Native american girl names


Native american girl names starting with A

Abedabun – Sight of day (Cheyenne)

Abedabun – Native American Chippewa name meaning ‘dawn, sight of day.’

Abequa – Stays at home (Cheyenne)

Abequa – Native American Chippewa name meaning ‘stays at home.’

Abeque – Variant spelling of Native American Chippewa Abequa, meaning ‘stays at home.’

Abey – Leaf

Abeytu – Green leaf

Abeytzi – Yellow leaf

Adoette – Large tree (Omaha)

Adoette – Large tree

Adsila – Blossom (Cherokee)

Adsila – Native American Cherokee name meaning ‘blossom.’

Ailen – Variant spelling of Native American Mapuche Aylen, meaning ‘clear’ or ‘happiness.’

Aiyana – This name was coined by professor Bryan Sykes, author of The Seven Daughters of Eve, for a particular Native American genetic line, one of four reconstructed mtDNA lines believed to have colonised America. The name was adopted into English usage, mostly by Americans. It may mean ‘ever-blooming.’

Aiyanna – Variant spelling of Native American Aiyana, possibly meaning ‘ever-blooming.’

Ajana – Forever blossoming

Alabama – Alabama is an unpopular girl’s name.

Alameda – Grove of cottonwood

Alameda – Native American Indian name meaning ‘grove of cottonwood.’

Alaqua – Alaqua as a girl’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Alaqua is ‘sweet gum tree’.

Alaska – The name Alaska is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘great land’.

Alawa – Pea

Aleshanee – She plays all the time

Algoma – Valley of flowers

Alsoomse – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘independent.’

Altsoba – All are at war

Amadahy – Native American Cherokee name meaning ‘forest water.’

Amitola – Amitola as a girl’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Amitola is ‘rainbow’.

Anaba – She returns from war

Anayeli – Variant of NAYELI

Anemy – Superior

Anevay – Superior

Anevy – Superior

Angeni – Spirited angel (Tribal origin unknown)

Angeni – Spirit

Angpetu – Angpetu is an unpopular girl’s name.

Angwusnasomtaqa – Crow mother spirit (Hopi)

Angwusnasomtaqa – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘crow mother spirit.’

Ankti – Repeat dance

Anna – Mother (Algonquin)

Anna – Mother

Anpaytoo – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘radiant.’

Aponee – Aponee as a girl’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Aponee is ‘butterfly’. Aponee is a variant of the Native American Indian name Aponi.

Aponi – Aponi as a girl’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Aponi is ‘butterfly’.

Aquene – Peace

Aquinnah – The name Aquinnah is a girl’s name of Native American origin.

Arizona – The name Arizona is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘little springs’.

Atahladte – Native American for feather on the head

Atepa – Wigwam

Atotoztli – Something which is not very clear

Aviaja – A cousin, expressive and positive

Awanata – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘turtle.’

Awanatu – Turtle

Awena – Time of early day or sunrise

Awenasa – My home

Awendea – One who is a beautiful morning

Awendela – Fawn, they are interesting

Awenita – Fawn

Awentia – Variant spelling of Native American Cherokee Awinita, meaning ‘fawn.’

Awinita – Native American Cherokee name meaning ‘fawn.’

Ayasha – Little one (Chippewa)

Ayasha – Variant spelling of Cheyenne Ayashe, meaning ‘little one.’

Ayashe – Little one (Chippewa)

Ayashe – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘little one.’

Ayelen – Variant spelling of Native American Mapuche Aylen, meaning ‘clear’ or ‘happiness.’

Ayita – Worker (Cherokee), first to dance (Cheyenne)

Ayita – First to dance

Aylen – Native American Mapuche name, meaning ‘clear’ or ‘happiness.’

Native american girl names starting with B


Behitha – Eagle Child, the beginning of an event

Bena – Pheasant

Bijoux – Bijoux as a girl’s name has French origins. The meaning of Bijoux is ‘jewel’. Is related to the name Bijou.

Bly – Tall

Brocky – The feahers that come from over the hill

Byhalia – Byhalia is an unpopular girl’s name.

Byue – A man who is like a slow, small stream of water

Native american girl names starting with C

Calfuray – Native American Mapuche flower name meaning ‘violet.’

Canada – Canada as a girl’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Canada is ‘village, settlement’.

Canaday – Horizon

Caneadea – Where the heavens lay upon the earth, the horizon (Iroquois), The country name, Canada, is derived from this name.

Cannaday – Horizon

Catori – Spirit (Hopi)

Catori – She is spirit

Cha’Kwaina – One who cries

Cha’Risa – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘elk.’

Chantesuta – The one who has a firm heart

Chanteyukan – A benevolent human being

Chapa – Beaver, metal tin

Chapawee – Industrious

Charaka – Charaka is an unpopular girl’s name.

Chardon – Bar of sand

Chayan – Chayan as a girl’s name is of Native American origin meaning ‘unintelligible speakers’.

Chayanne – Chayanne is a girl’s name of Native American Indian origin meaning ‘unintelligible speakers’.

Cha’Kwaina – One who cries (Hopi)

Chelan – Chelan is an unpopular girl’s name.

