of the gods.
Olimpo – Olimpo as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Olimpio. The meaning of Olimpo is ‘from Mount Olympus’.
Olympio – Olympio as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Olimpio. The meaning of Olympio is ‘from Mount Olympus’.
Olympiodoros – Ancient Greek name composed of the name Olympos and the word doron ‘gift,’ hence ‘gift of Olympos.’
Olympios – Olympios as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Olimpio. The meaning of Olympios is ‘from Mount Olympus’.
Olympos – Greek name of unknown etymology, but usually rendered ‘home of the gods.’ In mythology, this is the name of the legendary mountain or paradise where the gods were said to live.
Olympus – Olympus as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Olimpio. The meaning of Olympus is ‘from Mount Olympus’.
Olysseus – Variant form of Greek Odysseus, probably meaning ‘to be angry, to hate.’
Omero – Omero as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Omero is ‘security, pledge, or hostage’.
Ondre – Ondre as a boy’s name. Ondr?s a variant of Andre (Greek) ‘man’.
Ondrei – Ondrei as a boy’s name is of Greek and French origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Ondrej – Ondrej as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Ondrey – Ondrey as a boy’s name is of Greek and French origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Onesimos – Greek name meaning ‘profitable, useful.’ In the bible, this is the name of an escaped slave.
Onesiphoros – Greek name meaning ‘bringer of profit.’ In the bible, this is the name of a Christian praised by Paul for his courage and kindness.
Onjel – Onjel as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘messenger or messenger of God’.
Onjello – Onjello as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘messenger or messenger of God’.
Onnjelo – Onnjelo as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘messenger or messenger of God’.
Onyx – This gemstone name means shiny black stone. In Greek it also means fingernail.
Ophelos – Greek name derived from the vocabulary word, ophelos, meaning ‘help.’
Ophion – A serpent
Ophion – Greek name meaning ‘serpent.’ According to Orphic mythology, this was the name of a god-king of the world before Rhea and Kronos cast him and his consort Eurynome into Tartarus.
Ophiouchos – Greek name meaning ‘serpent bearer.’ This is the name of a constellation depicted as a man supporting a serpent. The man is thought by some to be the demigod Asklepios, who learned the secret of life and death from a serpent and was killed for this by Zeus to prevent him from sharing his knowledge with mankind.
Ophiuchus – Greek name meaning ‘serpent bearer.’ This is the name of one of the constellations listed by Ptolemy, depicted as a man supporting a serpent. The man depicted in the constellation is thought by some to actually be the demigod Asklepios.
Oreste – Oreste as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘mountain’.
Orestes – Orestes as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Orestes is ‘mountain’. Greek mythology: Orestes was the son of Agamemnon, king of Argos and one of the Greek conquerors of Troy.
Oreta – Virtue, the Greek concept of striving for excellence in all aspects of one”s life, variant of Arete
Orfeo – Orfeo as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Orpheus. The meaning of Orfeio is ‘the darkness of light’.
Origen – Short form of Greek Origenes, probably meaning ‘mountain-born.’
Origenes – Greek name probably composed of oros ‘mountain’ and genes ‘born,’ hence ‘mountain-born.’
Orion – Son of fire, dawning, The mythological Orion was a mighty hunter and son of Poseidon. The constellation Orion contains three conspicuous stars.
Orion – If you think of your son as a shining star, consider this name, which was pulled right out of the sky. In Greek mythology, Orion was a mighty hunter and the son of Poseidon, and he was turned into a constellation by Zeus. Today Orion is one of the most recognizable constellations in the night sky. The name has a scientific yet mysterious edge, making it a good choice if you’re practical and romantic, like ‘Sex and the City’ actor Chris Noth, who named his son Orion in 2008.
Orpheus – A great musician and poet of Greek myth, Orpheus was greatly in love with his wife Eurydice, whom he lost twice to death.
Orpheus – Greek name derived either from orbhao ‘deprived’ or orphe ‘darkness.’ In mythology, this is the name of a musician who charmed Haides with his lyre in an attempt to rescue his wife from the underworld.
Oryon – Oryon as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Orion. The meaning of Oryon is ‘boundary’.
Osias – The name Osias is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘salvation’.
Osiris – Greek form of Egyptian Asar, possibly meaning ‘something that has been made, a product.’ In Egyptian mythology, Asar/Osiris is the name of a god of the underworld.
Otis – One Who Hears Well
Oulixes – Contracted form of Greek Oulixeus, probably meaning ‘to be angry, to hate.’
Oulixeus – Variant form form of Greek Odysseus, probably meaning ‘to be angry, to hate.’
Ouranos – Greek name meaning ‘the heavens.’ In mythology, this is the name of the husband of Gaia and father of the Titans.
Ourbanos – Greek name meaning ‘of the city.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of a certain Christian.
Ourias – Greek form of Hebrew Uwriyah, meaning ‘light of Jehovah’ or ‘my light is Jehovah.’ In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including the husband of Bathsheba.
Owen – Of noble descent
Ozias – The name Ozias is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘salvation’.
Biblical greek boy names starting with P
Page – Young or Assistant
Paian – Variant spelling of Greek Paion, meaning ‘healer.’
Paion – Greek name meaning ‘healer.’ In mythology, this is the name of a physician god.
Palaemon – A sea god of Greek mythology
Palaimon – Greek name meaning ‘wrestler.’ In mythology, this is the name of a young sea god who aided sailors in distress.
Palinouros – Greek name composed of the elements palin ‘back, contrary’ or ‘new’ and ouros ‘storm, wind’ or ‘mountain,’ hence possibly ‘contrary wind’ or ‘new mountain.’ In mythology, this is the name of the pilot of Aineias’s boat.
Pallas – Greek unisex name derived from the word pallo, meaning ‘to brandish a weapon.’ In mythology, this is the name of many characters in Greek mythology: a son of Euandros (Latin Evander), a giant son of Ouranos (Latin Uranus) and Gaia, a Titan son of Kreios and Eurybia, the father of the 50 Pallantids, a daughter of Triton, and it is an epithet of Athene.
Pamphilos – Ancient Greek name composed of the elements pan ‘all’ and philos ‘friend,’ hence ‘friend of all.’
Pan – The mythological god of shepherds and flocks, Pan is often depicted with a reed pipe and chasing nymphs through the forests while in the shape of a goat. Parents and children will both recognize the name as also belonging to Peter Pan, the flying boy who journeyed to Never-Never Land to escape adulthood.
Pan – Greek name derived from the word pa-on, meaning ‘herdsman.’ In mythology, this is the name of a god of shepherds and flocks, who had the horns, hindquarters and legs of a goat.
Panagiotakis – Pet form of Greek Panagiotis, meaning ‘all-holy.’
Panagiotis – All or holy
Panagiotis – Greek name composed of the elements pan ‘all’ and hagios ‘holy,’ hence ‘all-holy.’
Panayiotis – Variant spelling of Greek Panagiotis, meaning ‘all-holy.’
Pandaros – Variant form of Greek Pantheras, meaning ‘all-hunter,’ i.e. ‘panther.’ In mythology, this is the name of the betrayer of the Greeks who hurled a lance at Menelaos, breaking a solemn oath.
Pankratios – Greek name composed of the elements pan ‘all’ and kratos ‘power,’ hence ‘all power.’
Panoptes – Greek name meaning ‘all-eyed.’ In mythology, this is an epithet of the giant Argos.
Panos – The name Panos is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘all holy’.
Panteleimon – Greek name composed of the elements panta ‘all’ and eleos ‘mercy,’ hence ‘all-merciful.’
Pantheras – Ancient Greek name composed of the elements pan ‘all’ and therao ‘to hunt,’ hence ‘all-hunter,’ i.e. ‘panther.’
Par – Par is a boy’s name that derives from the Greek name Peter, meaning ‘rock’.
Paramonimos – Ancient Greek name possibly derived from the word paramone, meaning ‘constant, enduring,’ or composed of para ‘beside, beyond’ and the name Monimos ‘to be favorable, pleasing.’ In ancient Greece there was a slave contract known as the paramone, though of limited duration, it was the most restrictive type of slavery, giving the master absolute rights.
Paramonos – Contracted form of Greek Paramonimos, meaning either ‘constant, enduring’ or ‘beyond Monimos.’
Paris – Original meaning uncertain, though the modern meaning refers to the French capital, As a man”s name, Paris is most recognized for a well-known character of Greek mythology. Paris fell in love with and abducted Helen of Troy, the beautiful wife of King Menelaus. This led to the Trojan War, during which Paris killed the Greek hero Achilles with a bow and arrow.
Paris – Greek name probably derived from the word pari, meaning ‘wager.’ In mythology, this is the name of the son of Priam who kidnapped Helene and later fatally wounded Achilles. Because it had been prophesied that he would cause the collapse of Troy, his father gave him to a shepherd to be destroyed. The shepherd could not bring himself to kill the baby so he left him in the desert. Five days later he found the infant still alive and decided to ‘take a chance,’ and raise the child himself. He named the baby Paris. Compare with another form of Paris.
Parris – Paris
Parthenios – Parthenios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Parthenios is ‘maiden-like’.
Parthenius – Parthenius as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Parthenios. The meaning of Parthenius is ‘maiden-like’.
Pasi – Imperial, monarchic or royal
Patrikios – Greek form of Latin Patricius, meaning ‘patrician, of noble descent.’
Patroklos – Greek name composed of the elements patros ‘of the father’ and kleos ‘glory,’ hence ‘glory of the father.’ In mythology, this is the name of the best friend of Achilles. Both were heroes who fought against the Trojans.
Patsy – Variant of PATTY, also used as a diminutive of PATRICK
Paulos – Greek form of Latin Paulus, meaning ‘small.’ In the bible, this is the name of the author of the 14 epistles of the New Testament.
Pavlos – Variant spelling of Greek Paulos, meaning ‘small.’
Peadar – Irish and Scottish form of PETER
Pearce – Pearce as a boy’s name is related to the English name Pierce and Greek name Piers. The meaning of Pearce is ‘rock’.
Pears – Pears as a boy’s name is related to the English name Pierce and Greek name Piers. The meaning of Pears is ‘rock’.
Pearson – Pearson as a boy’s name is related to the English name Pierce and the Greek name Piers. The meaning of Pearson is ‘rock’.
Pece – Macedonian diminutive of PETER
Peder – Peder as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Peter. The meaning of Peder is ‘rock’.
Pedr – Welsh form of PETER
Pedrinho – Portuguese diminutive of PEDRO
Pedro – Of Old Greek origin, Pedro is a popular Spanish name meaning ‘rock’ or ‘stone’ and is a variant of the name Peter.
Pedru – Sardinian form of PETER
Peer – Variant of PER. The Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen used this name for the main character in his play ‘Peer Gynt’ (1867)
Peers – Variant of PIERS
Peeter – Estonian form of PETER
Peetu – Finnish diminutive of PETER
Pegasos – Greek name derived from the word pegaios, meaning ‘born near the pege (source of the ocean, spring, or well).’ In mythology, this is the name of a winged horse who was the son of Poseidon and the Gorgon Medousa (Latin Medusa), and brother to the giant Khrysaor (Latin Chrysaor). Like Athene, who was born of Zeus’s head, Pegasos and Chrysaor are said to have been born of Medusa’s neck when Perseus beheaded her. According to Hesiod, everywhere Pegasus struck hoof to earth an inspiring spring burst forth.
Pegasus – The offspring of Medusa and Poseidon, Pegasus was the winged horse of Greek mythology
Pehr – Swedish variant of PER
Peio – Basque form of PETER
Peire – Occitan form of PETER
Pejo – Croatian and Serbian diminutive of PETAR
Pekka – Pekka as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Peter. The meaning of Pekka is ‘rock’.
Pelagios – Pelagios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Pelagios is ‘of the sea’.
Pelagius – Pelagius as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Pelagios. The meaning of Pelagius is ‘of the sea’.
Pelayo – Pelayo as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Pelagios. The meaning of Pelayo is ‘of the sea’.
Pelle – Swedish diminutive of PER
Pello – The name Pello is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘stone’.
Penko – Bulgarian diminutive of PETAR
Per – Per as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Peter and the French name Pierre. The meaning of Per is ‘rock’.
Pere – Catalan form of PETER
Perica – Croatian diminutive of PETAR
Pericles – Pericles as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Pericles is ‘far-famed’.
Perig – Breton diminutive of PER
Perikles – Greek name composed of the elements peri ‘around’ and kleos ‘glory,’ hence ‘surrounded by glory.’
Perkins – Pierre’s son
Pero – Diminutive of PETAR
Perrin – Form of PERRY. pear tree
Perseus – Son of Danae
Perseus – Greek myth name of the founder of Mycenae and the hero who killed the half-mortal gorgon Medousa. If Greek, the first element of the name might have derived from the word pertho, meaning ‘to sack, to destroy.’ And according to Carl Daling Buck in his Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin, the -eus suffix found in so many Greek names is typically used to form an agent noun. If so, Perseus was a ‘destroyer’ by profession, i.e. a ‘soldier,’ which is a fitting name for this legendary hero.
Persius – Son of Danae
Peru – Basque form of PETER
Peta – Diminutive of PETR or PETRA
Petar – Petar as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Petar is ‘rock’.
Pete – Pete as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘rock’.
Peter – Rock, Peter was a biblical fisherman and one of Christ”s twelve disciples. In Catholic tradition he is the first pope.
Peter – “Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater.” Everyone knows him from the nursery rhyme, but there’s more to Peter than just his love for gourds. Historically, Simon Peter was the most important apostle to Jesus, who gave him the name Peter, which comes from the Greek “petros” (rock), to signify Peter’s role as the dependable one who would help Jesus grow Christianity, as a result, his name became well-known to Christians everywhere. Other Peters who have brought fame to this solid, traditional name are Peter Rabbit, Peter Pan and Peter Dinklage of “Game of Thrones.”
Petera – Maori form of PETER
Peteris – Latvian form of PETER
Peterson – Peterson as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Peter. The meaning of Peterson is ‘rock’.
Petey – Rock
Peti – Hungarian diminutive of PETER
Petia – Alternate transcription of Russian/Bulgarian Петя (see PETYA)
Petr – Petr as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Pete. The meaning of Petr is ‘rock’.
Petras – Lithuanian form of PETER
Petre – Petre as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Petre is ‘rock’.