Chenoa – Dove

Chenoa – Chenoa is an unpopular girl’s name.

Chepi – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘fairy.’

Cherokee – People

Cherokey – A tribesperson

Chetanzi – A yellow Hawk

Cheyanna – Cheyanna is a girl’s name of Native American Indian origin meaning ‘unintelligible speakers’.

Cheyanne – Cheyanne is a girl’s name of Native American Indian origin meaning ‘unintelligible speakers’.

Cheyeene – Unintelligible speaker

Cheyenn – Unintelligible speaker

Cheyenne – A name given to a tribe of the Algonquians by the Sioux, Cheyenne is derived from a word meaning unintelligible speakers, but a truer meaning might be strangers or foreigners.

Cheyenne – Boo to this name’s unfortunate meaning (“unintelligible speakers”): Cheyenne’s positive personality comes through loud and clear. Picture a boy or girl on horseback out West, confident in the saddle and in life. Cheyenne is the capital of Wyoming, which is where its rugged image was bred. This Native American name has even trotted its way to Hollywood, thanks to actor Cheyenne Jackson and singer Cheyenne Kimball.

Chiana – Chiana is a girl’s name of Native American Indian origin meaning ‘unintelligible speakers’.

Chianna – Chianna as a girl’s name is of Native American origin meaning ‘unintelligible speakers’.

Chianne – Those who speak unintelligently

Chichimecacihuatzin – A noble person

Chickoa – During daybreak

Chilam – Snowbird

Chimalis – Bluebird

Chimalus – A Bluebird

Chitsa – Fair

Chochmingwu – Corn mother (Hopi)

Chochmingwu – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘corn mother.’

Cholena – Cholena as a girl’s name is of Delaware Indian origin, and the meaning of Cholena is ‘bird’.

Chosovi – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘bluebird.’

Chosposi – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘bluebird eye.’

Chu’Mana – Snake maiden

Chu’Si – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘snake flower.’

Chumana – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘snake maiden.’

Chumani – Chumani as a girl’s name is of Sioux origin, and the meaning of Chumani is ‘drops of dew’.

Chusi – Snake flower

Chyanne – Chyanne is a girl’s name of Native American Indian origin meaning ‘unintelligible speakers’.

Citana – One who is a star in the sky

Citlali – A star, an object of the space and universe

Citlaly – Star

Coahoma – Panther, cat (Choctaw)

Coahoma – Coahoma is an unpopular girl’s name.

Cocheta – Stranger


Native american girl names starting with D

Dackota – Friend

Dahiana – Flower

Dakoda – Dakoda is a boy or girl’s name meaning ‘friend’ or ‘ally’ that is related to the Native American Indian name Dakota.

Dakota – To be considered a friend, ally, name of a group of tribes more familiarly known as the Sioux

Dakota – A colorful name even without “Fifty Shades of Grey” star Dakota Johnson’s connection to it, Dakota comes from a Native American Sioux tribe and means “friend’ or ‘ally.” The Dakotas were fierce and are known for their physical and mental strength, bravery and morals—all worthy traits for your offspring. The name was popular for boys starting in 1985, girls signed on 10 years later. Now the name is used easily for both sexes. Hollywood, though, seems to favor females: Actress Dakota Fanning and comedian Rosie O’Donnell’s youngest daughter share the name.

Dakotah – Dakotah is a boy or girl’s name meaning ‘friend’ or ‘ally’ that is related to the Native American Indian name Dakota.

Dalla – Coquettish

Dekota – Friend

Dena – Valley

Dena – Valley


Doba – A person who is studious,clever and of practical nature

Doli – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘bluebird.’

Donoma – Native American Omaha name meaning ‘sight of the sun.’

Dowanhowee – Dowanhowee is an unpopular girl’s name.

Dy – A beautiful Deer

Dyani – The name Dyani is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘deer’.

Native american girl names starting with E

Ehawee – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘laughing maiden.’

Elan – Friendly

Elu – this name means someone who is full of grace.

Enola – it means solitary.

Esadowa – it means wolves.

Etenia – the wealthy.

Ethete – Good quality (Arapaho)

Eyota – Great

Native american girl names starting with F

Fala – A bird name, a crow

Fantaha – Inventive

Fantasia – Inventive

Flo – Arrow

Native american girl names starting with G

Gaho – Mother

Gaho – Mother

Galilahi – Native American Cherokee name meaning ‘attractive.’

Genesee – Beautiful, shining valley (Iroquois)

Genesee – Beautiful valley

Giiwedinokwe – Means ‘woman of the north’ in Ojibwe

Gouyen – Means ‘wise’ in Apache. This was the name of a 19th-century Apache warrior woman

Native american girl names starting with H

Hachi – Stream

Haiwee – Dove

Hakidonmuya – Time of waiting moon (Hopi)

Hakidonmuya – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘time of the waiting moon.’

Haloke – Salmon

Halona – The name Halona is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘happy fortune’.

Halyn – Unique, Not very common

Hantaywee – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘faithful.’

Hateya – press with the foot or make tracks (Miwak language)

Hausis – Old woman

Hausisse – Old woman

Hehewuti – Warrior mother spirit (Hopi)

Hehewuti – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘warrior mother spirit.’