Petri – Finnish and Basque form of PETER
Petrica – Romanian diminutive of PETER
Petrik – Diminutive of PETR
Petro – Ukrainian and Esperanto form of PETER
Petros – Greek translation of the Aramaic byname Kephas, meaning ‘rock, stone.’ In the bible, this is the name of one of Christ’s apostles. The name was given by Jesus to Simon son of Jona, to distinguish him from Simon Zelotes.
Petrov – Petrov as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Peter. The meaning of Petrov is ‘rock’.
Petru – Romanian and Corsican form of PETER. It is also the form used in the Church Slavic New Testament
Petruccio – Medieval diminutive of PIETRO
Petrus – Latin form of PETER used occasionally in Dutch and German
Petter – Swedish and Norwegian form of PETER
Petteri – Finnish form of PETER
Petur – Icelandic form of PETER
Petya – Russian masculine diminutive of PYOTR or Bulgarian feminine diminutive of PETAR
Phaeton – Greek name meaning ‘the shining one.’ In mythology, this is the name of one of the steeds of Aurora. The other is Abrax.
Phaidros – Greek name derived from the word phaidros, meaning ‘bright.’
Phallas – Greek name meaning ‘stallion.’ This was the name of a horse belonging to Heraclios.
Phanes – Orphic myth name of the first God to appear at the beginning of creation, derived from the Greek word phaino, meaning ‘bring to light, make appear.’ According to Orphic tradition, he passed the scepter of kingship to his only child, Nyx, who passed it on to Ouranos from whom it was seized by Kronos and finally by Zeus who devoured Phanes in order to obtain his primal powers. He has been described as a golden-winged hermaphrodite.
Pharao – Greek form of Hebrew Paroh (‘great house’), meaning ‘his nakedness.’ In the bible, this is a title for the king of Egypt.
Phelix – Greek form of Latin Felix, meaning ‘happy’ or ‘lucky.’ In the bible, this is the name of a Roman procurator of Judea.
Phelps – Son of Philip
Phenix – Phenix as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Phenix is ‘dark red’.
Phestos – Greek form of Latin Festus, meaning ‘festival.’ In the bible, this is the name of the successor of Felix, the procurator of Judea who refused to bow to the pressure of the Jews who wanted him to condemn St. Paul to death for preaching.
Phil – Phil as a boy’s name (also used as a girl’s name), is related to the Greek name Philip. The meaning of Phil is ‘horse lover’.
Philadelphia –
Philander – Philander as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Philander is ‘loving mankind’.
Philandros – Greek name derived from the word philandros, meaning ‘with love for people.’ In mythology, this is the name of a son of Apollo and the nymph Akakallis.
Philemon – Affectionate, One of Paul”s epistles in the New Testament is addressed to Philemon.
Philemon – Greek name meaning ‘affectionate.’ In the bible, this is the name of an apostle to whom Paul sent a letter from prison. In mythology, this is the name of the husband of Baukis. They were the only couple in Tyana who were hospitable to the disguised gods Zeus and Hermes.
Philetos – Greek name meaning ‘beloved.’ In the bible, this is the name of a heretic.
Philetus – From the Greek name (Philetos) meaning ‘beloved’. In the New Testament, Philetus is a heretic in the church at Ephesus
Philip – Lover of horses, Philip was one of Christ”s twelve apostles. This name has also been borne by numerous kings of Spain, France, and Macedonia.
Philip – The name’s meaning is “horse lover,” which might draw in equine-appreciative parents looking for a name to “saddle” their son with. His many notable namesakes include one of Jesus’s Twelve Apostles, a championship golfer (Mickelson), and a widely read novelist (Roth). Philip had a long run as a popular name, starting in the 19th century until just before the end of the 20th century. Today’s parents lean more toward surnames as first names and lesser-known biblical names. Ignore the numbers if you like the name—it’s a dignified, solid choice.
Philipp – Philipp as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Philip. The meaning of Philipp is ‘horse lover’.
Philippe – Philippe as a boy’s name (also used as a girl’s name), is related to the Greek name Philip. The meaning of Philippe is ‘horse lover’.
Philippos – Greek name composed of the elements phil ‘love’ and hippos ‘horse,’ hence ‘lover of horses.’ In the bible, this is the name of one of the 12 apostles of Jesus, and several other characters.
Philippus – Philippus as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Philip. The meaning of Philippus is ‘horse lover’.
Philips – Philips as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Philip and Old English name Phipps. The meaning of Philips is ‘horse lover’.
Phillip – If you consider your baby a prince, why not give him the name of two famous ones: the prince married to the Queen of England, and the Disney prince who stole the heart of Sleeping Beauty? It’s also the name of several European kings and the TV-famous psychologist, Dr. Phil (birth name: Phillip Calvin McGraw). It’s old-fashioned, masculine, and in case you were wondering which spelling is more popular, it’s in a dead heat with single “l” Philip.
Phillips – Phillips as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Philip. The meaning of Phillips is ‘horse lover’.
Philly – Philly as a boy’s name (also used as a girl’s name), is related to the Greek name Philip. The meaning of Philly is ‘horse lover’.
Philo – Philo as a boy’s name is pronounced FYE-loh. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Philo is ‘love’.
Philokrates – Greek name composed of the elements philos ‘friend’ and kratos ‘power,’ hence ‘friend of power’ or ‘to love power.’
Philomelos – Greek name meaning ‘friend of ease.’ In mythology, this is the name of a minor demi-god.
Philomenes – Perhaps a form of Greek Philomenos, meaning ‘friend of ease.’
Philomenos – Supposedly another spelling for Greek Philomelos, meaning ‘friend of ease.’
Philomon – The name Philomon is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘affectionate’.
Philon – Greek name derived from the word phileo, meaning ‘to love.’
Philotheos – Greek name composed of the elements philos ‘friend’ and theos ‘god,’ hence ‘friend of God’ or ‘loves God.’
Phineas –
Phlegon – Greek myth name of one of the horses of the noon-day sun, meaning ‘the burning/blazing one.’
Phobos – Greek name meaning ‘fear.’ In mythology, this is the name of a son of Ares. It is also the name of a moon of Mars.
Phoebe – Take your pick of well-known Phoebes (pronounced FEE-bee): In the Bible, Phoebe is a Christian woman who aided Paul and others. In Greek mythology, the name is a reference to Phoebus Apollo, the god of the sun, which explains the name’s meaning, “bright” or “radiant.” On TV reruns, Phoebe Buffay is the quirky member of the beloved gang on “Friends.” Whichever Phoebe is your favorite, baby is sure to shine bright with this name.
Phoebus – Shining one, Phoebus was an epithet of Apollo in Greek mythology.
Phoebus – Phoebus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Phoebus is ‘bright, radiant’.
Phoenix – Dark red, In mythology, the phoenix was a beautiful bird that built its own pyre and then was reborn from the ashes.
Phoenix – From the Greek phoinix meaning ‘pheonix’or ‘ purple’. Th Pheonix was a mythological bird of exceptional beauty.
Phoibos – Greek name meaning ‘shining one.’ In mythology, this is a byname for the sun and for the god Apollo.
Phoinix – Greek name derived from the word phoinix, meaning ‘crimson.’ In mythology, this is the name of an immortal bird who would rise from its own ashes after being consumed by fire every 500 years.
Phokas – Greek name meaning ‘seal,’ the mammal.
Pholos – Greek name meaning ‘of the cave’ or ‘of the den.’ In mythology, this is the name of a wise centaur. He was a friend of Herakles who accidentally poisoned him, he surrendered his immortality to be rid of the agony of the poison.
Phorcys – A sea god in Greek mythology
Phorkys – Greek name meaning ‘of the sea.’ In mythology, this is an old man ruling over the sea, later he is described as a god of the hidden dangers of the deep, a brother of Nereus, and is depicted as a kind of merman.
Phortounatos – Greek form of Latin Fortunatus, meaning ‘fortunate, happy, well freighted.’ In the bible, this is the name of a man who, along with Achaikos and Stephanos, carried a letter from the Corinthians to Paul and back again.
Phosphoros – Greek name meaning ‘bearer of light.’ In mythology, this is the name of the personification of the planet Venus. He is also called Eosphoros.
Photios – Greek name derived from the element phos, meaning ‘light.’
Phrenicos – Greek name meaning ‘intelligent.’ This is the name of the horse of Hiero of Syracuse that won the Olympic prize for single horses in the seventy-third Olympiad.
Phrixos – Greek name derived from the word phrix, meaning ‘the ripple of water in wind, the shivering of skin from fear.’ In mythology, this is the name of the twin brother of Helle. The twins were children of Athamas and Nephele.
Phtha – Greek form of Egyptian Ptah, meaning ‘opener (of the mouth).’
Phyllidos – Masculine form of Greek Phyllis, meaning ‘foliage.’
Phyllip – Phyllip as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Philip. The meaning of Phyllip is ‘horse lover’.
Phyllon – The name Phyllon is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘leaf’.
Piaras – Irish form of PIERS
Pier – Italian and Dutch variant form of PETER. In Italian, this form is often used in combination with another name
Pierce – Pierce as a boy’s name is pronounced peerz. It is of English origin. Variant of Piers from Peter (Greek) ‘rock’.
Pierino – Diminutive of PIERO
Pierluigi – Combination of PIERO and LUIGI
Piero – Italian form of PETER. Piero della Francesca was an Italian Renaissance painter
Pierpaolo – Combination of PIERO and PAOLO
Pierre – French form of PETER. This name was borne by Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919), a French impressionist painter, and by Pierre Curie (1859-1906), a physicist who discovered radioactivity with his wife Marie
Pierrick – Breton diminutive of PIERRE
Piers – Medieval form of PETER. This was the name of the main character in the 14th-century poem ‘Piers Plowman’ by William Langland
Pierson – This boy’s name originates from the names Piers and Peter and means ‘rock’ or ‘stone’. One of the apostles was named Peter to symbolize the solid foundation upon which the Church would be built.
Piersson – Piersson as a boy’s name is related to the English name Pierce and Greek name Piers. The meaning of Piersson is ‘rock’.
Piet – Piet as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Peter. The meaning of Piet is ‘rock’.
Pietari – Finnish form of PETER used in the Bible
Pieter – Dutch form of PETER. This name was borne by the 16th-century Flemish painter Pieter Brueghel the Elder
Pietro – Italian form of PETER. Pietro was the given name of the Renaissance painter known as Perugino
Pika – Hawaiian form of PETER
Pilatos – Greek name, possibly meaning ‘armed with a javelin or pilum,’ or perhaps contracted from pileatus, meaning ‘wearing the felt cap.’ Either way, like Torquatus, the name describes the badge of a slave. In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the fifth (or sixth) Procurator of the Roman emperor in Judea and Samaria. Although he saw that Jesus was innocent, he feared that the Jews would bring an accusation against him before C?sar for the wrongs he had done them, so he delivered him up to be crucified.
Pilipo – Pilipo as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘horse lover’.
Piotr – The Slavic version of the name Peter, meaning ‘rock’ or ‘stone’. A name given by Jesus to one of his disciples to symbolize the solid foundations on which the Christian church was to be built.
Pip – Friend of horses
Pippo – Lover of horses
Pirro – Red haired
Pista – Man with crown
Pit – Limburgish short form of PITTER
Pitter – Frisian and Limburgish form of PETER
Pjeter – Albanian form of PETER
Plato – Plato as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Plato is ‘broad-shouldered’.
Platon – Platon as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Plato. The meaning of Platon is ‘broad-shouldered’.
Ploutarchos – Greek name composed of the elements ploutos ‘riches, wealth’ and arche ‘origin, source,’ hence ‘source of wealth.’
Plouton – Greek name derived from the word ploutos, meaning ‘wealth.’ In mythology, this is the name of a god of the underworld.
Pluto – Pluto as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Pluto is ‘rich’. Roman mythology: god of the underworld.
Podarge – Greek unisex name meaning ‘fleet-foot.’ In mythology, this is the name of several characters: 1) one of the Harpies who was the mother of Balios and Xanthos, 2) another name for the rainbow goddess Iris, and 3) it was Priam’s birth name, he changed it after buying his life from Herakles.
Pollux – Pollux as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Pollux is ‘crown’.
Polydamas – A Trojan warrior
Polydeukes – Greek name composed of the elements polys ‘much’ and deukes ‘sweet,’ hence ‘very sweet.’ In mythology, Castor (‘beaver’) and Pollux are the twin sons of Leda and are known as the Gemini twins.
Polydoros – Greek name composed of the elements polys ‘much’ and doron ‘gift,’ hence ‘bears many gifts.’ In mythology, this is the name of Priam’s youngest son and several other characters.
Polykarpos – Greek name composed of the elements polys ‘much’ and karpos ‘fruit,’ hence ‘fruitful.’
Polymestor – Priam”s son in law
Pontios – Greek form of Latin Pontius, meaning ‘of the sea, seaman.’ In the bible, this was the first name of the Prefect of the Roman province of Judea, Pontius Pilate.
Pontos – Greek name meaning ‘sea.’ In mythology, this is the name of a god of the sea, the father of Nereus, Phorkys, and other sea-gods.
Pontus – Sea
Pope – Pope as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Pope is ‘father’.
Porfirio – Purple stone
Porfirio – Porfirio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Porfirio is ‘purple coloring’.
Porphirios – Porphirios as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Porfirio. The meaning of Porphirios is ‘purple coloring’.
Porphyrios – Greek name derived from the word porphyra, meaning ‘purple.’
Poseidon – The Greek mythological god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses
Poseidon – Greek name probably derived from posis, meaning ‘lord, husband.’ In mythology, this is the name of a god of horses and the sea, known as the ‘earth-shaker.’ He is equated with Roman Neptune.
Poseidonios – Greek name meaning ‘of Poseidon.’
Posidonios – Variant spelling of Greek Poseidonios, meaning ‘of Poseidon.’
Praxis – Greek name meaning ‘practice,’ ‘exercise,’ or ‘action.’
Praxiteles – Greek name composed of the elements praxis ‘action, exercise, practice,’ and telos ‘aim, goal.’
Priam – In Greek mythology, Priam was king and ruler of Troy during the Trojan War.
Priam – Short form of Greek Priamos, possibly meaning ‘exceptionally courageous.’ In mythology, this is the name of a king of Troy.
Priamos – Greek name, possibly derived from the Luwian compound priimuua, meaning ‘exceptionally courageous.’ Luwian is closely related to Hittite. In mythology, this is the name of a king of Troy.
Prochoros – Greek name meaning ‘leader of the dance.’ In the bible, this is the name of one of the seven deacons chosen by the church at Jerusalem.
Prokopios – Greek name derived from the word prokope, meaning ‘advance, progress.’
Prometheus – Greek name derived from the word promethes, meaning ‘foresight.’ In mythology, this is the name of the Titan who was punished by Zeus for stealing fire to give to mankind.
Prophyrios – Prophyrios as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Porfirio. The meaning of Prophyrios is ‘purple coloring’.
Protesilaus – In Greek mythology, Protesilaus was the Thessalian king and the first to die in the Trojan War. Even though it had been foretold that the first Greek who touched Trojan ground would die, Protesilaus did not hesitate.
Proteus – A prophetic sea god of Greek mythology
Proteus – Greek name derived from the word protos, meaning ‘of the first.’ In mythology, this is the sea god Homer called the ‘Old Man of the Sea.’ Some equate him with the Phoenician sea-god Milk-qart.
Ptolemaios – Greek name derived from the word polemeios, meaning ‘aggressive, warlike.’
Ptolemy – The name Ptolemy is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘aggressive, warlike’.
Ptoophagos – Greek name meaning ‘glutton of Ptoon (in Boeotia).’ In mythology, this is the name of one of Orion’s dogs.
Puroeis – Greek name meaning ‘fiery hot.’ In mythology, this is the name of one of the horses of the noon-day sun.
Pygmalion – A sculptor and king of Cyprus, According to Greek legend, Pygmalion carved a statue of a beautiful woman from ivory and adored it so much he named her Galatea and prayed for a wife like her. The goddess Aphrodite brought the sculpture to life for Pygmalion, and he and his bride shared a happy life together.
Pyotr – Russian form of PETER. A famous bearer was the Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
Pyrois – Greek name meaning ‘fiery.’ In mythology, this is the name of one of the horses of the Sun.
Pyrrhos – Greek name meaning ‘flame-like.’ In mythology, this is the name of a son of Achilles. He is also known as Neoptolemos.
Pyrrhus – Fiery or flaming red
Pyrros – Variant spelling of Greek Pyrrhos, meaning ‘flame-like.’
Pythagoras – Greek name composed of the name Pythios ‘python’ and the word agora ‘market,’ hence ‘python market.’
Pytheos – Variant spelling of Greek Pythios, possibly meaning ‘to rot.’
Pythias – Greek name, possibly related to the word pythein, meaning ‘to rot.’ In Greek legend, this is the name of a friend of Damon.
Pythios – Greek name, possibly derived from the word pythein, meaning ‘to rot.’ In mythology, this is the name of a serpent killed by Apollo near Delphi. The name then became one of his epithets.
Pythis – Contracted form of Greek Pythias, possibly meaning ‘to rot.’ This was the name of a noted Greek architect who constructed the temple of Athene at Priene.
Biblical greek boy names starting with Q
Quilo – Quilo as a boy’s name is of Greek origin for the mythological hero of the Trojan War famous for his valor and manly beauty. His only weak spot was his ankle (hence Achilles’ Heel).
Biblical greek boy names starting with R
Raphael – Greek form of Hebrew Rephael, meaning ‘healed of God’ or ‘whom God has healed.’ In the bible, this is the name of a son of Shemaiah and grandson of Obed-edom. In the books of Henoch (English Enoch) and Tobit, this is the name of an archangel. In use by the English.
Rasmus – Rasmus as a boy’s name. Short form of Erasmus (Greek) ‘beloved’.
Rastus – Rastus as a boy’s name. Diminutive of Erastus (Greek) ‘loving’.
Rehor – Awake or watchful
Reko – Awake or watchful
Rhama – Greek form of Hebrew Ramah, meaning ‘a lofty place.’ In the bible, this is the name of a town of the tribe of Benjamin.
Rhodes – Where the roses grow, an island in Greece
Rhodes – The name Rhodes is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘where roses grow’.
Rhouben – Greek form of Hebrew Reuwben, meaning ‘behold, a son!’ In the bible, this is the name of the eldest son of Jacob and Leah.
Ries – Virile, manly
Rihardos – Greek variation of Richard, origin meaning dominant ruler’.
Risto – Bearing Christ
Rodion – The name Rodion is a boy’s name of Greek, Russian origin meaning ‘song of the hero’.
Romanos – Greek variation of Roman, origin meaning citizen of Rome’.
Rouvin – Greek variation of Reuben, origin meaning behold, a son’.
Biblical greek boy names starting with S
Sabaoth – Greek form of Hebrew tsaba, meaning ‘Lord of the armies.’ In the bible, this is the name for the armies of the Lord of Israel, those who are under the leadership and protection of Jehovah and maintain his cause in war.
Sabastain – Venerable
Sabastian – Sabastian as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Sebastian. The meaning of Sabastian is ‘revered’.
Sabastiano – Venerable
Sabastin – Venerable
Sabastion – Venerable
Sabaston – Venerable
Sabatin – Venerable
Sabbas – Greek name derived from Sabbaton, the word for ‘Saturday,’ hence ‘Sabbath.’
Sabbastiun – Venerable
Sabestian – Venerable
Sacha – A French variant of the name Sasha from the name Alexander, meaning ‘defender of men’.
Sachiel – angel of water
Samouel – Greek form of Hebrew Shemuwel, meaning ‘heard of God,’ ‘his name is El,’ or ‘name of God.’ In the bible, this is the name of a son of Elkanah by Hanna.
Samoul – Variant spelling of Greek Samouel, meaning ‘heard of God,’ ‘his name is El,’ or ‘name of God.’
Sampson – Greek form of Hebrew Shimshown, meaning ‘like the sun.’ In the bible, this is the name of a powerful hero who was betrayed by his mistress Delila.
Sanacharibos – Greek form of Akkadian Sinahheeriba, meaning ‘Sin (the moon god) has taken the place of brothers to me.’ In the bible, his Hebrew name is Cancheriyb, English Sennacherib.
Sander – Defender of men
Sandero – Sandero as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Sanders – Defender of men
Sandie – Sandie as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name), is related to the Greek names Alexandra, Cassandra and Sandy and the English name Sandra. The meaning of Sandie is ‘man’s defender’.
Sandir – Defender
Sandor – Defender of man
Sandrine – helper and defender of mankind
Sandro – Sandro as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Sandros – The name Sandros is a boy’s name of Greek origin.
Sandy – Form of ALEXANDER. helper and defender of mankind
Sandyr – Defender
Sanyi – Defender of man
Saoul – Greek form of Hebrew Shauwl, meaning ‘asked for, desired.’ In the bible, this is the name of a son of Kish, and the Jewish name of the apostle Paul.
Saphron – Saphron as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name) is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Saphron is ‘wise’. Saphron is related to the Greek name Sophronia.
Sarpedon – Killed by Patroclus during the Trojan War
Sasa – Protector
Satan – Greek form of Hebrew satan, meaning ‘adversary.’ In the bible, this is the name of the inveterate enemy of God. In the New Testament, Hebrew satan is translated once into Greek Diabolos, and once using the word epiboulos, meaning ‘plotter.’ This is also the Late Latin and Old English form of Hebrew satan.
Satanas – Greek name of Aramaic origin, corresponding to Greek Satan, meaning ‘adversary.’ In the bible, this is the name of the inveterate enemy of God.
Saulos – Variant form of Greek Saoul, meaning ‘asked for, desired.’ In the bible, this is the Jewish name of the apostle Paul.
Saunder – Saunder as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Saunders – Saunders as a boy’s name is of Greek and Middle English origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Saunderson – Defender of men
Savas – Variant spelling of Greek Savvas, meaning ‘Saturday, the Sabbath.’ Compare with another form of Savas.
Savvas – Variant spelling of Greek Sabbas, meaning ‘Saturday, the Sabbath.’
Sawney – Defender of man
Sctore – Hold, check
Seb – A pet name of the Spanish Sebastian, meaning ‘man from Sebaste’ , the Roman name for a town in Asia Minor. Derived from sebastos meaning ‘venerable’.
Sebasten – Revered
Sebasten – venerable, revered
Sebastian – Despite Sebastian’s origin in ancient Greece, it was the Christian Saint Sebastian who popularized the name across Europe and the Mediterranean. King Sebastian of Portugal, a crusader, continued the name’s Christian influence. The name also appears in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night and The Tempest. Musical lovers will recall Sebastian Wilder, one of the star-crossed leads of La La Land, and Sebastian the Crab, a supporting character in Disney’s The Little Mermaid. Swedish DJ Sebastian Ingrosso is perhaps the most celebrated and iconic Sebastian today.
Sebastiano – Sebastiano as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Sebastian. The meaning of Sebastiano is ‘revered’.
Sebastianos – Greek name meaning ‘from Sebaste,’ a city in Pontus named after Augustus C?sar (from Greek sebastos ‘venerable’).
Sebastien – Sebastien is a name of Greek origin meaning ‘man from Sebasta’. It is mainly used in the French language.
Sebastion – Sebastion is a name of Greek origin meaning ‘man from Sebasta’. It is mainly used in the French language.
Sebatian – A variant of the name Sebastian, meaning ‘man from Sebastian’ a town in Asia Minor. The name means’respected’and ‘vulnerable’.
Sebestyen – Sebestyen as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Sebastian. The meaning of Sebestyen is ‘revered’.
Sebo – Sebo as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Sebastian. The meaning of Sebo is ‘revered’.
Seema – symbol
Seilenos – Greek name meaning ‘moving to-and-fro in the wine trough.’ In mythology, this is the name of the teacher and companion of the wine-god Dionysos.
Selena – With the popularity of pop singer Selena Gomez, it’s surprising that this name isn’t higher on the baby-name polls. But that’s good news for parents who want to give their daughter a modern name that still feels somewhat exclusive. Though it has been around since the 19th century, smooth and soft Selena became prominent in the 1990s when singer Selena Quintanilla became a major star in the Latino community (she was portrayed by Jennifer Lopez in a 1997 biopic two years after her murder).
Seleukos – Greek name of uncertain etymology, possibly from the Greek word leukos (‘bright, white’), hence ‘to be bright or white.’ This was the name one of Alexander the Great’s generals. His surname was Nikator, meaning ‘the conqueror.’
Semon – Greek variation of Simon, origin meaning the listener’.
Seoras – Farming man
Serafeim – Greek form of Hebrew Saraph, meaning ‘burning one’ or ‘serpent.’
Seraphim – To burn
Sergio – Attendant
Sergios – Greek form of Latin Sergius, possibly meaning ‘sergeant.’
Seth – Compare with other forms of Seth. Greek form of Egyptian Set, possibly meaning ‘one who dazzles.’ In mythology, this is the name of an ancient evil god of Chaos, storms, and the desert, who slew Osiris.
Sethi – Greek form of Egyptian Seti, meaning ‘of Seth.’
Sethos – Greek form of Egyptian Sutekh, possibly meaning ‘one who dazzles.’ In mythology, this is the name of an ancient evil god of Chaos, storms, and the desert, who slew Osiris.
Shura – Protector of humanity
Sikander – Sikander as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Silas – Contracted form of Greek Silouanos, meaning ‘from the forest.’ In the bible, this is the name of a companion of Saint Paul.
Silenos – Variant spelling of Greek Seilenos, meaning ‘moving to-and-fro in the wine trough.’ In mythology, this was the name of one of the Ipotanes/Sileni, a race of beings having the ears, tail, and legs of a horse. They were followers of the wine god Dionysos and were said to have been ugly drunkards. Silenus was the oldest and wisest of the Ipotanes, possessing the knowledge and power of prophecy.
Silouanos – Greek name meaning ‘from the forest.’ In the bible, this is the name of a companion of Saint Paul.
Silvanos – Forest dweller
Simon –
Simon – Greek form of Hebrew Shimown, meaning ‘hearkening.’ In the bible, this is the name of many characters, including a sorcerer and a brother of Jesus.
Simonides – Greek name composed of the elements simos ‘flat- or snub-nosed’ and eidos ‘kind, type, hence ‘snub-nosed type.’
Sinon – A Greek spy who gained the trust of the Trojans during the Trojan War by pretending to be on their side
Sisyphus – Son of Aelous
Sisyphus – The name Sisyphus is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘son of Aelous’.
Socrates – Meaning unknown, Socrates was an ancient and influential Greek philosopher and teacher.
Socrates – Socrates as a boy’s name is of Greek origin. The name of the famous Greek philosopher.
Sofi – wisdom
Sofus – Sofus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Sofus is ‘wisdom’.
Sokrates – Greek name composed of the elements sos ‘safe, sound, whole’ and kratos ‘power,’ hence ‘whole power.’
Sol – Short form of Greek Solomon, meaning ‘peaceable.’ Compare with another form of Sol.
Solomon – Greek form of Hebrew Shelomoh, meaning ‘peaceable.’ In the bible, this is the name of the tenth son of David who became the third king of Israel.
Solon – The name Solon is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘the wise one’.
Sonny – From Old Greek origin meaning ‘wisdom’ , can also be used as a pet form of the name Sonya.
Sophia – A brainy beauty among names, Sophia evokes sophistication and smarts, capable of sounding traditional but also fresh and contemporary. Sophia is comfortable in first place, but just as comfortable lounging around in the top 10 or 15. Casual takes include the endearing Sophie, which is French and can work as a proper first name in its own right, and Soph, which is strictly a nickname. As namesakes go, modern parents will tilt more toward the British actress Sophie Turner than the vintage Hollywood glamour of Sophia Loren.
Sophocles – Sophocles as a boy’s name is of Greek origin. Name of the great classical Greek playwright who wrote ‘Oedipus the King’.
Sophokles – Greek name composed of the elements sophos ‘clever, skilled’ and kleos ‘glory,’ hence ‘skilled-glory.’
Sophos – Greek name meaning ‘clever, skilled.’
Sophronios – Greek name derived from the element sophron, meaning ‘self-controlled.’
Sophus – Sophus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘wisdom’.
Sosigenes – Greek name composed of the elements sos ‘safe, sound’ and genes ‘born,’ hence ‘born safe/sound.’
Sosthenes – The name Sosthenes is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘safe strength’.
Sostratos – Greek name composed of the elements sos ‘safe, sound’ and stratos ‘army,’ hence ‘safe army.’