Helki – Native American – Touch

Hialeah – Pretty prairie (Seminole)

Hialeah – The name Hialeah is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘pretty prairie’.

Hinto – Native American – Having deep blue eyes

Hokaratcha – Pole Cat

Honovi – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘strong deer.’

Hoowanneka – Native American – Little elk

Huacaltzintli – Native American – Unclear

Huata – To carry seeds

Humita – Shelled corn

Hurit – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘beautiful.’

Hurricane – The name Hurricane is a girl’s name of Spanish, Native American origin.

Huyana – The name Huyana is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘rain falling’.

Native american girl names starting with I

Iara – From Tupi y ‘water’ and iara ‘lady, mistress’. In Brazilian folklore this is the name of a beautiful river nymph who would lure men into the water. She may have been based upon earlier Tupi legends

Imala – The name Imala is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘strong-minded’.

Inola – Black fox (Cherokee)

Iracema – Means ‘honey lips’ in Tupi. This is the name of an 1865 novel by Jose de Alencar, about the relationship between a Tupi woman and a Portuguese man during the early colonial period. Alencar may have constructed the name so that it would be an anagram of America

Isi – Native American Choctaw unisex name meaning ‘deer.’

Istas – Snow

Ituha – Sturdy oak

Ituha – Sturdy oak

Itzel – Meaning uncertain, possibly from Mayan itz meaning ‘dew, nectar, fluid’. Otherwise, it might be a variant of IXCHEL

Ixchel – Means ‘rainbow lady’ in Mayan. Ixchel was the Maya goddess of the earth, the moon, and medicine. She was often depicted with a snake in her hair and crossbones embroidered on her skirt

Izusa – White stone

Izusa – The name Izusa is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘white stone’.

Native american girl names starting with J

Jaci – Native American Tupi name meaning ‘moon.’

Jacira – From Tupi iasy ‘moon’ and ira ‘honey’

Jamaica – The name Jamaica is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘rich in springs’.

Native american girl names starting with K

Kabecka – Kabecka name means Twin

Kachina – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘sacred dancer, spirit.’

Kai – Willow tree, graceful (Navajo)

Kai – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘willow tree.’ Compare with other forms of Kai.

Kaiah – The name Kaiah in Native American means Little but Wise and in Greek means Pure

Kakawangwa – Bitter (Hopi)

Kakawangwa – Bitter

Kaliska – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘coyote chasing deer.’

Kanapima – Kanapima means The One They Tallk About

Kanga – Kanga name means Black Bird, Raven

Kaniehtiio – Means ‘beautiful snow’ in Mohawk

Kansas – Kansas means People of the South Wind

Kanti – Sings (Algonquin)

Kanti – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘sings.’ Compare with another form of Kanti.

Kantuta – Means ‘cantua flower’ in Aymara (species Cantua buxifolia)

Karey – Pure

Kariana – Pure

Karianna – Pure

Karmiti – Karmiti means Trees

Karry – Free

Kasa – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘dressed in furs.’

Kateri – The name Kateri is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘pure’.

Kawisenhawe – Means ‘she holds the ice’ in Mohawk

Kay – Elder sister

Kaya – My elder sister

Kaya – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘elder sister.’

Kayah – Kayah means She is Little, but Wise

Kaydee – Kaydee means Bright, Plane, Pure

Kaydence – The name means Rhytm, the Musical One

Keegsquaw – Virgin (Algonquin)

Keegsquaw – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘virgin.’

Keemeone – The name means Rain

Keezheekoni – Burning fire (Chippewa)

Keezheekoni – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘burning fire.’

Kentucky – Kentacky means A Land of Tomorrow, Name of the USA state

Kewanee – Prairie hen

Kiasax – Kiasax means The Bear on the Left

Kilenya – Kilenya means Coughing Fish

Kima – Kima means Butterfly

Kimama – Native American Shoshone name meaning ‘butterfly.’

Kimana – The name Kimana is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘butterfly’.

Kimeya – Kimeya means Singing Throat

Kimi – Secret (Algonquin)

Kimi – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘secret.’ Compare with another form of Kimi.

Kimimela – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘butterfly.’

Kimimila – Kimimila means Dark skinned

Kineks – Kineks means Rosebud

Kiona – The name Kiona is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘brown hills’.

Kiowa – Kiowa means The Hills are Brown

Kishil – the name means Night

Kitkun – Kitkun Bird of the Night

Kiwidinok – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘of the wind.’

Koko – Night (Blackfoot)

Koko – Native American Blackfoot name meaning ‘night.’

Kokyangwuti – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘spider woman at middle-age.’

Koleyna – Koleyna means Coughing Fish

Kuthun – Kuthun means The One who Cuts the Binding String

Kuwanlelenta – To make beautiful surroundings (Hopi)

Kuwanlelenta – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘makes beautiful surroundings.’

Kuwanyamtiwa – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘beautiful badger going over the hill.’

Kuwanyauma – Butterfly showing beautiful wings (Hopi)

Kuwanyauma – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘butterfly showing beautiful wings.’