Soterios – Savior or deliverer
Sotirios – Variant form of Greek Sotiris, meaning ‘salvation.’
Sotiris – Greek name meaning ‘salvation.’
Spartakos – Greek name meaning ‘from Sparta.’ This is the name of a Greek slave who lead an uprising against the Roman Republic.
Speero – Speero is a boy’s name meaning ‘basket’ that is related to the Greek name Spiridon.
Spero – Spero is a boy’s name meaning ‘basket’ that is related to the Greek name Spiridon.
Spiridion – Greek name derived as a diminutive form of Latin spiritus, meaning ‘little spirit.’ In use by the Croatians.
Spiridon – Spiridon as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Spiridon is ‘basket’.
Spiro – Spiro as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Spiridon. The meaning of Spiro is ‘basket’.
Spiros – Spiros as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Spiridon. The meaning of Spiros is ‘basket’.
Spyridon – Spyridon as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Spiridon. The meaning of Spyridon is ‘basket’.
Spyro – Short form of Greek Spyridon, meaning ‘spirit.’
Spyros – Spyros as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Spiridon. The meaning of Spyros is ‘basket’.
Stacey – Form of ANASTASIA. resurrection
Stacy – Form of ANASTASIA. resurrection
Staffan – Man with crown
Stamatios – The name Stamatios is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘stop’.
Stamatis – Variant spelling of Greek Stamatios, meaning ‘stop.’
Stamos – The name Stamos is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘stop’.
Stasius – Stasius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘resurrection’.
Stathis – Short form of Greek Eustathios, meaning ‘good stability.’
Stavros – Stavros as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Stavros is ‘cross’.
Steafan – Victorious
Steafan – Man with crown
Steave – Crown
Steba – Steba as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Stephen. The meaning of Steba is ‘crown’.
Steben – Steben as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Stephen. The meaning of Steben is ‘crown’.
Stefan – A variant of the name Stephen meaning ‘crowned’, this spelling has Germanic roots.
Stefanas – Stefanas as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Stephanus. The meaning of Stefanas is ‘garland’.
Stefano – Stefano as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Stephen. The meaning of Stefano is ‘crown’.
Stefanos – Victorious
Stefanos – Variant spelling of Greek Stephanos, meaning ‘crown.’
Stefanus – Stefanus as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Stephanus. The meaning of Stefanus is ‘garland’.
Steffan – Meaning ‘crowned’ and is a variant of the name Stephen.
Steffen – Man with crown
Stefford – Crown, wreath. In the Bible Stephen was the first Christian martyr. Surname.
Stefon – Stefon as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Stephen. The meaning of Stefon is ‘crown’.
Steiven – Crown
Stelios – Contracted form of Greek Stylianos, meaning ‘pillar.’
Stepan – Man with a crown
Stephan – Stephan as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Stephen. The meaning of Stephan is ‘crown’.
Stephanas – Stephanas as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Stephanus. The meaning of Stephanas is ‘garland’.
Stephano – Stephano as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Stephen. The meaning of Stephano is ‘crown’.
Stephanos – Greek name derived from the word stephanos, meaning ‘crown.’ In the bible, this is the name of one of the seven deacons of the church at Jerusalem who was stoned to death by the Jews.
Stephanus – Stephanus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Stephanus is ‘garland’.
Stephen – Crown, garland
Stephen – Stephen was a favorite name in ancient Greece, as well as a deacon who was stoned to death for promoting the teachings of Christianity, an act that made him the first Christian martyr. It was also frequently the name of kings and popes. Several modern-day bearers of the name include talk show host Stephen Colbert, author Stephen King and the Golden State Warriors’ Stephen Curry (who pronounces it STEF-fen.)
Stephenos – Garland that surrounds
Stephens – Stephens as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Stephen. The meaning of Stephens is ‘crown’.
Stephenson – Stephenson as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Stephen. The meaning of Stephenson is ‘crown’.
Stephfan – Crown
Stephon – Stephon as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Stephen. The meaning of Stephon is ‘crown’.
Stephone – Crown
Stevan – Stevan as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Stevan is ‘crown or garland’.
Steve – Nickname of Steven, looked up to, a role model.
Steven – Crown, garland
Steven – A variant of the name Stephen derived from the Greek name Stephanos, meaning ‘crown’.
Stevenson – Stevenson as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Stephen and the English name Steven. The meaning of Stevenson is ‘crown’.
Stevie – Stevie as a boy’s name (also used as a girl’s name), is related to the Greek name Stephen and the English name Steve. The meaning of Stevie is ‘crown’.
Stevy – Stevy as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Stephen. The meaning of Stevy is ‘crown’.
Stiven – Crown
Stoffel – Stoffel is a boy’s name meaning ‘bearing Christ’ that is related to the Greek name Christopher.
Straton – Greek name meaning ‘army.’
Stylianos – Greek name derived from the word stylos, meaning ‘pillar.’
Sylus – A variant of the name Silas which has Greek and Latin origins and means a forest of wood.
Symeon – Variant form of Greek Simon, from Hebrew Shimon, meaning ‘hearkening.’ In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including the second son of Jacob and Leah.
Syrus – Deriving from Old Greek Mythology, Syrus was the name of the son of Sinope and Apollo. As a result, the city of Syrus was named so in his honour.
Szczepan – Man with crown
Biblical greek boy names starting with T
Tadeas – Gift given by God
Tadeo – Gift given by God
Tadhg – To honour God
Tahvo – Man with crown
Taidgh – To honour God
Takis – Greek variation of Demetrius, origin meaning follower of Demeter’.
Talos – giant protector of Minos island
Talus – In Greek legend, Talus was the son of Perdix and twelve-year-old nephew and apprentice of Daedalus. He surpassed his uncle in skill, however, by inventing the saw, potter”s wheel, and compass for drawing circles.
Tanaka – Derived from Old Greek origin meaning ‘immortal’ a variation of the Greek Athanasios.
Tantalus – Condemned to etemal torment
Tapani – Man with crown
Tarantino – Greek variation of Terence.
Taras – Greek myth name of a son of Poseidi??n by the nymph Satyrion, of uncertain origin, possibly from the Indo-European root *ter-, meaning ‘to cross, to transgress,’ hence ‘mutineer, rebel.’ In use by the Russians and Ukrainians.
Tarasios – Greek name meaning ‘of Taras,’ a city founded by Spartan exiles who named it after Taras, son of Poseidi??n, though some say Taras himself founded the city. The Romans called the place Tarentum, today it is called Taranto.
Taso – Taso as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘resurrection’.
Teador – Teador is a boy’s name meaning ‘God’s gift’ that derives from the Greek name Theodore.
Ted – Ted as a boy’s name is pronounced ted. It is of English origin. Short form of Theodore.
Teddey – Teddey as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name) is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Teddey is ‘God’s gift’. Teddey is related to the Greek name Theodora.
Teddy – Teddy is a boy’s name meaning ‘wealthy protector’, ‘brave people’, or ‘God’s gift’. It is related to four names: the Old English name Edmund, the English name Ted, the Old German name Theobald, and the Greek name Theodore.
Tedor – Tedor is a boy’s name meaning ‘God’s gift’ that derives from the Greek name Theodore.
Telamon – In Greek mythology, Telamon was the son of Aeacus, King of Aegina. He was one of the Argonauts who accompanied Jason on the quest for the Golden Fleece, and was present at the hunt for the Calydonian boar.
Telamon – Greek myth name of the father of Ajax, possibly meaning ‘support.’
Telamonian – Variant spelling of Greek Telamonion, meaning ‘son of Telamon.’
Telamonion – Greek name meaning ‘son of Telamon.’ In mythology, this is a name belonging to the Greek hero Ajax.
Telesphoros – Greek name meaning ‘bearing fruit.’ In mythology, this is the name of a son of Asklepios.
Telly – Pet form of THEODORE
Tenney – Follower of Zeus
Tennyson – Tenney’s son
Teodomiro – Gift of God
Teodoor – Teodoor is a boy’s name meaning ‘God’s gift’ that derives from the Greek name Theodore.
Teodor – Teodor is a boy’s name meaning ‘God’s gift’ that derives from the Greek name Theodore.
Teodoro – Teodoro is a boy’s name meaning ‘God’s gift’ that derives from the Greek name Theodore.
Teodus – Gift of God
Teofil – Teofil as a boy’s name is a variant of the Greek name Theophilus. Teofil means ‘loved by God’.
Teos – Gift of God
Teppo – Man with crown
Tere – Reaper
Teree – Reaper
Terelle – Reaper
Terene – Reaper
Terentilo – Greek variation of Terence.
Terentino – Greek variation of Terence.
Terentios – Greek form of Latin Terentius, possibly meaning ‘rub, turn, twist.’
Terie – Reaper
Teris – Pet form of Greek Eleftherios, meaning ‘the liberator.’
Terrey – Reaper
Terri – Reaper
Terrie – Terrie as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name) is a variant of the English name Terry.
Terry – Of Old Greek origin meaning ‘gift od God’, a variant of the English Theodoric.
Terrye – Reaper
Tery – Reaper
Teuvo – God’s present
Thabit – The mythical Tethys and her husband Oceanus had thousands of children who became the world”s lakes and rivers.
Thad – Gift given by God
Thaddaeus – Courageous
Thaddaios – Greek name possibly derived from Aramaic Thaddai, meaning ‘courageous, large-hearted.’ In the bible, this is the surname of the apostle Jude who was also called Lebbaios.
Thaddaus – Courageous
Thaddeau – Courageous
Thaddeo – Courageous
Thaddeus – Gift given by God
Thaddius – Courageous
Thadeaou – Courageous
Thadeys – Courageous
Thadia – Courageous
Thadus – Courageous
Thady – Meaning uncertain, possibly brave or wise, Thaddeus was one of the twelve apostles described in the New Testament of the Bible.
Thales – Greek name meaning ‘blossom.’
Than – Short form of Greek Thanatos, meaning ‘death.’
Thanases – Immortal or everlasting
Thanasis – Thanasis as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘eternal life’.
Thanatos – Greek myth name of a god of death, meaning ‘death.’
Thangbrand – The sea, a mythological woman of the sea
Thano – Thano as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘eternal life’.
Thanos – The name Thanos is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘immortality’.
Thao – Greek variation of Theodore, origin meaning gift of God’.
Tharon – Tharon as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Theron. The meaning of Tharon is ‘hunter’.
Thel – Upper story
Themistokles – Greek name composed of the elements themistos ‘of custom/law’ and kleos ‘glory,’ hence ‘glorious law.’
Theo –
Theo – Theo as a boy’s name (also used as a girl’s name), is related to the Old German name Theobald and the Greek name Theodore. The meaning of Theo is ‘brave people’.
Theodor – Theodor is a boy’s name meaning ‘God’s gift’ that derives from the Greek name Theodore.
Theodore – Righteousness, In mythology, Themis is the goddess of order and justice.
Theodore – From the Greek meaning ‘gift of god’. Due to its biblical derivation, it has become associated with Roman Catholicism and it popular in the United States.
Theodoros – Greek name composed of the elements theos ‘god’ and doron ‘gift,’ hence ‘gift of God.’
Theodors – Gift of God
Theodorus – Theodorus as a boy’s name is a variant of the Greek name Theodore (Greek). Theodorus means ‘God’s gift’. Another closely related variant is Thaddeus.
Theodosios – Theodosios as a boy’s name is a variant of the Greek name Theodore (Greek). Theodosios means ‘God’s gift’.
Theodotos – Greek name composed of the elements theos ‘god’ and dotos ‘given,’ hence ‘god-given.’
Theodoulos – Greek name composed of the elements theos ‘god’ and doulos ‘slave,’ hence ‘God-slave.’
Theodrik – Gift of God, the name of saints, popes, and American president Theodore Roosevelt, for whom the teddy bear was originally named
Theokles – Greek name composed of the elements theos ‘god’ and kleos ‘glory,’ hence ‘glory of God.’ In mythology, this is the name of a Lacedaemonian who made the Hesperides.
Theokritos – Greek name composed of the elements theos ‘god’ and krites ‘critic, judge,’ hence ‘God-judge.’
Theon – Theon as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Theron. The meaning of Theon is ‘hunter’.
Theophanes – Ancient Greek name composed of the elements theos ‘god’ and phanes ‘appearing,’ hence ‘manifestation of God.’
Theophilos – Greek name composed of the elements theos ‘god’ and philos ‘friend,’ hence ‘friend of God.’ In the bible, this is the name of the man to whom Luke addressed his gospel in the New Testament.
Theophilus – Theophilus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Theophilus is ‘loved by God’.
Theophylaktos – Ancient Greek name composed of the elements theos ‘god’ and phylasso ‘to guard,’ hence ‘God-guard.’
Therapon – Ancient Greek name meaning ‘servant, worshiper.’
Theristis – Greek name meaning ‘mowing month,’ referring to the month of June.
Theron – Loved by God
Theron – Theron as a boy’s name is pronounced THER-on. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Theron is ‘hunter’.
Therron – Therron as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Theron. The meaning of Therron is ‘hunter’.
Theseus – Watcher
Theseus – Greek name, possibly composed of Thes- from the PIE base *dhe- ‘to put, to do,’ and the agent-forming suffix -eus, hence ‘doer,’ i.e. ‘man of action.’ In mythology, this is the name of a hero who slew the Minotaur.
Thierry – Thetis is the mother of Achilles in Greek mythology. She held her son by the heel and dipped him into the river Styx in an attempt to make him immortal. Because his heel did not touch water, it was his one vulnerable spot.
Thomas George – Thomas derived from the New Testament and meaning ‘twin’ and George of Old Greek meaning ‘earthworker’.
Thomas – Greek form of Aramaic Tau’ma, meaning ‘twin.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of one of the twelve apostles. He is referred to as ‘Thomas, called Didymos,’ his surname.
Thomasos – Twin
Thomaz – Twin
Thommas – Twin
Thompson – Twin
Thoth – Greek form of Egyptian Djehuty, meaning ‘he who balances.’ In mythology, this is the name of a god of the moon, magic and science.
Thoukudides – Greek name composed of the elements theou ‘of god’ and kydos ‘glory,’ hence ‘glory of God.’
Thoukydides – Variant spelling of Greek Thoukudides, meaning ‘glory of God.’