Kwanita – Kwanita means God is Gracious

Kyah – Kyah means Little but Wise

Native american girl names starting with L


Lenmana – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘flute girl.’

Leotie – One who is like a flower of the prairie

Lequoia – Made from a Seaquoia Tree

Liluye – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘singing chicken hawk that soars.’

Liseli – Light, one who shines bright

Litonya – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘darting hummingbird.’

Lomahongva – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘beautiful clouds arising.’

Lomasi – Pretty flower

Lu’Lu’ – One who is like a rabbit

Lulu – Rabbit

Lulu – Rabbit

Luyu – Wild dove

Luyu – One who is like a Wild Dove

Native american girl names starting with M

Macawi – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘generous.’

Macha – Aurora

Maconaquea – A captive white one

Magaska – One who is like a White Swan

Magaskawee – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘graceful.’

Magena – Moon

Mahal – Woman

Mahala – Woman

Mahala – Mahala as a girl’s name is of Native American origin meaning ‘woman’.

Mahaskah – A white cloud

Mahela – A woman, a pregnant mother

Mahwah – Beautiful (Algonquian)

Mai – Coyote

Mai – Coyote

Maiara – Native American Tupi name meaning ‘wise.’

Maka – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘earth.’

Makawee – Generous, abundant, freely giving and motherly (Sioux)

Makawee – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘mothering.’

Makkitotosimew – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘she has large breasts.’

Malia – Bitter or sea of bitterness

Malila – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘fast salmon swimming up a rippling stream.’

Manaba – War returned with her coming

Mansi – Plucked flower (Hopi)

Mansi – Mansi as a girl’s name is of Hopi origin meaning ‘plucked flower’.

Maovesa – One who is like a wild horse

Mapiya – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘sky.’

Maralah – Born during an earthquake

Maralah – One who was born during an earthquake

Matlalatzin – Unclear

Matoaka – Little snow feather

Mausi – Plucks flowers

Meda – Prophetess

Medapati – A Prohetess

Meilani – Heavenly flower

Meli – Bitter

Memdi – Henna

Mendota – Mendota as a girl’s name is of Native American, possibly Chippewa, meaning ‘mouth of the river’. There is a beverage water, Mendota Springs, named after an Indian princess.

Meoquanee – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘wears red.’

Methoataske – Native American Shawnee name meaning ‘turtle laying its eggs.’

Methotase – Laying eggs in the sand

Methotaske – Laying eggs in the sand

Mi-Na – Firstborn daughter (Sioux)

Miakoda – The moon is powerful

Migina – Native American Omaha name meaning ‘returning moon.’

Migisi – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘eagle.’

Mika – Intelligent raccoon (Hokan)

Mika – Intelligent raccoon

Millaray – Means ‘golden flower’ in Mapuche

Mimiteh – Native American Omaha name meaning ‘new moon.’

Minal – Fruit

Minnehaha – Laughing water (Sioux), the name of the girl Hiawatha loved

Misae – Native American Osage name meaning ‘white sun.’

Missouri – From Missouri

Mitena – Born under coming or new moon

Moema – The highest authority person in the country, the one who is going to rule the country after the King

Muna – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘overflowing spring.’ Compare with another form of Muna.

Native american girl names starting with N

Nadie – Wise (Algonquin)

Nadie – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘wise.’

Naeyli – I love you

Nahimana – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘mystic.’

Naira – Native American Quechua name meaning ‘big eyes.’

Namid – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘star dancer.’

Nampeyo – Snake girl (Hopi), The name of one of the most celebrated of Hopi potters in the 20th century

Nanabah – Means ‘she returns’ from Navajo naanadaah

Nara – From Nara

Nascha – The name Nascha is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘owl’.

Nashota – The name Nashota is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘twin’.

Nata – Speaker

Naveena – New

Nayela – I love you

Nayeli – Possibly from Zapotec nadxiie lii meaning ‘I love you’ or nayele’ meaning ‘open’

Nayelia – I love you

Nayelli – I love you

Nayla – A winner, one who go ahead to get everything

Naylea – I love you

Naylia – I love you

Nebraska – Nebraska as a girl’s name is of Native American origin meaning ‘flat water’. Nebraska derives from a Sioux Indian word.

Neenah – Running water (Winnebago)

Neka – Neka as a girl’s name is of Native American origin meaning ‘wild goose’.

Niabi – Young deer, fawn (Osage)

Niabi – The name Niabi is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘fawn’.

Nidawi – Native American Omaha name meaning ‘fairy.’

Nijlon – Mistress

Nina – Strong

Nina – Native American Quechua name meaning ‘fire.’ Compare with other forms of Nina.

Ninovan – Our home

Nita – Bear (Choctaw)

Nita – Native American Choctaw name meaning ‘bear.’ Compare with other forms of Nita.

Nittawosew – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘she is not sterile.’

Nituna – Nituna as a girl’s name is of Native American origin meaning ‘my daughter’.

Niviarsiaq – Little girl

Nizhoni – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘beautiful.’

Njlon – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘mistress.’

Nokomis – Nokomis as a girl’s name is of Native American origin meaning ‘daughter of the moon or grandmother’.

Nonhelema – Possibly means ‘not a man’ in Shawnee. This was the name of an 18th-century Shawnee chief, the sister of Hokolesqua

Nonoma – The name Nonoma is a girl’s name of Native American origin.

Nova – Chases butterfly (Hopi)

Nova – Modern English name derived from Latin novus, meaning ‘new.’

Nuka – My younger brother or sister

Nukpana – Native American Hopi unisex name meaning ‘evil.’

Numees – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘sister.’

Nuna – Land

Nuna – Land

Nuttah – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘my heart.’

Native american girl names starting with O

Odahingum – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘rippling water.’

Odina – Mountain (Algonquian)

Odina – Mountain

Ogin – Wild rose

Ogow – Doe

Oheo – Wonderful

Ojinjintka – Rose

Olathe – Olathe as a girl’s name is of Native American origin meaning ‘lovely’.

Omemee – Dove

Ominotago – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘beautiful voice.’

Omusa – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘misses with arrows.’

Onaiwah – Awake, alert (Ojibway)

Onatah – Native American Iroquois name meaning ‘of the earth.’

Onawa – Wide awake

Oneida – The name Oneida is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘long awaited’.

Oneonta – The name Oneonta is a girl’s name of Native American origin.

Onida – Onida as a girl’s name is related to the Native American Indian name Oneida. The meaning of Onida is ‘long awaited’.

Onyda – Onyda as a girl’s name is related to the Native American Indian name Oneida. The meaning of Onyda is ‘long awaited’.

Ooljee – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘moon.’

Oota Dabun – Day star (Algonquin)

Oota Dabun – Day star

Oota – DABUN: Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘day star.’

Opa – Owl

Orenda – Native American Iroquois name meaning ‘magic power.’

Orida – Expected one

Osyka – Eagle (Choctaw)

Oyintsa – A white winter Duck

Native american girl names starting with P

Pahana – A lost white brother, filled with wisdom and action

Pakuna – The name Pakuna is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘deer jumping as she runs downhill’.

Pakwa – Frog (Hopi)

Pakwa – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘frog.’

Pala – Like a guardian, water, near upland meadow

Pamuy – Water moon

Pamuya – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘water moon.’

Papina – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘vine growing around an oak tree.’

Pati – Fish basket

Patzi – The name Patzi is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘yellow bird’.

Pauwau – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘witch.’

Pavati – The name Pavati is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘clear water’.

Pazi – Yellow bird

Pebbles – One who is like small rock

Pelipa – Lover of horses

Peta – Golden eagle (Blackfoot)

Peta – The name Peta is a girl’s name of Spanish, Greek, Native American origin meaning ‘golden eagle, or rock, stone’.

Petah – The name Petah is a girl’s name of Danish, Native American origin meaning ‘rock, stone’.

Petunia – Name od a trumpet shaped flower

Picabo – The name Picabo is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘silver creek’.

Pillan – The God of stormy weather

Pipaluk – The little one, Sweet Little Thing

Pizi – Bravery, Gall, The middleman

Pocahontas – Playful, Chief Powhatan”s daughter who successfully argued for the life and release of Captain John Smith. Pocahontas was later held for ransom by Jamestown, Virginia settlers, and eventually married one of them.

Pocahontas – Means ‘playful one’ in Powhatan, an Algonquian language. This was the name of a 17th-century Powhatan woman, a daughter of the powerful chief Wahunsenacawh. She married the white colonist John Rolfe and travelled with him to England, but died of illness before returning

Polikwaptiwa – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘butterfly sitting on a flower.’

Poloma – Bow (Choctaw)

Poloma – Native American Choctaw name meaning ‘bow.’

Popo – A very tall grass of rye

Posala – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘farewell to spring flowers.’

Poseanye – The dripping dew

Povitamun – Morning Flower

Poviyemo – A falling flower

Powaqa – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘witch.’

Ptaysanwee – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘white buffalo.’

Pules – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘pigeon.’

Native american girl names starting with Q

Quahah – Coral

Quanah – Fragrant

Quirtsquip – Chewing elk

Native american girl names starting with R

Rayen – Native American Mapuche name, meaning ‘flower.’

Rozene – A native american name for a rose

Native american girl names starting with S

Sacagawea – Native American name meaning Bird Woman

Sacajawea – Bird woman, The famous Sacajawea was a Shoshone woman named Boinaiv (grass maiden), who was renamed after Crow warriors captured her as an adolescent and sold her to a French-Canadian fur trader.The trader, Charbonneau, was hired as a guide for the Lewis and Clark expedition but it was Sacajawea, traveling with her newborn son, who was as an invaluable asset on the journey.

Sacnite – Woman beautiful and pure as the white flower

Sacoya – Sacoya as a girl’s name is of Cherokee origin, and the meaning of Sacoya is ‘sparrow’. Sacoya is related to the name Sequoia.

Sahalie – The sky, or the high heaven

Sahkyo – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘mink.’

Sahrahsahe – A black eagle

Sakakawea – A woman who helped Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the Lousiana Purchase

Salali – Squirrel (Cherokee)

Salali – Native American Cherokee name meaning ‘squirrel.’