Thumas – Twin
Théo – God’s present
Tianna – Goddess, godly, Tia is also an abbreviation of names like Althea and Dorothea. The mythological Thea was Greek goddess of light and mother of the sun, moon and dawn.
Tiarchnach – Goddess, godly, Tia is also an abbreviation of names like Althea and Dorothea. The mythological Thea was Greek goddess of light and mother of the sun, moon and dawn.
Tibalt – people’s prince
Tibby – Diminutive of TABITHA or THEOBALD
Tiege – To honour God
Tiger – Tiger
Tigris – Greek variation of Tiger.
Tihalt – God”s appearance, a common English variant of the Greek name Theophania
Tim – Tim as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Tim is ‘God’s honor’.
Tima – To honour God
Timaeus – The name Timaeus is a boy’s name of Greek, Latin origin meaning ‘honor’.
Timaios – Greek name meaning ‘honor.’
Timathee – To honour God
Timathey – To honour God
Timathy – To honour God
Timeo – The name Timeo is a boy’s name of Italian, Greek origin meaning ‘honor’.
Timithy – To honour God
Timka – To honour God
Timkin – To honour God
Timm – To honour God
Timme – To honour God
Timmel – To honour God
Timmo – Timmo as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Timothy. The meaning of Timmo is ‘God’s honor’.
Timmothy – Timmothy as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Timothy. The meaning of Timmothy is ‘God’s honor’.
Timmus – To honour God
Timmy – This is a nickname for the name ‘Timothy,’ which means one who reveres or honors God. Saint Timothy was an early Christian bishop and the author of an epistle included in the New Testament.
Timo – Timo is a boy’s name meaning ‘God’s honor’ that is related to the Greek name Timothy.
Timofei – Timofei as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Timothy. The meaning of Timofei is ‘God’s honor’.
Timofeo – Timofeo as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Timothy. The meaning of Timofeo is ‘God’s honor’.
Timofey – Timofey as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Timothy. The meaning of Timofey is ‘God’s honor’.
Timok – To honour God
Timon – Timon as a boy’s name is pronounced tee-MOHN. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Timon is ‘respect’. Biblical: a man noted for his wisdom in the first Christian congregation.
Timontheo – To honour God
Timonthy – To honour God
Timot – To honour God
Timote – To honour God
Timoteo – Timoteo as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Timothy. The meaning of Timoteo is ‘God’s honor’.
Timothe – Timothe as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Timothy. The meaning of Timothe is ‘God’s honor’.
Timotheo – Timotheo as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Timothy. The meaning of Timotheo is ‘God’s honor’.
Timotheos – Greek name composed of the elements timao ‘to honor’ and theos ‘god,’ hence ‘to honor God.’ In the bible, this is the name of a companion of Paul. He was martyred at Ephesus.
Timotheus – Timotheus as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Timothy. The meaning of Timotheus is ‘God’s honor’.
Timothey – Timothey as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Timothy. The meaning of Timothey is ‘God’s honor’.
Timothy – Timothy as a boy’s name is pronounced TIM-oh-thee. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Timothy is ‘God’s honor’. Biblical: Timothy was an energetic, well-trained young Christian who was a companion of Saint Paul.
Timun – Greek variation of Timothy, origin meaning honoring God’.
Tinashe – Derived from the Old Greek name Timaeus meaning ‘honor’, or from the Shona language meaning ‘God is with us’.
Tiomoid – One who honors God, The biblical Timothy was a young Christian friend of Paul in the New Testament.
Titan – According to Diodoros, the Titans were named after their mother Titaia, meaning ‘fire, to burn.’ Hesiod derives the name from titaino, ‘straining.’ In Greek mythology, this is the name of a sun god, the brother of Helios, and the name of a race of giants. It is also the name of the largest moon of the planet Saturn.
Titanos – Greek name meaning ‘of the Titans.’
Titas – Defender
Titek – Defender
Titos – A derivative of Greek Titan, meaning ‘fire, to burn’ or ‘straining.’ In the bible, this is the name of a companion of Paul.
Titus – Defender
Tivadar – God’s present
Tobal – Tobal is a boy’s name meaning ‘bearing Christ’ that is related to the Greek name Christopher.
Tobias – The name Tobias is a boy’s name of Hebrew, Greek origin meaning ‘God is good’.
Tobit – Greek form of Hebrew Tobih, meaning ‘good’ or ‘my God.’ Compare with another form of Tobit.
Tobyn – God is good, a form of Tobiah, an Old Testament Hebrew name
Todor – Todor is a boy’s name meaning ‘God’s gift’ that derives from the Greek name Theodore.
Tolek – Gift of God
Tom – Form of THOMAS. a twin
Tomcy – Twin
Tommy – Form of THOMAS. a twin
Topher – Topher is a boy’s name meaning ‘bearing Christ’ that is related to the Greek name Christopher.
Toussnint – Reaper
Tracey – Brave
Tracy – from Thera
Traugott – Reaper
Trautwein – Harvester
Triton – Triton is both a nature name and a mythological name. This boy’s name refers to the planet Neptune’s largest moon, as well as one of the ‘Gods of the Sea.’ The Roman counterpart to Poseideon, the Greek mythological God of the Sea, is Neptune. Poseideon’s
Tritonos – Variant form of Greek Triton, meaning ‘of the third.’
Tryphon – Greek name derived from the word tryphe, meaning ‘delicate, soft.’
Trystan – Innocent
Tycho – The name Tycho is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘hitting the mark’.
Tychon – Tychon as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Tychon is ‘accurate’.
Tyge – One who hits the mark
Tygrys – Greek variation of Tiger.
Tymmothy – Tymmothy as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Timothy. The meaning of Tymmothy is ‘God’s honor’.
Tymon – Tymon is a boy’s name meaning ‘God’s honor’ that comes from the Greek name Timothy.
Tymoteusz – Tymoteusz as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Timothy. The meaning of Tymoteusz is ‘God’s honor’.
Tymothy – Tymothy as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Timothy. The meaning of Tymothy is ‘God’s honor’.
Tyr – Father of Castor
Tyreece – A child of the Titans
Tyrone – Land of Owen, Young Soldier
Tyvan – A nymph
Tywysog – Sovereign
Biblical greek boy names starting with U
Ulysses – To hate
Uranus – Divine
Usiris – Variant spelling of Greek Osiris, the Greek form of Egyptian Asar, possibly meaning ‘something that has been made, a product.’
Biblical greek boy names starting with V
Vander – This name means one who belongs, or it is a variation of the name of ‘Evander,’ meaning manly or champion. It’s a fitting name for the former boxing heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield.
Vanessa – When Anglo-Irish author Jonathan Swift needed a name for a certain character for a poem he was writing in 1712, he didn’t just settle for what was available—he created a new one! By combining the first few letters of his lover’s given name (Esther) and surname (Vanhomrigh), he came up with Vanessa, which was part of the poem’s title, “Cadenus and Vanessa.” Fast-forward to the 1980s, when Vanessa was a top name on the charts. It’s still popular, as is actress and singer Vanessa Hudgens. The name is also a type of butterfly.
Vangelios – Vangelios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Vangelios is ‘good news’.
Vangelis – Vangelis as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Vangelis is ‘good news’.
Vangelo – Vangelo as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Vangelo is ‘good news’.
Vareck –
Vasil – Imperial, monarchial or royal
Vasile – Vasile as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘royal or kingly’.
Vasileios – Vasileios as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Vasilis. The meaning of Vasileios is ‘royal’.
Vasileos – Vasileos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘royal or kingly’.
Vasili – The name Vasili is a boy’s name of Greek, Russian origin meaning ‘royal, kingly’.
Vasilij – Vasilij as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Vasilis. The meaning of Vasilij is ‘royal’.
Vasilije – Vasilije as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘royal or kingly’.
Vasilios – Vasilios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘royal or kingly’.
Vasilis – Vasilis as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Vasilis is ‘royal, kingly’.
Vasilius – Vasilius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘royal or kingly’.
Vasilus – Vasilus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘royal or kingly’.
Vasily – Vasily as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘royal or kingly’.
Vaso – Vaso as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Vasilis. The meaning of Vaso is ‘royal’.
Vasos – Vasos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Vasos is ‘royal or kingly’.
Vassilij – Vassilij as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘royal or kingly’.
Vassily – Vassily as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘royal or kingly’.
Vasya – Vasya as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Vasilis. The meaning of Vasya is ‘royal’.
Venedict – Greek variation of Benedict, origin meaning blessed’.
Venedictos – The name Venedictos is a boy’s name of Greek origin, meaning blessed’.
Veniamin – Greek variation of Benjamin, origin meaning son of the right hand’.
Vernados – The name Vernados is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘courage of the bear’.
Vernandos – Strong as a bear
Verniamin – Son of the right hand
Verrill –
Vilppu – Friend of horses
Vlasios – Variant spelling of Greek Blasios, meaning ‘talks with a lisp.’
Vlasis – Variant form of Greek Vlasios, meaning ‘talks with a lisp.’
Vlassis – Variant spelling of Greek Vlasis, meaning ‘talks with a lisp.’
Biblical greek boy names starting with W
Wassily – Wassily as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘royal or kingly’.
Biblical greek boy names starting with X
Xan – Short form of Greek Alexandros, meaning ‘defender of mankind.’ Compare with another form of Xan.
Xande – Protector of men
Xander – Xander comes from “Alexander,” but it’s shorter and with its “x” pronounced as a “z” (ZAN-der). It’s an invented name that might sound like a nickname to some, but it’s not—plenty of birth certificates list “Xander” as the newborn’s given name. It made the baby-name charts for the first time in 1999, probably helped by a character with the name on “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” A real-life Xander, born in 2011, is the son of January Jones of “Mad Men.”
Xandro – Xandro as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Xande.
Xanthias – Yellow
Xanthippos – Greek name composed of the elements xanthos ‘yellow’ and hippos ‘horse,’ hence ‘yellow horse.’
Xanthos – Greek name meaning ‘yellow’ or ‘blonde.’ In mythology, this is the name of one of two immortal horses (the other named Balios) belonging to Achilles. They were the offspring of the harpy Podarge and the west wind Zephyros.
Xanthus – Xanthus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Xanthus is ‘golden-haired’.
Xavierius – Very bright
Xeno – Foreign, strange voices
Xeno – Xeno as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Xenophon. The meaning of Xeno is ‘foreign voice’.
Xenocrates – Greek name composed of the elements xenos ‘foreign, strange,’ and kratos ‘power,’ hence ‘foreign power.’
Xenon – Greek name derived from the word xenos, meaning ‘foreigner, stranger.’
Xenophanes – Looking foreign or strange
Xenophon – Greek name composed of the elements xenos ‘foreign, strange’ and phone ‘voice,’ hence ‘foreign voice.’
Xenos – Xenos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Xenos is ‘hospitality’.
Xerxes – Greek form of Persian Xsayarsa, meaning ‘great warrior’ or ‘lion-king.’ In the bible, this is the name of a king of Persia. His Hebrew name is Achashverosh.
Ximen –
Xuthus – Husband of Creusa
Xylo – Forest
Xylon – The name Xylon is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘the forest’.
Xzander – Protector of men
Biblical greek boy names starting with Y
Yacoub – From the forest
Yanni – Variant spelling of Greek Yianni, meaning ‘God is gracious.’ Compare with another form of Yanni.
Yannis – Contracted form of Greek Yiannis, meaning ‘God is gracious.’
Yegor – A farmer
Yeranos – Greek variation of Crane, origin meaning crane’.
Yermolai – Heap of stones
Yevgeni – Of noble descent
Yianni – Short form of Greek Yiannis, meaning ‘God is gracious.’
Yiannis – Greek form of Latin Johannes, meaning ‘God is gracious.’
Yiorgos – Modern form of Greek Georgios, meaning ‘earth-worker, farmer.’
Yorgos – Contracted form of Greek Yiorgos, meaning ‘earth-worker, farmer.’
Yorik – Yorik as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘farmer’.
York – Yew tree
Ysidro – Ysidro as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Ysidro is ‘gift of Isis’.
Yuri – Form of URIAH. God is my Light
Yurik – Yurik as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Yurik is ‘farmer’.
Biblical greek boy names starting with Z
Zachaios – Remember the Lord
Zacharias – The Lord has remembered
Zacharias – Greek form of Hebrew Zekaryah, meaning ‘whom Jehovah remembered.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the father of John the Baptist.
Zacheus – Remember the Lord
Zakchaios – Greek form of Hebrew Zakkay, meaning ‘clean, innocent.’ In the bible, this is the name of a tax collector.
Zakharias – Variant spelling of Greek Zacharias, meaning ‘whom Jehovah remembered.’
Zakkhaios – Variant spelling of Greek Zakchaios, meaning ‘clean, innocent.’
Zale – Zale as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Zale is ‘sea-strength’.
Zan –
Zander – Of Old Greek origin meaning ‘defender of men’. A short form of Alexander.
Zandy –
Zara – Greek name meaning ‘a rising (of light).’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the son of Judah. Compare with feminine Zara.
Zared – A Amazon
Zarek – may god protect the king
Zayfir – Zayfir as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Zephyr. The meaning of Zayfir is ‘west wind’.
Zayle – Zayle as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Zale. The meaning of Zayle is ‘sea-strength’.
Zebedaios – Greek form of Hebrew Zabdiy (‘the gift of Jehovah), but meaning ‘my gift.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of a fisherman of Galilee.
Zefir – Zefir as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Zefir is ‘west wind’.
Zenas – Zenas as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Zenas is ‘hospitable’.
Zenios – Zenios as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Zenas. The meaning of Zenios is ‘hospitable’.
Zeno – Zeno as a boy’s name is pronounced ZE-noh. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Zeno is ‘gift of Zeus’.
Zenobios – Zenobios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Zenobios is ‘life of Zeus’.
Zenobius – Zenobius as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Zenobios. The meaning of Zenobius is ‘life of Zeus’.
Zenon – The name Zenon is a boy’s name of Greek, Polish, Ancient_Languages/Civilizations origin.
Zenos – Zenos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Zenos is ‘hospitality’.
Zephaniah –
Zephyr – Short form of Greek Zephyros, meaning ‘west wind.’ In mythology, this is the name of a god of the west wind.
Zephyros – Greek name meaning ‘west wind.’ In mythology, this is the name of a god of the west wind.
Zephyrus – Zephyrus as a boy’s name is a variant of Zephyr (Greek), meaning ‘west wind’.
Zeus – Greek name derived from the first element of the Indo-European compound Dyeus Phter (‘god-father’), hence ‘God.’ In mythology, this is the name of the highest of the Greek Olympian gods.
Zevulun – Mythical son of Zeus and Antiope, and twin brother of Amphion
Zino – Zino as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘gift of Zeus’.
Zinon – Zinon as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Zinon is ‘gift of Zeus’.
Zinov – Zinov as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Zenobios. The meaning of Zinov is ‘life of Zeus’.
Zinovi – Zinovi as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Zenobios. The meaning of Zinovi is ‘life of Zeus’.
Zoe – In the third century, Alexandrian Jews translated the Hebrew name Eve to its Greek equivalent, Zoe. The name became popular with early Christians, who associated its meaning of “life” with eternal life. An ancient name with a modern and trendy rendering, Zoe is well represented on TV with characters on Sesame Street, Firefly and House of Cards. Variations include the trending and increasingly popular spellings Zoey and Zoie.
Zoey – The most popular spelling of Zoe has a Y. Zoey is Greek for “life,” and to the early Christians, the name appropriately represented eternal life. Like Chloe, Zoey has a bright –ee sound at the end that gives it a modern vibe. There’s been no shortage of Zoeys or Zoes on TV–you’ll find Zoe on Sesame Street, Zoey Brookson on Nickelodeon’s Zoey 101, Zoe Washburne on Firefly and Zoe Barnes on House of Cards. Actress Zooey Deschanel spells the name with an extra O, but it’s pronounced the same.
Zopyros – Greek name meaning ‘glowing.’
Zoroastres – Greek form of Persian Zartosht (Avestan Zarathustra) (‘he whose camels are angry’), but composed of astra ‘stars’ and zoros ‘undiluted,’ hence ‘pure as the stars.’
Zorobabel – Greek form of Hebrew Zerubbabel, meaning ‘born at Babylon’ or ‘scattered to Babylon.’ In the bible, this is the name of the leader of the first of the returning exiles.
Zosimos – Greek name derived from the word zosimos, meaning ‘likely to survive, survivor.’
Zotikos – Greek name derived from the word zotikos, meaning ‘full of life.’
Biblical greek boy names starting with Æ
Aeton – Greek myth name of one Pluto’s night-black steeds, usually rendered ‘swift as an eagle.’
Agafon – Agafon is an unpopular boy’s name.
Agamedes – Murdered by his brother for theft
Agamemno – Agamemno as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘working slowly’.
Agamemnon – Greek name meaning ‘very resolute.’ In mythology, this is the name of the king of Mycenaie and leader of the Greeks in the Trojan War. He was the son of King Atreus and brother of Menelaos.
Agamenon – Agamenon as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘working slowly’.
Agapeto – Agapeto as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘loving, kindness, or charity’.
Agapetos – Greek name meaning ‘beloved.’
Agapetus – Agapetus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘loving, kindness, or charity’.
Agapios – Agapios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘loving, kindness, or charity’.
Agapito – Agapito as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Agapito is ‘lovingkindness, charity’. Spanish name from the Greek word ‘agape’.
Agathangelos – Ancient Greek name composed of the elements agathos ‘good’ and angelos ‘angel,’ meaning ‘good angel.’
Agathias – Agathias as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Agathias is ‘good, honourable’. The masculine form of Agatha.
Agathios – Agathios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘good or honorable’.
Agathius – Agathius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘good or honorable’.
Agatho – Agatho is an unpopular boy’s name.
Agathon – Masculine form of Greek Agathe, meaning ‘good.’
Agathos – Agathos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘good or honorable’.
Agrippas – Greek name meaning ‘wild horse.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the Herod Agrippa who ordered the execution of the apostle James, and the imprisonment of Peter.
Ahmari – Variant of Amari, the name means forever beautiful.
Aiakos – Aiakos is an unpopular boy’s name.
Aias – Greek name meaning ‘mourner.’ In mythology, this is the name of a hero of the Trojan war, second only to Achilles in strength and bravery. His Roman name is Ajax.
Aigeos – Aigeos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘protection’.
Aigeus – Aigeus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘protection’.
Aigidios – Greek name derived from aigidion, meaning ‘kid, young goat’ or ‘shield of goatskin.’ Also spelled Aegidios.
Aimilios –
Aindrea – Aindrea as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Aindreas – Aindreas as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Aindriu – Manly
Aineas – Variant spelling of Greek Aineias, meaning ‘praiseworthy.’
Aineias – Greek name derived from the word aineo ‘to praise,’ hence ‘praiseworthy.’ In Greek mythology, this is the name of a Trojan warrior who founded the Roman state. In the bible, it is the name of a paralytic cured by Peter.
Aiolos – Greek name meaning ‘sparkling, quick-shifting, quick-moving.’ In mythology, this is the name of the god of winds.
Aiolus – Aiolus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘variable or changeable’.
Aischylos – Variant spelling of Greek Aiskhulos, meaning ‘shame.’
Aiskhulos – Greek name derived from the word aischos, meaning ‘shame.’
Aison – Greek name possibly meaning ‘to be’ or ‘that which is made.’ In mythology, this is the name of Jason’s father.
Aisopos – Original Greek form of Latin ?sop, the name of the author of ?sop’s Fables, said to be a hump-backed slave of African descent, therefore, the name has taken on the meaning ‘hump-backed,’ but in Greek it means ‘Ethiop.’
Aither – Greek name meaning ‘bright, upper air.’ In mythology, this is the name of one of the first gods, the son of Erebos and Nyx. He is the god of the pure, upper air that only the gods breathe, as opposed to the gloomy, lower ‘aer’ breathed by mortals.
Ajax – Eagle
Ajax – Ajax as a boy’s name is of Greek origin. Greek mythology: the name of two heroes of the Trojan War as told by Homer’s ‘Iliad’.
Akakios – Greek name meaning ‘not evil.’
Akhilleus – Greek name possibly composed of akhos ‘grief’ and laos ‘the people,’ hence ‘he who embodies the grief of the people.’ In mythology, this is the name of the greatest of Greek heroes who fought the Trojans, known for being the most handsome and the fleetest of foot at Troy, and for his love for his friend Patroklos.
Akil – From the river Akil
Akil – Akil as a boy’s name is of Greek origin for the mythological hero of the Trojan War famous for his valor and manly beauty. His only weak spot was his ankle (hence Achilles’ Heel).
Akilles – Akilles as a boy’s name is of Greek origin for the mythological hero of the Trojan War famous for his valor and manly beauty. His only weak spot was his ankle (hence Achilles’ Heel).
Akillios – Akillios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin for the mythological hero of the Trojan War famous for his valor and manly beauty. His only weak spot was his ankle (hence Achilles’ Heel).
Akillius – Akillius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin for the mythological hero of the Trojan War famous for his valor and manly beauty. His only weak spot was his ankle (hence Achilles’ Heel).
Akrisios – Greek name probably derived from the word akris, meaning ‘locust.’ In mythology, this is the name of a king of Argos, the grandfather of Perseus.
Aktaion – Greek myth name of a hunter who was torn to pieces by his own dogs, meaning ‘effulgence.’ He was then transformed into a deer, thus himself becoming the hunted.
Akylas – Greek form of Latin Aquila, meaning ‘eagle.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of a Jew of Pontus and ally of Paul.
Alaisdair – Alaisdair as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Alaistair – Alaistair as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Alaister – Alaister as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Alastair – Defender of the people
Alasteir – Alasteir as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Alaster – Alaster as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Alastor – Greek name meaning ‘avenging spirit.’ In mythology, this is the name of the daimon spirit of family blood feuds, the afflicter of vengeance upon children for the crimes of their fathers.
Alaxander – Alaxander as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Alcander – Alcander as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Alcander is ‘strong’.
Alcibiades – Alcibiades is an unpopular boy’s name.
Alcide – Alcide is an unpopular boy’s name.
Alcie –
Alcinder – Alcinder as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Alcindor – Alcindor as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Alcyoneus – Fought against Athena
Ale – Defender of man
Alec – Derived from the Old Greek meaning ‘defender of men’. A derivative of the name ‘Alexander’.
Aleck – Aleck as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Alecko – Alecko as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Aleco – Aleco as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Aleister – Aleister as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Aleixo – Defender of man
Alejandro – A Spanish version of the name Alexander , meaning ‘defender of men’.
Alek – Alek as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Aleko – Variant of Alexander defender of mankind.
Aleko – Aleko as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Alekos – Defender of mankind
Aleks – Aleks as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Aleksa – Aleksa is an unpopular boy’s name.
Aleksandar – This is a Greek spelling of ‘Alexander,’ which means defender of mankind–particularly in the Greek spelling, it calls to mind the conqueror Alexander the Great.
Aleksander – Aleksander as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Aleksandr – Aleksandr as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Aleksanteri – Aleksanteri as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Aleksei – Aleksei as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Aleksi – Aleksi as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Aleksio – Aleksio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Aleksios – Aleksios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Aleksius – Aleksius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Aleksy – Defender of man
Alekzander – This is the Greek spelling of ‘Alexander,’ which means defender of mankind–particularly in the Greek spelling, it calls to mind the conqueror Alexander the Great.
Ales – Ales is a Czech varient of Alexander meaning ‘defender of men’.
Alesandro – Alesandro as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Alessandra – It’s as if the sharp edges of the Greek name Alexandra were removed to create the delicate Italian-flavored Alessandra. It stems from Alexander, considered Greece’s greatest military general of all time. That’s why Europe embraced his name and created male and female offshoots (Alejandra, Sasha, Xander). Brazilian supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio puts a modern face on the name, which has been popular since the mid-1870s.
Alessandre – Alessandre as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Alessandri – Alessandri as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Alessandro – Defender of man
Alessandro – Alessandro as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Alessio – Alessio an unpopular boy’s name.
Alester – Alester as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Alex – Shortened version of the name Alexander (for boys) or Alexandra (for girls), both of which are derived from the Greek meaning ‘defender of men’. It is more popular as a boys name.
Alexa – Alexa sounds like a name from the future but has deep roots dating to ancient times, when Alexandria, Egypt, was the site of a large library. Techies love the name too, and you may even already have an Alexa in your home in the form of the Amazon Echo. In terms of popularity, Alexa is ahead of Alexandra, Alexis, Alexandria and Alejandra.
Alexader – A variant spelling of the popular name Alexander, meaning ‘defender of men’.
Alexan – Alexan as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Alexanda – Derived from Greek language, meaning defender of men.
Alexandar – Alexandar an unpopular boy’s name.
Alexander – Defender of the people
Alexander-James – Alexander’ derived from the Old Greek meaning ‘defender of men’, James derived from the Hebrew ‘Yahweh may protect’.
Alexander – The defender of mankind has been in popular demand—and in the top 12—since 2005, according to Social Security Administration data. Alexander the Great comes to mind first, but if a world conqueror isn’t enough to persuade you, you might be inspired by American statesman Alexander Hamilton, the subject of a Tony Award–winning Lin-Manuel Miranda musical. You can find Alexanders in the Bible and saints named Alexander as well. Namesakes include actors Alexander Skarsgard and Alexander Dreymon.
Alexandor – Alexandor an unpopular boy’s name.
Alexandra – If the defender of mankind was a woman, she might be called Alexandra. The female form of Alexander was popular in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe but little heard of in the English-speaking world until Princess Alexandra of Denmark married the heir to the British throne, Edward VII, in 1863. Variations include Alessandra, Alejandra and Alexandria. Nicknames range from Alex to Lexi, Alexa and Xandra. Two actresses who have rocked superpowers on film include Alexandra Daddario, as the daughter of Athena in the Percy Jackson movies, and Alexandra Shipp, as the teenage Storm in X-Men: Apocalypse.
Alexandre – The name Alexandre is a boy’s name of French, Greek origin meaning ‘defending men’.
Alexandreus – Greek name meaning ‘from Alexandria.’ In the bible, this is the name of a resident of Alexandria in Egypt.
Alexandria – This feminine form of Alexander is of Greek origin. Alexander the Great, a Macedonian king, gave the name to several cities in his empire, so it’s natural that babies were eventually given the name too. Will baby be a powerhouse of knowledge like the Great Library of Alexandria? Closer to home, your daughter would share a name with US cities named Alexandria, including those in Virginia, Louisiana and Kentucky. This strong name landed on US baby-name charts in the late 1960s and is still popular.
Alexandro – Variant of Alejandro, ready for war, battle ready, soldier.
Alexandros – Greek name composed of the elements alexein ‘to defend’ and andros ‘man,’ hence ‘defender of mankind.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of a son of Simon, a relative of the high priest, a Jew in Acts 19:33, and a coppersmith who opposed Paul.
Alexei – The name Alexei is a boy’s name of Greek, Russian origin meaning ‘defending men’.
Alexej – Alexej an unpopular boy’s name.
Alexey – Alexey as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Alexi – Alexi as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name), is related to the Greek names Alexandra and Alexis. The meaning of Alexi is ‘man’s defender’.
Alexia – This feminine derivative of Alexander translates to “defender of man” in Greek. Alexander the Great, the fourth-century military leader and king of Macedon, was revered by the masses for his bravery and loyalty to his people. As a result, many forms of his long name have cropped up since his heyday, including Alexis, Alexandra, Alexandria, Alexa and Lexi. The name Alexia reached its high point in US polls at the turn of the century, possibly explaining how Matt Damon’s daughter, born in 1999, got her name.
Alexio – Alexio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Alexios – Alexios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Alexis – At one time Alexis was more popular than Alexandra, and it was a top 50 name from 1994 to 2010. Now both names have fallen out of the top 100, according to Social Security Administration data. ‘Gilmore Girls’ actress Alexis Bledel dropped her first name, Kimberly, to go by her middle name. Mark Cuban has a daughter named Alexis, as do former football star Donovan McNabb and reality TV parents Kate and Jon Gosselin. When Martha Stewart named her daughter Alexis in the 1960s, the name was only in the top 800.
Alexius – Defender, helper
Alexius – Alexius as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name), is related to the Greek name Alexis. The meaning of Alexius is ‘defender’.
Alexs – A pet form of the name Alexander, meaning ‘defender of men’.
Alexus – Alexus as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name), is related to the Greek name Alexis. The meaning of Alexus is ‘defender’.
Alexy – Alexy as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Alexzander – Variant of Alexander, ready for battle, leader, soldier.