Saloso – A cry of the wild goose

Sanuye – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘red cloud at sundown.’

Sapata – Dancing bear

Saqui – Native American Mapuche name meaning ‘favorite.’

Saquoia – Saquoia as a girl’s name is of Cherokee origin, and the meaning of Saquoia is ‘sparrow’. Saquoia is related to the name Sequoia.

Saquoya – Saquoya as a girl’s name is of Cherokee origin, and the meaning of Saquoya is ‘sparrow’. Saquoya is related to the name Sequoia.

Sassaba – The wolf

Sau – Sau as a girl’s name is of Chinese origin. Sau means ‘defender’.

Savan – Grassland

Sawni – Echo (Seminole)

Sayeh – Sayeh as a girl’s name is Iranian and of Old Persian origin. Sayeh means ‘shadow’.

Sayen – Native American Mapuche name meaning ‘lovely.’

Scoop – One who is standing looking back

Secoya – Secoya as a girl’s name is of Cherokee origin, and the meaning of Secoya is ‘sparrow’. Secoya is related to the name Sequoia.

Sedna – Goddess of the sea

Seneca – Seneca as a boy’s name (also used as girl’s name Seneca), is of Native American Indian origin. Name of a tribe that is part of the Iroquis confederacy.

Senecca – Senecca as a girl’s name is a variant of the Native American tribe name Seneca.

Seneka – Seneka as a girl’s name is a variant of the Native American tribe name Seneca.

Senneca – Senneca as a girl’s name is a variant of the Native American tribe name Seneca.

Sequoia – Sequoia as a girl’s name is of Cherokee origin meaning ‘sparrow’. Sequoia is the giant redwood tree named for a Cherokee Indian of the early 19th century who invented a system for writing down the Cherokee language.

Sequoya – Sequoya as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name) is of Cherokee origin, and the meaning of Sequoya is ‘sparrow’. Sequoya is related to the name Sequoia.


Sequoyia – Sequoyia as a girl’s name is of Cherokee origin, and the meaning of Sequoyia is ‘sparrow’. Sequoyia is related to the name Sequoia.

Sevana – Grassland

Shada – The name Shada is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘pelican’.

Shadi – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘older sister.’ Compare with masculine forms of Shadi.

Shahsta – Shahsta as a girl’s name is a variant of the name of the Native American Shasta tribe.

Shandiin – Means ‘sunshine’ in Navajo

Shanea – Shanea as a girl’s name is of Ojibwa origin, and the meaning of Shanea is ‘I’m on my way’. Shanea is related to the name Shania.

Shania – Shania as a girl’s name is of Native American origin meaning ‘I’m on my way’.

Shaniya – She who is on her own way

Shasta – Shasta as a girl’s name is of Native American origin meaning ‘teacher’.

Shastah – Shastah as a girl’s name is of Sanskrit origin meaning ‘teacher’.

Shastina – Shastina as a girl’s name is a variant of the name of the Native American Shasta tribe.

Shawnee – Southern people, a tribal name (Algonquian)

Shawnee – Shawnee as a girl’s name is of Native American origin means ‘southern people’. It is the name of the tribe that came from the eastern American forests and migrated westward. There is a town in Kansas named Shawnee Mission.

Shawney – Shawney as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name) is a variant of the name of the Algonquin tribe name Shawnee.

Shawnie – Shawnie as a girl’s name (also used as boy’s name Shawnie), is a variant of Shawnee (Native American Indian).

Shayan – Shayan as a boy’s name (also used as girl’s name Shayan), is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Shayan is ‘unintelligible speakers’.

Shayanne – Shayanne is a girl’s name (also used as boy’s name Shayanne) of Native American Indian origin meaning ‘unintelligible speakers’.

Shenandoah – Beautiful daughter of the stars (Algonquian), the name of a river and valley in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virgina, renowned for its pristine beauty

Shenandoah – Beautiful daughter of the stars

Shenoah – A white dove

Sheshebens – Small duck (Chippewa)

Sheshebens – Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘small duck.’

Shianna – Shianna as a girl’s name is of Cheyenne origin, and the meaning of Shianna is ‘unintelligible speakers’. Shianna is related to the name Shyanne.

Shideezhi – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘younger sister.’

Shikoba – Native American Choctaw unisex name meaning ‘feather.’

Shima – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘mother.’

Shimasani – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘grandmother.’

Shizue – Shizue is a girl’s name.

Shoshone – Shoshone as a girl’s name is of Native American origin meaning ‘grass house people’. It is the name of the tribe also known as the Snake Indians, native to eastern Nevada, southern Idaho, and western Idaho.

Shoshoni – Shoshoni as a girl’s name (also used as a boy’s name) is a variant of the name of the Native American Shoshone tribe.

Shuman – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘rattlesnake handler.’

Shyann – Shyann is a girl’s name of Native American Indian origin meaning ‘unintelligible speakers’.

Shyanna – Shyanna is a girl’s name of Native American Indian origin meaning ‘unintelligible speakers’.

Shyanne – The name Shyanne is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘people of a different language’.

Sihu – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘flower.’

Sikya – Small canyon

Simi – Valley of the wind (Chumash), a place name in California, known for its fine wine production

Sinasta – A person considered to be an expert

Sinopa – Native American Blackfoot name meaning ‘fox.’

Sioux – Sioux as a girl’s name is of Native American origin, and is the name of the Sioux tribe.

Siouxsie – Siouxsie as a girl’s name is a variant of the name of the Native American Sioux tribe.

Sipatu – Pulled out

Sisika – Bird

Sissinnguaq – Like a little squirrel

Sitala – One who remembers (Miwok)

Sitala – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘of good memory.’

Sitsi – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘daughter.’

Siu – Siu is a girl’s name.

Sixsipita – One like a Black Eagle

Skanawati – One who lives on teh other side of the swamp

Snana – One who jingles like the bells

Sokanon – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘rain.’

Sokw – Sour

Sonoma – Ground place

Sooleawa – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘silver.’

Sotsona – One who is like a fox

Soyala – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘time of the winter solstice.’

Stinka – Magical dancer

Suleta – To fly around

Suletu – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘flies.’

Suni – Middle

Sunki – To catch up with

Native american girl names starting with T

Taa – Seed

Tablita – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘tiara.’

Tacincala – Deer

Tadewi – Native American Omaha name meaning ‘wind.’

Tadita – The name Tadita is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘to the wind’.

Tagwanibisan – Means ‘rainbow’ in Alqonguin

Tahki – Cold (Algonquin)

Tahki – Cold


Taigi – Native American Omaha name meaning ‘returning moon.’

Taima – Taima as a girl’s name is of Native American origin meaning ‘peal of thunder’.

Taimah – Taimah as a girl’s name is a variant of Taima (Native American), and the meaning of Taimah is ‘peal of thunder’.

Taini – Variant form of Native American Omaha Taigi, meaning ‘returning moon.’

Taipa – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘spread wings.’

Takala – The name Takala is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘corn tassel’.

Takchawee – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘dove.’

Takhi – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘cold.’

Tala – Wolf

Tala – The name Tala is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘wolf’.

Talise – Beautiful water

Talise – Talise as a girl’s name is of Native American origin meaning ‘lovely water’.

Talley – Talley as a girl’s name is of Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Talley is ‘peaceable’. Talley is related to the Irish name Taithleach.

Tallie – Tallie as a girl’s name is of Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Tallie is ‘peaceable’. Tallie is related to the Irish name Taithleach.

Tallou – Leaping water

Tallula – Tallula as a girl’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Tallula is ‘leaping water’.


Tallulah – Variant spelling of Native American Choctaw Tallula, meaning ‘leaping water.’ Compare with another form of Tallulah.

Talula – Leaping water (Choctaw)

Talula – Talula as a girl’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Talula is ‘leaping water’.

Talulah – Leaping water

Talulla – Talulla as a girl’s name is of Choctaw origin, and the meaning of Talulla is ‘leaping water’. Talulla is related to the name Tallulah.

Talullah – Variant spelling of Native American Choctaw Tallula, meaning ‘leaping water.’ Compare with another form of Talullah.

Talutah – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘blood-red.’

Tama – She is like a thunder

Tamala – She who is like a thunderbolt

Tamaya – Native American Quechua name meaning ‘in the center.’

Tanda – The seer of life and death

Tandy – Flower

Tandy – The name Tandy is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘flower’.

Tansy – Name of a flower

Taoimah – Taoimah as a girl’s name is a variant of Taima (Native American), and the meaning of Taoimah is ‘peal of thunder’.

Tarlo – Cub of a bear

Tarsha – A brave woman

Tavvi – A deer

Tayanita – Native American Cherokee name meaning ‘young beaver.’

Tayen – New moon

Tayen – A new Moon

Taynee – She who is born during the returning Moon

Taynie – Girl born during the returning moon

Tayny – A child born during the returning moon

Tazanna – A princess

Tchondee – Native American name meaning tobacco

Teanawesia – Native American name for Tennesee

Tehya – A precious one

Teirra – She who is natural

Tekakwitha – Means ‘she who bumps into things’ or ‘she who puts things in place’ in Mohawk. Tekakwitha, also named Kateri, was the first Native American Catholic saint

Tenaya – A great leader

Teneca – One who has self restraint


Teyemthohisa – Two closed doors

Tibone – One who sits in the saddle

Tiponi – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘child of importance.’

Tis-See-Woo-Na-Tis – She who bathes with her knees

Tisseewoonatis – (Tis-see-woo-na-tis): Native American Cheyenne name meaning ‘she who bathes with her knees.’

Tiva – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘dance.’

Tolikna – Coyote’s long ears flapping

Tolinka – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘flapping ear of a coyote.’

Topanga – The name Topanga is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘where the mountain meets the sea’.

Totsi – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘moccasins.’

Tupaarnaq – Wild herb

Tupelo – A name given to the swamp tree

Tusa – Prairie dog

Tuuwa – Sand

Tuwa – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘earth.’

Native american girl names starting with U

Uiara – Variant of IARA

Ukaleq – Hare from Arctic

Ulloriaq – Star-like

Una – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘remember.’ Compare with another form of Una.