Alfa – Alfa as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name), is related to the Greek name Alpha. The meaning of Alfa is ‘beginning’.
Alfio – Fair skinned
Alic – Alic as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Alicio – Alicio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Alik – Alik as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Alika – Guardian
Alipio – The name Alipio is a boy’s name of Spanish, Greek origin meaning ‘he who is devoid of sadness’.
Alisander – Alisander as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Alisdair – Alisdair as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Alissander – Alissander as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Alissandre – Alissandre as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name), is related to the Greek name Alexandra and the Old German name Alix. The meaning of Alissandre is ‘man’s defender’.
Alistair – Alistair as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Alistair is ‘man’s defender’.
Alistaire – Alistaire as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Alistar – Alistar as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Alister – Alister as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Alistir – Alistir as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Alixandre – Alixandre as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Alkaios – Greek name meaning ‘strength.’ In mythology, this is the name of several characters, including a son of Perseus.
Alkander – Alkander as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘strong’.
Alkandros – Greek name meaning ‘strong.’ In mythology, this is the name of the man who chased the lawgiver Lykourgos out of a marketplace and put out one of his eyes.
Alkender – Alkender as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘strong’.
Alki – Alki is an unpopular boy’s name.
Alkibiades – Alkibiades is an unpopular boy’s name.
Alkimos – Greek name derived from the word alkimos, meaning ‘valiant.’ In mythology, this is the name of the father of Mentor.
Allaistar – Allaistar as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Allastir – Allastir as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Allex – Allex as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Allexander – Allexander is an unpopular boy’s name.
Allistair – Allistair as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Allister – Allister as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Allistir – Allistir as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Allysdair – Allysdair as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Allystair – Allystair as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Allyster – Allyster as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Alphaios – Variant spelling of Greek Halphaios, meaning ‘changing.’
Alpheus – Greek variation of Alphonse, origin meaning noble, ready for battle’.
Alsandare – Alsandare as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Altair – Star
Alvertos – Greek variation of Albert, origin meaning noble, bright’.
Aly – Aly as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Alyksandr – Alyksandr as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender or warrior’.
Alyosha – Alyosha is an unpopular boy’s name.
Alysdair – Alysdair as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Alysdare – Alysdare as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Alystair – Alystair as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Alyster – Alyster as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man’s defender’.
Alyxander – Alyxander is an unpopular boy’s name.
Amarandos – Variant spelling of Greek Amarantos, meaning ‘unfading.’
Amaranthos – Variant spelling of Greek Amarantos, meaning ‘unfading.’
Amarantos – Old Greek name derived from the word amarantos, meaning ‘unfading.’
Amarian – Unfading
Amarinus – Unfading
Amarion – Unfading
Ambie – Ambie as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘immortal’.
Ambroeus – Ambroeus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘immortal’.
Ambroggio – Ambroggio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘immortal’.
Ambrogio – Ambrogio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘immortal’.
Ambrogiotto – Ambrogiotto is an unpopular boy’s name.
Ambroise – Ambroise as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘immortal’.
Ambroos – To be immortal
Ambros – Ambros as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘immortal’.
Ambrose – Immortal, Saint Ambrose was a fourth-century bishop of Milan.
Ambrose – Ambrose as a boy’s name is pronounced AM-brohz. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Ambrose is ‘immortal’.
Ambrosi – Ambrosi as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘immortal’.
Ambrosio – Ambrosio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘immortal’.
Ambrosios – Ambrosios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘immortal’.
Ambrosius – Ambrosius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘immortal’.
Ambrossij – Ambrossij as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘immortal’.
Ambroz – Ambroz as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘immortal’.
Ambrus – Ambrus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘immortal’.
Amby – Amby as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘immortal’.
Amen – Greek and Hebrew name meaning ‘truly, so be it, verily.’ It was a custom which passed over from the synagogues into the Christian assemblies, that when he who had offered up a prayer to God, the others in attendance responded Amen, and thus made the substance of what was uttered their own.
Amenophis – Greek name composed of Amen (‘truly, so be it, verily’) and ophis ‘serpent,’ but usually rendered ‘Amen is satisfied.’ This was another name for Pharaoh Akhenaton of the eighteenth dynasty.
Aminadab – Greek form of Hebrew Ammiynadab, meaning ‘servant of the prince.’ In the bible, this is the name of an ancestor of Christ.
Amintore – Amintore is an unpopular boy’s name.
Ammon – Greek form of Egyptian Yamanu, meaning ‘the hidden one.’ In mythology, Yamanu is the name of a god of wind and air. Compare with another form of Ammon.
Amon – Greek name meaning ‘builder.’ In the bible, this is the name of a king of Judah, son of Manasseh, and father of Josiah. Compare with another form of Amon.
Amos – Greek form of Hebrew Amowts, meaning ‘strong.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of an ancestor of Christ.
Amosis – Greek form of Egyptian Ahmose, the name of a pharaoh of ancient Egypt, meaning ‘child of the moon’ or ‘the moon is born.’
Amoun – Variant spelling of Greek Ammon, a form of Egyptian Yamanu, the myth name of a god of wind and air, meaning ‘the hidden one.’
Ampelios – Greek name derived from the word ampelos, meaning ‘vine.’
Amphiaraus – One of the attackers of Thehes
Amphion – Mythological son of the god Zeus and Antiope, he was a king of Thebes known for his supernatural musical abilities
Amphion – Greek name probably meaning ‘moving double’ or ‘moving on both sides.’ In mythology, this is the name of a son of Zeus and Antiope.
Amphitryon – Husband of Alcmene
Amun – Variant spelling of Greek Ammon, a form of Egyptian Yamanu, the myth name of a god of wind and air, meaning ‘the hidden one.’
Amycus – Mythical son of Poseidon and the nymph Melia, he was king of the Bebryces and famous for his boxing skills
Amyntas – Greek name derived from the word amyntor, meaning ‘defender.’
Anacleto – Anacleto is an unpopular boy’s name.
Anacletus – Anacletus is a boy’s name that means ‘illustrious’ or ‘called forth, invoked’. It has Greek origins and is comes from the name Cletus.
Anakletos – Greek name derived from the word anakletos, meaning ‘called back, invoked.’
Ananias – Ananias is an unpopular boy’s name.
Anargyros – Greek name adopted from the term anargyros, meaning ‘not silver,’ an epithet given to physician saints such as Kosmos and Damian, who refused payment for their services. Such saints are known in English as the Holy Unmercenaries.
Anastacio – Resurrection
Anastagio – Anastagio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘resurrection’.
Anastas – Anastas as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘resurrection’.
Anastasia – If there’s a perfect name for a Disney princess (or your own little princess), it’s Anastasia. Soft, sweet and lyrical, the name is a breathlessly beautiful option. It was the name given to a fourth-century saint who was a martyr and later became popular with members of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Later, it was given to the daughter of Nicholas II, the last emperor of Russia. It was also, of course, the name of a 1997 Disney movie. Anastasia is the feminine form of Anastasius, which means “resurrection.”
Anastasio – Anastasio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘resurrection’.
Anastasios – Anastasios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Anastasios is ‘resurrection’. From the word ‘anastasis’. More common in the feminine version, Anastasia.
Anastasius – Anastasius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘resurrection’.
Anastatius – Anastatius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘resurrection’.
Anastice – Anastice as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘resurrection’.
Anastius – Anastius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘resurrection’.
Anasto – Anasto as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘resurrection’.
Anastos – Anastos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘resurrection’.
Anatol – Anatol as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘break of day’.
Anatole – Anatole as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Anatole is ‘break of day’. Anatolia is a region of Turkey, east of Greece.
Anatoli – From the East
Anatolio – Anatolio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘break of day’.
Anatolios – Greek name derived from the word anatole, meaning ‘east’ and ‘sunrise.’
Anatoly – Anatoly as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘break of day’.
Anaxagoras – Greek name composed of the elements anax ‘master’ and agoreuo ‘to speak,’ hence ‘master of speech.’ In mythology, this is the name of a king of Argos.
Anchises – Father of Aeneas
Andel – God’s messenger
Ander – Ander means fighter, going to do battle.
Anders – A variant form of Andrew, from the Greek word andreios meaning ‘manly’.
Anderson – Andrew’s son
Andjelko – Andjelko as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘messenger or messenger of God’.
Andonia – Andonia as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Andonios – Greek form of Latin Antonius, possibly meaning ‘invaluable.’
Andonis – Contracted form of Greek Andonios, possibly meaning ‘invaluable.’
Andor – Manly
Andor – Andor as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Andras – Andras as a boy’s name is of French and Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Andre – Derived from Greek language, meaning ‘manly and brave’. A pet name for Andrew.
Andrea – Manly
Andrea – Manly
Andreas – Manly, brave
Andreas – Greek name derived from the word andros, meaning ‘man, warrior.’ In the bible, this is the name of an apostle of Christ and brother to Simon Peter. He is said to have been crucified at Patrae in Archaia.
Andrei – The Slavic version of the name Andrew, meaning ‘male’, ‘manly’, ‘brave’and ‘virility’.
Andrej – Andrej as a boy’s name is of Greek and French origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Andres – Manly
Andres – Andres means fighter and soldier.
Andresj – Andresj as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Andreus – Son of river Peneius
Andrew – Manly, brave
Andrew – One of Jesus’s 12 Apostles in the Bible, Andrew is the namesake of at least half a dozen saints. With both holy and royal origins, including multiple kings, princes, dukes and US Presidents, Andrew’s reign and influence make this a dominant boys’ name in the English-speaking world. Andrew also comes with two clear nicknames, Andy and Drew, and kids will be grateful for the choice as they grow up. British-American actor Andrew Garfield, composer Andrew Lloyd Webber and comedian Andy Samberg are just three of the world’s many famous Andrews.
Andrewes – Andrewes as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Andrews – Andrews as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Andrey – A spelling variant of Andre’, this baby boy name originates from the Greek word meaning man. Andre’ is a popular French, Italian and Portuguese name meaning ‘manly.’
Andrezj – Andrezj as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Andriel – Andriel as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Andries – Manly
Andries – Andries as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Andrij – Andrij as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Andrija – Andrija as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Andris – Virile, manly
Andro – Andro as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Androcles – Androcles as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Androcles is ‘glorious man’.
Androclus – Androclus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘glorious man’.
Androkles – Original Greek form of Latin Androcles, meaning ‘glory of a man/warrior,’ from andros ‘of a man/warrior,’ and kleos ‘glory.’
Andronicus – Conqueror of all people
Andronikos – Greek name composed of the elements andros ‘man, warrior’ and nike ‘victory,’ hence ‘victory of a man/warrior.’
Andros – Andros as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Andru – Andru as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Andruw – Andruw as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Andrzej – Of Greek origin and derived from the popular name Andrew meaning ‘manly’.
Andy – Form of ANDREW – manly
Anestis – Anestis as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘resurrection’.
Ange – Ange as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name), is related to the Greek name Angela. The meaning of Ange is ‘messenger of God’.
Angel – Messenger from God
Angel – Used as a common male and female name, literally from the vocabulary word ‘angel’ and also meaning ‘messenger of God’.
Angelina – She’s idealistic and independent with philanthropic leanings. This could be your baby in the future, all grown up and carrying on in the tradition of the most famous person with this name, actress Angelina Jolie. A diminutive form of Angela, which is derived from the Greek “angelos” (“messenger”), the name means “messenger of God.” But the actress doesn’t have a lock on the name. There’s also Angelina Ballerina, the delightful dancing mouse and star of a children’s book series since 1983.
Angelino – Angelino as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘messenger or messenger of God’.
Angell – Messenger from God
Angelmo – Angelmo as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘messenger or messenger of God’.
Angelo – The singer Adele put this old-world Italian name in the spotlight briefly when she gave it to her son in 2012. It’s the Italian form of Angelus, which is derived from “angel” and means “messenger of God.” Its popularity peaked in the 1920s after scores of Italians immigrated to the US. The heavenly female equivalents are Angela and Angelina.
Angelos – Greek name derived from the word angelos, originally meaning simply ‘messenger,’ later in New Testament Greek it acquired the meaning ‘angel, messenger of God.’
Angelus – Angelus is an unpopular boy’s name.
Angie – Angie as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name), is related to the Greek name Angela. The meaning of Angie is ‘messenger of God’.
Aniceto – Aniceto as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘unconquered’.
Anicetus – Anicetus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘unconquered’.
Anieli – Manly
Aniello – God’s messenger
Aniketos – Aniketos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Aniketos is ‘unconquered’.
Aniol – Manly
Aniol – Aniol as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘messenger or messenger of God’.
Anisio – Anisio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘unconquered’.
Anjel – Anjel as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘messenger or messenger of God’.
Anjelo – Anjelo as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘messenger or messenger of God’.
Anker – Manly
Annas – Contracted form of Greek Hananias, meaning ‘whom Jehovah has graciously given.’
Anson – Son of Agnes
Anstas – Anstas as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘resurrection’.
Anstasios – Anstasios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘resurrection’.
Anstasius – Anstasius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘resurrection’.
Anstiss – Anstiss as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘resurrection’.
Antaeus – Antaeus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin. Greek mythology: son of the Earth and the Sea, a wrestler who was invincible while his feet touched the ground. Hercules vanquished him by lifting him in the air.
Antaios – Antaios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘enemy’.
Antares – Antares as a boy’s name is pronounced an-TARE-ees, an-TAHR-ees. It is of Greek origin. The name of a giant red star, the brightest in the constellation Scorpio.
Antel – Antel is an unpopular boy’s name.
Anteo – Anteo as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘enemy’.
Antero – Antero as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘man or warrior’.
Anteus – Anteus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘enemy’.
Anthanasios – Greek variation of Arthur, origin meaning bear’.
Anthony –
Antigonos – Greek name meaning ‘against the ancestor,’ derived from the elements anti ‘against, counter’ and goneus ‘ancestor.’
Antilochus – Son of Nestor
Antinous – One of Penelope”s suitors
Antipas – Contracted form of Greek Antipatros, meaning ‘like the father.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of a Christian of Pergamos who suffered martyrdom.
Antipatros – Greek name composed of anti ‘against, opposite to, before, instead of, in place of’ and patros ‘father,’ yet this name is usually translated ‘like the father.’
Antiphates – A Cyclops
Antol – Antol as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘break of day’.
Antole – Antole as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘break of day’.