Unega – White

Uqalik – Hare from Arctic

Urika – Native American Omaha name meaning ‘useful to all.’

Ursula – Useful to the tribe (Omaha)

Usdi – Baby

Utina – Woman of my country

Native american girl names starting with V

Vilma – Vilma as a girl’s name is of Russian origin meaning ‘determined protector’.

Native american girl names starting with W

Wachiwi – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘dancer.’

Wakanda – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘possesses magical power.’

Waki – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘shelter.’

Wanda – Eagle (Sioux)

Wande – White eagle (Sioux)

Waneta – The name Waneta is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘charger’.

Wapun – Dawn

Wauna – Native American Miwok name meaning ‘singing snow goose.’

Wawetseka – Pretty woman

Wayna – Young

Waynoka – Graceful (Shawnee)

Weayaya – Sunset

Weeko – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘pretty.’

Wenona – English variant spelling of Native American Dakota Winona, meaning ‘firstborn daughter.’

Wenonah – Wenonah as a girl’s name of Native American Indian origin meaning ‘first-born daughter’.

Wicapi Wakan – Holy star

Wicapi – WAKAN: Native American Dakota name meaning ‘holy star.’

Wichahpi – Star

Wihakayda – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘little one.’

Wikimak – Native American Algonquin name meaning ‘wife.’

Winema – Chief

Winnie – Fair one, white and smooth, soft, happiness, or fair and pure

Winnona – Winnona as a girl’s name of Native American Indian origin meaning ‘first-born daughter’.

Winoena – Winoena as a girl’s name of Native American Indian origin meaning ‘first-born daughter’.

Winona – Means ‘firstborn daughter’ in Dakota. This was the name of the daughter of the 19th-century Dakota chief Wapasha III

Winonah – Winonah as a girl’s name of Native American Indian origin meaning ‘first-born daughter’.

Winonna – Winonna as a girl’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Winonna is ‘first-born daughter’. Winonna is a variant of the Native American Indian name Winona.

Witashnah – Native American Sioux name meaning ‘virginal.’

Wuti – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘woman.’

Wyanet – Wyanet as a girl’s name is of Native American origin meaning ‘beautiful’.

Wyanetta – Wyanetta as a girl’s name is a variant of Wyanet (Native American), and the meaning of Wyanetta is ‘beautiful’.

Wynnona – Wynnona as a girl’s name of Native American Indian origin meaning ‘first-born daughter’.

Wynona – Wynona as a girl’s name of Native American Indian origin meaning ‘first-born daughter’.

Wynonna – Wynonna as a girl’s name is of Native American Indian origin, and the meaning of Wynonna is ‘first-born daughter’. Wynonna is a variant of the Native American Indian name Winona.

Wyome – Wyome as a girl’s name is of Native American origin meaning ‘wide plain’. It is the source for the state of Wyoming.

Wyomia – Wyomia as a girl’s name is a variant of Wyome (Native American Indian), and the meaning of Wyomia is ‘wide plain’.

Wyomie – Wyomie as a girl’s name is a variant of Wyome (Native American Indian), and the meaning of Wyomie is ‘wide plain’.

Wyonet – Wyonet as a girl’s name is of Native American Indian origin meaning ‘beautiful’.

Wyonetta – Wyonetta as a girl’s name is of Native American Indian origin meaning ‘beautiful’.

Native american girl names starting with X

Xiadani – Possibly means ‘the flower that arrived’ in Zapotec

Xochitl – The name Xochitl is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘flower’.

Xquenda – Means ‘spirit, soul, essence’ in Zapotec

Native american girl names starting with Y

Yalenchka – Blue (Sioux)

Yamka – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘blossom.’

Yanaba – She meets the enemy

Yanamarie – Blossom (Hopi)

Yancey – Native American – A Sassy Woman, A Yankee

Yara – Variant of IARA

Yardena – Englishman, derived possibly from yankee

Yareli – The name Yareli is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘water lady’.

Yaretzi – The name Yaretzi is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘you will always be loved’.

Yatokya – Sun

Yazhi – Native American Navajo name meaning ‘little one.’

Yenene – Medicine man

Yepa – Snow woman

Yoki – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘rain.’

Yona – Rain (Hopi)

Yona – Bear

Yutu – Coyote out hunting

Native american girl names starting with Z

Zabana – The name Zabana is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘meadow’.

Zaltana – The name Zaltana is a girl’s name of Native American origin meaning ‘high mountain’.

Zaramama – Means ‘grain mother’ in Quechua. This was the name of the Inca goddess of grain

Zihna – Native American Hopi name meaning ‘spins.’

Ziracuny – Water monster

Zita – Hunter with the big bow (Kiowa)

Zitkala – Native American Dakota name meaning ‘bird.’

Zonta – Trustworthy

Zuni – Zuni as a girl’s name is of Native American origin associated with the word ‘beauty’. The Zuni tribe lives in New Mexico and are known for their beautiful pottery, weaving, and basket making.

Zuzela – The name Zuzela is a girl’s name of Native American origin.

Zyanya – Means ‘forever, always’ in Zapotec