Antolle – Antolle as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘break of day’.
Antoly – Antoly as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘break of day’.
Antonios – Greek variation of Anthony, origin meaning priceless one’.
Antonis – Contracted form of Greek Antonios, possibly meaning ‘invaluable.’
Antony –
Antreas – Warrior
Antti – Antti is an unpopular boy’s name.
Anubis – Greek form of Egyptian Anupu, name of a jackal-headed god of the underworld, meaning ‘royal child.’
Anyoli – Anyoli as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘messenger or messenger of God’.
Aoresty – Aoresty as a boy’s name is related to the Greek name Orestes. The meaning of Aoresty is ‘mountain’.
Aphrodisios – Greek name derived from the name of the goddess Aphrodite, meaning ‘risen from the foam.’
Apollo – Manly beauty
Apollo – Apollo as a boy’s name is pronounced er-POH-loh. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Apollo is ‘destroyer’. The name comes from Appollyon, Greek translation of the Hebrew word ‘abaddon’, meaning ‘destroyer’. Biblical: Apollo was one of the early Christian disciples.
Apollodoros – Greek name composed of the name of the god Apollo and the word doron ‘gift,’ hence ‘gift of Apollo.’
Apollon – Greek myth name of a god of archery, healing, light, poetry, prophecy, music, and the sun. He is the son of Zeus and Leto, and the twin brother of Artemis, goddess of the hunt and moon. According to ?schylus, the name comes from apollumi, meaning ‘to destroy,’ hence ‘the destroyer.’
Apollonio – Apollonio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘A follower of Apollo’.
Apollonios – Ancient Greek name meaning ‘of Apollo.’
Apollos – Contracted form of Greek Apollonios, meaning ‘of Apollo.’ In the bible, this is the name of a learned Jew from Alexandria who became a Christian and a teacher of Christianity.
Apollyon – Greek name meaning ‘destroyer.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of the angel-prince of the infernal regions, the minister of death and author of havoc on earth. He is also known by the name Abaddon.
Apolo – Apolo as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘destroyer’.
Apolonio – Virile, manly
Apophis – Greek form of Egyptian Apep, possibly meaning ‘to slither.’ In mythology, Apep is the personification of evil, seen as a giant snake, serpent or dragon. Known as the Serpent of the Nile or Evil Lizard, he was an enemy of the sun god.
Apostolis – Variant spelling of Greek Apostolos, meaning ‘apostle, messenger.’
Apostolos – Apostolos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Apostolos is ‘apostle, disciple’.
Appollonios – Appollonios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘A follower of Apollo’.
Aquarius – A bearer of water
Aquil – Aquil as a boy’s name is of Greek origin for the mythological hero of the Trojan War famous for his valor and manly beauty. His only weak spot was his ankle (hence Achilles’ Heel).
Aquiles – Aquiles as a boy’s name is of Greek origin for the mythological hero of the Trojan War famous for his valor and manly beauty. His only weak spot was his ankle (hence Achilles’ Heel).
Aquilles – Aquilles as a boy’s name is of Greek origin for the mythological hero of the Trojan War famous for his valor and manly beauty. His only weak spot was his ankle (hence Achilles’ Heel).
Aquillo – Aquillo as a boy’s name is of Latin origin meaning ‘eagle’.
Aquilo – Aquilo as a boy’s name. Roman mythology name: the North Wind. An appropriate choice for a winter baby.
Aram – Greek form of Hebrew Ram, meaning ‘high.’ In the New Testament bible, this is the name of an ancestor of Jesus. Compare with other forms of Aram.
Arastoo – Knowledgeable, wise
Arcas – Son of Zeus and the nymph Callisto, whom Hera turned into a bear. When hunting one day, Arcas prepared to kill the bear, not realizing it was his mother. Zeus intervened and transformed the two of them into the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, forever honoring them.
Archelaios – Archelaios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘the people’s ruler’.
Archelaos – Greek name composed of the elements archos ‘master’ and laos ‘people,’ hence ‘master of the people.’ In the bible, this is the name of a son of Herod the Great.
Archelaus – Archelaus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Archelaus is ‘the people’s ruler’. Not uncommon in the ancient world, Herod the Great had a son of that name who is mentioned in the Bible.
Archimedes – Archimedes as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Archimedes is ‘contemplating, pondering’. The name of a brilliant Greek mathematician in the second century BC.
Archippos – Greek name composed of the elements archos ‘master’ and hippos ‘horse,’ hence ‘master of horses.’
Ares – God of war
Ares – Ares as a boy’s name is of Greek origin. Greek mythology: Ares was the god of war, and one of the lovers of Aphrodite, goddess of beauty. He was known as Mars in Roman mythology.
Aresty – Aresty as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘mountain’.
Argo – Name of Greek hero Jason’s ship
Argo – The name Argo is a boy’s name of Greek origin.
Argos – Greek name derived from the word argos, meaning ‘bright, shining’ and ‘swift.’ In mythology, this is the name of a giant who had a hundred eyes that were transferred to the peacock’s tail after his death. This was also the name of Ulysses’ dog who waited ten years for his return from the Trojan War.
Argus – Argus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Argus is ‘vigilant guardian’. In Greek mythology, it refers to a creature with 100 eyes, who was later changed into a peacock with eyes on its tail-feathers.
Argyris – Variant spelling of Greek Argyros, meaning ‘silvery.’
Argyros – Greek name derived from the word argyros, meaning ‘silvery.’
Aridaios – Greek name of Persian origin, meaning ‘strong.’
Arien – A Greek poet and musician. The mythological magic horse born to Poseidon and Demeter.
Arien – Arien as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘a Greek poet or musician’.
Aries – Battle or strife
Arion – A Greek poet and musician. The mythological magic horse born to Poseidon and Demeter.
Arion – Lover of art, poetry and music.
Aris – A pet name of Aristades, meaning ‘best’, ‘excellent’, ‘kind’ and ‘excellent purpose’.
Aristaios – Greek name meaning ‘excellence.’ In mythology, this is the name of the son of Apollo and a mortal woman. He was raised on ambrosia and made immortal by Gaia.
Aristarchos – Greek name composed of the elements aristo ‘best, excellent’ and archo ‘chief, leading, ruling,’ hence ‘best ruler.’ In the bible, this is the name of a companion of Paul. It is also the name of an asteroid and a crater on the Moon.
Aristarkhos – Variant spelling of Greek Aristarchos, meaning ‘best ruler.’
Aristedes – The name Aristedes is a boy’s name of Greek origin meaning ‘son of the best’.
Aristeides – Greek name composed of the elements aristos ‘best, excellent’ and eidos ‘physique,’ hence ‘best physique.’
Aristide – Finest
Aristides – Aristides as a boy’s name is pronounced ar-ISS-tydes. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Aristides is ‘best’. Aristides was a famous general and statesman during the Golden Age of Athens.
Aristo – Best
Aristoboulos – Greek name meaning ‘best-counseling.’ In the bible, this is the name of a certain Christian.
Aristodemos – Greek name composed of the elements aristos ‘best, excellent’ and demos ‘the people,’ hence ‘best of the people.’ This was the name of a ruthless tyrant who ruled Elis for six months, exterminating all opposition and stealing their properties. He was finally assassinated, the Eleans erected a statue at Olympia to Kylon, the man who killed him.
Aristokles – Greek name composed of the elements aristos ‘best, excellent’ and kleos ‘glory,’ hence ‘best glory.’ This was Plato’s real name.
Ariston – Greek name derived from the word aristos, meaning ‘best, most excellent.’
Aristophanes – Greek name composed of the elements aristos ‘best, excellent’ and phanes ‘appearing,’ hence ‘best appearance.’
Aristoteles – Greek name composed of the elements aristos ‘best, excellent’ and telos ‘purpose,’ hence ‘best purpose.’
Aristotelis – Aristotelis as a boy’s name is of Spanish and Greek origin meaning ‘best of all’.
Aristotellis – Aristotellis as a boy’s name is of Spanish and Greek origin meaning ‘best of all’.
Aristotle – Aristotle as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Aristotle is ‘the best of all’. From the phrase ‘aristos totalis’. Made famous by the Greek philosopher Aristotle.
Arius – Arius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Arius is ‘immortal’.
Arkadil – Arkadil is an unpopular boy’s name.
Arkadios – Native of Arcadia, an ancient pastoral region in Greece
Arkadios – Greek name meaning ‘of Arcadia.’ The place name Arcadia was derived from the word arktos, meaning ‘bear.’
Arkelaos – Arkelaos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘the people’s ruler’.
Arkelaus – Arkelaus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘the people’s ruler’.
Arkhippos – Arkhippos as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘ruler of the horses’.
Arkimedes – Arkimedes as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘contemplating or pondering’.
Arktophonos – Greek name composed of the elements arktos ‘bear’ and phonos ‘murderer, slayer,’ hence ‘bear-killer.’ In mythology, this is the name of one of Orion’s dogs.
Arphaxad – Greek form of Hebrew Arpakshad, possibly meaning ‘by the border of Asia.’ In the bible, this is a place name and the name of a son of Shem.
Arquimedes – Arquimedes as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘contemplating or pondering’.
Arris – Arris as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘best’.
Arsen – Virile, potent, strong
Arsene – Virile, potent, strong
Arsenije – Arsenije as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘manly’.
Arsenio – Virile, potent, strong
Arsenios – Strong and virile
Arsenios – Greek name meaning ‘virile.’
Artaxerxes – Greek form of Persian Artachshatra (Hebrew Artachshashta), meaning ‘great warrior’ or ‘lion-king.’ In the bible, this is the name of the son and successor of Xerxes as emperor of Persia.
Artaxes – Contracted form of Greek Artaxerxes, meaning ‘great warrior’ or ‘lion-king.’
Artaxias – Greek form of Persian Ardeshir, the name of the founder of the Artaxiad dynasty, meaning ‘great warrior’ or ‘lion-king.’
Artemas – Artemas as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Artemas is ‘follower of the goddess Artemis’. Biblical: a character mentioned briefly in Saint Paul’s letter to Titus.
Artemi – Artemi as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘safe’.
Artemidoros – Greek name composed of the name of the goddess Artemis, and the word doron ‘gift,’ hence ‘gift of Artemis.
Artemio – Artemio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘follower of the goddess Artemis’.
Artemisiaart – Belonging to Artemis
Artemisios – Greek name derived from the name of the goddess Artemis, meaning ‘safe and sound.’
Artemus – Gift from Artemis
Artemus – Artemus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘follower of the goddess Artemis’.
Artie – Old Greek and Celtic origin and means in Old Greek ‘stone, bear’ and in Celtic it means ‘follower of Artemis, safe, butcher,’
Artimas – Artimas as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘follower of the goddess Artemis’.
Artimis – Artimis as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘follower of the goddess Artemis’.
Artimus – Artimus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘follower of the goddess Artemis’.
Arty – Arty as a boy’s name is of Greek and Celtic origin meaning ‘follower of the goddess Artemis’.
Artyom – Follower
Aryon – Aryon as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘a Greek poet or musician’.
Ascalaphus – Turned into an owl by Persephone
Asklepiades – Patronymic form of Greek Asklepios, meaning ‘descendant of Asklepios.’
Asklepios – Greek name meaning ‘surgeon.’ In mythology, this is the name of a demigod who learned the secret of life and death from a serpent.
Astara –
Aster –
Astraeus – Astraeus as a boy’s name is of Greek origin. Greek mythology: Astraeus was one of the Titans, the gigantic race that walked the earth before mankind. He was the father of the winds.
Astraios – Astraios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘starry one’.
Atanasio – Atanasio as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘eternal life’.
Atanasios – Atanasios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘eternal life’.
Atanasius – Atanasius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘eternal life’.
Athamas – Father of Phrixus and Helle
Athamas – Greek name meaning ‘rich harvest.’ In mythology, this is the name of the father of Phrixos.
Athan – A variant fo the Greek name Athanasios, meaning ‘eternal life’. It is derived from the worlds a meaning un, and thanatos meaning ‘death’.
Athanas – Short form of Greek Athanasios, meaning ‘immortal.’
Athanase – Athanase as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘immortal’ or ‘eternal’.
Athanasios – Athanasios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Athanasios is ‘eternal life’.
Athanasius – Athanasius as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘eternal life’.
Athenios – Athenios as a boy’s name is of Greek origin referring to the city of Athens.
Athens – Athens as a boy’s name is of Greek origin. Place name: the capital of Greece. Athens is considered the cradle of democracy, and many cities in the US bear its name.
Athos – Contracted form of Greek Athanasios, meaning ‘immortal.’ In mythology, this is the name of an ancient mountain god, one of the Gigantes. It is also the name of a mountain in Greece containing an ancient monastic site.
Atlantis – Atlantis is an unpopular boy’s name.
Atlas – Carried, In mythology, Atlas was forced by Zeus to carry the heavens on his shoulders forever as a punishment after he and the other Titans fought an unsuccessful war against Zeus and the Olympian gods.
Atlas – Greek name derived from the word atlao, meaning ‘endures, suffers.’ In mythology, this is the name of a Titan who was punished by Zeus for siding with other Titans in a war against the Olympians. His punishment was to bear the weight of the heavens and earth on his shoulders.
Atreo – King
Atreus – Father of Agamemnon
Atreus – Greek name meaning fearless.’ In mythology, this is the name of a king of Mycenae, the father of Agamemnon.
Atticus – The name Atticus is a boy’s name of Greek, Latin origin meaning ‘from Attica’.
Attis – Son of Manes
Attis – Greek name of foreign origin, probably meaning ‘father.’ In mythology, this is the name of a vegetation god, the son and consort of the Phrygian goddess Cybele. He is said to have been forced by her to castrate himself as punishment for infidelity.
Attlas – Attlas as a boy’s name is of Greek origin meaning ‘to carry’.
Augustin – The name Augustin is a boy’s name of Greek origin.
Augustine – Majestic
Augustinos – Greek variation of August, origin meaning great, magnificent’, ‘great, magnificent’.
Avernus – Portal to Hades
Avram – Greek variation of Abraham, origin meaning father of multitudes’.
Azarias – Greek form of Aramaic/Hebrew Azarya (English Azariah), meaning ‘help of God.’
Azarius – Greek variation of Azariah, origin meaning helped by God’.
Æthon – Greek myth name of one of the horses of the sun god Helios, meaning ‘burning, fiery.’